Before the program team announced today’s departure attractions, the guests of each group had already begun to make a preliminary judgment on today’s travel situation based on yesterday’s travel situation and began to discuss countermeasures in advance.

“I have an International Driver’s Permit.”

Zhang Chen tilted his head slightly, approached Ye Fangfei, and said in a low voice.

Ye Fangfei turned to look at him when she heard this, not realizing his intention to suddenly mention this, and asked, “Oh, then?” ”

“Or when we leave, we don’t need a driver, I’ll drive?”

Zhang Chen smiled and proposed, “Come out to play, it’s more flexible to drive by yourself, the route can go as you want, the speed of the car is fast and slow, you can see a good view halfway, we can still get off and stay, what do you think?” ”

It was hard to match Ye Fangfei, and Zhang Chen’s only thought today was to stay with her as long as possible! What tacit understanding to award these, he is not interested at all, and he does not want to return to the hotel at eight o’clock in the evening, if he can, he is willing to play with Ye Fangfei until the next day and come back!

Procrastination is the ultimate goal of his own drive.

Ye Fangfei looked at Zhang Chen for a moment, “How is your driving skill?” ”

When Zhang Chen heard it, it seemed that there was a drama!

“I think I’m very skilled!”

He replied without hesitation, quite a bit of Huang Po’s boast of selling melons.

“Is the drive steady?”

She continued to ask the letter suspiciously.


Zhang Chen didn’t want to think about it and went back.

Ye Fangfei nodded and said, “If it’s stable, then you can open it.”

Zhang Chen succeeded in his purpose and smiled heartily.

“Then it’s decided, I’ll take you to have fun today.”

He said confidently.

The other group partners next door were not discussing whether to use the driver’s angle, but the direction of route selection.

“Yesterday to Thecraterlake, did you take the long route, or the short one?”

Qi Jiajia asked Lu Zhou.

Lu Zhou: “Long.”

Qi Jiajia: “Zhang Chen and I took a close route, and as a result, the traffic jam at that point in time was so that we doubted life, if the driver still let us choose the route today, we might as well take the smooth one?” ”

Lu Zhou had no objection and said: “Take a long detour, the time to reach the destination may be much later than other groups, if you feel that arriving late is not a big problem, we will choose a smooth route.”

“Arriving late to the attraction doesn’t seem to have much impact on the final result? Ling and Fang Fei were the last group to arrive at the attraction yesterday, right? But you guys still took the best partner later, so it’s okay to see a little later, it’s better than us stuck in traffic halfway, stuck in the car and can’t move, that’s quite tiring.

You tell me? ”

Qi Jiajia smiled and expressed his opinion.

Lu Zhou nodded in agreement, “Indeed.”

The group of Li Jiayan and Wen Yiming is another painting style.

Wen Yiming experienced the traffic jam at the first stop yesterday, and they went to the attraction late, this time he preferred to choose the one with a smooth line.

Li Jiayan found that the road was much farther than expected because he chose a long route yesterday, and he relied on the whole process to speed up the driver to win the first group to reach the attraction, and not long after they arrived, Zhang Chen and Qi Jiajia, who chose the short route, caught up with them.

So after weighing it, she thought that taking the longest route as smooth as possible was not necessarily more cost-effective than the short route with the risk of traffic jams, so she thought, this time whether to try a short route.

The two had a disagreement.

But there was no dispute over this, and they unanimously agreed to wait for the program group to announce the route and see the specific road map before making a decision.

The beginning was quite harmonious.

Chu Yao and Xu Junze are different.

She also wanted to discuss the choice of travel route with Xu Junze in advance, but Xu Junze thought that they didn’t even know today’s destination now, and it was really pointless to discuss these in advance, and he was unwilling to do useless work, so he chose to shut up and not talk about it.

But she doesn’t think so, she thinks that by discussing in advance, you can buy more time, even if the situation is not the same as what they discussed at that time, it doesn’t matter, because communicating in advance is fighting a preparatory war, and even if there is a new situation, they can quickly know each other’s ideas, so as to quickly discuss measures that are satisfactory to each other.

Chu Yao originally thought that since Xu Junze had promised to cooperate with her today and the two would strive to win the award together, then his attitude towards her would definitely be very good, but now it seems that the situation is not as simple as she imagined.

He should still be angry in his heart, right? Angry she chose Zhang Chen first last night, and only after being rejected did she have to choose him.

The man has a little temper, and it is normal, and Chu Yao can only endure it.

I don’t want to quarrel with him, so I no longer talk to him about the route.

“Attention everyone!”

At this time, the voice of the staff interrupted the exchange of all the guests.

“Next announce today’s travel arrangements.”

The staff took a card in his hand and opened the mouth in a positive way.

The eight guests raised their heads when they heard the sound and pricked up their ears one after another.

