Nine Nether Mysterious Thunder Technique!

Break it for me! !

Following Lin Chen's sharp shout, the spiritual energy in his body poured into the sword crazily.

Immediately! !

Lin Chen's palms turned red.

He held the Jiuxiao Sword tightly with both hands, and purple thunder and lightning wrapped around the Jiuxiao Sword, forming the seal of the Jiuyou Xuan Lei Jue.

The fifth level of the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Technique, the Nine Heavens Shock!

Streams of purple thunder burst out from the tip of Lin Chen's sword, converging into nine huge purple thunderbolts and striking towards Qin Tianming.

Nine Heavens Thunder and Fire Technique!

Nine thick purple thunderbolts formed nine purple fireballs in mid-air. Each fireball exuded scorching heat, like a ball of flames, burning everything around it.

Purple thunder, carrying destructive power, struck towards Qin Tianming.

Qin Tianming's expression changed, and he hurriedly waved the green sword in his hand and struck at the nine thunder and fire balls.

Clang! !

The sword light touched the thunder fire ball and was shattered.

What?Can even the sword light be defeated? ?Qin Tianming was shocked.

The corners of Lin Chen's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a hint of joking.

Chapter 188: The Qin Dynasty is destroyed, my target is the whole world! !Zhao Defu!

Over and over again, Qin Zhengming has fallen behind.

When Qin Zhengming was stunned, Lin Chen came to him with lightning speed and attacked him with his long sword.

At the critical moment, Li Jing blocked the sword for Qin Zhengming.

At this time, Qin Zhengming also recovered from his confusion.He immediately waved the spear in his hand and stabbed Lin Chen.


Lin Chen turned his wrist, and the sword collided with Qin Zhengming's spear.Then another crisp sound was heard.

Lin Chen used his strength to fly a dozen steps before he could stop.

At this time, Qin Zhengming's face became a little pale, and his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat.

He had just exchanged blows with Lin Chen, and he felt as if his internal organs had been shocked.

The old ministers in the court fled in all directions, but no one dared to fight. Qin Zhengming could only resist on his own.

After Lin Chen stabilized his body, he immediately rushed towards Qin Zhengming.

At this time, Li Jing suddenly stopped in front of Lin Chen.

Lin Chen, don’t bully others too much!Li Jing shouted angrily.

Lin Chen sneered a few times and said: What, you want to protect him?Do you know who he is? Do you know what our purpose is?

The target, of course, is him.He is the most noble man in the world.Only by killing him will your plan be implemented smoothly.Li Jing said.When Lin Chen was distracted, Zhao Defu stabbed him with a long sword.

"Be careful!" Qing Yi shouted, and a silver needle flew towards Zhao Defu.


The silver needle pierced Zhao Defu's throat, and Zhao Defu fell to the ground before he could speak.Qing Yi saw this and wiped the blood off his face with his sleeves.

Here, Lin Chen had already chopped off Qin Zhengming's head with a sword. Qin Zhengming's eyes widened and he refused to close his eyes.

The civil servants of the Manchu Dynasty hesitated and fled in all directions, and the court was in chaos for a while.

I don't know who knelt down to Lin Chen. "Long live my emperor..."

"Yang Ren!! You traitorous dog!!" Li Jing's veins popped out angrily.

All civil and military officials knelt down to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked at Li Jiajun and snorted coldly: I won't take down your commander yet!

After hearing Lin Chen's order, the Li family army immediately surrounded Li Jing.


Seeing that the Li Jiajun under his command actually surrounded him, Li Jing laughed wildly.

Li Jing, I respect you as a man, so I don’t want to embarrass you.It's a pity... Lin Chen sighed, in this case, you can only do the same as him and die!

Don't even think about it!Even if I become a ghost, I will never let you go!Li Jing shouted sharply.

Haha... then give it a try.Lin Chen sneered.

After saying that, Lin Chen threw his hand away.


A stone flew through the air and pierced Li Jing's eyebrows.


Li Jing screamed, his eyes widened, and he fell straight to the ground. 0

Overnight, the Qin Dynasty was captured by Lin Chen, and the world changed hands.

Over at the Seven Kills Hall, Qin Yi, the leader of the Black Poison Cult, was sitting on his chair, taking a nap. Hearing the reporter below talking about Lin Chen's capture of Da Qin, the corner of his mouth curled up with a sinister arc.

Lin Chen, the relationship between us is finally forged.

Qin Yi said to himself.

Qin Yi is not only the leader of Wudu Sect, but also has another identity, that is, the fifth prince of Qin.

When Qin Yi was a child, Qin Zhengming sent him to the Seven Kills Hall to learn how to use poison.

The method of using poison in the Seven Kills Hall is not to simply put the poison into the food, but to let its chronic toxins corrode the food, causing the person to die after eating the highly toxic food.

This kind of toxicity is relatively slow, and it is colorless and odorless. Most people rarely notice it, but if it is eaten for a long time, it will gradually lose its vitality.

Qin Yi has learned to use poison since he was a child. Although his martial arts 0.7 is much worse than Qin Zhengming's, he is still a very smart person.

He originally planned to wait until he ascended the throne before taking action, but unexpectedly his father was killed by Lin Chen first.

Lin Chen!Lin Chen!Qin Yi roared.

Lin Chen, you killed my father and took over the country. Just wait. One day I will come to you to ask for justice.


