Before Black Qi finished speaking, Lin Chen suddenly moved and turned into a phantom. In an instant, he rushed in front of Black Qi and slapped him in the face.

Black chess flew out, hit the wall, and fell to the ground. His head was buzzing, he was confused, and his mouth was bleeding.


Black Qi clutched his painful chest and glared angrily at Lin Chen, his eyes filled with horror.

Lin Chen said coldly: "I advise you not to annoy me anymore and hand over the nine-leaf lotus obediently. Otherwise, I will kill you today!"

"Bastard! Who do you think you are? Do you want to die if you dare to be rampant in front of my black dragon?" Black Qi was furious and roared like thunder, making the surrounding trees tremble in fear.

Lin Chen snorted coldly, was too lazy to pay attention to him, turned around and continued walking to the top of the mountain.

This time, Black Dragon did not stop him and allowed Lin Chen to walk away.

After a while, two figures suddenly appeared in front of the black dragon.

One of the young men looked about 45 or [-] years old. He was handsome and elegant, with droopy eyes, giving him a feminine feel.

Another middle-aged man has a hooked nose and freckles on his face, giving him a sinister look.

He looked at the black dragon and asked with concern: "Master, are you okay?"

Black Dragon waved his hand, his face a little pale, and stared coldly at Lin Chen's back as he disappeared around the corner.

He gritted his teeth and cursed: "Damn! This Chinese pig dares to hit me. He is looking for death!"

"Master, is he really just in the early stage of innateness?" the middle-aged man asked doubtfully.

Black Dragon nodded.

"How can he get the confidence to snatch things from such a weak state?" the middle-aged man frowned.

He is the master of Black Dragon, and he is also an extraordinary third-level being.

At this moment, he was also a little puzzled. He didn't understand why a guy with an early stage of innate talent came to grab things and wanted to destroy the Black Dragon Gang and take over Japan.

Here, Lin Chen walked up the mountain but met Li Hanyi who was tired of travel.

Seeing Li Hanyi, Lin Chen was surprised and said hurriedly: "Why did you come up here?"

Before, he told Li Hanyi to stay in Daqin and not follow him, but Li Hanyi sneaked up and he was quite worried at the time.

After all, this is a mountain, and danger may happen at any time.

"Don't worry about me, hurry up and get the things back. That's what you promised to help my grandpa!" Li Hanyi said anxiously. 0

Lin Chen was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face and said: "Don't worry, Nine-leaf Lotus, I want to get it back, but you also know that there are too many enemies on this mountain, and you will only get into trouble if you follow me. So just hide in the dark and watch the show."

A shy smile appeared on Li Hanyi's face, and he said: "Then...then I will wait in the dark for your triumphant return."

After saying that, she ran towards the mountain like a nimble raccoon cat.

Lin Chen smiled helplessly. His original intention was to let Li Hanyi stay in the dark and watch, but in the end, Li Hanyi had to follow him up the mountain.

Although there is a huge gap between Li Hanyi and him in terms of strength, he still has a fighting ability beside him, which is better than nothing 0.7.

However, what Li Hanyi said just now made Lin Chen feel very warm.

Although Li Hanyi is a withdrawn and indifferent girl, she is actually very understanding of human nature. She probably knew that her own safety would be a threat to her, so she followed her.

After half an hour.

Lin Chen and Li Hanyi arrived at the Black Dragon Gang headquarters on the top of the mountain.

At this time, the building on the coast was brightly lit, and it was obvious that everyone from the Black Dragon Gang was holding an emergency meeting.

Chapter 194: Going up the mountain and breaking into the Black Dragon tribe headquarters at night, the Black Dragon is angry! !

Lin Chen and Li Hanyi stood outside the door and vaguely heard the noise coming from the house.

"The young master has brought the strong men of the 'Golden Sword Guard' to the rescue! This time, I want to see how this damn Chinese man will survive!"

"Hmph! This kid actually dares to kill our Black Dragon Gang members. He simply doesn't know how to live or die!"