“Today, you will head to the other side of country M – the beautiful South State, where the charming Margani Beach awaits you.”

The staff announced the new attraction check-in place.

When Zhang Chen, Ye Fangfei, and Qi Jiajia heard this, they all raised their eyebrows in surprise, Nanzhou??? Qi Jiajia couldn’t help but interrupt the staff and muttered, “Nanzhou? It’s so far! ”

Lu Zhou did not know the location of the states in country M, and when she heard Qi Jiajia’s words, she found that she seemed to be familiar with the general situation of this country, and asked curiously: “How far?” ”

“If you drive by car, you can’t drive today…”

The corners of Qi Jiajia’s mouth trembled twice, looked at the staff, and asked: “You guys shouldn’t be so distracted that let’s take the car…”

As soon as Zhang Chen heard this, he suddenly wanted to take back the words “he came to drive” that he had just proposed with Ye Fangfei, and he really wanted to drive to Nanzhou, and his life was gone.

“Our program group is in your heart, is the image so bad?”

The staff quipped.

Li Jiayan rubbed her thigh muscles, which were still extremely sore at this time, and continued: “Bad is not bad, but it doesn’t pity Xiang Xiyu at all.”

Her gratuitous words made the big guys laugh.

Staff: “Pity Xiang Xiang Xi Yu This kind of thing, should not be done by our program team, if we take pity Xiang Xiang Xi Yu’s work all, then the male partner will have no room to show, how to reflect their charm?” ”

Li Jiayan: “…”

Seems to make some sense?

And Chu Yao sneered, “If according to what you said, the charm display space of the male guest is to pity Xiang Xiangyu, then what is the display space of the female guest?” ”

The staff thought for two seconds and replied: “It’s probably… Pretend to be weak? ”

Barrage in the live broadcast room——

[This dude, you know the appearance of women very well]

[Ouch, people hurt, want to hug]

[Upstairs, I vomited all my overnight dinner]

[So, is Li Jiayan deliberately playing weak]

[No, Li Jiayan is simply an individual who can waste firewood haha]…

Ye Fangfei listened to the staff’s answer, raised her eyebrows and replied: “You may have some misunderstanding about women.”

The staff said, “Just kidding.”

The conversation turned back on track and the staff continued to announce today’s tasks.

“Don’t worry, our program team will still feel distressed.”

“Today, we will provide a certain amount of funds for each group, and you can use your funds according to your specific situation and fly to Nanzhou.”

“The specific flight route is decided by each of your partners, and the program team will no longer provide you with specific route arrangements, please note that you need to arrive at Magani Beach in Nanzhou before three o’clock this afternoon.”

“Those who fail to arrive on time after a time will be forfeited tonight’s chance to participate in the Tacit Partnership Award!”

As soon as this information came out, some guests who intended to fight for this benefit could not help but get positive.

No one expected that the program group playing today was not yesterday’s set at all, and the guests of each group who had previously discussed what type of route to take could not help but feel that they had done this before.

Xu Junze turned his head to look at Chu Yao, did not speak, but that look seemed to say: Look, I said there is no need to discuss that thing! Chu Yao couldn’t help but feel that he was so stunned, but he had to admit that there were some critical moments, he was still rational enough.

The staff announced the details and distributed the funds of each group, and then raised their hands to look at the watch.

“It’s not early, hurry up and go!”

With an order, all the guests moved.

Each pack your bags and take a taxi to the roadside to the airport.

Lu Zhou stopped a taxi and sat in with Qi Jiajia.

“Driver, go to Post Airport, we are in a hurry, trouble to drive as fast as possible.”

Qi Jiajia skillfully reported the place names and explained their needs.

She is an English simultaneous interpreter and in this country she has no problem communicating this aspect at all.

Without a mobile phone, there is no way to check the flight route, you can only wait until you get to the airport to ask about the situation and then make a specific decision.

But Qi Jiajia knew something from her own impressions, she said: “There should be no direct flights to Nanzhou at Post Airport, we should have a connecting flight.”


Lu Zhou estimated the time and said, “We have less than seven hours at our disposal now.”

“Yes, looking at the mission requirements of the program group, I guess that there is more than one transit airport, and there is an estimated bug in the funding area, and we should need to weigh the two issues of funding and time.”

Qi Jiajia said.

Lu Zhou turned his eyes to look at her, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Qi Jiajia caught this, her cheeks were slightly hot, she lightly pursed her red lips, ruffled the short hair next to her ears, and stammered a little: “You… See what I do? ”

Lu Zhou was surprised when he heard this, and raised his eyebrows: “Huh? So I can’t look at you? So I turn my head? ”

“It’s not…”

Qi Jiajia realized that he had said the wrong thing, and stood up, “I, I don’t mean that, I want to say that you look at me and smile, did I just say something right?” ”

“No, what you just said I think is very reasonable, and it is quite comprehensive, which makes me think that having you as a partner today should save a lot of worry.”

