Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 298: My bull demon is a bull (Xiu)

The little demons shivered violently, glanced at each other, looking at each other.

The bull's face sank suddenly, "Huh?"

Finally, a little deer spirit stood up tremblingly, and said in fear: "Big...big king, I don't want to say it, but the nine-tailed demon fox is very evil, I think it's better to stay away."

The bull demon narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "What do you mean?"

"My lord, the nine-tailed celestial fox first appeared in the Luoxian Mountain Range, but since her appearance, there have been real troubles and weird things!"

The deer spirit still wore a deep awe on his face, and he trembled: "Our group of monsters don't really want to be vegetarian, we really have to live under the fear of the nine-tailed celestial fox."

Bull demon frowned, "What's the strange thing?"

"The nine-tailed celestial fox is a symbol among our demons. Since her appearance, countless great monsters nearby have started to move around, but no matter who it is, as long as the idea of ​​a dozen nine-tailed celestial foxes will generally not survive the next day. what!"

The deer spirit took a deep breath and continued: "The first demon emperor in the Luoxian Mountain Range was the Silver Moon Demon Emperor, a very powerful mountain carving demon. He was inexplicably killed when he raised his troops to catch the nine-tailed celestial fox. The same was true of the Wild Boar Emperor in Nanshan, who just yelled. Before he could leave, a large group of people came and wiped it out. There are many examples. In short, it is too terrible and too evil!"

At this time, a cat demon also stood up and said: "Not only that, I have just selected a new demon king from Nanshan. In a few days, there will be a bunch of inexplicable people and monsters. The Demon Emperor is killed, oooooo, we are too difficult!"

Gradually, more and more monsters stood up, their faces full of horror and began to express their sadness.

"The same is true for arresting people. If we are found out, we will die. Therefore, we can only be vegetarian, and no one dares to become the Demon King."

"I heard that this is because there is a powerful character in the Luoxian Mountains who eats game and likes to make monsters into dishes."

"Yes, according to reliable sources, the recipe is called "A Thousand Monsters on the Tip of the Tongue", which is terrible."



"What happened?"

The bull demon's mood suddenly became heavy. He only felt that the burden on his shoulders was suddenly heavier, and he said in a solid voice: "It turns out that you are living in such a miserable life. This is really bullying the demon! But in the future you can rest assured, I Go down to earth, to save you from fire and water!"

It was extremely excited and suddenly felt the call of duty.

"Go, let my troops follow me into the Luoxian Mountains and catch the nine-tailed celestial fox alive!"

"Da Niu Demon Fairy, calm down, this is impossible!" The demons were so scared by fear, they hurriedly persuaded, "Will you live well?"

"What do I need to calm down? I came from the immortal world, who else can stop me in the mortal world?!"

The bull demon was so bullish, his voice billowed like thunder, and said domineeringly: "Now, I am your demon king. I am going to catch the nine-tailed celestial fox alive. Come, come and kill me! Come and make me a dish! Look, I'm so awesome! No one dares to move me, hahaha—"

The bull demon sneered coldly, "Don't talk nonsense, my sword is already hungry and thirsty, just follow me!"

"Brother is mighty!" Qing Lang shouted loudly beside him, "Our two brothers joined hands, the only nine-tailed celestial fox, isn't it all right?"

The demons always felt a little unstable in their hearts, but they didn't dare to speak any more, they could only follow helplessly.

Immediately, the monsters covering the sky and the sun began to take off, with endless monster energy, impulsively killing towards Luoxian Mountain.

As everyone knows, in the crowd of demons, several figures have left silently.

Falling fairy mountains.

The wild boar spirit, the black bear spirit and the green snake spirit gathered together, their faces were shocked, and the eyes were full of solemnity.

"Bull demon and wolf demon? From the immortal world?" The wild boar spirit's small eyes were suddenly rounded, and his small heart was beating.

"I'm afraid this is a tough stubble!" Black Bear Jing's face was solemn, "Can we fight it?"

"Master Demon Sovereign followed the master and gave us great fortune, no matter what, we have to stop it!" The green snake spirit twisted the snake god, paused and continued: "But you have to go to Master Demon Sovereign. Avoid disturbing the master cleansing."

The wild boar spirit immediately said: "Yes, it's not a small thing to impress here, let's go in the direction of Nanshan, don't disturb here!"

"Little ones, let me go!"

Immediately, the demons took off mightily, and the demonic clouds covered the sky, rushing towards Nanshan.

The night darkened suddenly.

The round moon hung in the sky, witnessing the two sides slowly approaching.

Finally, the two demon clouds met.


The bull demon waved his hand, and then condensedly said: "Where is the evildoer, report your name!"

The wild boar replied: "I am waiting for the demons in the Luoxian Mountains. The demons in front of me turn around quickly, and there is still a way to survive, otherwise don't blame me for turning my face!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect the monsters from the Luoxian Mountains to come here uninvited, and fell into the trap! Good, good, good! Dare!"

The bull demon laughed wildly, his whole body was arrogant, the hair around his neck was spreading, and his eyes flashed with sharp light, "A little pig, a little bear, and a little snake, three monsters who are not in the Mahayana period dare to yell at me. I can only say that mortal monsters have never died!"

"Come on!"

