Lin Chen fell to the ground, spit out a large mouthful of blood, and almost fainted.

This person was Li Mubai. Seeing that Qin Yi was about to catch up with Lin Chen, he tried his best to delay time.


A wooden stick hit Li Mubai hard on the head. Li Mubai suffered a bloody head injury and passed out.

The next second, Lin Chen saw a man more than two meters tall, with a short haircut and bulging muscles, rushing towards him like an iron tower.

"Kid, I will send you back to the west today!"

The tower-like man grinned ferociously and his voice was loud, like thunder.

Lin Chen was so frightened that he was scared to death. Although he had heard about the power of the Five Poison Sect, the iron tower-like man in front of him was really powerful and gave him a strong sense of danger.

"Who are you?" Lin Chen asked angrily.

Chapter 215 Who are you? !I have no enmity with you, why are you chasing me? !

"Haha... little brat, you have no right to know!"

The tower-like man sneered and suddenly reached out to grab Lin Chen's throat.

He had a finger tiger on his hand, which had a metallic luster and was extremely hard. It was obviously sharper than ordinary iron tools. If he was caught firmly, his throat would be shattered and he would be killed on the spot.

Lin Chen was extremely frightened and was busy using his energy to resist this huge threat. However, compared with that of the Iron Tower Man, his energy was like a firefly competing against the bright moon.


His body-protecting energy was shattered with a slap.


Lin Chen only felt that his neck was being pinched, and his body flew up like a cloud. There were strong winds around his ears, and then with a pop, he fell to the ground, smashed to pieces.

He struggled for a moment and found that he could not break free from the control of the tower man.

"Who are you, your Excellency? I have no enmity or enmity with you, so why are you chasing me?" Lin Chen covered his chest and asked in confusion.

"Since you asked, I will tell you. I am the Shaoqing Mingdao monk of Dali Temple in Japan. I got the news a few days ago that you killed the leader of the Black Dragon Gang and prepared to enter the palace in plainclothes to assassinate your Majesty. The Empress Dowager Lu sent me to kill you. Clean and tidy! "!"

At this time, Qin Yi and his men also chased after him.Qin Yi waved his hand, and countless darts flew out of his sleeves, all flying towards Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's pupils shrank and he quickly avoided those darts.

Puff puff puff puff...

The dart was stuck on the ground, and Lin Chen managed to dodge all the hidden weapons.

Although the darts are stuck on the ground, each one is enough to seriously injure someone. You can imagine what will happen if it hits the body!

Lin Chen's expression changed, and he had already greeted the eighteenth generation of Qin Yi's ancestors in his heart.

It seems like you haven’t provoked this guy before, right?As a result, as soon as they met, they made things difficult for themselves!

And he also used hidden weapons.

Qin Yi felt extremely happy when he saw Lin Chen's embarrassed appearance.

The corner of his mouth curled up in a joking way: "What's wrong? Are you scared? Haha! Don't worry, after I kill you, I will throw you into the wild dog kennel to feed the dogs. You will be able to accompany my grandpa soon!" "

As he spoke, he held a silver needle in his right hand, ready to throw it at any time, and clenched his left hand into a fist, ready to bombard it at any time.

After listening to Qin Yi's words, Lin Chen felt a surge of anger in his heart. This guy actually threatened himself with his parents, which he absolutely couldn't stand!

He glanced at his surroundings, his heart moved, and he hurriedly shouted: "Wait a minute!"

Qin Yi stopped when he heard this.

"So what if you really kill me? Do you think you can really restore the Qin Dynasty? Japan will never let you succeed." Lin Chen analyzed calmly.

Qin Yi frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Lin Chen said: "You should know that China has a long history and there are many ancient warriors. Even now, there are still many powerful figures in various sects. If you want to regain the Qin Dynasty, it will be difficult to reach the sky!"

Qin Yi shook his head and said: "...Humph! So what, as long as Japan can be destroyed, I will be a hero for the ages, and my Qin family will be famous for generations!"

"You are wrong. If you regain the Qin Dynasty, it will not only be your Qin family, but the entire China, and hundreds of millions of people in the entire China will suffer! By then, the opposition from the people will be even louder!" Lin Chen said seriously! .

But Qin Yi didn't trust him and said: "What are you talking about? Do you think I'm stupid? (Liao Nuo Zhao) If I become the hero who restores the Qin Dynasty, then our Qin family will be a famous family through the ages! My grandfather He will also become a feudal official!"