Lu Zhou speaks his true thoughts.

“It turns out that… That’s right…”

Being praised, Qi Jiajia felt that her face seemed to be even hotter, she lowered her eyes slightly, and the corners of her mouth couldn’t help but turn up.

“I… I actually didn’t think about it very comprehensively, but I usually travel around on business, and I am familiar with country M.”

“How do you feel that you are talking a little stumbling today? Are you nervous? ”

Lu Zhou didn’t understand, and always felt that Qi Jiajia’s performance today was a little different from what he knew before.

Qi Jiajia blinked, she was indeed nervous, she didn’t feel this way before she dated Lu Zhou, Emma, now her mood has changed, he just looked at her and chuckled, her chest can be bumped.

It’s really out of nowhere!

But you can’t admit that you are nervous because of him! Face is still wanted!

“It’s really a little nervous, I’m afraid we won’t be able to catch up late.”

Qi Jiajia pursed her lips and smiled, hiding her true thoughts.

“Come out to play, be comfortable, if you can’t catch up, you can’t catch up, at most lose a chance to run for prizes, it’s no big deal.”

Lu Zhou said and thought about it, “Of course, if you are particularly concerned about that prize, I didn’t say it.”

Qi Jiajia saw that he seemed to misunderstand himself a little, and busily explained: “I don’t!” I don’t care.”

I only care about having fun with you today, of course, it would be best if I could get the best tacit agreement award by the way, if not, she didn’t care.

She hid this sentence in her heart, but did not say it.

The road to the airport is not close, and there will occasionally be several congested sections on the road, and the body is shaky, making Lu Zhou a little sleepy.

“A little sleepy, I’ll sleep, you don’t mind, right?”

He asked aloud.

“It’s okay, you’re sleepy.”

Qi Jiajia showed him a warm smile.

Lu Zhou really hugged his chest with his hands, leaned his head on the side of the car window, closed his eyes and slept.

After Qi Jiajia waited for him to fall asleep, he could finally look at his sleeping face generously.

Three-dimensional facial features, side face lines are tough and smooth, hi, don’t say, really handsome.

Qi Jiajia leaned on the back of the chair, propped his elbows on the window frame, and supported his chin with his palm, watching Lu Zhou with relish.

She has forgotten herself and forgotten that she is now on a live broadcast.

The barrage in the live broadcast room at this moment——

[Help, I feel like her saliva is about to come out]

[It’s me who is right]

[I’m afraid that she will kiss her if she can’t hold it]

[Qi Jiajia’s eyes have revealed her inner thoughts]

[I vaguely remember the night she first finished dating Lu Zhou, and the text message was not sent to Lu Zhou]

[What changed her and now she has become Lu Zhou’s fangirl? ] 】

Probably the metamorphosis of a star-chasing girl… 1……】

Qi Jiajia admired Lu Zhou’s sleeping face for a long time, so that the front driver couldn’t help but look at her through the rearview mirror.

After she realized her gaffe, she quickly sat up straight and looked ahead.

But after a while, she saw that the road ahead was a little round, and she couldn’t help but adjust her sitting posture, and her body moved towards Lu Zhou’s seat as much as possible.

She had a fantasy, hoping that the driver would make a sharp turn and let the sleeping Lu Zhou unconsciously lean towards her, maybe he would lean on her shoulder and continue to sleep?

Thinking of this picture, Qi Jiajia couldn’t help but smile.

However, Lu Zhou’s sitting posture was as steady as Mount Tai, until he reached the airport gate, the taxi stopped, and his sleeping posture hardly changed much…

Well… The fantasy of beauty and romance is really unrealistic.

The pictures in the TV series are all deceptive.


Lu Zhou woke up and looked at the scene outside the car window.

“Well, here it is.”

Qi Jiajia gave the car money to the driver and smiled at him, “You sleep so soundly, the road is so bumpy, I don’t see you wake up.”

Lu Zhou showed an embarrassed smile, “I didn’t sleep well last night.”

The two got out of the car, packed their bags and went straight to the airport ticket office.

Almost at the same time, there were also Li Jiayan and Wen Yiming.

Seeing Lu Zhou and Qi Jiajia, who were walking in front of them in a hurry, Li Jiayan couldn’t help but follow suit.

Wen Yiming followed in three steps and two steps, “It seems that the lactic acid metabolism in your body is quite fast?” ”

“Huh? What the? ”

Li Jiayan is not sure so.

“When I get up in the morning, I will see that you don’t take a few steps and scream in pain, now I take a car to rest, walk much neatly, your lactic acid metabolism ability is very good, indicating that you can also tolerate higher exercise intensity.”

Li Jiayan: “…….”

She just lost her attention and forgot to pay attention to the sore muscles…

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