As soon as the bull demon's wrist was lifted, a long knife appeared in his hand, and his body jumped up, with unstoppable power and mighty mana surging out.

Above the blade, the moonlight swayed down like running water.

In the hands of the wild boar spirit, a huge mace appeared, waved for a while, got up and jumped away, "Look at me!"

The bull demon looked at the mace, shocked in the bull's eyes, "Houtian Lingbao?"

Then his eyes were red, showing greed.

"No wonder I have the courage to yell at me, a little pig demon in the mortal world, how can He De have the acquired spirit treasure, see me grab it!"

Its ox nose let out a cold snort, and immediately there was a wave of water flowing, and the water flow was like a thick silk, entwining towards the wild boar essence, which immediately blocked the movement of the wild boar essence.

"Die to me!"

The bull demon was so excited, his hands became sturdy, and the long sword slashed straight down!


The boar spirit's body trembled for a while, like a ball, flying upside down from the air, hitting the ground with a boom, and the dust was flying.

She was even more embarrassed by the waves of water.

But it lay on the ground and patted its ass. A jumper actually jumped up again, the pig's ears dangling up and down, as if nothing happened, and it flew into the air again.

An incredible look appeared on the bull demon's face, "This pig has such a thick skin!"

"Eat my old bear with a hammer!"

Right here, the black bear spirit has come in stride, with a heavy hammer in his hand, and when he turns up, he slams into the bull demon!

"Why is it the Houtian Lingbao again? Didn't you copy a certain fairy cave?" The bull demon's face sank, and he raised his sword to meet him.


The bull demon's face changed and was shocked again. The strength of this bear was abnormally strong.

The black bear looked fierce and fierce, "One more hammer!"

Then, like iron strikes, the sound of clanging clang is endless!

The Green Wolf Demon hurriedly hurried over, "Big Brother, I'll come too!"

In its eyes, a faint green light flashed with a wolf mouth, and an endless storm was suddenly set off. The surrounding trees were instantly blown over, and the wind blade was like a knife, blowing towards the black bear spirit!

The green snake demon's body swam violently, swaying in place, from its tail, there was a wave of water flowing from its tail, forming a river tumbling out, throwing out huge waves, blocking those wind blades.

"Little ones, charge me!"

The wild boar spirit joined the battlefield again holding a mace.


Behind him, countless monsters, accompanied by shouting to kill, cast spells one after another, like a tide, flooding towards the bull demon and the blue wolf demon.

"Haha, naive, do you think we have no one?" The bull demon smiled proudly and said loudly, "Little ones, give me a shot too!"

However, what responded to it was loneliness.

The group of monsters behind him not only didn't charge, but retreated.

And showed a friendly smile at the boar spirits and other monsters, "Everyone, don't get me wrong, we just have to come to support the field."

"Pit, it's all pit stuff! Can't you fight for your breath?" The bull demon roared very hard, his face turned green.

Although the three black bear spirits are only in the Mahayana period, their magic weapons are better, and they are occasionally trained. They have a profound understanding of Daoyun. They can hold them with three pairs of two. Together with the help of the demon behind them, one Time hasn't lost the wind, and even has the upper hand.

The group of monsters in Nanshan saw their scalp numb, and fortunately, they kept talking.

"The monsters in the Luoxian Mountains are really terrifying, they actually crushed and beat the two big monsters in the fairy world."

"I'll just say that the Luoxian Mountain Range is extraordinary. I was already planning to take refuge in it."

"Who isn't it, I heard that on that mountain, the cabbage roots are precious, and the leaves smell more fragrant!"

"Hey, I don't know whether to recruit demon."


"Wow, I'm going to explode!"

The bull demon was so angry that his whole body was trembling, and his few hairs stood up, and his eyes almost burst into flames.

It took a deep breath, then swallowed it out abruptly, the two cow nostrils enlarged to the extreme.

"Look at my golden mountains!"


Countless water waves burst out and spread rapidly, instantly turning this place into a sea of ​​water.

This water condenses the mana of the bull demon, which can not only defend, but also affect the opponent's actions and play a control role.

There are also water waves rolling, and every splash of water is a not weak attack.

"Big brother, at the critical moment, it's better to be reliable brother."

The green wolf demon raised his wolf's mouth and smiled coldly, and his wolf hair fluttered in the wind, "You and my brothers will never leave. Fighting against the mortal monsters will definitely be a good story in the future!"

The bull demon nodded repeatedly, and said moved: "Good brother!"

"Let's watch my wind and sea take off!"

The body of the green wolf demon rushed forward fiercely, and the sound of the wind continued, and together with the water waves, it drove an endless wave. The combination of wind and water suddenly formed a spectacular waterspout, with great momentum and amazing destructive power.

The blue wolf also turned into a gust of wind, fast as lightning, wolf claws like a knife, cold light suddenly appeared, and flew toward the wild boar spirit!

"Is the pigskin very thick? Have the ability to make my wolf claws scratch!"

At this moment, several figures came slowly.

It's 囡囡, Ryuuji, and the little fox.

Her eyes lit up suddenly, "Wow, that's right, the fight was so intense."

Long Er said: "I can do water control skills, it's very powerful."

The little fox was swaying nine tails, slowly jumping forward. Under the moonlight, the snow-white hair had no impurities, like snow, emitting this shining light, warm and translucent.

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