General Qin is so majestic that he even dares to kill the leader of the Xuanyue Sect. Do you really think that the sect is afraid of you?

Huh, if you don't surrender, don't blame me for killing you!Qin Qiong said angrily.

General Qin was so majestic that he actually tried to kill a sect!

Suddenly, a cold and teasing voice sounded in the void.

Hearing this voice, the soldiers on Hanguan Road turned their heads and looked over, and found that not far away, Lin Chen was slowly walking with Qing Yi.

Qin Qiong's expression suddenly changed, she didn't expect to meet Lin Chen and the others.

Qin Qiong is not a fool, of course she knows Lin Chen.

"Lin Chen!! You damn bastard! How dare you come!" Qin Qiong shouted angrily.

General Qin is indeed so powerful!Worthy of being the Tiger of Northern Xinjiang.I wonder if I, a bastard, can make you surrender?Lin Chen said sarcastically.

Hearing Lin Chen's ridicule, Qin Qiong was furious.

presumptuous! !Qin Qiong cursed angrily.

I think General Qin is timid!Don’t forget, you personally promised me back then that as long as I helped you eradicate the Xuanyue Sect, you would agree to submit to me!Lin Chen said coldly.

you! !Qin Qiong stared at Lin Chen angrily, wishing to crush Lin Chen to ashes immediately.

Chapter 176 General Qin!Do you really think you are a person?One hundred thousand troops!Lingshi’s embarrassment!

Li Hanyi breathed a sigh of relief at the arrival of Lin Chen and Qing Yi. She and Hong Niang took the Xuan Yue Sect disciples to the side and quietly observed Qin Qiong and Lin Chen's every move.

"Lin Chen was able to rush to Hangu Pass so quickly, presumably without the help of the young man in white robe. I just don't know what the relationship between Master and that young man is, but he actually asked him to call me for help?" Li Hanyi looked at the matchmaker and asked doubtfully .

"Your master has no friendship with this young man, but he does have some friendship with the leader of the Jiuzhou City Alliance behind him. It's a long story, but the reason for the intersection is still because of him!" The matchmaker said, pointing at Lin Chen.

This way, on Hanguguan Avenue.

"Oh, Lin Chen, I haven't come to you yet, but you came to my door yourself. Today your death is coming, and Hangu Pass will be your burial place!!

After Qin Qiong finished speaking, he swung his long sword and charged directly towards Lin Chen.

Looking at the flying sword light, Lin Chen smiled indifferently, stretched out two fingers, and gently pinched the flying sword.

Then Lin Chen lightly shook his hand, and the sword shattered instantly.

how can that be...

Seeing the scene in front of her, Qin Qiong was stunned and couldn't believe it at all.

He is a three-star swordsman, but he can't even touch Lin Chen's hand.

hehe! !General Qin is indeed powerful, but I am not as weak as you think.A strange smile appeared at the corner of Lin Chen's mouth. As he spoke, his figure suddenly flashed and appeared in front of Qin Qiong. At the same time, he punched Qin Qiong in the chest.

Lin Chen's punch was extremely fast and he was in front of Qin Qiong in an instant.

Be careful!

Seeing Lin Chen's attack, Lieutenant General Qin Li shouted a reminder.

snort! !

Qin Qiong's face darkened, and she clasped her palms together in front of her body, preparing to resist Lin Chen's fist.

boom! !

With a violent crash, Qin Qiong flew backwards, fell heavily to the ground, opened his mouth and spurted out a large mouthful of blood.

Although Qin Qiong is a three-star great swordsman, compared with Lin Chen, there is a huge gap.

General Qin's strength is indeed good!But unfortunately, you are still not good enough, you are not worthy to be my opponent!Lin Chen said lightly.

Lin Chen!I won't lose to you!Qin Qiong roared.

Qin Qiong struggled to stand up, her face extremely pale.

Lin Chen's terrifying punch just now had completely destroyed all his defenses. Now Qin Qiong's internal meridians were completely severed and all his internal organs were severely injured.

