"If you dare to kill me, the Dark Lord will definitely not..."

"I don't accept threats." Aaron interrupted angrily, "Shenfeng Wuying!"

There was a terrible splitting sound, and Little Barty screamed in pain. Red blood poured out from the hideous wound and soaked his clothes.

"Tsk! It looks like it hurts."

Aaron smacked his lips, and was about to make up the knife.

He is not the Holy Mother, and the pressure can be reduced by eliminating an enemy, not to mention that when little Barty used the Death Curse on him just now, he was not as ruthless as usual.

The reason why he didn't kill him directly was simply because he thought it would be cheaper for little Barty to die like that. If he hadn't killed him halfway, he would have been teleported back to the Shenming Palace long ago, so he wouldn't be here desperately.

But just as he raised his wand, a shock wave several meters wide tore through the ice, forcing him back a few steps.

Turning around, Bellatrix was looking at him with an angry face.

"That... can you stop looking at me like that? It's scary."

Bella glared at him fiercely, then turned into a black mist and flew into the air, followed by seven or eight groups of black shadows flying up.

They circled Aaron in the sky, their ferocious faces looming.

The black shadows released different spells, the attacks continued continuously, and the trajectory was even more elusive.

"This is too much."

Aaron sneered, and immediately turned around and ran wildly.

Those spells came one after another like a storm, and the ground where they passed was easily torn apart like paper.

The Death Eaters laughed triumphantly, and just as they were about to take advantage of the victory to pursue them, there was a buzzing sound in their ears, followed by a great sense of crisis in their hearts.

A huge purple magic circle appeared on the ceiling at some point, and the white-purple electric light flickered frequently, bursting out infinite murderous intent.

"Get out!"

Lucius yelled and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The other Death Eaters immediately followed the Apparition, and the next moment, endless lightning flashed down at an extremely fast speed, lighting up the whole room a bit.

The ground instantly turned into scorched earth, the escaping thunderstorm spread rapidly, and the hollowed-out iceberg instantly shattered, that is, Voldemort rescued Little Barty at a critical moment, otherwise he might have been buried alive.

After more than ten seconds, several groups of black shadows flew out of the ruins composed of ice slag, mud and gravel.

The Death Eaters fell to the ground with livid faces, looking extremely distressed. Two of them even had their arms drooping, exuding a weird smell of barbecue.

Space can rival the speed of electricity and light, but people's reflexes may not be able to keep up.

"It's running pretty fast." Aaron said in a strange way, "This is the thunder element magic circle that I managed to cover up with great difficulty. I didn't expect the result of the battle to be just two arms."

"Damn it, don't be too arrogant, we just didn't expect it." Bella said viciously.

"Then you didn't expect much."

"Kill him." Antonin roared crazily, the first one used the Killing Curse, and the others also attacked fiercely.

Aaron raised his eyebrows, and while dodging calmly, he also raised his wand to counterattack methodically.

Seeing the anxious situation, Bella stabbed the ground with the wand in her hand.

The underground pulse spread rapidly, and the position where Aaron was standing collapsed after a while, and he himself staggered and fell into the pothole.

"Quick imprisonment."

"Flying sand and rolling stones."

"To pieces."

The others immediately made up their swords, and all kinds of spells were crazily thrown into the pothole.

Taking advantage of your illness, I want your life to be fully interpreted.

But no one threw the Death Curse into it. If this level of blow could not be borne, it would be a dead end, but even if it was borne, it would be dying and would not have any ability to fight back. It happened to be brought back by the Dark Lord.

After a round of attacks, Rookwood stopped casting spells, "Enough!"

"I'm not sure." Lucius said, "As long as he uses that defensive magic in time, he may not be able to stop our attack."

As soon as the words fell, a raging pillar of fire rose from the pit, a burning red magic circle flashed away, and countless cracks extended on the ground, and flames burst out of the cracks along with the raging magma.

The Death Eaters opened their magic barriers unexpectedly, but two of them were still burned by the flames and lost their fighting power just like Barty Jr.

Aaron stepped out of the pothole stepping on the flames, the same as before except that his clothes and hairstyle were a little messy.

He glanced at the seven people who were still standing opposite him in surprise, and gave them appreciative glances without hesitation, "As expected of the elite among the Death Eaters, this can be stopped."

Sarcasm, blatant sarcasm.

At least in the eyes of the Death Eaters, their faces darkened immediately, and they raised their wands at the same time, releasing their magic power to the maximum.

Aaron didn't dare to be careless in the face of the seven magic rays that were shot at him, and a large red, blue and purple magic circle lined up in front of him.


The magic ray had a tendency to rebound when it hit the magic circle, but before it bounced back, it was suppressed by the hard output of the Death Eaters.

Although blocking the huge magic power, Aaron was also forced to retreat by the huge impact force, and soon hit the high platform in the center.

"Hahaha..." Bellatrix frantically withdrew her attack, "You keep attacking, I'll kill him."

"Wait!" Lucius hurriedly stopped him, "Leave him alive if possible, the master still needs him."

Bella looked at Lucius tilting his head and smiled disdainfully, "Got it."

After finishing speaking, Bella apparated to the left of Aaron, "Aren't you very arrogant just now?"

"Gulu!" Aaron swallowed, "Believe me, it's good for you and me not to do anything."

"We'll talk about it if you survive." Bella teased, then pointed her wand at Aaron, "Critical..."

Halfway through the spell, Bella's eyes widened in astonishment.

Aaron opened his mouth, and crimson flames spewed out of his mouth, rushing towards her at an extremely fast speed.

"The dragon's...roar!"


