Although pirates are fierce and domineering, what they fear most is the pirate gang leader, because the pirate gang leader is more terrifying than the black dragon.

roll!The man cursed angrily.

These people rolled and climbed out of the boat.

After a while, a middle-aged man with a goatee next to the man asked: Brother, are we really going to give up the business here this time?

how?Are you reluctant to part with the money here and want to stay and continue making money? "The man asked coldly.

The middle-aged man shook his head in fright.

The man nodded with satisfaction and said: "Very good, then go and contact the fleet now. Remember, if we can't grab this batch of goods, then we will have no choice but to return to our home base."

"Understood." Goatee nodded, turned around and left quickly.


Here, Li Hanyi returned to Xuanyue Sect with the matchmaker.As soon as he came back, he heard about Lin Chen's victory over Da Qin.

Li Hanyi was shocked and couldn't help but sigh that Lin Chen's strength had indeed surpassed hers, and might even far surpass that of her master.

That night, Lin Chen sat cross-legged in the room, forming a seal with his hands, closing his eyes, his head suspended in the air, slowly spinning, the surrounding spiritual energy poured into his body, and the pores on his body opened, swallowing the surrounding spiritual energy.

This state of cultivation lasted until late at night. Lin Chen opened his eyes, and two sharp gleams shot out from his eyes.

At this time, the spiritual energy in his body was surging, and the spiritual energy in his dantian had been condensed to the extreme.

Lin Chen tried to guide his spiritual energy to hit the barrier, making continuous rumbling noises. Finally, he swayed, a thunderous explosion sounded, and a more powerful aura burst out from him.

At this moment, Lin Chen finally reached the peak of the first level of Huajin, and was only one step away from the second level of Huajin.

After transforming into the first level of strength, the power and understanding of martial arts will make a qualitative leap.

Lin Chen estimated that with the help of "Bagua Reincarnation Fist", even if he faced a strong man from the ancient martial arts world with the second level of Huajin, he might not be defeated.

".`It's time to look for the 'Nine-leaf Lotus'!"

In fact, Lin Chen's biggest purpose in going to Japan this time was to find the nine-leaf lotus.

He needs to reach the third level of perfection in his "Saint Demon's Freedom Technique". Only the nine-leaf lotus combined with the nine-leaf clover can solve this problem perfectly.

The nine-leaf lotus is a special medicinal material from Japan and is very valuable. Lin Chen could not get a single one despite all his efforts.

Chapter 191 I haven’t settled the score with you yet, but you came to my door yourself? !

"Does the nine-leaf lotus exist?"

Lin Chen walked out of the house, looked at the dark night sky, and murmured to himself. Suddenly his eyes suddenly lit up and he looked in a certain direction with expectation in his eyes.

This feeling is like a falcon eyeing its prey.


Lin Chen stepped on the ground with his toes, his body bounced and flew towards the direction of the induction.

As soon as he moved, dozens of people a few hundred meters away from him looked at him at the same time, including even the middle-aged man with a goatee who was at the fourth level of energy transformation.


In an instant, all these dozens of people rose into the air, and in the blink of an eye, they had surrounded Lin Chen.

Lin Chen looked around and saw many men and women with strange faces but absolutely powerful strength. He knew that these guys were all masters of pirates in the island country, and each of them was in the early or middle stage of Tongtian Realm.

This battle is simply luxurious!

157 He frowned and said, "Who are you? Why do you want to block my way?"

"Hehe! Boy, I advise you to be wise and hand over those precious medicinal materials. Maybe we can consider sparing your life." Goatee said in a negative way.

"Are you Japanese pirates?"

Lin Chen instantly realized that these people were Japanese pirates. Because of the special cultural and historical background of the island country, Japanese pirates looked similar to Chinese people, except that their skin was darker and their eyes were more ferocious.

"That's right! It seems you have some knowledge!"

Goatee laughed and said with greedy eyes: "We have long noticed that you Chinese people are selling medicinal materials, and we have been following you during this period. Today we finally have the opportunity! Boy, please hand over that batch of medicinal materials. Avoid suffering!”

"I don't care which pirate group you are from, since you are encountered by me, you will only die!" Lin Chen snorted coldly.

These Japanese pirates were all extremely vicious people and had killed countless Chinese people. Lin Chen's heart was filled with the flames of hatred.

His figure disappeared.

The next second, there was a pop and blood spurted out.

A large hole suddenly opened in the goatee man's throat, blood spurted out, and his body fell to the ground.

The other Japanese pirates were stunned.

This Chinese man actually tore his goatee in half. This was so terrifying. No wonder this man dared to come here alone and was not afraid of them at all!

At this moment, everyone panicked, drew out various weapons, and stared at Lin Chen eagerly.

"Asshole! I'll kill you first!"

Someone became angry and slashed at Lin Chen with a knife. However, his body was twisted strangely, as if he was hit by a ghost and hit another person.

boom! boom! boom!

Immediately afterwards, three more people bumped into each other. The scene was extremely horrifying. Moreover, the faces of these people who bumped into each other became ferocious, their eyeballs were bulging, and their orifices were bleeding!

"What's going on! This is an illusion! He is a spiritual master!"

A man in green robes exclaimed, his face turned livid, he was obviously also a spiritual master.

Just as his voice fell, a sharp sound of wind suddenly blew past his ears. His face changed with shock, and he was about to run away, but found that his whole body was frozen in place, unable to move even half a step.

His eyes widened and he looked at the wound on his chest in horror. Blood surged out like water, staining his clothes red.


He fell to the ground, twitched, and lost any vitality.