"That's right! This kind of garbage must not be spared lightly. He must be cut into pieces!"


There were more than a dozen people in the room, and they were all so aggressive that they wanted to make Lin Chen cramp and skin him.

"Are you sure that the one who came this time is the 'Golden Sword Guard'? As far as I know, the 'Golden Sword Guard' is the most powerful elite of the 'Black Witch Cult'. Normally, unless there is something particularly important, otherwise , they will never leave the 'Black Witch Cult', let alone appear here!"

Heilong sat on a chair with a solemn expression and asked a bearded middle-aged man next to him.

He is Heilong, the leader of the Black Dragon Gang. In fact, he is not the founder of the Black Dragon Gang.

The Black Dragon Gang was originally just a Jianghu gang, an organization belonging to the underground world. Later, it was spotted by a martial arts sect and incorporated into the sect's affiliated organization.

The Black Dragon Gang originally had only 30 people. However, as the sect gradually grew, the number of Black Dragon Gang members also increased, from the previous [-] people to nearly a hundred people.

In fact, even Heilong, the leader of the Black Dragon Gang, doesn't know how many members of the 'Golden Sword Guard' are hidden in the gang!

"Young Master, it is absolutely true. The 'Golden Sword Guards' coming this time are the 'Golden Sword King' Gu Hengyang and his brother 'Golden Sword Protector' Gu Yuxuan. Moreover, Gu Hengyang also brought the 'Silver Sword' Protector Gu Yuanfeng, this time the Golden Sword Guards are out in force!" The middle-aged man with a beard replied respectfully.

"Good! Great!"

Black Dragon's face showed joy when he heard this, and he said with a ferocious smile: "Since Gu Hengyang has arrived in person this time, I can take the opportunity to annex his Black Witch Cult!"

The middle-aged man with a beard said: "I guess that Gu Hengyang also leaked this matter deliberately to lure that idiot Lin Chen up the mountain! However, the 'Golden Sword Guard' is out in force this time, and we must be prepared to fight against it."

Black Dragon snorted coldly: "What are you afraid of? I've long been unhappy with this old man Gu Hengyang. If he dares to provoke me this time, then don't blame me for being rude!"

After talking about it, his eyes were cold.

"Young Master, that boy is here!"

Suddenly, someone pointed into the distance and shouted.


Black Dragon and others quickly turned their heads to look.

Under the night sky, a man and a woman were approaching quickly, and in the blink of an eye they had rushed into the headquarters of the Black Dragon Gang.

This man and woman are Lin Chen and Li Hanyi.

"Haha! Boy, have you finally come to die? I want to see how arrogant you can get this time!"

When a group of people saw Lin Chen and Li Hanyi appearing, they all laughed ferociously, as if the two of them were already trapped in a jar and could not escape.

The black dragon's eyes fell on Lin Chen's face, and his face was suddenly filled with anger, and he shouted: "Did you kill my white goat?"

His voice was cold, filled with suppressed anger, and his body was trembling slightly.

"That's right." Lin Chen admitted with a shrug.


Black Dragon slammed the table and stood up suddenly.

He took one step forward and appeared in front of Lin Chen in an instant, his right foot sweeping out like lightning.


A chair behind Lin Chen shattered into pieces, and he flew backwards.


Lin Chen hit the wall, bounced back, hit the ground, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

203 He got up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Heilong, and sneered: "Heilong, with this little ability, you dare to dominate Japan, you really don't know how to live or die!"


The black dragon was furious. He didn't expect that this kid would dare to taunt him after he was beaten out. This was really too arrogant. He wanted to torture this guy severely.

He rushed towards Lin Chen again, his fist glowed with light blue light, and with terrifying power, he hit Lin Chen's head.

If this punch fell on an ordinary person, his head would definitely explode.


Suddenly, a yell sounded.

I saw a tall, graceful and charming woman in a purple dress walking into the room.

The black dragon was startled and stopped.

Lin Chen saw the person coming clearly and his expression changed slightly.

