The next day, before six o’clock in the morning, before dawn, Zhang Chen woke up.

As soon as he thought of traveling with Ye Fangfei as a travel companion today, the cells of his whole body danced excitedly.

Lu Zhou was woken up by the light, he woke up halfway last night, and then fell asleep relatively late, and now he is forced to wake up and sleepy.

He frowned and narrowed his eyes to look at the light source, and then found that Zhang Chen was sitting in front of the dresser in high spirits, turning on his bedside lamp, and was seriously approaching the mirror to carefully apply foundation to his not very outstanding face.


Before yesterday’s trip, I hadn’t seen Zhang Chen dress himself so carefully, it seems that his attention to his self-image depends entirely on who the travel companion he matched that day was…

There really is no harm without contrast.

Yesterday, Zhang Chen’s travel companion was Qi Jiajia, and he went out without wiping his powder.

Today Zhang Chen and Ye Fangfei are a group, he got up at five o’clock in the morning to put on makeup…

It’s understandable to be able to make a good impression on your ex.

Yes, for Zhang Yuanji who wants to meet.

Today’s travel is highly faced, get up early to beat yourself to the point of God, see what you want

But…… You don’t need to get up so early to pick it up, do you?

Lu Zhou, who was interrupted from sleep, pinched his eyebrows a little irritably, and spoke in a slightly hoarse voice: “You are also too early…”

Hearing the voice, Zhang Chen turned his head and looked over, “Are you awake too?” ”

“You turn on the light, can I not wake up?”

Lu Zhou said and yawned for a long time, tears came out, he looked at the time, it was almost six o’clock, and it was estimated that he would not be able to sleep for long, and simply got up.

He went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face, and Zhang Chen was still applying powder to his face.

Lu Zhou couldn’t help but ridicule: “Don’t erase too white, too white and distorted.”

When Zhang Chen heard this, he simply turned his face to show Lu Zhou, “This shouldn’t be too white, right?” ”

“Barely okay.”

Lu Zhou nodded, and after a turn of words, he added: “It’s just a little bit of a card fan.”

Zhang Chen: “…”

Zhang Chen leaned close to the mirror and looked carefully, the skin was too dry, it was a little card powder, but he felt that the card powder was not a big problem, after all, girls wear makeup on weekdays, they must be able to understand this small flaw, he didn’t care.

He then began to fix his hairstyle and apply hairspray to the wax.

After all this, Zhang Chen turned around and asked Lu Zhou without seeing anything, “I look a lot more handsome like this, right?” ”

Lu Zhou was changing clothes, looked at him twice when he heard this, and replied sincerely: “Indeed.”

Hearing the praise, Zhang Chen raised his lips and smiled, quite satisfied with his style.

After getting it done, he took out the perfume and sprayed it on his wrist twice, then applied it behind his ears, neck, inside his elbows… Even he thought for a few seconds and added a little spray on his chest.

Lu Zhou, who had changed his blouse next to him, smelled the rich smell, turned his head to look at him, and fell silent.

Zhang Chen noticed Lu Zhou’s strange gaze, raised his eyebrows and asked, “What for?” Never seen anyone spray perfume? ”

Lu Zhou: “…….”

Seeing that he was still silent, Zhang Chen said, “If you like this perfume, you can also borrow it to spray it.”

“…… No need.”

Lu Zhou coughed lightly twice, walked over to open the window to breathe, and said: “Friendly reminder, if you don’t want to stun Ye Fangfei today, it is recommended to take a shower.”

“Spray too much?”

Zhang Chen raised his arm suspiciously and sniffed.

Lu Zhou: “Absolutely.”

“I feel like you might be pitting me on purpose.”

Zhang Chen himself didn’t smell much of the fragrance.

“What do I pit you for?”

Lu Zhou replied amusedly.

“You’re interested in my ex-girlfriend, what do you say you pit me for?”

Zhang Chen raised half of his thick eyebrows, like a bullfighting posture.


Lu Zhou spread his hands and showed an expression that had nothing to say, “I have always been honest in chasing women, and I don’t disdain to use this kind of trick.

Zhang Chen was skeptical and said, “In this case, is it convenient for you to tell me your secret?” ”


This turned to Lu Zhou for nothing.

“You said last night that Fang Fei was not acting brutal at all in front of you, what is your secret? How did you manage to get her to show you her gentle side? ”

Zhang Chen cheekily learned the scriptures.

Today for him, the opportunity is rare and very important, anyway, Lu Zhou’s intentions for Ye Fangfei are not clear, then he asked him to learn from him

It’s not impossible.

Lu Zhou never expected that Zhang Chen could still come to this trick, and he was really slightly stunned.

