Chapter 218 Want to kill me?Don't talk nonsense, let's go through my "Six Transformations of the Demon God" first!

He was seriously injured, but because he had practiced the evil skill "Six Transformations of the Demon God", he was full of energy at this time. He didn't even bother to look at Lin Chen and the police, as if he had taken control of the situation.

Lin Chen's face was gloomy: "Mingdao monk, since you want to kill me, why bother talking nonsense? Just use whatever skills you have!"

"So brave!" Monk Mingdao nodded and praised, then sneered, "However, I like your bravery! It's a pity that you won't have the chance to say this later!"

He shouted ferociously: "Get three of them for me!"

"You guys, take them all too!"

Lin Chen felt relieved when he saw that there were still a dozen warriors standing around, and he helped up the two warriors who had been knocked away.

Although there are many warriors, the strongest ones are those in the early stage of transformation. They are far inferior to the bloody swordsmen and blood monsters in the late stage of transformation that he had killed before. Now that he has learned the "Six Transformations of the Demon God", he should be able to protect himself. .

Lin Chen rushed towards a warrior beside him.

The warrior was startled and hurriedly raised his fist to greet him, but was knocked back five steps. Lin Chen took this opportunity to grab another warrior's shoulder and tear it apart.

click click click...

The sound of bone cracking was heard, along with the warrior's scream.

Lin Chen's figure was as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, he knocked down all seven or eight warriors to the ground. Every move he made could take away the lives of several people. In the blink of an eye, the dozen or so people were lying on the ground groaning.

The Mingdao monk's eyes widened and he was horrified to death.

Although he also knew that "The Six Transformations of the Demon God" was powerful, he did not expect it to be so powerful.

At this moment, he finally realized that he had met a ruthless character!


We must not let this kid escape, otherwise, if he encounters me again in the future, he may kill himself without even having to do anything!

The Mingdao monk's thoughts were spinning, and he suddenly gritted his teeth, took out a dagger about half a meter long from his arms, and stabbed Lin Chen.

"Seeking death!" Lin Chen's pupils shrank, he kicked his feet and rushed towards the Mingdao monk.


The two passed by.

Lin Chen grabbed Mingdao Monk's right wrist holding the dagger and pulled hard.


Blood spurts!

Lin Chen's arms were like iron hoops, holding the dagger tightly. No matter how hard the Mingdao monk tried, he could not withdraw the dagger.

"Ah! Bastard! Let me go!"

The Mingdao monk was so painful that his head was covered with sweat, and he roared crazily, his face extremely ferocious.

He felt like his wrist was about to break!

Lin Chen stared at the Mingdao monk with cold eyes and sneered: "Do you know how to beg for mercy now? When you wanted to kill me just now, why didn't you think that it would happen now?"

Uh-huh!Qin Yi came to Lin Chen with the force of hiding his ears and stealing a bell. He stretched out a five-clawed eagle hook from his sleeve and stretched it towards Lin Chen's wrist. 0

Lin Chen was already prepared, and his other hand turned into a sword and shot towards the eagle hook.


The eagle hook made a crisp impact sound and paused in mid-air.

Qin Yi raised his eyebrows and looked at Lin Chen's fingers. He saw that the originally white and slender fingers had a layer of scales on them.

This is the defense formed by "The Six Transformations of the Demon God"!

Qin Yi didn't care too much and snorted coldly, spinning his body like a top, and his legs were like steel whips, lashing Lin Chen.

bang bang bang...

A loud sound like an explosion in the air came, and in the blink of an eye, Lin Chen received several blows on his chest and back. He groaned, and bright red liquid overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Lin Chen!" Seeing this, Ye Yiren exclaimed and wanted to help, but was intercepted by a black-robed warrior. She could only shout anxiously, "Qin Yi, don't kill him! You promised me!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Yi immediately retracted his attack, stopped and looked at Ye Yiren.

"Hahaha..." Lin Chen suddenly laughed, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said sarcastically: "As expected of a Ming Taoist, you are so despicable. Is the purpose of your Ming Taoism just to kill people?"