After Lin Chen took care of Qin Zhengming, he immediately sent Black Eagle to leave the capital with more than two hundred secret guards and gallop towards the outside of the Great Qin Empire.

Lin Chen's goal is the whole world.

Chapter 189 There seems to be some remnants?Not sure, take another look!

As long as the world is at peace, the Qin Dynasty will naturally become history.

Lin Chen, just wait, one day I will kill you!Qin Yi said through gritted teeth.

That night, Qin Zhengming's death completely aroused the anger of the imperial soldiers.A group of soldiers gathered in the imperial study and escorted Qin Tai, Qin Hong, Qin Zhengyang and others to prison.

In the next few days, various rumors about Qin's destruction spread throughout the world.

The Qin Kingdom was destroyed not because the King of Qin rebelled and usurped the throne, but because he was destroyed by Lin Chen.

For a time, Lin Chen's reputation became even worse in the world.


"Mr. Lin, do you know that there is still a remnant in the Qin Dynasty that has not been exterminated?" Qing Yi reminded Lin Chen.

At this time, it had been more than March 10 since the fall of Qin.

"Oh? What remnant?"

"The Japanese slave country far away in Japan."

"Thirty years ago, they surrendered to Great Qin. Now that Great Qin has been destroyed, I'm afraid they are ready to make a move."

Lin Chen has already taken care of Da Qin's affairs and is ready to go.

His destination is Japan, which he plans to raze to the ground.

In Japan, Lin Chen found a large number of ships moored, seemingly waiting for some important person.

Mr. Lin, there seems to be a big movement over there in Japan!Qing Yi came over and said.

oh?Is there any big news in Japan?Lin Chen asked.

Qing Yi nodded and told Lin Chen about Japan.It turns out that the new king of Japan is a woman named Ito Sakurako.Her strength is extremely powerful, and it is said that she has reached the early stage of the supernatural realm.

What is the origin of Sakurako Ito? She can even invite a strong person in the early stage of the magical power realm!Lin Chen asked with a frown.

I don’t know about this, but I heard that Sakurako Ito was an orphan and grew up in an island country.Later, her mother was kidnapped by a mysterious organization in the island country. Then Sakurako Ito became a disciple of the leader of the mysterious organization and became his apprentice. From then on, she became the right-hand man of the mysterious organization.Qing Yi explained.

So what is the origin of the mysterious organization?Lin Chen asked again.

A mysterious organization?Qing Yi frowned and thought, the information of the mysterious organization was only in the hands of the top leaders of the island country, and there was no way for others to obtain it.However, the power of this organization is so huge that it is terrifying. It is said to be a mysterious organization built by the Wonu Kingdom, and it has the support of a mysterious force behind it!

The Japanese slave country?Lin Chen frowned.

Well, the Wonu country was the country of Fuso.Qing Yi replied.

The Wonu Kingdom was once a vassal state of China. When Huaxia ruled, it was once a vassal of Great Qin.The Qin Dynasty destroyed the country, and the Japanese Nu Kingdom followed suit.

What is the origin of the mysterious organization in the Wonu Kingdom?Lin Chen asked again.

I don’t know the specifics. I only know that there is a force behind the Wonu Kingdom.The leader of that force is a man named Black Dragon.Qing Yi recalled.

Lin Chen was silent for a long time and suddenly asked: How powerful is that black dragon?

I don't know how powerful the Black Dragon is.However, it is said that the black dragon's sphere of influence covers the entire Japanese slave country, and some of the large and small forces in the Japanese slave kingdom are commanded by 140 black dragons!Qing Yi said.

Lin Chen nodded slightly, thinking to himself.

The black dragon seems to have to be eradicated.Otherwise, the Japanese Nu Kingdom will become the second Great Qin sooner or later.

Okay, you continue to monitor the news over there, and if you find any clues, report it immediately!Lin Chen warned.

yes!Qing Yi responded.

Lin Chen looked at the map in his hand and said: Black Dragon's sphere of influence is so wide, it may not just be the Wonu Kingdom.Our target is the entire sea.We must settle the affairs of the Wonu Kingdom before we can concentrate on dealing with the black dragon.

Qing Yi said respectfully.

Well, step back!Lin Chen said lightly.

After Qing Yi retreated, Lin Chen began to study the map.

Chapter 190 Japanese pirates come ashore, Lin Chen looks for the nine-leaf lotus

On the coast of Japan, twilight was thickening, and several men in black boarded the boat.

The temperament of these men in black is very different from ordinary people. Their clothes are uniform, with a golden python embroidered on their chests, and the python's eyes exude a ferocious light.

You trash!He was actually escaped by a merchant ship, and he didn't rush to hunt him down!

The leading man scolded angrily with a gloomy look on his face.

This group of men in black was the most elite group among the pirates. Among them were five or six powerful men with magical power, but they were actually escaped by a mere merchant ship.

Brother, this merchant ship is so cunning. Our people chased it all night but were unable to catch up with it!A man in black lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

Humph, then you are just a loser!The man shouted angrily.

Several other men in black lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

Since you are trash, get out of the pirate gang!Don't lose face as pirates!The man cursed angrily.

When these men in black heard this, they hurriedly knelt down on the ground.

Please forgive me, brother!We don't dare anymore!These people trembled and begged for mercy.

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