after all.

The Beili Dynasty has cut off contact with the outside world and is completely unaware of the movements of Ming King Lin Chen.

They can only rely on the news sent back by Li Hanyi.

And all this is because of Mingde Emperor Xiao Ruojin.

Baili Dongjun also understood that Xiao Ruojin's deadline was approaching, and he was very nervous, looking forward to the victory between the princes.

So much so that the Beili Dynasty now closed all external channels in order to avoid conflicts that would affect many princes.

"How could it be missed?"

"But Hanyi really didn't send any news back."

Sikong Changfeng was very helpless.

Everyone in the world knows that there are three major city lords in Xueyue City.

However, he, Sikong Changfeng, was the only person in charge of the three cities. Baili Dongjun, the wine master of the big city, was interested in making wine and drinking, and he was a completely hands-off shopkeeper.

The second city lord, Xue Yue Sword Immortal Li Hanyi, disappeared every day. Now he is fine. He was sent out by his master Li Changsheng to find out the news about Ming Wang Lin Chen, and he disappeared justifiably.

Only he, the Lord of the Three Cities, was handling affairs.

In Sikong Changfeng's opinion, if it weren't for him, Xueyue City would have been disbanded long ago.

Thinking of this, Sikong Changfeng sighed heavily.


Liyang Dynasty.

Tai'an City.

Han Diao Temple came to the Sealed Mountain.

The demon Gao Shulu sealed it.

Whether he can defeat Lin Chen and save the Liyang Dynasty from fire or water depends on Gao Shulu.

Han Diao Si took a deep breath and calmed down his mood.


Han Diao Si ordered.


The surrounding guards took the order and left.

The talisman that can seal Gao Shulu is very strong and cannot be easily unlocked by ordinary people.

However, Han Diaoji and others do not need to lift the seal.

All they had to do was break the rock and loosen the seal.

As the guards continued to dig into the mountain wall, the originally ordinary mountain wall suddenly began to shake.

Those who were excavating the mountain wall were caught off guard and fell down one after another, shattering into pieces.

Han Diao Temple did not care about the casualties of these people.

He stared excitedly at the mountain wall.

boom! ! !

A loud bang came.

A big hole exploded in the mountain wall.

The gravel was like raindrops, pouring in all directions.

However, these gravels are very fast and extremely large.

It hit the crowd and killed most of the guards brought by Han Diao Temple.

Han Diao Si didn’t care.

He slapped away the boulder flying in front of him.


The boulder was knocked aside.

Just by slapping the boulder away, Han Diao Si felt pain in his palms.

You know, he has the peak cultivation level of the Land God Realm.

And this huge boulder was just erupted after Gao Shulu was unblocked.

It is enough to see how strong Gao Shulu's cultivation is.

Han Diao Si was so excited that finally someone could defeat Lin Chen.

He is worthy of being the great devil from 400 years ago. Even after being sealed away for 400 years, he is still extremely powerful.


A figure flashed by.

Only then did Han Diao Si notice someone falling next to him.

The other party is ragged and unkempt, but he has an aura of calmness and authority, as if he is a superior fairy and demon, making people want to worship him.

"You woke me up?"

Gao Shulu stared at Han Diao Si coldly.

"Han Diao Temple of Liyang Dynasty, pay homage to senior."

Han Diao Si knelt down and worshiped without saying a word.

He understood that the other party could kill him with just one thought.

Because of this, Han Diao Si was so humble.

"Hmph, what's the matter?"

Gao Shulu's tone was full of arrogance.

"Your Majesty would like to invite senior to go to the palace to ask for something."

Han Diao Si said cautiously.

"Oh? It seems that your current emperor is not good enough. He actually wants to ask me, a devil, for something."


Gao Shulu laughed loudly.

He looked around and quickly discovered the place where luck gathered.

That's where the palace is.

Without any hesitation, Gao Shulu flew up and shot towards the palace.


Outside Tai'an City.

The Ming Dynasty army was stationed ten miles away from Tai'an City, looking at Tai'an City in the distance.

The soldiers of King Ming's army all knew that they would attack the city tomorrow.

As long as Tai'an City is captured, it is equivalent to capturing the Liyang Dynasty.

This is their glory.

And these are all brought by King Ming.

In the big tent of the Chinese army.

Lin Chen was resting on the bed.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and turned his head to look in the direction of Tai'an City.

Next to them, Yang Qinxin, Nangong Pushe, and Lan Xiaodie noticed the movement and woke up in a daze.

"Sir, what happened?"

Nangong Pushe asked doubtfully.

She was a light sleeper and would wake up at the slightest disturbance.

Therefore, when Lin Chen opened his eyes, Nangong Pushe quickly woke up.

"Nothing, it's just that an interesting master showed up."

Lin Chen smiled slightly.

He could feel the extra bit of demonic energy between heaven and earth.

So pure.

Apparently, Zhao Li lifted the seal and released the demon Gao Shulu from 400 years ago.

But Lin Chen was not afraid.

If even Gao Shulu couldn't be defeated, how could there be any talk of unifying the Divine Continent?

After Yang Qinxin heard Lin Chen's words, she nodded, then squeezed over to Lin Chen, sticking close to Lin Chen.

Lan Xiaodie didn't even bother to open her eyes.

In her opinion, with Lin Chen by her side, there would definitely be no danger.


Outside the military formation of King Ming.

on a big tree.

A figure stood on the treetops, looking at Tai'an City in the distance.

The night breeze blows, the clothes are fluttering, and the elegance is unparalleled.

It was Li Hanyi.

Li Hanyi frowned, his face serious.

She could feel that there was a strong demonic energy in Tai'an City.

Only by killing many people can such an aura be produced.

More importantly, the opponent was very strong, making Li Hanyi feel like facing his master Li Changsheng.

"It seems that the Liyang Dynasty has a profound foundation."

"Lin Chen, how will you respond?"

Li Hanyi narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the formation of King Ming's army.


Liyang Dynasty.

Tai'an City.

Royal Palace.

As soon as Zhao Li entered the hall, he saw Gao Shulu sitting in the seat that originally belonged to him.

This made Zhao Li a little annoyed.


Gao Shulu noticed Zhao Li's emotional change and immediately raised his eyebrows, looking at Zhao Li with interest.

"you are not happy?"

"Do you think I'm sitting on your throne and want to kill me?"

Gao Shulu smiled slightly and asked.

Although he didn't release any pressure.

1440485057 (Remarks into the group)

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