Lin Chen shook his head and said: "I advise you not to believe it, otherwise you will definitely regret it!"

Qin Yi snorted coldly: "You talk too much! Die!"

His legs were slightly arched, his figure skyrocketed, he jumped more than three meters high, threw himself over Lin Chen's head, and then swept out with one leg, like thunder, mixed with terrifying force.

Kacha slave!

There was a crisp sound of branches breaking.

Chapter 216: You, the majestic Young Minister of Dali Temple in the Eastern Kingdom of Japan, are as good as Long Yang? !

The tree next to Lin Chen, as thick as a bowl, was cut in half.

"not good!"

Lin Chen's heart was beating hard, and he felt a strong crisis. He tried his best to use the "Breaking Mountains and Rivers" movement technique, and narrowly avoided this leg.

However, as if Qin Yi had expected that he would run away, he pressed down again, pulled out his leg again, and kicked Lin Chen in the chest with a roaring sound.

Lin Chen couldn't dodge and was kicked out. He was knocked down between two big trees and fell to the ground. He spit out a mouthful of blood and couldn't get up.

"Ha! Boy, aren't you quite arrogant? Can't you fight? Why can't you even stand up now?"

Qin Yi looked down at Lin Chen with contempt in his eyes.

He glanced at Li Mubai, who was lying unconscious in the distance, with a gloomy expression: "This man is not bad looking. Let's play with him tonight, and then send him back to Japan to present to the Queen Mother!"

After saying that, 297 he walked up to Lin Chen, stepped on Lin Chen's face, and said coldly: "I tell you, if you don't cooperate honestly, you will be thrown into the wild dog kennel to feed the dogs soon. When the time comes, you won’t even be able to get your ashes back!”

"You...?! Despicable and shameless! I didn't expect that the majestic young minister of Dali Temple in Japan would be as good as Long Yang??! I didn't expect that your queen mother would not shy away from the court at all and do such dirty things?!"

Lin Chen cursed, feeling extremely angry in his heart.

He knew that what Qin Yi said was true.

Although Japan is a country that emphasizes etiquette on the surface and has a profound cultural heritage, in fact, the degree of filth inside is beyond imagination.

The Queen Mother of Japan is the only woman in Japan. The other concubines are basically vassals of the royal family and nobles of the Japan Empire.

Moreover, these concubines usually serve the monarch, which results in the number of heirs in the Japanese royal family becoming increasingly rare, and some even have no sons.

Therefore, the Queen Mother is also the only one favored in the palace. No matter which minister's son or grandson is, she will choose him to be the male favorite in the palace.

In this case, no matter how loyal and righteous the minister is, he can only turn a blind eye and acquiesce in the existence of this matter.

When Lin Chen thought of this, he felt even more sad and angry. He gritted his teeth, stared at the Mingdao monk and said, "Kill me if you can!"

"Do you really think I don't dare to kill you?" Monk Mingdao narrowed his eyes and suddenly raised his leg and stepped on Lin Chen's chest.


Lin Chen's chest suddenly sank, all his ribs were probably broken, and his internal organs were shaken out of place.

"Uh... ugh——"

Lin Chen's throat felt sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, directly onto the Mingdao monk's crotch.

"F*ck!" Monk Mingdao's face changed wildly, and he wiped his crotch in a panic. When he found that it was wet, he immediately became furious, "You bastard, how dare you defile me? I will kill you!!"

He slapped him, and Lin Chen hurriedly dodged.

There was a snap, and Lin Chen was slapped on the left shoulder. He flew out and hit another towering tree three meters away. All the customers in the store panicked, like ants who had been stepped on. The crowd fled in all directions, and Lin Chen fell into the grass more than ten meters away.

"Pfft! Cough cough..." Blood flowed from the corner of Lin Chen's mouth, and the severe pain made him tremble all over and cough.

He had just endured the pain to take out the silver needle from the storage ring, but before he could use it, the bald donkey rushed up and slapped him.

"Damn it!" Lin Chen cursed in his heart. He knew very well that this guy was deliberately trying to humiliate himself, otherwise he wouldn't have used such heavy means just now.

Seeing that Lin Chen was injured, the Mingdao monk laughed ferociously and said: "Haha! So you kid can also be injured? Don't worry, I won't kill you directly. After all, you are quite handsome. I will sell you to a brothel as a pawn." I’m a man’s favorite, and then I’ll slowly play with you to death, that’s how fun it is!”

After hearing this, Lin Chen's murderous intention towards this Mingdao monk reached its peak, and he wanted to skin him and tear him apart.

