If you want to leave here, you must get my consent, or kill me, or completely annihilate this space.

Friendly reminder, if you kill my consciousness here, it will not have any effect on me in the real world, but if I accidentally wipe out your consciousness, then you will really be finished.

Moreover, the passage of time here is much slower than outside, and your Death Eaters have been dragged back by my pet, and I have plenty of time to talk to you. "

Voldemort laughed angrily, "You think you can beat me?

I didn't use powerful magic just now because we are on the ninth floor underground, and we can't please everyone if something happens, but this is your territory, so I don't have so many scruples. "

"Neither have I." Aaron said bluntly, "No matter how much you ruin this place, it will only take me a few minutes to restore it after I leave.

And the initiative is in my hands now, if it is really dangerous, I will drive you out without hesitation. "

"damn it."

Voldemort cursed, he didn't expect to be pecked by geese all day long.

I thought I was standing on the second floor this wave, but I never thought that the other party was actually standing on the fifth floor.

The next moment, Voldemort made a decisive move.

The tip of his wand lit up with a silver light, and the blue lake surged crazily, forming a tens of meters long giant python not weaker than Abe.

The giant python roared upwards, and the fangs made of water looked extremely cold under the illumination of the aurora.

"Hahaha!" Voldemort laughed loudly, "Your plan is very good, but in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is futile.

Now you are too weak, not my opponent at all. "

"Normally, but..."

Before the words were finished, a cumbersome ice-blue magic circle emerged on the surface of the lake.

"A thousand miles of ice!"

The forest-white cold air spread rapidly, and the lake surface was quickly frozen where it passed, and the giant python also turned into a magnificent ice sculpture at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"You..." Voldemort's face changed slightly, "This is impossible, you are just a magister, how could you use this kind of magic?"

"Why not?" Aaron asked back, "The high-level elemental magic circle corresponds to the magister, and the ultimate elemental magic circle corresponds to the great magister.

Although I am not yet a great magister, I have already mastered the ultimate elemental magic circle. As long as the magic power can keep up with the combat power, I can naturally be promoted to a great magister.

Unfortunately, this is my spiritual space, which just makes up for the flaws in magic power. "

"Even if what you said is true, it's still just a junior high magician.

For me, it's just a matter of spending more time. "

"Maybe it's true, but it will definitely leave you with a very unforgettable memory." Aaron said lightly, then snapped his fingers, and the high-level magic array of blue, red, yellow, green, and purple elements was arranged in a five-pointed star.

The hurricane engulfed huge waves to form dragons to absorb water, flames and boulders formed lava to fall from the sky like a meteor shower, and purple lightning flashed down frequently, each blow carrying powerful destructive power.

Voldemort was also a little dazed watching this scene. Sure enough, the magic power is enough, but it's different. When it comes up, it's big!

He hastily waved his magic wand, a white shock wave soared into the sky, shattering the thundercloud, and a large barrier knocked down all the falling lava. Finally, he pointed at the dragon that was tens of meters high to absorb water and controlled it with his own magic power.

The dragon absorbs water at a faster speed and is more powerful, but it hits Aaron in the opposite direction.

"Feel your own strength!" Voldemort sneered.

"I'm not interested." Aaron shook his head, and a mysterious blue magic circle emerged from under his feet.

A giant hand made of water elements stretched out from the lake, easily crushing the dragon's water absorption, and then a water element giant with a height of more than [-] meters rose from the lake.

The giant looked at Voldemort, and the pupils formed by the water flow slowly deformed, revealing a humanized sarcasm.

"The ultimate water elemental magic, it can easily annihilate an army, but I believe it is nothing to the Dark Lord!"

"Of course." The corners of Voldemort's eyes twitched slightly, and then he waved his wand.

The palm of the water elemental giant was crushed in an instant, but the lake surface provided enough materials for its body, and it returned to its original shape in a short while.

Seeing this, Voldemort roared, and the green magic power surged wildly.

The water element giant roared wildly, but its body still escaped from the water uncontrollably and was compressed into a water polo.


The water balloon burst and turned into a torrential rain in the sky.