Immediately, he smiled and answered: “There is no special secret, just be yourself.”

Zhang Chen frowned, this made him uncomfortable.

Be yourself? Being yourself can make Ye Fangfei show a very gentle and feminine side in front of him? Isn’t the meaning of this kid sure is connotating him? It is implied that Ye Fangfei likes this one by Lu Zhou himself?

Bah! Bullshit doesn’t make sense, it’s impossible!

This kid must be poking at him in the diaphragm.

The smiling tiger is scheming, and his words cannot be fully believed.

“I know you won’t say that you really want to pry my woman.”

Zhang Chen said.

Lu Zhou listened to the music, okay, this year, no one believes the truth.

“She doesn’t seem to be your woman either.”

He poignantly reminded.

Zhang Chen couldn’t help but grit his teeth when he heard this, “Sooner or later, she will be!” ”

“Oh, wait and see.”

Lu Zhou smiled gently at him and turned and left the bedroom.


She also woke up at about six o’clock, lying on the bed and fantasizing in advance about what kind of journey tasks the program team would arrange for them today.

The horn is not self-conscious

Today’s trip, to be honest, she was really looking forward to it.

Lu Zhou and Ye Fangfei were partners yesterday, and when the two performed the mission of the show’s journey jam points, she was fortunate enough to watch some scenes on the side,

This man is simply full of the charm of a high-quality boyfriend!

Tall, handsome and tacit understanding, and strong artistic cells!

Qi Jiajia has a hunch that Lu Zhou’s future star path must be very bright!

So analyzed, Emma, isn’t this her ideal idol candidate?

If only they could have a good impression of each other today…

The more she thought about it, the more she blushed, her heart pounded, and the more excited she became.

She touched the alarm at the end of the bed and looked at the time, it was already six ten, no, she had to get up early to sort out her image, today

You must be beautiful!

Thinking about it, Qi Jiajia got up from the bed.

Ye Fangfei was woken up by the sound of turning things in the room, she reached out and pressed the bedside lamp, looking at the squatting next to the suitcase

Qi Jiajia, who was dressed, said, “Why don’t you turn on the light.”

“I’m afraid to disturb your sleep.”

Qi Jiajia smiled apologetically.

Ye Fangfei rubbed his eyes and sat up from the bed, “What time is it?” ”

“It’s six ten.”

Qi Jiajia said.

“So early, I thought it was the point.”

Ye Fangfei lay back on the bed again, pulled over the quilt to cover her head, and said, “If it’s time, help call me, I’ll sleep again.”


Qi Jiajia saw that the light on her bedside table was not turned off, and reminded: “Turn off the light and sleep.”

“No, I can fall asleep with the light on.”

Ye Fangfei answered in a daze, and after a while, he really slept.

Seeing this, Qi Jiajia didn’t care, and continued to use the light to start picking out the clothes she was going to wear today, and then put on a beautiful makeup for herself.

The same person who woke up at six o’clock was also Chu Yao.

She woke up with her heart in mind, not like Qi Jiajia got up to dress herself carefully, she wanted to take advantage of the fact that the live broadcast had not yet started to chat with Xu Junze.

But considering that the time was still early, she rushed to knock on the door of the boy’s room, and she was worried about waking up Xu Junze’s roommate.

Therefore, after Chu Yao got up and washed and dressed, he planned to go outside the living room and wait for the time to be almost the same, and then find an opportunity to chat with Xu Junze.

She just didn’t expect that after coming out, she would meet Lu Zhou in the living room holding a book and reading it.


Chu Yao greeted with a smile.

Lu Zhou raised his eyes and saw that it was Chu Yao, smiled, and said, “You also got up so early.”

“When I wake up suddenly, I can’t sleep anymore, and I simply get up.”

Chu Yao came to sit down next to him, glanced at the book in his hand, and asked, “What about you?” Waking up so early is specifically for reading travelogues? ”

“Not really, I was woken up by my overexcited roommate.”

Lu Zhou closed the travel magazine and said.


Chu Yao was surprised for a moment, and then thought that his roommate was Zhang Chen, and he understood what it was, and couldn’t help but be happy, “Ah… Got it.”

“How? Did you girls call a horse and kill a chicken service last night? ”

Lu Zhou changed the subject.

Chu Yao sneered, “Didn’t you hear the pig-killing scream? ”

“As soon as I got out of bed last night, I slept like a dead pig, and I really didn’t pay attention.”

“I didn’t call the horse to kill the chicken service, but Jiayan and I both acted as each other’s temporary massage masters and hit each other hard.”

Chu Yao rubbed the calf muscles that were still a little sore, and said with a smile: “Fortunately, I pressed it last night, otherwise these legs will be scrapped today.”

