When Luo Cheng saw Ming Wang Lin Chen's sword, his eyes suddenly showed horror.

The momentum of the sword wielded by King Ming completely crushed him!

It's simply not something he can resist!

face the threat of death.

Luo Cheng's spear rose up to resist!



The blazing blade stayed above Luo Cheng's head and did not cut down!

"Thank you, King Ming, for showing mercy!"

Luo Cheng took a deep look at Lin Chen, showed gratitude, and clasped his hands respectfully.

"You're welcome."

Lin Chen waved his hand.

Luo Cheng left in shame.

"Li Mi, you can send more experts to fight!"

Lin Chen looked at Li Mi from Wagang Village and spoke slowly.

"Who else wants to fight?"

Li Mi looked behind him and asked.


Li Mi was unsure.

Luo Cheng's Luo family's marksmanship ranks among the top five in Wagang, but it cannot withstand the sword of Ming Wang Lin Chen!

"Lord, I'm willing to give it a try!"

At this time, Shen Luoyan took a step forward and said in a deep voice. 0


Li Mi looked at Shen Luoyan and nodded. He had never seen Commander Shen take action. With Commander Shen's character and resourcefulness, he should have a way to win, right?

Shen Luoyan hugged Li Milue and turned around to jump towards Lin Chen.

"Shen Luoyan, please give me some advice from Prince Ming!"

Shen Luoyan came to Lin Chen, folded his hands into fists, and looked at Lin Chen with his beautiful eyes flashing.

She was also very curious about Prince Ming's powerful cultivation at such a young age.

"it is good!"

Lin Chen nodded and his figure flashed.

Immediately used the perfect magic hand of ecstasy!

Ecstasy Magic Hand: As fast as lightning and with tricky angles, once used, it can display shocking charm!Let the woman be happy and forget about Shu, and the landslide and tsunami will never be forgotten!

Lin Chen discovered.

Shen Luoyan seems to have acquired some kind of inheritance, but it's still not enough...

Lin Chen's figure was like a demon, and almost all he could see was a white flash!

There was a swirl around Shen Luoyan.

"Miss Shen, I accept it!"

Ten breaths later, Lin Chen put his hands behind his back and looked at Shen Luoyan with a smile on his face.


He used his magic hand of ecstasy to light Shen Luoyan's acupuncture points. She stood there unable to move!


He unblocked Shen Luoyan's acupuncture points again.

"King Ming's cultivation is astonishing, Shen Luoyan is willing to be defeated!"

Shen Luoyan's pretty face turned red for a while, she clasped her fists at Lin Chen, looked at him deeply, and then turned around and left.

"What a quick movement!"

"And this acupuncture method, how...how could it be like this?"

As Shen Luoyan walked back to Wagang Village, his heart was filled with panic!

she found.

Just now King Ming pointed his finger at her body, and she actually felt her body tremble, as if she was expecting to be tapped!

This feeling.

Never before!

"Who else wants to fight?"

Li Mi looked at Lin Chen not far away and asked behind him.

Li Mi asked three times in a row.


All the generals looked at me, and I looked at you, but no one answered.

It's not that they are unwilling to fight, but that the enemy is too strong and cannot be resisted!

"That's it...that's all!"

"King Ming is too strong and invincible. Why should you let you come forward and die?"

"You can surrender, but how can I surrender?"

Li Mi looked up to the sky and sighed, Mu Ran drew his sword and fell to the ground!

"Secret Duke!"

"Secret Duke!"


Seeing Li Mi commit suicide directly, many generals were shocked.


We all expected this result.

"Xu Maogong, I am willing to return to the Ming Dynasty!"

"Shen Luoyan, I am willing to return to Prince Ming!"

"Luo Cheng, I am willing to surrender to King Ming!"

"Cheng Yaojin is willing to return to the Ming Dynasty!"

"I am willing to surrender!"


As soon as Li Mi died, military advisors Xu Maogong and Shen Luoyan all surrendered. Many generals no longer hesitated, knelt down and surrendered to the Ming King's army.

"Very good, everyone, please get up!"

Lin Chen looked at the many generals of the Wagang Army and spoke in a deep voice.


Wagang Army.

Dazhai Hall.

Lin Chen sat in the main seat.

Below are Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, Liu Bowen, Xu Maogong, Shen 0.6 Luoyan, Luo Cheng, Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong and many other military generals!

"Everyone, our next goal is Luoyang!"

"Liu Junshang led Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, Luo Cheng, Cheng Yaojin and 30 others to march towards Chang'an!"

"Commander Xu and Commander Shen will join me and lead 30 people to point their swords at Luoyang!"

Lin Chen looked at the many generals and spoke in a deep voice.

just now.

The number of soldiers and horses of King Ming's army directly reached nearly 70, and its strength increased greatly!

and so.

Lin Chen prepared to divide his troops into two groups to save time in unifying the Sui Dynasty.


After unifying the Sui Dynasty, the Jin, Han, and Qin dynasties must all be captured!

"As ordered!"


Xu Maogong, Shen Luoyan, Liu Bowen and many other generals agreed in unison.



Wang Shichong, dressed in a dragon robe, sat in the golden palace.

To the left and right of the Golden Palace are Yuan Wendu, Lu Chu and other civil and military officials.

He had killed Emperor Taizhu and ascended the throne as emperor. His country was named Zheng and his reign was named Kaiming.

"Report! Your Majesty, Wagang Village has been captured by Ming King Lin Chen. The Ming King's army has recruited 30 soldiers and horses from Wagang Village. Its strength has greatly increased. The army is being reorganized and will reach our Luoyang in the near future!"

At this moment, a guard walked in quickly, knelt on the ground, and raised the battle report with both hands.

"What? Wagang Village failed?"

"Aren't the 30 people in Wagang Village a match for King Ming's army? Are they all included? This..."

"Li Mi actually didn't stop the Ming King's army. Is this Ming King Lin Chen...too strong?"

"It's over. The next step for King Ming's army will be to attack Luoyang..."


Hearing the sergeant's battle report, all the civil and military officials of Dazheng present were all shocked and incomprehensible. What's more, their legs felt like chaff!


Please order more! .

Chapter 96: Killing the Ming Dynasty Master Xu Kaishan, Half-Step Land Immortal, Taiyin Divine Code, Zhiruo’s Heart, and the Heavenly Sword.

"Did King Ming's army defeat Wagang's army so quickly?"

"And incorporated it?"

Upon hearing the sergeant's report, Wang Shichong frowned deeply.


He still had the trump card of Ming Zunjiao in his hand, and he was not afraid of the powerful force of Ming Wang Lin Chen. However, Ming Wang Lin Chen took Wagang Village so quickly, which was completely beyond his expectation!

"Your Majesty, it's absolutely true. My subordinates have confirmed it again and again!"

The guard looked respectful and confirmed again and again.

"My dear friends, I have a plan for this matter!"

"No need to worry!"

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