This made Zhao Li even more angry.

"Kill them all! Kill them all!"

Zhao Li roared angrily.

Seeing this situation, Han Diao Temple knew that nothing could be done.

He gritted his teeth and finally came to Zhao Li's side.

"Your Majesty, we can't continue killing."

"Otherwise, all our soldiers will be killed."

Han Diao Si persuaded.

Zhao Li couldn't help being stunned when he heard this.

Only then did he realize that the entire legion had mutinied.

If it weren't for the imperial guard guarding him, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to continue sitting here peacefully.

"Then... how about that?"

Zhao Li was a little panicked and didn't know what to do for a while.

"Your Majesty, please let everyone return to Tai'an City to rest."

"How about I keep watching here with you?"

Han Diao Si thought for a while and put forward his own suggestions.

"So good, so good."

"I thought so too."

Zhao Li said directly.

As a result, the soldiers of the Liyang Dynasty retreated to Tai'an City.

With the protection of the city wall, at least it won't be split in half by those wind blades.

Zhao Li was still sitting firmly on the high platform outside the city, watching the battle between Lin Chen and Gao Shulu in the sky.

Fortunately, there was Han Diao Temple, a powerful man at the top of the land fairyland, guarding him, so there was no problem.


In Tai'an City.

The soldiers of the Liyang Dynasty breathed a sigh of relief.

Their focus has changed from "whether they can defeat the Ming Dynasty's army and defend their country" to "whether the Ming Dynasty's army can kill the prisoners."

"I heard that the military discipline of King Ming's army was very strict. Even though they captured so many dynasties and city-states, they did not disturb ordinary people."

"Didn't disturb the people? This is good."

"The question is, what is their attitude toward surrenderers?"

"It seems that he will be sent directly back to his hometown, and if he wants, he can join the Ming King's army."

"What?! Can he join the Ming King's army directly? Isn't he afraid that spies will sneak in?"

"Spies? You are overthinking. Even if the spies sneak in, what will happen? There are many strong men in King Ming's army. I heard that they are all top-level strong men."

"Can ordinary warriors also be admitted?"

"Of course, otherwise, how could King Ming's army become the most powerful army in Shenzhou?"

The warriors of the Liyang Dynasty were talking a lot.

They suddenly had a yearning to join the Ming King's army and serve for the Ming King Lin Chen.


It was Zhao Li who was unkind in the first place, so don't blame them for being unjust!


In the sky.

Lin Chen and Gao Shulu exchanged tens of thousands of moves, but there was still no winner.

The two of them stepped back and distanced themselves.

"Are you really just a immortal?"

Gao Shulu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Lin Chen in disbelief.

He couldn't figure out why Lin Chen was still in the realm of immortality.

After all, Lin Chen's physical strength and power, as well as his understanding of the world and the laws, are already on par with him.

Such a person is actually a heavenly being with great immortality?

Isn’t that the most powerful heavenly being and great immortality?

"of course."

Lin Chen shrugged his shoulders.

In fact, he could have entered the realm of earthly immortals long ago.

After fighting in the Liyang Dynasty for so long, his health points have reached 30.

It is absolutely possible to add points to the Chaos Shenyang Emperor Sutra to reach the realm of Dzogchen.

By that time, he will definitely be able to step into the realm of earthly immortals.


Not yet.

In Lin Chen's view, Tianren Grand Immortality still has potential that has not been fully explored.

After all, this is the last realm before becoming an immortal, and there are still many mysteries hidden in it that cannot be easily let go.

What's more important is that his Immortal Divine Body and Innate Infinite Qi have just started, and he hasn't added any points yet.

Therefore, he wanted to accumulate qi and blood points and add more later.

When the time comes to enter the Earth Immortal Realm, you will be the strongest Earth Immortal.

Gao Shulu didn't know this.

He only knew that Lin Chen was very strong, several times stronger than the ordinary Celestial Being.

No wonder Lin Chen killed the great immortal master with such ease.

He already has the demeanor he had back then.

"Not bad."

"It's a pity that I reached your level 400 years ago."

"Now that I have been sealed for 400 years, I am definitely not wasting my time."

"I'm already stronger!"

Gao Shulu shouted sharply.

The world seemed to be echoing Gao Shulu's fierce shout.

Boom boom boom!

There was the sound of thunder and explosion in the sky, and the originally cloudless sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds.

These dark clouds are guarding the tall tree dew, as if they are paying homage to the only king.

"Lin Chen, do you know why immortals cannot be called immortals?"

"But in the realm of earthly immortals, does the word 'immortal' exist?"

Gao Shulu stared at Lin Chen with excitement.


Lin Chen raised his eyebrows.

He also understood the difference.

The realm between heaven and man can be called a human immortal, but very few people call it that.

Just because gods are still humans, not immortals.

Immortals are the embodiment of life on another level.

Immortals are not human beings.

that level...

"Because we have been able to influence the way of heaven!"

Gao Shulu clenched his fist and punched out. 0

boom! ! !

A thunder dragon formed in an instant and rushed towards Lin Chen.

This thunder dragon is not the condensed energy of Gao Shulu, but the power of heaven and earth, representing the will of this place.

This is the way of heaven.

This is the Earth Immortal!

"Innate infinite strength!"

Lin Chen raised his hand and released the innate infinite energy.

A golden translucent Gang Qi shield formed instantly, protecting Lin Chen.

He wanted to see if the will of heaven and earth could break through his innate infinite energy.


The military formation of King Ming.

Dugu Can looked at the battle situation in the sky and his expression suddenly changed.

" is this possible?!"

Dugucan was horrified.

He never expected that things would turn out like this.

In other words, he never expected that Gao Shulu would be a powerful Earth Immortal.

That is the realm of the legend.

If he has a one in ten thousand chance of becoming a heavenly being, then he has absolutely no chance of becoming an earthly immortal in this life.

Because that is immortal!

That is the immortal recognized by the will of heaven!

Dugu Can knew that with his talent, it was absolutely impossible to be recognized by Heaven.

If Heaven thinks highly of him, why not give him a stronger talent?

What relies on hard work to break through the world and become a true immortal?

They are all fake, just stories told by storytellers.

Nangong Pushe suddenly became anxious when he saw Dugu Can being so panicked.

"What's going on? What happened?"

Nangong Pushe asked hurriedly.

Dugu Can took a deep breath and barely suppressed the fear in his heart.

"Gao Shulu is an Earth Immortal."

"This battle... my lord, I'm afraid..."

Dugu Can did not continue.

After all, there's no point in saying it.

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