Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 301: Really exciting (fix)

You may not believe it, there is a pile of supreme innate Lingbao tableware in front of me.

Haha, I can't believe it myself.

Everyone looked at each other and swallowed hard.


At this moment, Xiaobai had already brought up a portion of steak.

Quietly placed in front of everyone, the oil and water were still beating, shaking against the beef.

"I'll tell you, steak goes better with red wine."

Li Nianfan smiled slightly, and opened the wooden barrel on the side. "Although I don't have red wine here, the wine is the same, fragrant!"

Inside the barrel, there is a layer of red wine, which is as moving as a rose. The fruity aroma of grapes is mixed with the fermented wine. It is not strong, but extremely long.


Xiaobai played the role of a waiter and poured a glass of wine for everyone.

The red wine flows down the wine glass, pours like a waterfall, and rolls out layers of waves in the glass, making people feel beautiful and enchanting.

Yes, it is beautiful and enchanting.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, everyone can't believe it. This word can be used to describe wine.

"This... is this really wine?"

Lingzhu couldn't help licking his tongue, and looked at the wine stupidly. Before drinking it, he felt that he was already intoxicated.

"Not bad."

Li Nianfan nodded, and then said: "The wine can be drunk in a while, and the steak will not be fragrant when it is cold. By the way, the steak should be eaten like this, you watch me learn to order.

After speaking, he took a fork in his left hand and a knife in his right. After a little everything, the beef was cut off, and then he put the fork into his mouth.

"It tastes good." Li Nianfan nodded, tasting carefully, and casually commented: "Xiaobai, don't be lazy next time, remember to turn the steak a little bit more frequently, so that the meat on both sides can be perfectly matched."

Xiao Bai immediately said: "This was all discovered by the master, and the master really has eyes like a torch, clearly aware of the autumn leaves, keen sense of smell, and Xiao Bai knew that he was wrong."

"You just give me the skin." Li Nianfan smiled, then looked at the crowd and couldn't help but urged: "Why don't you eat it? Hurry up and taste it. This taste is absolutely unique."

"Eat, we will eat now."

Everyone's hearts jumped violently, and then gritted their teeth, almost assuming a pilgrimage posture, carefully picking up the knife and fork.

Of course it is not a problem to eat, but it is the first time to eat with the best innate Lingbao, can you not be nervous? No one believed it.

After finally holding the knife and fork in their hands, their heartbeats accelerated so much that I actually touched the best congenital spirit treasure. It turns out that the touch of the best congenital spirit treasure is like this. I have to touch it more.

Li Nianfan's movements were not difficult to learn, and soon everyone followed suit, picking up a piece of beef and sending it into their mouths.

At this moment, they want to cry.

Not for anything else, just to eat with the best innate spirit treasure, I am so prosperous!

What kind of treatment is this kind of person.

"Ok... so delicious."

Lingzhu had already woke up from the shock, plunged into the food, his eyes lighted up.

The meat quality of this steak is absolutely excellent, the taste is tender, the meat is soft, but it is extremely chewy.

Meat tendons and fats are all removed. The oil flowers in the meat are very evenly distributed, and there is no grassy smell. With every chewing, there is overflowing oil and water, and the pure meat and butter scent invades the taste buds. , But it does not feel greasy.

The texture is tender, fat but not greasy.

"It's really delicious!"

Lingzhu couldn't find any other adjectives, so she could only repeat the two words delicious. She always felt that she had a very high standard for food, and those non-Tiangong jelly jade dews were not food.

But now, she found out that she was wrong, a terrible mistake.

Did you eat jelly jelly before? No, that's shit!

It turns out that the real food is like this. I have not been lucky enough to taste it until today. Not to mention using two innate spirit treasures, even if you contribute everything you have, it is worth it!

This is the persistence of food.

Li Nianfan looked at Lingzhu with a smile, but his smile suddenly stiffened.

Only then discovered that the fairy's eating posture seemed a bit wrong.

Steaks are usually cut off and eaten in small pieces. However, where does this fairy cut a small piece, half of the palm-sized beef is directly wrapped in one bite, and it seems that all her cheeks are It was cracked, and he was chewing "Uuuuu" in his mouth.

Even if the steak provided by Li Nianfan is not small, it is estimated to be seven or eight bites, it will be eliminated.

It is indeed a foodie among fairies.

Li Nianfan quickly picked up the goblet and said, "Don't just eat beef and drink some wine."

Everyone put down their knives and forks at the same time, held up the goblet respectfully, and said respectfully: "Young Master Li, I respect you."

But then they discovered that they could not use the Lingbao of this kind of cup, and they didn't even know where to start.

"Everyone, it's very modest to take it like this."