You won't lose?Lin Chen smiled sarcastically and said lightly: It's ridiculous that you brought an army of [-] to kill a few of my people. I will not only make you lose, but I will also make you lose completely and be convinced! !I want you, the soldiers of Great Qin, to take a good look at whether you, Qin Qiong, are worthy of being their general! ` "!"

After saying that, Lin Chen took a step forward, his body swayed, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared again.

not good!

Feeling the strong wind coming from behind, Qin Qiong's expression changed drastically, and she secretly screamed that something was wrong.

At this moment, Lin Chen had already approached Qin Qiong's side, stretched out his hands, and clasped Qin Qiong's neck tightly.

Qin Qiong's face turned red and she raised her head with difficulty. What she saw was Lin Chen's cold smile.

General Qin, I wonder how much spiritual stones your life is worth?

Hearing Lin Chen's mocking voice, Qin Qiong's face became even more ugly.

General Qin, I will give you one last chance, as long as you surrender to me now with your [-] troops?I will let you go and won't let you lose so ugly, otherwise (you are good) I will send you to see the Lord of Hell.

Upon hearing this, Qin Qiong's eyes were full of hatred, but also filled with sadness.

He is a general of the Qin Army. If he loses to Lin Chen, his morale will be greatly reduced, and he will never be able to hold his head high in the future.

Lin Chen, my Qin family has been loyal for generations, how could I surrender to a younger generation like you!I tell you, even if I risk my life, I will die with you! !Qin Qiong said through gritted teeth.

Hearing this sentence, Lin Chen frowned.

It seems that you really regard yourself as a person! .

Chapter 177 You actually hide your strength!I know you are strong!Lin Qingyi!Take your life!

After finishing speaking, Lin Chen's right hand suddenly exerted force and pinched Qin Qiong's neck hard.

Qin Qiong's face suddenly turned from pig liver color to purple.

"Wait!!" Qing Yi came to Lin Chen at lightning speed and stopped him.

"Mr. Lin, please don't be impulsive. Qin Qiong is very important to us. We can't kill him yet."

"Please think twice!!" Qing Yi cupped his hands and said.

Think twice about what?Lin Chen turned around and asked.

Qin Qiong is the direct grandson of the head of the Qin family. If we really kill him, his father will definitely pursue 030 to the end!Offending him was equivalent to offending the entire Qin family. What was even more terrifying was that his grandfather was the leader of the Shenlong Sect.

“The Shenlong Sect is one of the strongest cults in the Western Regions, and it is said that its leader’s strength is unfathomable!

Although we are quite powerful, we still feel a little wary when faced with such existence.Qing Yi explained.

Shen Long Sect?

After hearing what Qing Yi said, a tall old man with a sinister appearance and a sinister aura emerged in Lin Chen's mind.

This person is the leader of the Shenlong Sect, the Demon Lord Shen Tian, ​​who is known as the devil.

The strength of Demon Lord Shen Tian is unfathomable, and even Lin Chen's strength is not enough to match him.

"If you kill him, the Qin army will be leaderless. Not to mention how the Shenlong Sect will retaliate against you in the future, his [-] troops are enough for us to deal with now."

"If it really comes to that point, I'm afraid Xuanyue Sect and Jiuzhou City Alliance Leader Jiang Wei can't save you..."

"Then what do you think we should do?" Lin Chen asked.

Qing Yi was silent for a while and said slowly: We can use the emperor to order the princes to tie up Qin Qiong.Qin Li is just a deputy general in the military camp. He does not have the prestige of Qin Qiong. If we capture him, we will control the entire Qin army!

You are right. If I really kill Qin Qiong, the consequences will be disastrous... At this time, Lin Chen has calmed down. He feels that Qing Yi is right.

However, Qin Qiong heard the conversation between the two.

Oh, your attempt to threaten the Qin army by holding me hostage is simply wishful thinking!Qin Qiong couldn't help laughing when she heard the conversation between the two.

Qin Qiong! !

