Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 299: Got my head for beauty (repair)

"Master Demon King is here!"

All the little demons were suddenly shocked and saluted.


The bull demon was showing great power, because it was too hard to even speak, and it roared.


The same is true for the green wolf demon, the wolf howls constantly, walking against the wind.

At this moment, they were stunned at the same time, the Demon Emperor came?

Looking up, his pupils shrank.

"Nine-tailed celestial fox, there really is a nine-tailed celestial fox in the mortal world!" The New Demon was overjoyed, "My old bull's true demon consort finally appeared!"

Immediately it began to move closer to the nine-tailed celestial fox, shouting: "Second brother, hurry, catch the nine-tailed celestial fox alive!"

The green wolf demon nodded again and again, "Don't worry, brother, I'll catch it for you!"

It rose by the wind, turned into a blue breeze, and rushed towards the little fox with a hungry tiger.

The little fox watched them approaching in a dazed manner, his small eyes widened, and his limbs that had jumped were no longer stumbling, but he cowered and took a small step back.

Its eyes are a little red, and almost all the courage in his life has been condensed. The white hair on the whole body is actually not soft, but a little bit of exploding hair.

What a hideous bull monster and wolf monster, it's terrible.

Oh, elder sister insists on me, and doesn’t come to help me, where am I their opponent.

The little fox seemed to be frightened and stupefied, standing on the tree trunk blankly, motionless, tears ready to burst into his eyes.

It gritted its teeth, the mana of the whole body ran wildly, and the nine tails swung slightly, making it seem to blend with the moonlight.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding night slowly receded like a tide, and the whole world became a pink ocean, and there seemed to be bubbles slowly rising.

The bull demon's eyes suddenly became heart-shaped, and the Harazi was about to flow out.

There was a red glow on the originally dark face of the bull, and he said obsessively: "As expected of the first consort of the demon, my old bull is married!"

In front, the body of the green wolf demon was also suddenly stagnant, as if it had applied a fixation technique, motionless.

The green light in his eyes almost overflowed.

It turned the wolf's head without warning, and the bull's face covered with it was a slap!


The bull demon's face was originally full of excitement and joy, and his teeth were bared, but he was directly stunned by the slap, and his smile gradually disappeared.

The cow demon said solemnly: "Second brother, what do you mean?"

"You don't take any photos with soaking urine, just like your bear, is it worthy of the noble nine-tailed sky fox?"

The green wolf demon looked disgusted, and said contemptuously: "Please stay away from the Nine-Tailed Heavenly Fox Goddess!"

"It seems that your pervert attribute has taken place, and you have been stunned by beauty." The bull demon's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he shouted angrily: "You wake up! Have you forgotten what you just said? To be a brother for a lifetime?"

"I bah, I don't have a brother like you!"

The blue wolf demon was full of violent winds, pressing against the bull demon with a violent momentum, and grinned, "Get out of here! The nine-tailed celestial fox is my goddess, I will guard it!"

"Unexpectedly, not only did you have the pervert attribute, you also awakened the unique licking dog attribute!"

The bull demon's heart sank to the bottom, and suddenly a touch of sadness gave birth to it. Unexpectedly, even the only brother around him betrayed him, and it is indeed a disaster!

However, the nine-tailed celestial fox is absolutely unacceptable!

The bull demon's eyes were full of murderous intent and said: "Second brother, since you are going to grab the demon concubine from the big brother, don't blame the big brother for being rude!"

"Don't be afraid of the goddess, I'm going to take down this disrespectful bull demon for you!" The green wolf demon did not forget to sell his loyalty in front of the little fox.

The little fox was still a little confused, "Hungry... go."

The goddess actually talked to me!

The eyes of the green wolf demon suddenly burst into light, and they were so excited that they were so excited that their combat effectiveness suddenly burst like a stimulant. "Bold bull demon, take your life!"

The bull demon was also mad, "Moo—you are so shameless! I should have seen that you are a pervert, and dare to **** my sister-in-law with my eldest brother. I will clean up the door today!"

Immediately, the two wrestled together, inextricably difficult to solve, the spell exploded in the air like death, like fireworks, wave after wave, shining in the night sky.

Others turned into melon-eating crowds, enjoying the epic fighting scenes with expressions of wonder.

As time passed, the night began to show signs of dispersing.

