When the white light dissipated, a cute pet in blue clothes appeared in front of everyone.


That's it?This struggle is too dramatic, isn't it?

Harry and Ron glanced at each other, they knew that Abe was not as harmless as he appeared on the surface.

But there is also a Dark Lord and seven Death Eaters with combat power here, and a young dragon probably won't be of much help.

Abe blinked blankly, and then saw the owner who called him over but was exhausted, panting on the ground.


Roaring angrily, Abe no longer concealed it, and immediately spread a pair of pure white wings.

The full range of healing magic was applied to Aaron, quickly recovering his injuries and physical strength.

"I remember it." Voldemort, like everyone else, looked at Abe's performance in astonishment, "but I didn't expect it to have this ability."

"At any rate, after a few years, it should awaken the racial talent." Aaron said weakly. Abe's healing made him recover some strength, but the dried up magic power could not be replenished in this way.

"You think it can save you?" Voldemort sneered, "Are you sure it wasn't a gift for me?"

A magical animal with healing ability, and it may be the only one in the magic world, its value is self-evident, no matter what, we must find a way to subdue it.

"Don't think about it, my dragon only listens to me alone." Aaron said with some pride, and then looked at Abe who was flying above his head, "Are you ready?"

"When I was summoned, the other master also apparated, and I will be there soon." Abe responded in dragon language.

"Then let's do it!"

"But master, your injury...will take time."

"It's nothing, I'm just too tired." Aaron uttered a low syllable, "And even if the physical strength recovers, without magic power, it's just a man's sword, and I'm just a fish.

The most important thing is that they won't give me time to recover, and I can take a little bit of the initiative if I shoot first. "

"They're all bad guys."

Aaron froze for a moment, then laughed, "That's right, they are all bad guys.

Don't take any chances when dealing with bad guys, so don't be merciful later, we will be sad if we can't kill them. "

"Do it!" Aaron ordered in Dragon Language.


Abbe swung his two front paws fiercely, and a giant magic circle emerged above it.

When it passed through the magic circle, its body exuded a holy white light, and its body also increased dozens of times, turning into a giant white dragon more than ten meters long.

The huge mouth opened, and fiery dragon breath gushed forward.

Voldemort felt the incoming heat wave, and immediately held his wand in front of his body, the green magic power separated the dragon's breath, plowing a long ravine on the left and right sides.

"Damn..." Ron stared at the scene with wide eyes, and said incoherently, "Ha, Harry, I don't remember when I saw it transform last time, it wasn't that big, right?"

Harry also swallowed hard, "It's been four years, and it's... normal for me to grow up a bit!"

"Normal?" Luna was stunned, "There is probably only one dragon in the magic world, and it's too beautiful, and..."

Luna paused, and said embarrassedly, "And I hugged it, I put it on the bed at Christmas the year before last...Oh my god! I'm so brave."

"We've all teased him," said Ginny, "and Harry and Ron feed him once in a while."

Neville suddenly felt that he was a bit redundant, "Guys, taking care of such a dragon is quite rewarding, but I'm not spoiling the scenery. Is it time to discuss this?"

The four of them fell silent for a moment. A giant dragon was indeed shocking. It might be able to deal with Death Eaters, but it was impossible for the Dark Lord.

The dragon's breath ended, leaving the Dark Lord unscathed.

Abbe's pupils shrunk and he flapped his wings. The hurricane mixed with the gravel on the ground formed a massive sandstorm.

The tip of Voldemort's wand flashed red, and he swung it hard.

The hurricane turned around and hit the ceiling overhead, raining gravel and gravel, and cobweb-like cracks spread rapidly across the ceiling.

This execution room is by no means small, several times larger than the Wizengamot's court room.

But after several rounds of repeated torture, even with magical reinforcement, it was overwhelmed, and only the arch leading to the world of the dead on the dilapidated high platform in the center remained strong.

Seeing that the long-range attack was useless, Abbe quickly flew towards Voldemort.

