
As a demon from 400 years ago, he killed countless people and killed countless strong men.

Just a few simple words made Zhao Li's hair stand on end.

For a moment, Zhao Li's body trembled involuntarily because of fear.

"No, no."

"If senior wants to sit, then sit down."

Zhao Li said with a smile on his face.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Gao Shulu threw his head back and laughed.

After a while, he stopped laughing, stood up and left the throne.

"Don't worry, I have no interest in your dragon chair."

"Tell me, how strong are the Wuyou strong men of this generation?"

Gao Shulu asked with interest.

After Zhao Li heard Gao Shulu's inquiry, he couldn't help but be stunned.

A worry-free strong man?

what is that?

He looked at Han Diao Temple doubtfully.

Fortunately, Han Diao Temple was well prepared.

".'Your Majesty, worry-free is the supreme state, which is the current state of heaven and man."

Han Diao Si said respectfully.

After Zhao Li listened, he nodded secretly.

Heaven and man live forever?

Could it be that……

Is Gao Shulu's cultivation just a matter of immortality?

However, Xie Guanying and Chu Nan Gong are also immortals.

The two powerful immortals from heaven took action, but they were still no match for Lin Chen.

Can this Gao Shulu win?

This made Zhao Li a little suspicious.


Gao Shulu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What? You don't believe in my strength?"

"Do you think I will lose?"

Gao Shulu's eyes flashed with a cold light.

Zhao Li was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground.

"No, no, no, I don't mean that."

"It's just... I want to ask senior, is your current state... immortality?"

Zhao Li asked cautiously.

Gao Shulu was a little confused and didn't know how to answer.

Just because he doesn't know what state he is in now.

What's more, the so-called first-grade and four realms are originally the realm divisions that he created himself.

400 years have passed, and he doesn't know how to divide the current realm.

Therefore, Gao Shulu looked at Han Diao Temple.

Han Diao Si immediately explained in detail what he knew.

The focus is the battle between Xie Guanying, Chu Nan Gong and Lin Chen.

"Confucian sage? Heavenly beings have great immortality?"

"Haha, that's it. The so-called immortality of heavenly beings is nothing more than this."

"In this case, my current state should be that of an Earth Immortal."

Gao Shulu said lightly.

Han Diao Si was secretly shocked when he heard this.

Earth Immortal!

No wonder Gao Shulu has lived for 400 years and still looks like a young man.

Is this the power of the Earth Immortal?

Zhao Li looked at Han Diao Si doubtfully and gave him a questioning look.

Han Diao Si reacted immediately.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, His Majesty."

"Senior has the cultivation level of an Earth Immortal, which is a level higher than the Great Immortality of Heavenly Beings."

"You can easily kill the Great Immortal of Heaven."

"Lin Chen's death has come."

Han Diao Si said with a smile.

Zhao Li suddenly realized it and was very happy.

"Everything is up to Senior Lao."

Zhao Li said excitedly.


Gao Shulu suddenly lost interest.

Originally, he thought that when he came out of the seal, he would be able to meet an extremely powerful person.

Who knows, then Lin Chen is just a great immortal fox.

Still not strong enough.

Could it be said that there is no stronger opponent in this world?

Perhaps, the only one who can become his enemy is the way of heaven.


Kneel down and beg to pursue the order.

Chapter 152 Beili Dynasty is isolated from the world!Arrogant Zhao Li!The power of the great devil!A shocking battle!

Liyang Dynasty.

Tai'an City.

Emperor Zhao Li was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night.

In his opinion, if Gaoshu showed his hand, Lin Chen would definitely die.

Now we are facing a problem.

After killing Lin Chen, will the Liyang Dynasty take over the Ming Dynasty's army?

And should the large area occupied by the Ming Dynasty also be included in the Liyang Dynasty?


In this case, the Great Qin Dynasty would not agree, right?

There is also the Beili Dynasty.

That damn old fox Mingde has been delaying sending troops and is always looking for excuses to train the prince.

Now it has directly blocked the Beili Dynasty's contact with the outside world.

In Zhao Li's view, Emperor Mingde of the Beili Dynasty just wanted to wait for the Liyang Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty's army to lose both sides, and finally come out to reap the benefits.


Now that there is a peerless powerhouse like Gao Shulu, everything has changed!


Zhao Li burst into laughter.

Han Diao Si next to him seemed to have guessed what Zhao Li was thinking and started laughing too.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Finally, the sun rose as usual.

Zhao Li stayed up all night.

Even so, he was still in good spirits.

As the saying goes, people feel refreshed when happy events happen, that's how it is.

On the Golden Palace.

Zhao Li looked at the civil and military officials below with high spirits.

"Put in formation to meet the enemy!"

Zhao Li gave the order directly.

When this order came out, the generals of the Liyang Dynasty were stunned.

Even though Tai'an City had tall walls and a wide moat, they had no chance of winning.

Some ministers even thought about surrendering immediately as long as King Ming's army broke through the city gate.

Another minister was prepared to face death.


No one expected that Zhao Li would take the initiative to open the city gate and set up a formation to meet the enemy 983.

Is this distaste for not dying fast enough?

After all, they didn't know Gao Shulu existed, let alone how powerful Gao Shulu was.

Zhao Li couldn't help but laugh when he saw the ministers looking at each other, but no one moved.

He knew what the ministers were thinking, and they all felt that the Liyang Dynasty would definitely lose.

And he wanted to let the ministers know today that Lin Chen was not invincible.

"Preach my will and prepare a formation to meet the enemy!"

Zhao Li spoke again.

The ministers looked at each other and made decisions one after another.

No matter what, now Tai'an City has not been destroyed, Zhao Li is still the emperor, and still has the power to kill.

Then let Zhao Li continue to be arrogant.

"Put in formation to meet the enemy!"

"Put in formation to meet the enemy!"

Orders were passed down one after another.


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