The sky gradually became white.

The entrance of the courtyard.

Nun Nu and Long Er dragged corpses that were completely different from them, and walked awkwardly from the woods.

It was a huge black bull and a huge gray wolf, both of which had quietly closed their eyes.


The door opened.

Li Nianfan poked his head out of it, then frowned slightly.

Slightly reproached: "You three, have you gone hunting this morning?"

Long Er grinned and said, "Hehe, brother, there is something to be gained."

"No more in the future! How old are you three? It's too dangerous!"

Li Nianfan said a few words worriedly, then turned his gaze to the cow and the wolf, and said in surprise: "The harvest is not small! This cow is big enough, and the meat quality is the best beef at first sight. I wanted to eat steak last time. Make you an authentic wild steak!

There is also this wolf, oh hoo, this fur is really good, it feels good, and it is warm like spring. I happened to be making a stool and then making a wolf fur cushion. It was perfect! "

Although Li Nianfan was blaming, he was actually relieved in his heart, as if he had grown up in a game. He finally grew up, knowing that he helped out with hunting, and he didn't raise it for nothing.

"Xiao Bai, hurry up and help."

Li Nianfan yelled, and immediately, everyone slowly dragged the remains of the wolf and the cow into the courtyard.


The door closed again.

at the same time.

In a sparsely populated mountain forest in Xiuxianjie.

Accompanied by a burst of lightning and thunder, five figures slowly fell from the air.

It is Ziye et al.

Lingzhu's eyes kept flashing, his probe looked around, and he said in amazement: "I can't imagine that the road to Xianfan has really been reopened. I really miss it, but it's too dying."

"Since the general trend set by the way of heaven is the end, it must be inevitable." Ziye said, "Between heaven and earth, it's not as good as before."

"Yes." Lingzhu laughed suddenly, and said: "But as long as there is something delicious! Sister Ziye, did you really get such delicious steamed buns from the mortal world?"

Ziye smiled and said, "Will I still lie to you?"

"Sister Ziye knows me best. I remember that when I was in Tiangong, I often went secretly to Tiangong. Sister Ziye always prepared delicious food for me."

Lingzhu's eyes were filled with remembrance, "The jade syrup at that time, thinking about it makes people greedy, but I haven't eaten it for a long time. I never thought that sister Ziye sent it to me again. It makes people happy."

"Although I have not drunk Yulu Qiongye, the wine from the expert is definitely more delicious than Yulu Qiongye!" Ye Liuyun said with a slight smile.

Lingzhu's eyes were bright, and his saliva had begun to flow, "Really? There is still wine in the expert?"

Ziye hurriedly said: "You have to converge when you come to an expert. Even if you have wine, it is a supreme treasure, and you can't just drink it."

Lingzhu smiled and said: "I know, but as long as you give me food, you can do anything for me."

Ziye opened the mouth and said, "You are full of food."

Lingzhu immediately said: "Back then, my master said that I am a hollow bamboo that transforms into spirits. I am born empty and can only be filled and enriched by food."

Xiao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha, this is really interesting."

"Are you embarrassed to laugh at others?" Ao Cheng couldn't help rolling his eyes. "Your sorrows are so much. I think you should keep a little bit down, otherwise I guess I will collect your body one day."

Ye Liuyun nodded in agreement, "Friend Ao Daoist is right, I can't help but want to destroy you after hearing your sorrowful words."

"What do you know? My name is Realm! The more you speak, the higher the realm!"

Xiao Chengfeng's face was stern, and then he said: "I'm following up with the masters. The three realms of kendo that the masters said, just a few words, I think about it now, my blood is boiling, my scalp is numb, even I can’t even say it! No matter how arrogant I speak, I can’t reach that point, so I’m trying my best to be in line with the superior.”

"Can you compare with an expert? What an expert said is the words of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and what you are saying is sorrow!"

"Am I making a little progress?"

As everyone talked and laughed, the clouds and the fog, all the way towards the Luoxian Mountains.

An hour later, the clouds and mist slowly descended, already at the foot of the Luoxian Mountain Range, and then slowly paced up the mountain.

Ziye took a deep breath and said immediately: "Lingzhu, you have to converge when you see an expert, and remember what I told you!"

Lingzhu nodded, "Sister Ziye, I still know the severity."