The huge claws slammed down heavily, and the wind pressure made ripples on the ground, but Voldemort was protected by a barrier, and the claws couldn't touch him at all.

"Looks like a little more training is needed." Voldemort said thoughtfully, "Crucio!"

Abe seemed to feel the threat, and quickly turned his body to avoid the spell.

Generally speaking, magical creatures have a certain degree of magic resistance. Powerful magical creatures such as dragons and phoenixes can even resist the death curse.

Abe is a holy dragon who can fight with the phoenix, so it goes without saying about the magic resistance, but the same magic has completely different effects when used by different wizards.

The attack under the mage is not painful to Abe, it probably won't even hide, the mage's spell will make it feel pain, but the attack of the great magister is real damage .

And the Dark Lord is a pinnacle great magister who is infinitely close to the holy magister. With its current level of magic power, unless it evolves again, it won't be able to bear it a few times.

Voldemort frowned slightly, surprised by Abe's dodge.

Although the giant dragon is powerful, it is a living target for wizards, and logically speaking, it cannot be avoided.

"Ahem!" Aaron coughed and kindly explained his confusion, "I will give it to the butler to take care of when I am in cram school.

In order to cultivate it into a qualified battle pet, Jins took great pains! "

Voldemort opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

He also raised a boa constrictor, and he wanted to be a good magical creature. Even Dumbledore's phoenix could do a few tricks, but compared to this dragon, he felt full of bitterness.

It doesn't matter if the bloodline is strong, this is innate, no one can decide.

But the careful teaching of a high-ranking great magister, there are not many in the entire magic world, which can make many wizards shed tears of envy.


Voldemort took a deep breath, then turned his head to look at the seven Death Eaters who were still fighting, "Hold it, I'll have a good chat with Mr. Gaius first, but don't kill it."

"Hey hey hey! This is no longer about martial arts!" Aaron took two steps back embarrassingly.

Voldemort smiled and said nothing, they are old acquaintances, so is hypocrisy interesting?

He directly phantomed in front of Aaron, and Abe was about to turn around when he realized it, but at this moment, seven black shadows suddenly appeared in midair, surrounding him.

Various spells hit the white scales and sparks splashed, and Abe let out a roar of pain, but he didn't intend to fight back at all, he just wanted to go back and protect his master.

"Take care of yourself," Aaron said immediately, "I'll be fine.

Obedient, this is an order. "


Abe roared angrily, and vented his anger on these Death Eaters.

The hurricane and dragon's breath were used alternately. Although he was at a disadvantage, he could fight inextricably for a while with the hard scales.

Voldemort noticed this scene and felt a little speechless.

That is to say, he didn't bring over the magical creatures he had collected, including dementors, otherwise he wouldn't have lost his position so badly.

Voldemort tapped his index finger and pointed his wand at Aaron's forehead, "You should be able to guess what I'm going to do, right?"

"The Imperius Curse or the Ingestion Curse." Aaron said bitterly, "It may not be useful. If you can hack into Harry's brain, you should know that I know Occlumency."

"So I will use another kind of black magic." Voldemort sneered, and then turned into black particles and rushed towards Aaron, "Remember Quirrell? That's how I was attached to him."

Aaron:  …

Didn't he know that Lao Tzu's soul was insured?

Chapter 506 Mind space, my territory is up to me

The black particles merged into Aaron's body, and Voldemort successfully attached to him.

In this state, the effect of Occlumency will be greatly weakened, as long as he works harder, he can break through the defense of Aaron's brain.

Just when he was full of ambition and ready to explore the secrets of the Gaius family and the magical knowledge passed down, his consciousness was suddenly pulled to the limit.

After reacting, Voldemort found himself in a vast space.

Here the sky and the earth are closely connected, the clear and clear lake water and the clouds in the sky complement each other, and the gorgeous blue aurora and the golden waterfall on the snow-capped mountains weave into a most mysterious picture.