Bella immediately apparated, avoiding this pillar of fire several meters thick.

He didn't stop immediately, but turned his head quickly, aiming at the triple magic circle to increase the intensity of his roar.

The ferocious flame instantly leveled the advantage held by the six Death Eaters. The red and light green beams of light collided together, and the magical power of the collision caused hideous cracks to appear on the ground and surrounding walls.

Chapter 504 Excellent research material?Capital that trades lives for wounds


A huge explosion sounded, and several figures staggered up in the smoke and dust.

The six Death Eaters were all wounded, but compared to the huge shock in their hearts, the physical pain was insignificant.

They can be regarded as number one among the Death Eaters, but the six together can't defeat a boy with similar magic energy as them, which is simply unimaginable.

Aaron was not much better, half of his body was almost embedded in the high platform, and it took a lot of effort to pull himself out.

What's worse is that the confrontation just now consumed a lot of mana. Although he barely gained the upper hand, the situation is still not optimistic.

"Are we really in the same class as him?" Ron opened his mouth wide in shock, "My parents combined are probably not as good as him."

The others were also shocked and speechless, so Harry's psychological endurance was a little stronger, after all, he had seen it once last year.

However, the victory over the Death Eaters is certainly a joy, but as long as the Dark Lord is still here, their situation will not change in the slightest.

"Crucio!" Bella suddenly emerged from the smoke, pointing her wand at Aaron.

Three of the ten Death Eaters were seriously injured and six were slightly injured. As far as she was concerned, she was in pretty good condition. When the confrontation was over and the vigilance of both sides had dropped to the lowest point, she decisively chose to sneak attack.

The Cruciatus Curse hit Aaron's chest, and he was also sent flying.

However, he didn't howl or scream, nor did he roll on the ground, he just gritted his teeth and stood up tremblingly.

"You, what kind of monster are you?" Bella looked at Aaron in disbelief, feeling as if her cognition had been greatly shocked.

Her Cruciatus Curse is not an ordinary six. There are not a few people who have been killed or driven crazy with this Unforgivable Curse, but it is the first time I have seen someone who can bear the pain of heart-like pain, skin-peeling and bone-cutting.

"It hurts." Aaron let out a long breath as if nothing had happened, "Take it as a lesson from negligence on the battlefield!

In addition, if you used the killing curse just now, the effect will be better, although it may not be able to kill me. "

The corner of Bella's mouth twitched, and she immediately waved her wand and shot the death curse.


Aaron easily blocked the green light, "If you are alone, you can't beat me."

"Come and help those who are not dead." Bella shouted unceremoniously to the six Death Eaters who were slightly injured.

Lucius and the others exchanged glances with each other, even though they didn't want to, they could only pick up the wand and continue fighting.

"Let's stop here! I don't want to spend any more time recruiting a group of loyal Death Eaters." The Dark Lord teleported to Bella's side, looked at the ruined messy venue meaningfully, and couldn't help sighing: " You are stronger than last year, and you are worthy of being a descendant of the Fashen, this talent is really enviable."

"It has been passed down for thousands of years, and the bloodline has long been less pure."

"But it's also excellent research material."

Aaron's heart skipped a beat, as if seeing greed and madness in Voldemort's red eyes.

Nima!This is the rhythm of slicing!

It must not fall into his hands, otherwise life would be worse than death.

"It's almost time to play, can you go with us?"

"Of course not." Aaron said without thinking, and then changed the topic, "But I would like to ask, if I am unfortunately caught by you, what do you plan to do to me?

That... don't get me wrong, I'm just curious. "

"As long as you cooperate well, I will not hurt you."

"How to cooperate?" Aaron asked a little apprehensively.

Voldemort grinned, "I will eat, drink, and serve you, as long as you provide me with some blood every once in a while."

Aaron:  …

"I'm afraid it won't work."

"It's not up to you, your life or death is not that important, all I need is enough blood.

Of course, it's better to be alive, which means I'll have a steady stream of health. "

"You may have misunderstood, what I mean is that even if I provide you with blood, you can't study anything." Aaron scratched his head dumbfoundingly, "The first ancestor of the Gaius family, that is, the one who became a god Existing, he blesses posterity before passing away.

Unless donated voluntarily, our blood is no different from ordinary people, and you can't study anything at all.

Not just blood, even cells and even genes are no different from ordinary people. "

Hearing this, Voldemort almost staggered.

"What are you kidding?"

"I can swear this is definitely not a joke." Aaron said awkwardly, but his tone was full of admiration.

In the past, he only felt that this blessing was a bit of a waste, and it had no benefit other than making it easier for family members to live among ordinary people.

But now it seems that he was reckless, the ancestors are really far-sighted!

Among other things, because of this blessing, the elders who went to other worlds before him can avoid the coveting of ambitious people like Voldemort.

"Voluntarily donate?" Voldemort thought for a moment, "There are plenty of ways to do this."

"If you mean to ask me to cut my palm with a knife by means of threats or control, it's not voluntary."

"What did you say?"

"I didn't lie to you." Aaron shrugged, "The Gaius family attaches great importance to the spirit of contract, and the most effective medium for signing contracts between wizards is blood.

In order to prevent future generations from signing contracts with others in a daze, so... only decisions made voluntarily when they are sober enough can be voluntary. "

Voldemort looked dazed, and he looked at Aaron, feeling an urge to yell.

There was clearly a gold mine in front of him, but he didn't even have the tools to dig it, so he was simply aggrieved.

"You really did have a good ancestor!" Voldemort gritted his teeth, "But you can think about the solution slowly. It won't be so easy to catch you back after letting you go."

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