"Do not!!"

The remaining Japanese pirates screamed in surprise.

However, Lin Chen still stood there without moving.

The next second, he raised his right hand and waved his palm to everyone in the air!


Along with a roar, the violent palm wind swept towards a group of people. The Japanese pirates felt as if Mount Tai was pressing down on them, and their bodies stagnated, and then bang bang bang bang bang bang——

Continuous loud noises were heard, and they all fell to the ground, without any exception, all of them were dead.

Lin Chen walked to the body of the man with the goatee, took off the cloth bag from his waist, and took out a jade plaque the size of a palm and a metal ball the size of a dragon's eye.

The metal ball was cold to the touch and seemed to contain liquid.

Lin Chen threw the metal ball into his mouth and bit it, then his expression changed drastically and he spit out the metal ball.

I saw four words written on the surface of the metal ball: Shennong Ding.

The Shennong Cauldron is an extremely rare weapon refining material.

Chapter 192 Oh, Black Dragon Gang?Please lead the way

And the three characters "Black Dragon Gang" were clearly written on the jade plaque.

"Haha, Black Dragon Gang? Could it be that I destroyed your Great Qin and you, the remnants of Japan, want to come to me for revenge? I was about to go find you! You came to me yourself." Lin Chen sneered.

He pocketed the Shennong Ding and stepped on Goatee's face.

"Tell me, where is your boss? The nine-leaf lotus must be in his hands as well. Take me to find him." Lin Chen said indifferently.

Goatee looked at Lin Chen with horror and resentment in his eyes. At this time, he was seriously injured and had no power to fight back. He could only express his unwillingness and hatred with his eyes.


Goatee spit out fiercely: "Even if it means death, I won't tell you! Haha! When my gang leader comes back, he will come to kill you and take back the glory that belongs to us Japanese warriors!"

"haha, really?"

Lin Chen smiled jokingly, raised his right foot and kicked Goatee's abdomen. With a bang, Goatee screamed and fainted~.

He did not kill Goatee directly, because the opponent's fate was already in his control, and he also knew his whereabouts, so there was still some value in keeping it.

"Japanese people? Hum, I want to go meet them for a while and see how powerful you are!"

Lin Chen smiled coldly, left the cave, and walked down the mountain road.

He was in a great mood. He had just obtained a magical weapon, and now that he had encountered such a thing again, he felt so happy.

Halfway up the mountain, a woman wearing a black cloak and a bamboo hat suddenly blocked his way.

Lin Chen frowned slightly and asked, "Do you have any advice?"

This woman has a graceful figure and beautiful appearance, but she gives off a feminine feeling.

She looked at Lin Chen and said, "My young master invites you."

"Who is your young master?" Lin Chen asked warily.

Since this woman calls the so-called young master 'my young master', it means that he must be very strong. Could he be the disciple of the leader of the Black Dragon Gang?

But if this is really the case, why would the other party let his subordinates intercept him?

Seeing the glint in Lin Chen's eyes, the woman in black shook her head, "My young master does not want to reveal his name."

Lin Chen frowned and nodded, "Then please lead the way."

Although he was a little cautious, he was not afraid.

He is confident that with his own speed and the "Bagua Reincarnation Palm", he can completely escape from the opponent's hands. Even if he cannot defeat him, the opponent will not be able to catch up with him in the short term.

Moreover, he believed that the other party dared to let his men intercept him, maybe just to lure him into taking the bait.

Lin Chen's guess was correct. The woman in black took him to the door of a courtyard, turned around and left.

"Master, someone is here."

The woman shouted into the room, and then the door opened, and a man wearing a white robe, who was more beautiful than the woman, came out.

The man is about 25 or [-] years old, with long hair reaching his waist, skin as good as snow, long and narrow eyes, and a vague curl at the corner of his mouth.

The look he looked at Lin Chen was filled with coldness and contempt.

"Are you Lin Chen?" the man asked indifferently.

There was a condescension in his tone, as if he was giving alms.

Lin Chen nodded and said, "Yes, I am Lin Chen. What can I do for you?"

When the man heard this, a bright smile appeared on his face, and the guards beside him couldn't help but grin, their smiles cruel and ferocious.

"I heard that you wanted to steal my things and killed many people in my Black Dragon Gang. You are very courageous." The man said.


"You are right. I do want to rob things and kill people. Are you the Black Dragon?" Lin Chen nodded.

A playful smile appeared on the face of the man in black robe. He seemed to like Lin Chen's reaction and walked slowly to the edge of the courtyard wall.

He looked down at Lin Chen from a high position and said: "The Black Dragon Gang occupies the entire sea area within Japan's sphere of influence. In this sea area, fishing boats, goods, shops... etc. from all countries have more than [-] million people every year. , relying on buying salt and other things from our Black Dragon Gang."

Lin Chen's face was calm, but his heart was shocked.

No wonder the Japanese dare to be so arrogant. It turns out that they are the most powerful country in the world and control a lot of wealth in the world.

Moreover, even international currency, gold and other currencies need to be purchased through them.

"And our Black Dragon Gang is the overlord of the entire sea area. We own hundreds of routes and earn a lot of wealth every year." [-].

Chapter 193 You can’t even defeat my men, you want to take the nine-leaf lotus? !

"As expected, you are here to look for the nine-leaf lotus flower from me, right?!" When Black Qi said this, his face suddenly turned cold and he shouted:

"You are a loser who can't even defeat my subordinates. Why do you come to ask me for a nine-leaf lotus? And I advise you to be wise and get out of here immediately, otherwise -"


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