Voldemort swallowed unconsciously. Even he was the first to see such a beautiful scenery, and he couldn't help but feel a little shocked, "What is this place?"

"Welcome to my spiritual space." Aaron suddenly appeared on the lake, and said proudly: "I wove these beautiful scenery according to the postcards my parents sent me in the past. I have to say that they are still very tasteful. .

But I just started to build the mental space not long ago, so what you see is just a prototype, desert, grassland, forest, ocean, starry sky, etc. I didn't have time to prepare. "

"Mind... space?" Voldemort murmured, his face gradually darkening, "You have been waiting for me here?"

"Hey, don't say that, I warned you, didn't I?" Aaron said solemnly, "It's just that the human brain becomes impulsive when driven by curiosity.

But I didn't expect the Dark Lord to be so impatient. I thought you would torture me severely before invading my memory! "

"I want to prepare slowly, but you are too surprising, who knows what will happen if you drag it on?"

Aaron nodded noncommittally. Voldemort's worry was justified, because his thought body had already arrived at the Department of Mysteries and was now outside the execution chamber.

Abe and the Death Eaters were in a stalemate. As long as he found the right opportunity, he might not be able to take away a few Death Eater elites.

At that time, it will be combined with the main body, a great magister and a holy dragon. This is the capital for exchanging lives with Voldemort, but it seems that it doesn't need to be so troublesome now.

"My Occlumency has already reached its peak, even the gods can't pry into my memory.

In addition, an ancestor of the Gaius family invented the art of hiding the mind more than 1000 years ago, which was improved by later generations, endowing the art of hiding the mind with the ability to counter the enemy's consciousness.

And some time ago, I accidentally got a magic item, which raised my soul power to an invulnerable level. Building a spiritual space was also the inspiration I got at that time. "

"It's really well prepared!" Voldemort gritted his teeth, "Memory, heart, and soul, do you dare to go any further?"

"Dare." Aaron nodded very seriously, "My physical strength has reached the bottleneck, and I will find a way to break through this limit in the future.

It takes a chance, but it depends on human effort, I can definitely do it. "

Voldemort:  …

How dare you say it!

"To be honest, you are the first person to break into my heart space. Although you have a very unfriendly purpose, I still want to know your opinion.

You are a well-informed old man, what do you think of this place? "

"Very...beautiful, calming," Voldemort told the truth reluctantly, "but that's not what I came for."

"Understand, but unfortunately, you are doomed to get nothing.

In my spiritual space, I have great authority, and my magic power is endless. Although my strength will not exceed the upper limit of reality, it is not so easy for you to take me down.

And to put it bluntly, a single thought can drive you out if I want to. "

"But you didn't do it. Is there any purpose?"

Aaron showed a shy smile, "As the saying goes, if you want to spy on my memory, I naturally want to see yours too.

But don't get me wrong, I have a bottom line, as long as you have knowledge, I won't look at your personal privacy, conspiracies, and subsequent actions against the Order of the Phoenix and the wizarding world. "

"Go to hell!"

Furious, Voldemort waved his wand angrily, and shot the green Killing Curse straight at Aaron.

He really couldn't take it anymore. The last time he was so aggrieved was more than ten years ago when the Killing Curse was bounced back on him by Harry Potter.

Aaron erected the Seraphim Shield without hesitation. With the support of a steady stream of spiritual power, this powerful defensive magic hardly caused any loss to him.

"There's no need to do anything! We can have a good talk.

At worst, I take a step back, as long as you promise to let us go as a descendant of Slytherin, everything is negotiable. "

Voldemort's mentality collapsed instantly, and he cursed: "Don't even think about it!"

"Old people are stubborn." Aaron shook his head, then said with a straight face: "Since you don't cooperate, then don't think about leaving easily."

"I can leave as I want, without your permission." Voldemort said, and then withdrew from his own consciousness, but he was surprised to find that he was still standing still, as if nothing had happened.

"what have you done?"

"Nothing." Aaron shrugged, "It's just that your method is not right.

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