Wang Shichong spoke in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"Long Live Long Live Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"


When the civil and military officials heard this, their faces suddenly showed joy.

As long as they are sure of dealing with King Ming's army, they don't have to worry.


Once the country is subjugated, they will be dead subjects, and their fate will not be much better!


After Wang Shichong announced his resignation from the court.

He quickly walked to a large hall next to the dormitory.

Wang Shichong pressed on a secret door on the wall of the main hall. Suddenly, a door appeared, and more than ten stone steps slowly descended.

Wang Shichong came to an underground hall.


The space is about a hundred feet.

It is supported by many stone pillars in the middle, with carved dragons and painted buildings on them, which is very luxurious.

space center.

A middle-aged man wearing purple clothes with long black hair hanging around his shoulders sat cross-legged among them.

This middle-aged man has deep eyes, and there is a faint purple light shining inside them!

There is a domineering aura about him, which makes people feel suffocating at first glance!


Wang Shichong walked into the hall, bowed and clasped his fists in front of the middle-aged man, his expression extremely respectful.

"What's the matter?"

The man in purple looked at Wang Shichong and asked.

"Wagangzhai has surrendered to the Ming Dynasty's army. The Ming Dynasty's army has greatly increased its power, with its troops and horses increasing to nearly 70! They will be approaching Luoyang City in the near future!"

Wang Shichong bowed and cupped his fists.

"Without the top powerhouse in Wagang Village, defeat will happen sooner or later!"

The man in purple said with a look of disdain in his eyes. "The ancestor of the Great Sui Dynasty fell, and the Great Sui Dynasty collapsed. You have the support of the Great Ming Master, so you don't need to worry about the Ming King's army! I heard that the Ming King Lin Chen is the No. 1 of the younger generation. I really want to see it. Look, how powerful he is!"

"As long as 10 people don't achieve the realm of land gods, they won't be able to make big waves!"

"In three days, our ancestor of the Ming Dynasty Zunjiao will return from overseas, hum! No matter how Cihang Jingzhai and the Demon Sect compete, it will always be our Ming Dynasty Zunjiao who wins!"

The middle-aged man showed strong confidence in his eyes.

This person.

It is the Great Ming of China, the current Great Reverend, Xu Kaishan!

The later cultivation of the great master of celestial phenomena!


The great Ming Dynasty respected the teachings and had a powerful good mother, ancestor!

Seeing the death of the ancestors of the Great Sui Dynasty, I am ready to come to the Great Sui Dynasty in Middle-earth to get a share of the pie!

"Our ancestor will be coming in three days?"

" great!"

Hearing Xu Kaishan's words, Wang Shichong's eyes showed surprise.

If so.

It is up to the ancestor to take action and eliminate the Ming King Lin Chen from the Ming King's Army. By then, all the Ming King's Army will belong to Dazheng!

Dazheng's territory will increase several times in an instant!

"Go ahead and wait."

The Great Master Xu Kaishan said slowly.


Cihang Jingzhai.

Emperor stepping on the peak.

Cihang Hall.

Fan Qinghui, who was wearing a moon-white monk's robe, sat on the futon, frowning deeply and murmuring. "It's strange, why is there no news about Fei Xuan? Could it be that she met an old monster and was killed?"

As the master of Shi Fei Xuan.

Fan Qinghui knew his disciple very well.

Always act prudently and never go overboard!

Very safe.

There was no news this time, which was really strange.


Suddenly, a condor hovered in the sky above Cihang Hall in the distance and flew over in an instant!

It landed at the door of Cihang Hall.


"This is......."

Seeing the wax scroll mark on the talons of the condor, Fan Qinghui's heart suddenly shrank, a complex look appeared in his eyes, and he murmured. "After 20 years of separation, have you... finally come out of isolation?"

"I wonder what level of cultivation the Heavenly Sword has reached now?"

"By the Canglan River?"

Fan Qinghui unwrapped the wax scroll, and there were only four words on it.

Fan Qinghui's eyes flashed and he went to explain.

She wants to take a trip to the Canglan River.


Mount Emei.

golden dome.

Think about the cliff.

It is very quiet here, except for the disciples who come to deliver meals three times a day, no one else comes!

A stunning woman in pink clothes was sitting here cross-legged.

It was Zhou Zhiruo.

The Siguo Cliff platform is not big, only about 30 feet in diameter, and there is a cave at the back for resting.

There are hanging baskets and stone ladders on the top of the cave, and meal delivery disciples deliver meals from the stone ladders and hanging baskets.



A thin figure flew quickly over the cliff and landed three feet away from Zhou Zhiruo.

"It's you...Bat King!"

Zhou Zhiruo looked at the thin old man who fell in front of him, with shock in his bright eyes.

At the same time, there was a vague suspicion in my mind.

"Miss Zhou, what are you doing?"

"The Yitian Sword has been returned to your master, Master Miejie, but she still imprisoned you for so long! Are you willing to leave with me and find Prince Ming?"

Bat King frowned and said.

"Did he ask you to come?"

When Zhou Zhiruo heard this, her delicate body trembled, and then she sighed and said. "Bat King, this is of my own free will. I was brought back to the mountains by my master since I was a child. If it weren't for the master, I don't know what would have happened..."

"This is the secret book of the Nine Yin Manual. My lord asked me to bring it to you."

Seeing Zhou Zhiruo's persistence, Wei Yixiao sighed, then put a small package in front of Zhou Zhiruo and said. "My lord said, if you don't want to go back with me, I will leave this to you. After you practice, it will be of great help to his advancement. If something happens to you, there will be no more Emei in the world!"

Wei Yi smiled, shook his head, and like a kite, he soared into the sky and disappeared.

"If something happens to me, there will be no more Emei in the world..."

Zhou Zhiruo murmured to herself.

The look on his face was complicated.



hundreds of miles away.

Lin Chen, Xu Maogong, Shen Luoyan and many other generals led thousands of troops and headed straight to Luoyang!

"Yes, these past few days, while listening to Shi Qingxuan's flute music and comprehending the Zhiyin Sutra, I am about to get started with the Zhiyin Sutra!"

Lin Chen sat on the huge six-horse carriage, consciously checking the system panel, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

"System, add some points to my Jiang Zhi Yin Sutra!"

Lin Chen immediately communicated with the system consciously.

Zhiyin Zhenjing, skilled!


Little success!



"Ding! Congratulations to the host, your Zhiyin Manual has gained points, and you have successfully advanced to the Taiyin Divine Manual, a low-grade heaven-level technique!"

The moment Lin Chen added some points, a system notification sounded in his mind.

at the same time.

A majestic flow of information appeared in Lin Chen's mind.

Astonishingly, it is about the cultivation insights and techniques of the Zhiyin Manual!

The moment these information flows appeared, they merged with Lin Chen's consciousness!

this moment.

Lin Chen seemed to have practiced the Zhiyin Sutra for decades!


In his body, meridians, and Dantian, there was a large amount of Zhiyin cultivation, which instantly blended with the Zhiyang cultivation in Lin Chen's body.

The moment his Yang cultivation met this Yin cultivation, he became much more peaceful!


"Taiyin Divine Code? Not bad!"

"Sure enough, it can blend with Zhiyang cultivation!"

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