“Is it? But I have a hunch that when the good face comes out, I will still limp when I walk.”

Lu Zhou remembered that Li Jiayan used to be a sports lazy bug and quipped.

At this time, the bedroom door on one side opened, Li Jiayan walked slowly and walked out of the room like a snail, vaguely heard his name, looked towards the living room, saw that the person who spoke was Lu Zhou, and suddenly frowned and hummed:

“Lu Zhou, you are so bad, and you stab me in the back.”

Lu Zhou didn’t expect that his words would be so coincidentally taken into Li Jiayan’s ears, he turned his head to look at her, his eyebrows smiled, “This is also called backstab?” You take a few steps and see, I guess right.”

Li Jiayan walked towards them, and every few steps, he snorted softly, obviously his muscles were so sore that he couldn’t do it.

Seeing this, Lu Zhou and Chu Yao couldn’t help but laugh.

Li Jiayan came to Lu Zhou, bent down and sat down, and said “ouch” in pain, she raised her hand to support her forehead and said: “It’s over, I’m like this, how can I go out and play today?” Can I cancel my trip? ”

“Let you usually not exercise, your body begins to resist.”

Lu Zhou couldn’t hold back his laughter.

Li Jiayan nuggled her red lips, lay down on the back of the sofa, and wailed: “Who will save me.”

Chu Yao remembered something, and answered: “It’s good that you chose a good partner, Yiming he has a good physical fitness, and it is estimated that it is easy to take you, if you really can’t walk halfway, you can let him carry you.”

Li Suxinma said, the next is to know that Lu Zhou’s god did not know what kind of moon he had been.

The three chatted for a while, and the others got up one after another.

The corner of the corner went for a private chat.

“What’s going on?”

Xu Junze didn’t know what Chu Yao was looking for.

“It’s nothing, I just want to say goodbye to you in advance, I hope we hang out together today, no matter what kind of difficulties we encounter, we can try to put aside the contradictions we once had, and don’t look at each other with prejudiced emotions.”

Chu Shan cleared her voice and privately faced Xu Junze again, she looked a little uncomfortable.

“It’s a journey that tests the rapport of partners, and I think that since we have become partners, we should cooperate well.”

“We haven’t gone abroad together before, and today’s trip is also a regret?”

Her voice came low, making Xu Junze purse his lips and take a deep breath.

“There is no camera here, so there is no need to be so tactful when talking to me.”

Xu Junze lowered his eyes and looked deeply into her eyes.

“You want to get the most tacit partner reward today, right? Hope I cooperate with you? ”

He voiced the guess in his heart.

Chu Yao looked back at Xu Junze, he used to be the person who knew her best, sure enough, there were some things, as soon as he mentioned it, he knew.

She nodded in acknowledgement, “Yes, I think, you want to take it too, right?” Let’s work together.”

Having experienced so much in the show, Xu Junze has seen through that Chu Yao is impossible to get back together with him, and after he got her decisive answer before, even if his heart hurts, he is almost dead.

But one way or another, today they are partners.

If there is no love with her, then go for the benefit, at least the two have a common goal, and there is still some hope today.

Two people became what they are today


He replied.


Ye Fangfei was the last of all to get up, when she got up, it was almost close to the time of departure, yesterday she exercised excessively, although she usually has good physical fitness, her body will still feel tired.

The time was too rushed, she was too lazy to pick up her image with her heart, spent a few minutes to put on light makeup, her hair was hastily tied into a high ponytail, put on a cap, and went out in a white loose sportswear.

Very vegetarian, but still very beautiful, is a very fresh dress, special flavor, plus her temperament is very good, there is nothing to say.

Su can look so good, it makes other female guests inexplicably envious.

Ye Fangfei’s appearance and figure foundation are really too good to say.

At eight o’clock in the morning, at the request of the program team staff, everyone packed their bags and gathered according to the array of the two partners.

Ye Fangfei came to stand beside Zhang Chen, noticed that he seemed to be a little different today than before, and turned her eyes to look at him curiously.

Zhang Chen felt the gaze, immediately straightened his back, and silently waited for her to praise “You are quite handsome today”.

As a result, Ye Fangfei came to the sentence: “Wear so much foundation, waterproof?” ”

The corners of Zhang Chen’s mouth couldn’t help but tremble: “………….”

In particular, she did not play her cards according to common sense once.

“Guard against it.”

Zhang Chen was also not very sure when asked.


Ye Fangfei looked up at the early rising sun in the east and said, “Then you have to be prepared for sweat and makeup, if the process is magnified by the camera, it will be ugly.”

Zhang Chen: “…”

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