This charming and enchanting woman seems to be Sakurako Ito.

Chapter 195 Sakurako Ito appears, is the Golden Sword Guard nothing more than that? !

At the beginning, in order for Lin Chen to remove the poison for her, Ito Sakurako used herself as a condition to ask him not to seek revenge from the black dragon.

Lin Chen had already promised her, but he didn't expect to meet her again today.

"Black Dragon, how are you?"

Sakurako Ito walked to Heilong and squatted down, reaching out and pressing her hand on Heilong's chest. After a moment, her brows knitted into knots.

Black Dragon's face turned pale and he shook his head and said, "I'm fine. I'm just seriously injured. I need immediate treatment. Otherwise, I may not be able to survive another day."

As he spoke, his tone was weak, and he was obviously seriously injured, but his eyes were staring at Lin Chen, flashing with crazy hatred.

As one of the deputy leaders of the Black Witch Cult, Black Dragon has a transcendent status and is much stronger than ordinary ancient warriors. In his opinion, even if he is injured, it is still easy to deal with this kid!

But now, he was defeated so completely, which he couldn't accept.

No matter what the price, he must kill the other party in order to satisfy his hatred!

Sakurako Ito frowned and said, "I'm afraid it's too late now."

Black Dragon asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

"Our 'Golden Blade Guards' have all arrived at Black Dragon Island, and there are also two peak innate beings who have arrived. Although these people are all protector-level figures of each branch, it is enough. If we now If you act rashly, you will easily suffer losses." Sakurako Ito said.

Hearing what she said, Heilong's face darkened. He was really a little anxious just now.

If we launch an attack now, the battle can indeed be resolved quickly, but at the same time, the headquarters of the Black Witch Cult will also suffer a devastating blow!

"Young Master, you don't have to worry. Although these two people are a bit troublesome, with the strength of the 'Golden Sword Guard', it is not difficult to deal with them!" said the bearded man.

Black Dragon nodded.

At this time, he looked at Lin Chen and said jokingly:

"Little bastard, I didn't expect you to dare to come here! Hehe..."

A ferocious smile appeared on his face, and he said: "I tell you, we have set up a dragnet a long time ago, and we are just waiting for you to come! You are throwing yourself into a trap, and you are here to die!"

"Oh?" Lin Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, "I thought you had evacuated Black Dragon Island, but you turned out to be hiding? Do you really regard this place as your home base?"

Black Dragon's face was shocked. He didn't understand how Lin Chen knew that there were other people from the Black Witch Cult hiding here, but he immediately sneered:

"Boy, you are too arrogant. I advise you to kneel down and kowtow to beg for mercy. Maybe I will consider keeping your body intact!"

Lin Chen shook his head and sighed: "It seems that I really overestimated the courage of your Black Witch Cult, Long."

The black dragon's face changed.

Lin Chen looked at Heilong and said: "...Heilong, your so-called 'Golden Sword Guards' are here to arrest me, right? But you think too highly of yourself."

He changed the subject and said sarcastically:

"Also, among the hundreds of you, you don't even have a transformation master. This is too embarrassing!"

"Asshole! You-" Heilong was so angry that he was furious.

Black Dragon indeed underestimated Lin Chen, thinking that he was a young man, no matter how powerful he was, he would never be that powerful, so he only brought (well) fifteen men in the early stage of transformation, preparing to capture Lin Chen back and torture him. Let Lin Chen know the consequences of offending the Black Witch Cult!

But who would have thought that not only was Lin Chen never captured, but he also discovered the "Golden Sword Guard" ambushing here!

This is simply a disgrace!

"Haha! Boy, what are you talking about? There is no master of transformation? So what? Let me ask you, do you have a way to deal with the fifteen of us who are in the early stage of transformation?" Black Dragon laughed wildly, his voice full of ridicule. and contempt.

Chapter 196 A clown? !Come and die yourself! !Lose your life!

In his opinion, Lin Chen was nothing to worry about.

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