That is an Earth Immortal, a being that mortals absolutely cannot defeat.

It's dead, now it's really dead.

For a time, Dugu Can lost all hope.

However, it would not be a loss if he had studied on his own and thought about it earlier.

Logically speaking, he should have died before this, that is, he was willing to be Lin Chen's dog at that time, so Lin Chen let him live.

During this period, it is enough to serve as an offering to the King of Ming's army and to eat and drink well.

As soon as this idea appeared, Dugu Can felt 0.7 that his thoughts were clear, and the true energy in his body was like a flood that burst a dam, running wildly.

It's not that I'm obsessed, but...

To be promoted!

Dugu Can never expected that before he died, he would be able to achieve immortality.

At this time, he really didn't know whether he should cry or laugh.



Dugucan laughed loudly.

Perhaps, this is God's will.

Dugu Can looked at the golden ball in the sky and the huge thunder dragon, and quickly made a decision in his heart.


In front of Taian City.

on the high platform.

Zhao Li stared at the sky excitedly.

"Great! Really great!"

"Lin Chen absolutely cannot take this move!"


Zhao Li murmured.

Han Diao Temple next to it was also very happy.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, His Majesty."

"Gao Shulu fully used the power of the Earth Immortal. With one move, Lin Chen will be wiped out."

"The entire China will fall into the hands of His Majesty."

Han Diao Si complimented with a smile on his face.

"Hahahaha! That's right, that's right."

"I am about to take control of the Divine Continent!"


Zhao Li raised his head and laughed.


I beg you to order! .

Chapter 155 The terrifying immortal body!Landslides and landslides!How strong is Lin Chen?An opportunity to defeat Heaven!

The thunder dragon in the sky had already rushed to Lin Chen and bit into the golden ball.

boom! ! !

The air is rolling.

Space seemed to be affected and distorted.

The surrounding air did not produce those sharp wind blades, because all the air was ground into nothingness under the distortion of space.

The explosion produced an eye-searing glare.

The light was so bright that no one could look directly at it.

Even if Dugu Can has entered the realm of immortality, he still cannot see clearly the result in the sky.

The ground was affected by the explosion and shook.

Landslides and fissures.

There are even large areas of cracks on the walls of Tai'an City.

Ordinary houses in the city shook violently, and some houses were of poor quality and collapsed directly.

And all this is caused by collisions in the sky.

This is the power of the powerful Earth Immortal!

When the strong light dissipated, the sky became clear again.

Two figures hovered in the sky, facing each other.

Gao Shulu looked at Lin Chen, who was unharmed in the distance, and couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, feeling shocked in his heart.

Just now, he borrowed the power of heaven to attack Lin Chen.

But now Lin Chen has not suffered any damage.

How can this be? !

Gao Shulu remained calm on the surface, but there was already a storm in his heart.

the other side.

Lin Chen slowly let out a breath.

At this moment, he finally determined the upper limit of the innate Wuji Gangqi.

Unable to completely block the Earth Immortal's full blow.

As soon as the thunder dragon came and bit it, it shattered the defensive air shield formed by the innate infinite energy.

10 The remaining approximately [-]% of the force bombarded Lin Chen.

Fortunately, he still had an immortal body and was able to block the remaining attacks without any damage.

"The power of heaven is indeed very strong."

Lin Chen nodded slightly and looked at Gao Shulu with satisfaction.

Only in this way can he be interested.

"Very good, I'm going to go all out next."

Lin Chen took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

Starting from his fist, a layer of faint golden light gradually spread, and finally spread all over his body.

At this moment, Lin Chen was like a golden god, mighty and noble.

Gao Shulu couldn't help being stunned when she saw Lin Chen's state.

For the first time he sensed danger.

No matter it was 400 years ago or now, not even the unknown Taoist he faced at that time gave him this feeling.

Gao Shulu could feel that Lin Chen had the ability to kill him.

This gave Gao Shulu a hint of fear.

No, how could it be fear?

It should be excitement.

Finally someone can beat me head-on, shouldn't I be excited?

Gao Shulu told himself secretly in his heart.


Deep in his heart, there was still a trace of fear that could not be eliminated.

No matter how much he suggested it, it made no sense.

That trace of fear is so deep-rooted that it cannot be shaved off.

"Do not!!!!"

"I don't believe you are so strong!!!"

Gao Shulu roared and rushed towards Lin Chen.

He wanted to prove that the fear in his heart was false and wrong.

It's absolutely impossible for him to lose to Lin Chen, absolutely impossible!

The only one who can defeat him is the way of heaven!

The only thing that can make him surrender is the way of heaven!

"Good come!"

Lin Chen gave a sharp shout and rushed towards Gao Shulu.

The two once again used the most common moves to fight head-on.

However, this time it is no longer pure physical strength, but contains their own understanding.

Whether it is the understanding of the laws, the understanding of the techniques, or the understanding of the way of heaven, it is all contained in every move they make.

As a result, people can only see two shadows constantly colliding in the sky.

One is a golden shadow, and the other is a dark shadow.

The two shadows collided, causing vibrations that affected the entire space.


The aftermath of the shock spread, causing the ground to shake as well.

. . . . . .

Tai'an City.

"It's over, it's over, it's over now."

"So what if I win? My home will be destroyed!"

"Don't fight, please, don't fight anymore."

"Oh my God, why is it like this? Why!"

The people howled incessantly.

They never expected that things would turn out like this.

What about protecting the country as promised?

As a result, before Ming Wang's army came in, their houses were almost destroyed.

For most people, even if the Ming army really invaded Tai'an City and really replaced the Liyang Dynasty, so what?

It's just that the person in the palace has changed.

For ordinary people, there is no difference.

Besides, when the Zhao family originally ruled the Liyang Dynasty, it wasn't necessarily that good.

For a time, most people began to regret it.

. . . . . .

The military formation of King Ming.

Dugu Can stared blankly at the situation in the sky, his whole body froze.

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