The Mingdao monk did not notice the overwhelming anger in Lin Chen's eyes. Instead, he had a joking expression and squatted down and said: "Tsk, tsk! I didn't expect that this kid like you has a pretty standard figure and fair and delicate skin.

Chapter 217 Hey, boy, don’t be so arrogant, I’ll sell you to a brothel later! !

Well, not bad.This way, after being sold to a brothel later, I can buy you and then have fun with you every day, hahaha! "

After saying that, he even rubbed his hands. The wretched look made Lin Chen almost feel sick and want to vomit.

Suddenly, Lin Chen rolled his eyes, looked in one direction and shouted: "Who? Get out of here!"

The Mingdao monk's face changed slightly, and he looked warily in the direction Lin Chen was looking, but saw nothing.

Lin Chen took the opportunity to roll to the side, grabbed the dagger that fell beside him while rolling, and stabbed forward. With a pop, the dagger was inserted into the trunk of a big tree.

He pulled out the dagger, jumped up using the momentum, and threw himself behind Monk Mingdao. The dagger drew a strange arc and pierced Monk Mingdao's neck.

"Baga! Courting death!"

The Mingdao monk was startled. He quickly turned his head and struck Lin Chen in the chest with his palm. Lin Chen took a few steps back and spat out a few mouthfuls of blood.

The Mingdao monk looked ferocious and roared: "Damn Chinese pig! You are seeking death! I will cut you into pieces!"

He chased Lin Chen and at the same time flicked his right hand, shooting several silver needles at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen held the dagger in front of his head with both hands. There was a clanging sound and the silver needles fell to the ground. None of them could get close to Lin Chen.

He took advantage of this time and jumped to the other end of the street.

"Damn it! This bastard can't run far! I'm going to kill you!"

The Mingdao monk roared angrily and rushed towards Lin Chen at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, he was less than 20 meters away from Lin Chen.

At this moment, Lin Chen's Dantian was sealed, and his spiritual energy was moving slowly. The opponent was a strong man in the Nether Realm. He was more than ten meters away, and he still felt out of breath. He was as weak as an ant looking up at a roc.

With a thought in his mind, his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot. The next second, he appeared on the left side of the Mingdao monk, and slashed at the opponent's neck with the dagger in his hand.

However, the Mingdao monk seemed to have known that Lin Chen would do this for a long time. He stretched out his index finger and thumb with his right hand and clamped the blade of Lin Chen's dagger.

Immediately afterwards, a huge force came from his hand, Lin Chen's mouth burst open, his arms went numb, and the dagger in his hand flew away, and was taken by the Mingdao monk.

"Die!" the Mingdao monk shouted violently, and slashed Lin Chen's neck with the dagger in his hand.


Lin Chen dodged and appeared on another street in an instant.

However, before he could take two steps, a strong wind roared, and a short sword with a sharp cold light on the tip appeared in front of his chest!

Lin Chen frowned. Instead of shouldering the sword, he bowed his body and rolled to the left, narrowly dodging the dagger.

He got up and saw Monk Mingdao standing where he was standing, holding a dagger and a proud smile on his face.

The short sword was suspended in the air two centimeters in front of him, as if it could kill him at any time.

"Boy, your strength is indeed very good. You can actually avoid my full blow. However, you can't escape today. Kneel down in front of me and admit defeat! Otherwise, I will castrate you with this dagger! "

The Mingdao monk raised an evil smile on his lips and looked at Lin Chen teasingly.

" did you find my trace?" Lin Chen stared at the Mingdao monk and asked coldly.


Just now, he was clearly hiding in the shadows. It stands to reason that no matter how powerful the opponent is, he should not be aware of his position.

The Mingdao monk sneered: "The "Six Transformations of the Demon God" I practice emphasizes the absence of distracting thoughts. Warriors who have practiced the "Six Transformations of the Demon God" have sharp senses that are five times, seven times or even more than ordinary people. Ordinary people are too agile.”

"Although you concealed yourself very well, I still discovered you and determined your hidden location!"

Lin Chen's heart sank when he heard the explanation from the Mingdao monk. No wonder the other party discovered him just now. It turns out that the "Six Transformations of the Demon God" is really not simple!

This time, I'm afraid I will really fall into the hands of this old ghost!

"Boy, kneel down and call me grandpa! Maybe, I can spare your life!" Mingdao monk stared at Lin Chen and said in an arrogant tone.

"Don't even think about it. How dare you touch me?!" Seven.

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