Ming Taoist?

Hearing Lin Chen's name, Ye Yiren frowned, obviously not understanding what Lin Chen meant.

Chapter 219: Donor Li, how about putting aside your grudges with the old monk for now?

Here Lin Chen and Qin Yi were fighting hard to separate each other, but the Mingdao monk over there turned his attention to Li Mubai.

"Amitabha!" Mingdao proclaimed the Buddha's name and said: "Donor Li, let's put aside the grievances between you and the old monk for the time being. Let's take a look at the situation of this benefactor first. He has been eroded by the evil spirit. If not If he is rescued in time, he may fall into the devil's path!"

Li Mubai sneered and said: "Haha, what Master Mingdao said is wrong. Isn't that what you said just now?! Don't you want to play with us first and then give us to the Queen Mother?!" Li Mubai mocked.

"Why is Amitabha so docile now?" Qing Yi also echoed.

"Okay! Very good! In that case, don't blame the old monk for being rude!" Mingdao was furious, clasped his hands together in a mudra, and chanted: "Amitabha..."

As Ming Dao's words fell, a strong golden light burst out from Ming Dao's body. Under the golden light, the entire sky seemed to be dyed with a sacred golden glow.

"Hmph! How dare a mere monster do something evil?!" Li Mubai snorted coldly, and the long sword in his hand danced, bringing out cold light and stabbing at the Mingdao monk in front of him.

Upon seeing this, Ming Dao smiled coldly, narrowed his eyes slightly, raised an evil arc at the corner of his mouth, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed Li Mubai.Suddenly, the clouds in the sky rolled up, gathered into a giant palm, and slapped Li Mubai fiercely.

Li Mubai's face changed slightly. He didn't expect that the other party could actually activate the elements of the world he was in for his own use. He immediately brought his true energy to his whole body to resist the huge palm. At the same time, he took half a step with his left foot and kicked it with a sweep. The joints of that huge hand.


The two collided and made a dull sound.Li Mubai took a few steps back and stabilized his body. His face was a little gloomy, but he did not feel any pain. On the other hand, Ming Dao on the opposite side frowned, as if he was injured. Li Mubai was immediately overjoyed.


When Ming Dao saw that Li Mubai had made him feel deflated, he couldn't help but let out a soft sigh, and then a hint of cruelty flashed across his face as he shouted: "Boy, you have completely pissed off the old monk. This time, don't blame the old monk for bullying the less! "

After speaking, Mingdao opened his arms, his hands were in the shape of trumpets, and silently recited a spell in his mouth, while the surrounding heaven and earth elements crazily poured into his body.A moment later, a lotus flower condensed from the elements of heaven and earth suddenly appeared on top of Ming Dao's head, exuding strong pressure.

"Amitabha!" Mingdao recited the last Buddha's name, pointed his right hand at Li Mubai, and said, "All dharma returns to the sect!"

The huge golden lotus suddenly spun quickly, turned into a golden dragon, and rushed towards Li Mubai.Li Mubai's expression changed, and he swung the long sword in his hand to meet him with waves of sword shadows.


The shadow of the sword touched the dragon's claw, and an explosion suddenly sounded. Huge energy ripples swept all around in an instant, destroying the surrounding trees and grass.

Li Mubai stepped back dozens of meters before stopping.Ming 297, on the other hand, only retreated five or six meters. The difference in strength was clear!

"Hahaha! Boy, how is it? Does it taste good?!" Ming Dao looked at Li Mubai proudly and said.

Hearing this, Li Mubai became even more angry. With a flick of his wrist, the long sword flew out of his hand and shot towards Ming Dao, while at the same time he quickly retreated.

Seeing this, Ming Dao was not surprised but overjoyed, laughing loudly and saying: "Well done!"

The index finger of his right hand pointed at the long sword that was flying towards him, and at the same time, he quickly made seals with both hands, and the golden light shone brightly.When the sword was within three feet of him, Mingdao took a sharp breath, spit out a simple character, and said: "Go!"

