Lin Chen! !You've gone too far! , Qin Qiong was so angry that her whole body trembled, her eyes were red, and she glared at Lin Chen.

0 ... 0

This guy is so hateful. His strength is only at the fifth level of the Qi Refining Realm, but he has the cultivation of the seventh level of the Dan Condensation Realm.

Now, relying on the advantage of weapons, they went on a rampage and slaughtered the Qin army wantonly.

This made Qin Qiong feel even more angry.

Stop him!I can't believe there are so many soldiers and they can't deal with him!Qin Qiong roared.

Suddenly, groups of soldiers rushed out.

But at this moment, Qin Qiong found that all his weapons had been burned, and even summoning them again would not help.

This guy's sword is so evil!The precious armor of our Qin army was burned to the ground!

hateful! ! , Qin Qiong was so angry that he cursed.

But Lin Chen took the opportunity to rush into the Qin army.

Chapter 179 Dragon-Slaying Sword!I am going to kill you!Damn you kid!The power of personal soldiers!

kill! !

Seeing Lin Chen coming in, countless Qin soldiers swung their swords, their swords flashing and sweeping towards Lin Chen.

Lin Chen turned sideways and dodged hundreds of attacks.

Immediately, Lin Chen turned his head and waved the Dragon-Slaying Sword in his hand.

A golden sword light was seen piercing the sky, and wherever the dragon-slaying sword passed, all the Qin troops were turned into ashes.

Seeing such a scene, Qin Qiong's eyes widened.

Lin Chen! !you dare! !

"If you dare to kill me, you won't survive!" Qin Qiong roared.

Lin Chen smiled coldly, held the dragon-slaying sword, and continued to kill the Qin army.


There was a soft sound, and a 10 Qin soldier beside Qin Qiong was pierced by the dragon-slaying sword in the chest and fell down.

Lin Chen's target is Qin Qiong alone.

kill! ! , Lin Chen shouted angrily again, and raised the dragon-slaying sword in his hand again.

kill! ! , another Qin soldier fell to the ground.

This was repeated several times, and the dragon-slaying sword in Lin Chen's hand was stained with the blood of the Qin army.

you! !I am going to kill you! !Let me see how arrogant you can be! !Qin Qiong shouted like crazy.

The Rose Formation and the Bagua Formation were constantly changing, and for a while, the sky was stained with blood in red and white.In less than an hour, half of the Qin Dynasty's [-]-strong army had been lost.

"General, this is not the way to go, let's surrender!!" Qin Li grabbed Qin Qiong's hand and shouted loudly.

Seeing that his soldiers and horses were almost slaughtered, if this continues, their Qin army will undoubtedly be defeated.

Qin Qiong was also extremely unwilling.

However, Lin Chen was already furious.He had no time to care about his surroundings, and there were thousands of Qin soldiers around Lin Chen, making it impossible to get close to Lin Chen.

retreat! !

"Retreat quickly!" Qin Qiong finally made up his mind.

Although many soldiers and horses were lost, as long as they can survive, they will still have the opportunity to take revenge in the future.

Qin Li and several generals quickly escorted the Qin army back.

Of the [-] troops brought by Qin Qiong, only less than [-] were left.

But Lin Chen is still moving forward.

"Master, calm down!! Don't rush to kill them all, don't miss the important event!!"

"We have other more important plans, and we'll catch them all in one final blow!"

Qingyi pulled Lin Chen and gave him good words.

Lin Chen looked at Qing Yi, Hong Niang and others. Although he wanted to strike while the iron was hot and kill all the Qin army, at the same time as the Qin army was defeated, Xuanyue Sect and Jiuzhou City also lost many disciples.

He didn't want to do this, but the enemy was so powerful!

There are too many to count, how to resist them?

Although the current Qin army still has tens of thousands, it is nothing to worry about, so Lin Chen is not in a hurry to catch up.

Lin Chen glanced coldly in the direction of Qin Jun, then walked towards the Xuanyue Sect and Jiuzhou City disciples and settled in their residences.

030 Qin Jun quickly disappeared from Lin Chen's sight.

Fanyang is the home base of the Qin army.

And inside Fanyang City, the elite of the Qin Dynasty were located.

The Qin Dynasty was once the leader of the three major powers in Eastern China.Although he is in despair now, it is not something that Lin Chen can destroy just because he wants to.

The Qin Dynasty army has returned to Fanyang City at this moment.