When Qing Yi heard this, his face turned pale.

Qin Qiong's aura exploded, and a violent force of true energy burst out from his body, causing the air around him to distort.

After Qin Qiong forced Tsing Yi back with one move, she rushed towards Lin Chen, her body filled with cold true energy.

Lin Chen couldn't help but be shocked when he felt that Qin Qiong's strength had broken through the Dan Condensation realm.

You actually hid your strength?

Lin Chen!Let us decide the winner this time!Let’s see who laughs last!

With that said, Qin Qiong's figure appeared in front of Lin Chen.

Seeing this scene, Qing Yi felt anxious and rushed forward.

But Qin Qiong was much faster than Qing Yi. He punched directly, sending Qing Yi flying away and hitting the wall hard. A mouthful of blood couldn't help but spurt out.

Qingyi, are you okay?Lin Chen rushed over and helped Qing Yi up.

Seeing this scene, Qin Qiong had a proud smile on her face and said: Lin Chen! !I said, I will take your life today!

Lin Chen!I know you are strong!But the elite of our Qin army have already arrived outside the city. As long as I give the order, my soldiers will rush in immediately!Qin Qiong shouted.

Chapter 178 The golden giant sword!The Qin army will not give up resistance!The sword is too evil!Burn it down!

Hearing these words, Lin Chen's expression changed slightly. Unexpectedly, reinforcements from the Qin Army had already arrived.

I'm afraid that today's fierce battle is inevitable.

"Xuan Yue teaches disciples to obey orders!!" The matchmaker, dressed in red, stood on the city gate tower and shouted loudly.

out! !At the matchmaker's command, countless women in red descended from the sky and formed a rose array.

"Disciples from Jiuzhou City come out!!" Qing Yi also stood on the tower, dressed in white clothes and looking heroic.Qing Yi exudes cold murderous intent.

In an instant, countless young men in white robes poured out from all directions and formed the Bagua formation.

Looking at the [-] Qin troops below, a cold smile appeared on Lin Chen's lips.

Lin Chen's body also surged with majestic and vast true energy.

The fourth form of Xuanyue Sword Technique?

Following Lin Chen's low roar.

A golden giant sword appeared out of thin air above Lin Chen's head, suspended in the void, the tip of the sword pointed at the Qin army.

kill! ! , Lin Chen roared angrily, swung the spear in his hand, and the dragon-slaying sword instantly separated from the sword body, carrying unparalleled sword energy, and rushed towards the Qin army.

Lin Chen!I, the Qin army, swear to fight you to the death! !

Facing the attack of the Dragon-Slaying Sword, the soldiers of the Qin Army were not afraid and drew their swords one after another.

kill! ! , the soldiers of the Qin army roared.

In an instant, countless black weapons rushed towards the Dragon-Slaying Sword.

Ding ding ding~~~, the sound of weapons clashing sounded one after another, and the sword light and the light of the sword clashed fiercely in the air.

The light of the sword and the light of the sword entangled and tore each other apart.


The aftermath of the fierce fight between the two directly blew up the city wall.

Lin Chen!Our officers and soldiers of the Qin Army will never let you hurt a single hair of their hair! !Seeing this scene, Qin Qiong was so angry that she gritted her teeth.

Hum, then give it a try.Lin Chen said coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Chen waved the dragon-slaying sword in his hand and rushed towards the Qin army soldiers.

The dragon-slaying sword exudes blazing flames. Every time it is swung, it will cause the flames to rage, forming a fire dragon and rushing towards the Qin army.


The screams kept ringing.

For a moment, the soldiers of the Qin Army were burned by the scorching sword energy from the Dragon-Slaying Sword and screamed repeatedly.

Lin Chen! !Our Qin army will not give up any resistance! !Seeing his companions being burned, Qin Qiong was furious and roared loudly.

Lin Chen turned a deaf ear, holding the dragon-slaying sword in his hand and sprinting all the way.

Wherever the dragon-slaying sword passed, whether it was soldiers or their corpses, all were turned into ashes.

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