"Amazing." Aaron applauded.

"But that's all." Voldemort snorted coldly, "If you can only do this, then..."

Before he finished speaking, two identical water elemental giants rose from the bottom of the lake, and his voice stopped abruptly.


"I have practiced elemental magic for five years before I can barely achieve the instant cast of the ultimate magic circle, but it is a bit reluctant to use it multiple times." Aaron said with some shame, "But this is my spiritual space, in a sense I am the god here, although I am the weakest kind, but with enough magic power to support, I can still try things that cannot be done in the real world."

"Hitting one is nothing to the Dark Lord, I believe it's easy to hit two!"

Voldemort:  …

Would you like to hear what you're saying?

Although he wished to smash Aaron to pieces immediately, the two smashed arms made him careless.

The water elemental giant has a huge body, and it has a huge advantage in fighting in the water. Every movement can set off huge waves tens of meters high.

While dodging the defenses, Voldemort repeated his old tricks, using the Levitation Charm to control the two giants out of the water, and then defeated them with the Transfiguration and Vanishing Charms.

Although the powerful magic unleashed by a junior great magister is a bit difficult to deal with, it's the same for him.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, three ice-blue magic circles appeared in front of his eyes.

"Is it over?" Voldemort's face darkened completely.

"It depends on the situation." Aaron smiled and explained patiently: "I don't dare to use the ultimate elemental magic indiscriminately in the real world. After all, I am just a magister, and this kind of powerful magic still consumes a lot of energy for me." A few, and it takes less than ten to drain my mojo.

But it's different here, endless magical power, thick sandbags, no, qualified sparring, no... In short, it's what you understand.

It is really suitable to use a peak-level great magister to test my future abilities. If you want to blame, you can only blame your bad luck and break into my territory. "

Hearing this, Voldemort was furious, and just as he was about to curse three times, three dragon whistles came from the magic circle.

Three huge ice dragons flew out of it, with fangs and claws, ice armored dragon scales, and snow-white ice wings all exuding a white chill.

They are slightly smaller than the water elemental giants, but they feel no less oppressive.

The ice dragon spread its wings, clawed across the lake, and hovered under the aurora.

They spewed out the dark white dragon's breath at the same time, and the triple shock wave gathered together in mid-air, shooting straight at Voldemort below.

"Li Huo!"

Voldemort roared and raised his wand, the blazing dark red magic fire collided with the dragon's breath.

After all, the flame that could burn everything was released by Voldemort with all his strength, and it took only a few seconds to swallow the dragon's breath.

Voldemort did not stop immediately, but controlled the sea of ​​fire to roll towards the three ice dragons.

The three ice dragons were contaminated by this flame, and their bodies melted quickly.

They roared in pain, then opened their huge mouths, and slammed into Voldemort hard.

The three huge burning ice balls Voldemort didn't want to be tough, and immediately apparated away.


There was a loud bang, and Voldemort appeared behind Aaron.

"Avada eats a big melon!"

Aaron apparated to tens of meters away, but Voldemort pursued him closely.

The two fought for a few rounds in the teleportation and then quickly separated. Voldemort was unscathed, only slightly panting, while Aaron was slightly injured.

But in this space, his injuries healed at an incredible speed. The angry Voldemort gritted his teeth, but he could only rage impotently.

He is confident enough to win a head-on confrontation, but the opponent's infinite magic power and terrifying self-healing ability are simply two insurmountable mountains.

Unless it is a one-hit kill, he really can't get out for a short time.

What's even more tragic is that his magic power can't be replenished here. If he continues to drag on, even if he is a peak-level great magister, he will still have the risk of capsizing the gutter.

Chapter 507 The first use of forbidden magic, the awakening of dragon power

"It's a great honor to be able to force the Dark Lord to fight in close quarters." Aaron's tone was very sincere, without the slightest affectation.

Voldemort frowned slightly, this kid...wouldn't be holding back any bad water again, would he?

No wonder he thought this way, if it were him who had an absolute advantage, he would definitely not be so polite. A dead enemy is a good enemy.

"That...Actually, we don't need to fight to the death here, do we!"