Li Nianfan gave a demonstration, and then said: "Before drinking, you need to slowly turn a glass of Chinese wine. This is called sobering."

Ziye opened the mouth and said, "I have been taught..."

Naturally, everyone dare not save the face of the master and follow the master to exercise together.

The wine in the glass is only poured in a small half, and as it is turned over, swaying in the sun, the misty and hazy beauty overflows, faint and faint, as quiet as water.

Gradually, they found that the wine in the glass seemed to have some unknown change, the color seemed to be brighter, and the brightness became more transparent.

The wine in the glass seems to be alive, but there is a tendency to flow.

The so-called grape wine luminous cup is nothing more than the same.

"It's okay." Li Nianfan brought the wine glass to his mouth, took a sip, gently and gracefully.

Suddenly there was a delicate fragrance floating in it, and the moderately sweet and sour liquid melted on the tip of the tongue, accompanied by a strong aroma of wine lingering in the taste buds.

Different from the top of white wine, the sweet and sour wine makes people's hearts calm down, and the worries in the brain settle and forget with the wine, making people's hearts flat as water.

One word, comfort.

When you have a gourd in the future, you have to have one for liquor and one for wine. This is the joy of life.

Naturally, other people followed in Li Nianfan's footsteps, taking a sip of wine, and a touch of red clouds flew up on their cheeks.

In the next moment, their pupils suddenly widened, looking incredible at the goblet in their hands, and their eyes showed doubts about life.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the delicacy of wine, but under this delicacy, there is a shocking good fortune that is enough to shock the entire fairy world.

"This, this is..."

Lingzhu was stunned, her whole body mana surged, and she only felt that whether it was her mana, sentiment, or state of mind, it was actually rising.

This is simply... I dare not dream of rising so fast.

The same is true for other people, so shocked that their brains are about to explode.

The experts here are full of geniuses and treasures, they know, but no matter how good things are, they must be digested.

According to the good fortune contained in this glass of wine, even if you drink it, it will take at least a year and a half to digest it, but now, it is directly dissolved in the body, without the slightest trace of impurities, as if it was derived from self-cultivation. The general.

It is the effect of this goblet!

It deserves to be the best innate spirit treasure, this is too strong!

This can actually play a role of purification, allowing the great opportunity to directly blend into the body without any violation.

It turns out that the so-called sober sober just now is actually using Xiantian Lingbao!

Horrible and incredible!

If this is spread out, it will definitely shock everyone.

For example, if a mortal drinks this kind of wine, although it is good fortune, there is a high probability that he will be drunk for a thousand years, and he will wait until he wakes up to become a powerful monk, but after the purification of the goblet, he will save directly. The process of being drunk for a thousand years.


Once this cup falls outside, it will inevitably cause a **** storm, and even shake the Three Realms. However, there is a box in Gaoren.

Everyone couldn't help but secretly cast their gazes on the box on the side. Inside, a goblet was neatly stacked, all shrinking their necks unanimously.

Except for the awesome, everyone can't think of any words to describe their inner shock.

With an extremely complicated mood, everyone finally finished the extravagant meal.

In fact, they don't want to end it. After all, a glass of wine is equivalent to a century of hard cultivation, or the kind of directly integrated into the body, without side effects.

But they know the truth of insatiable greed. Being able to eat such a meal with an expert is already the greatest good fortune in the world.

Therefore, when Li Nianfan stopped, they did not hesitate to stop together, not daring to take another bite.

There was only Lingzhu, and there was a small steak on the side where he saw Ziye that he hadn't eaten, and he quickly grabbed it and swallowed it with a happy smile.

Seeing that everyone stopped eating, Li Nianfan smiled and asked, "Are you full? Is this meal satisfactory?"

"Satisfied, so satisfied. I patted my conscience and said, Li Gongzi’s meal is my life, um... one, two, three, four... one hundred thousand years, the best meal I have eaten. It's delicious food!" Lingzhu was already lying down halfway, patted his bulging belly, and squinted happily.

Ten... ten thousand years?

The smile on Li Nianfan's face instantly froze.

Oh my God!

What are you doing, how can you live like this? Is this here to show off my age?

Look, people have lived for a hundred thousand years. I was lucky enough to drink Phoenix blood, and I was complacent about extending my life to a thousand years. The food in my hand suddenly disappeared.

It's so shocking.

Wait, it's worthy of being an immortal, who was so young, beautiful and energetic for 100,000 years.

Three thousand female college students, ranked in the fairy class, what is that female college one hundred thousand?

Also, if you haven’t been in a relationship for 100,000 years, wouldn’t it be...


It's scary to think about it.

Think about it further, it's so exciting.

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