Suddenly, the golden characters turned into a stream of light and hit the flying sword.


Chapter 220 This old monk has a golden talisman? !We are no match for him, run! !

The long sword shattered in response, turning into iron filings flying all over the sky.

But the golden character still flew towards Li Mubai with great force. When Ming Dao saw this, a cruel smile appeared on his face.

Li Mubai's pupils shrank slightly when he saw this, and he screamed secretly.

"The situation is not good, run quickly" Li Mubai shouted towards Lin Chen.

"This old monk has a golden talisman, we are no match for him!!"

After saying that, he pulled Lin Chen and fled.


After the elder's words fell, Lin Chen felt that his body was restrained by an inexplicable force and could not move at all.

At this time, the golden character had already flown in front of the two of them, and just as it was about to hit them, a man in white suddenly appeared out of thin air.

The man was dressed in white clothes and looked spotless, with an extremely handsome appearance.

He stretched out the index finger of his right palm and pointed it sharply on the golden talisman. The golden talisman suddenly stagnated in mid-air and could no longer move forward.

Immediately, the man in white took a few steps back lightly.

"Who are you? If you dare to harm me, are you seeking death?!"

Ming Dao frowned upon seeing this and asked in a cold tone.

The man in white ignored the words and turned his attention to Li Mubai and Lin Chen.

Seeing this, Li Mubai felt relieved.

Although he acted very calm just now, he was actually extremely nervous inside.Because he had no idea whether the mysterious man in front of him was an enemy or a friend.

But now that he saw the other party taking the initiative to save the two of them, Li Mubai finally confirmed that the other party was a friend rather than an enemy.

He quickly cupped his fists and said thanks: "Thank you very much, brother, for your help!"

The man in white waved his hand to show that there was no need to be polite. Then he looked at Monk Mingdao and said indifferently: "I am the one you want to kill. Let them go, and I will leave them to you as a sacrifice."

When Li Mubai heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned.

He never imagined that the person who saved him and others would be this person he had never met before.

Lin Chen was even more frightened.

What does this person mean? By asking him to be a sacrifice, isn't this treating them like livestock? !

"Haha..." Monk Mingdao stared at the man in white gloomily, with a strange arc at the corner of his mouth.

"In that case, then use your life in exchange for a sacrifice."

As soon as he finished speaking, Monk Mingdao raised his hand and struck out a spell, and the golden characters glowed brightly.

Then it exploded suddenly, golden runes flying in all directions, like sharp arrows, shooting towards the man in white as densely as rain.

When Li Mubai and Lin Chen saw this scene, they gasped in unison.

Each of these golden characters is enough to easily kill an early stage Xiantian warrior instantly.

If thousands of them were fired in volley, even the Grandmaster would probably be killed directly!

"As expected of a demonic sect!" Li Mubai exclaimed.

Lin Chen was so frightened that he couldn't even dodge such an attack.

The man in white seemed to have expected such a thing to happen, and stood motionless.

The next moment, a dazzling light lit up around him, as if it had turned into a huge transparent mask of light.

All the golden characters hit the transparent mask.

The golden characters kept hitting the transparent mask, but they were never able to shake the mask at all, and finally they all disappeared.

Li Mubai and Lin Chen stared at this scene blankly.

This light shield actually blocked Monk Mingdao's terrifying move!

Li Mubai swallowed, and his heart was filled with confusion. Is this guy really a mortal?

".`Huh? This is..." Lin Chen suddenly noticed the silver wristband on the wrist of the man in white.

His eyes widened and he blurted out: "Holy weapon!!"

The man in white gave him a (good) look.

Lin Chen fell silent for a moment.

At this time, Monk Mingdao also discovered the silver wristband, his expression gloomy.

He didn't expect this young man to possess such a terrifying defensive treasure.

Monk Mingdao glanced at the man in white, then at Lin Chen and Li Mubai.

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