Not long after, the five people came to the gate of the courtyard.

Xiao Chengfeng slowly stepped forward and knocked respectfully on the door three times.

"come in."

Li Nianfan's voice came from inside.

The five people's expressions were straightened immediately, and they walked in slowly.

Li Nianfan was still holding a plane and working on a stool. The "hulahula" sawdust fell on the ground. Daji was by the side, wiping off Li Nianfan's sweat from time to time, and fed some fruits, which made him happy.

The five entered the room, hurriedly saluted, and said respectfully: "I have seen Mr. Li, Miss Daji, Fairy Huofeng."

"It's you guys, please sit down." Li Nianfan raised his head, looked at Ziye, then at Ye Liuyun, and said in amazement: "I don't think you know you too."

It seems that the circle of immortals is not big.

"Hehe, yeah, it's not a coincidence." Ziye and the others smiled, looking at the sawdust all over the floor in shock, and couldn't help saying: "Master Li is here..."

"I have nothing to do, and I'm going to make a few stools to play with." Li Nianfan put down his work and walked over with a smile, "Xiao Bai, hurry up and have tea."


Use spirit wood to make a stool, what do you call it a play?

Everyone pursed their mouths and looked at such a large piece of torn spirit wood. They were psychologically prepared, but they couldn't help but feel their hearts twitching. It was too...too extravagant.

If you use this spirit wood to refine magic treasures, it's no problem to make more than ten or twenty acquired treasures, and you can even refine several innate spirit treasures.

Now it has become a stool.

However, if this spirit wood can become a stool for a master, it must be a blessing for all generations to cultivate.

Ziye's gaze swept randomly in the courtyard, but he was taken aback.


However, there is a copybook hanging on the rockery in the middle of the courtyard, and the writing on it is clearly visible, with a faint halo flowing.

There seems to be a certain inexplicable rhythm between the heaven and the earth surrounding the copybook, vast and holy, this must be the treatment that the heaven and earth treasure can have.

"Establish a heart for the heaven and the earth, establish a life for the living and the people, for the sacred and inherit the best knowledge, and for the peace of all ages."

This this……

Her mouth opened slightly, and she felt dry and dry, and her brain instantly emptied, immersed in this artistic conception, and it was difficult to extricate herself.

Just four sentences, but full of endless and mighty artistic conception, swallowed her whole person like a mountain, almost unable to breathe.

It's too grand and spectacular.

She felt she couldn't bear it at all.

Others naturally saw this sentence, and their pupils widened, the pores of the whole body opened together, and the hairs stood upright.

They have a feeling that just these four sentences are enough to hold up this world!

Xiao Chengfeng felt even more ashamed.

Sure enough, an expert can speak sorrow, I am far from it!

Seeing that they were attracted by the copybook, Li Nianfan achieved the goal of showing off and felt full of accomplishment.

He couldn't help but smiled, and said: "What do you think of this copybook?"

"Okay, great writing!"

Everyone exclaimed in unison. They didn't need much rhetoric, but they expressed the deepest feelings. This was a performance that was shocked to the extreme.

Ziye's face flushed even more, and her delicate body trembled slightly.

She can feel the big ambition from this copybook! With great ambitions in the world!

Previously, Xuanyuan Shangxian had a random analysis, which made her waver at the matter of an expert going against the sky.

At this time, she was really sure!

The expert really wants to revive the ancients, he is defying the sky for the sake of the world!

Does anyone who can write such a holy word need to say more with the affection of the world? Can it be measured by ordinary people's hearts?

Being able to do things for this kind of person is what I am most proud of!

In any case, even if I sacrifice everything, I must help the master!

After all, it is my dream to reproduce the ancient times! And the superior... is my hope!

Li Nianfan looked at Lingzhu and curiously said, "By the way, this is..."

Lingzhu stuck out his tongue and introduced himself: "Young Master Li, my name is Lingzhu. I am a good sister of Ziye. My hobby is to eat good food."

It turned out to be a foodie among immortals.

You don't need to guess, it must be Ziye bragging in front of her girlfriends, which attracted her, which is much easier.

"It turned out to be Fairy Lingzhu, welcome."

A smile appeared on Li Nianfan's face, and he said, "Then you really have a good taste today. By chance, I played some game and I am preparing a big meal."

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