Started to recuperate and prepare for the final resistance!


Chapter 180 Lin Chen takes advantage of the victory and pursues it!Qin Qiong retreats to Xiangyang City!The army fights!

After this battle, the morale of the Qin army collapsed.

Fanyang City was still brightly lit and bustling with people.

Young Master, this Lin Chen is really too arrogant!How dare he challenge our majesty!A burly general said angrily.

That's right!Young Master, he is simply too deceptive!A middle-aged man wearing a black robe also said angrily.

His name is Chen Yunfei, he is a retainer of the Qin family and an adviser in the Qin army.

Shut up, general!The middle-aged man sitting on the main seat had piercing eyes and exuded an intimidating pressure.

Everyone was as silent as a cicada.Qin Qiong had a sinister look on his face.

Clenching his fists: Lin Chen, I will make you pay a heavy price for this!

Chen Yunfei and Qin Qiong looked at each other and could see murderous intent in each other's eyes.


Report!Young Master, Lin Chen leads people to the hills north of the city, preparing to attack our army!A Qin soldier came in a hurry to report.

Hearing this, Qin Qiong was secretly happy. He knew that Lin Chen would definitely lose!

A strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

snort!Qin Qiong snorted coldly: Chen Yunfei, Qin Ying, pass on the order!Order all the Qin troops in Fanyang City to gather on the hills south of the city and be sure to defend Fanyang!

promise!Subordinates obey orders!

The two of them responded in unison, then turned and left.

The Qin army quickly gathered.

On the hillside in the north of the city, Lin Chen stood on the top of the mountain, overlooking everything in the south of the city.

At this moment, his face looked terrifyingly gloomy.

His palms were clenched tightly into fists, and his eyes were blood red.

This time, he was really angry!

"Lin Chen, you still dare to come. Since you dare to come, I will never come back!" "!"

"Send a message to my father quickly and ask him to bring people to support!!" Qin Qiong ordered his cronies.


The Qin army cavalry mounted their horses with the message and disappeared into the thick night.


Outside Fanyang City, on a mountain peak, Lin Chen stood with his hands behind his hands, his eyes as cold as a knife.

At this moment, the Qin Dynasty army was ready to go, fully armed, and staring at Lin Chen with murderous intent.

Lin Chen, today I will use your head to pay tribute to the spirit of my dead brother in heaven!


Qin Qiong looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

His laughter was full of madness, as if he had already won, but it was also mixed with desolation.

In the last battle, less than 10 of his [-] troops were killed in direct combat.He knew that Lin Chen was difficult to deal with, so he specially sent his father and people to support him.

Lin Chen, you are really too arrogant!You will die tonight!

Qin Qiong shouted and took the lead to charge towards the top of the mountain.

kill! !

The army followed with great momentum.

A height of more than 1000 meters was nothing to the elites of the Qin Dynasty.Soon, the Qin army reached the top of the mountain.

Lin Chen sneered again and again and went up to him without showing any signs of weakness.

For a moment, the Qin army and Lin Chen's army were fighting together.

Lin Chen led [-] armored troops against [-] Qin troops.

This scene is absolutely spectacular!

Although the Qin army had a numerical advantage, they were caught off guard.

After one round of fighting, most of the three to four thousand Qin troops were lost.

Young Master, Lin Chen is extremely powerful and our army may not be able to defeat him!Chen Yunfei said anxiously.

Qin Qiong's face darkened, he pondered for a moment, and said: Chen Yunfei, you stay in Fan Yang!Everyone else, follow me!


Chen Yunfei cupped his fists and responded, then stepped aside and watched what happened.

kill! ~

The Qin army roared angrily, brandishing their spears and steel knives, and charged forward.

The two armies once again fought fiercely.


The fight lasted about half an hour.

In this half-hour battle, the Qin army lost 4000 people.

The Qin army became smaller and smaller, and finally only about 2 people remained.

Lin Chen led the remaining armored troops to pursue and kill them all the way.

Little Lord!no!We can't hold on any longer!We must retreat!

Young Master, more than half of our people have been killed or injured, and if we continue to fight, our lives will be in vain!

Chen Yunfei shouted anxiously.

When the remaining three or four thousand Qin soldiers of the Qin Dynasty saw this, they all panicked.

Kill talent!

Lin Chen shouted loudly, raised his knife and cut down three Qin soldiers.


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