"What do you want to say?" Voldemort asked sullenly.

"The same condition, promise to let us leave as a descendant of Slytherin, and I will let you leave here." The old god Aaron said, "But there is one more thing, you can't trouble me in the future.

This transaction is very fair. I believe that after the battle just now, you also understand your current situation, and I am invincible. "

"It's just that I can't trouble you?" Voldemort's mouth showed a hint of playfulness, "Can I understand that you don't care about other people?"

"Uh..." Aaron scratched his head, "I have a deep understanding of Harry Potter's ability to kill, and according to the prophecy, you will definitely not let him go."

"Hmph!" Voldemort snorted softly, "You are clever."

"Smart doesn't count, I'm just not stupid, and I don't want to touch your bottom line." Aaron waved his hand helplessly, "Based on what I know about him, as long as he's alive, he won't give up fighting with you. As for him The friends of the..."

Having said that, Aaron suddenly paused, gritted his teeth thinking of Hermione who was teleported back to the Hall of Shenming by him, "One more, Hermione Granger."

"A Mudblood?" Voldemort cursed angrily with a sullen face, "You're tarnishing your noble blood, Gaius."

"Stop it, it's not as serious as you said." Aaron's mouth twitched slightly, and he forced a smile and said, "I just have some affection for her."

"You left her the port key, which is really a big favor."

Aaron's expression froze, "That may be a subconscious behavior, I regretted it later, it's mainly my mother... She reminded me to protect the girls around me when she was free.

Let's not talk about this, my request is very simple, if she hinders your plan in the future, you have to let her go once. "

"Are you sure? It's inexplicable."

"No way." Aaron held his forehead and shook his head. "I've warned her many times, but Gryffindor is like this. She might choose to help Harry Potter in the future."

"I see." Voldemort laughed dumbly. "I don't understand one thing. Now that you have the upper hand, there is no need to make peace with me."

"Slytherin is good at protecting himself wisely." Aaron said bluntly, "I don't believe in that prophecy, but I have a hunch that I can't kill you.

A wizard who was killed by the Killing Curse released by himself could survive for more than ten years in an extremely weak way, and then miraculously made a comeback.

The Dark Lord is synonymous with trouble to me. I don't want to mess with you, but you don't want to get in my way either.

I can pretend that the thing you plotted against me this time didn't happen, and I don't care if you dragged me into the vortex of the magic world. "

Voldemort raised his eyebrows, and looked at Aaron a little more appreciatively. Young people who are so knowledgeable about current affairs and how to advance and retreat are really rare.

He still has a few Horcruxes, even if Aaron kills him here, it is not a serious injury to him, but the relationship between the two sides is completely settled.

Now the other party took the initiative to take a step back and gave him a step down, which really impressed him.

But what troubled him was that it took him so much effort to trick Aaron into the Department of Mysteries, and the Gaius family did abide by the ancestral precepts and did not give him any help.

It can be said that the secret of becoming a god, the ancient knowledge of magic is in front of you, and it is really not reconciled to give up like this.

If he continues to fight, his life may end up in this space, but it is still possible to catch Aaron after resurrection.

Using a Horcrux for another chance, maybe... not a loss.

Voldemort made a decision immediately, "What if I don't agree?"

"Just agree, we can make a contract." Aaron came to his senses after speaking, "No? But...why?"

"You have a good sense of time, which I really appreciate.

But if you are allowed to leave today, there may not be another chance like this. "

"Understood." Aaron suddenly realized, and his attitude changed immediately, "Then prepare to die!"

Aaron slowly raised his right hand, and the sky instantly turned dark clouds, black and purple thunder and lightning kept surging, turning into a ferocious brontosaurus covering the sky and covering the sun.

Rays of lightning shot out from Thunder Dragon's eyes, tearing apart the sky and causing the space to vibrate, and the calm lake below also became choppy.

"The ultimate elemental magic may not be able to kill you, but it may not be the forbidden magic corresponding to the holy magister." Aaron grinned, showing his white teeth, "In reality, this kind of terrifying magic is not enough. I really can't use it for preparation, but here...hehe!"

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