Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 302: The ghost gate is closed...opened (fixed)

Endless curiosity arose in Li Nianfan's heart, and wanted to ask her if she ever fell in love.

But in the end reason defeated impulse.

Curiosity kills the cat, the small life matters.

Li Nianfan greeted Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, after eating, come over to wash the dishes and collect the chopsticks."

Xiao Bai ran over immediately, "Okay, my honorable master."

"Ping pong pong."

Xiaobai handled the tableware in a simple and rude manner, casually still in the pool, and everyone was shocked.

You simply don't treat the best innate Lingbao as a human being.

Ziye looked at Li Nianfan, struggling for a long time, and finally with an extremely nervous mood, she said with great expectation: "Li... Li Gongzi, after listening to your list of gods, I have an immature idea. I don't know if I should say it. ."

Li Nianfan was taken aback for a moment, and curiously asked: "What's your idea?"

This fairy really loves to make jokes, you have said so, even if it is inappropriate to say, I can't stop you from saying it.

Ziye took a deep breath and said slowly, "I want to build a heavenly palace."

what's the situation?

Build Tiangong?

Can Tiangong be built?

Li Nianfan felt a little confused, looking at Ziye, as if he had met this guest for the first time.

Is it so ambitious? Wu Zetian among immortals?

Is there a problem with my way of understanding? The Tiangong she was talking about was actually just the name of a sect?

Li Nianfan couldn't help but confirm: "You are not talking about... the Heavenly Palace in the Conferred God List, right?"

"That's the palace!"

Ziye nodded solemnly, and then said: "Young Master Li is right. The mortal world needs an emperor, let alone an immortal? There is no rule to make a circle, and order must be established."


Li Nianfan didn't know how to respond to Ziye for a while, and then looked at the other people, unconsciously, and suddenly guessed that 80% of this group of people had already discussed it. This is a group to build a heavenly palace.

No, no, because of one of your own stories, you are going to build a heavenly palace?

Zhou Yunwu went to unify the mortal world because of his own culture.

Yue Tu founded Buddhism because of the Journey to the West.

How many immortals here are going to build an immortal palace because of the entitlement list they talked about?

This world is too crazy.

But it is also easy to understand. This is like a person who hears an entrepreneurial story, and when he gets excited in his heart and his brain gets hot, he starts a business.

Ziye and the others are obviously like this, but they don't seem to be weak.

Li Nianfan pondered for a moment, and said sincerely: "Establishing a heavenly palace, that is naturally excellent, it is just a process, I am afraid it will be very difficult."

The expert is giving us a task!

This is testing our determination!

Everyone's heart suddenly mentioned, not surprised but delighted.

Ye Liuyun said directly: "Don't worry, Li Gongzi, no matter how difficult it is, we are not afraid!"

"You are so determined, very good!" Li Nianfan said with a smile: "If a heavenly palace can be built, it will definitely benefit the people."

If they were really successful, then they would be the original founders, and if they took their light, they might still be able to chat with the gods, and they might be able to go through the back door in the future.

Of course, if they can really get Pantao, wouldn't I follow Shuangfei.

Oh, it's pretty good to think about it.

Ziye was a little excited and said, "Young Master Li, we planned it this way, but it's not clear how the Heavenly Palace works. How did the final Conferred God of the Conferred Gods list be sealed?"

"There are quite a lot of positions in this heavenly palace, and it is much more complicated than the mortal world. Please listen to me one by one."

Naturally, Li Nianfan would not make jokes on this matter. He organized some language and said, "For example, Lei Bu Zhengshen has 24 positions. He is in charge of Xingyun and raining, and everything is supported by long-term support and rebellion. In addition to evil, good and evil are caused by misfortune.

Another example is the six righteous gods of the plague, who are in charge of mortal diseases and let them be implemented.

There is also the God of Wealth who is in charge of wealth, Yuelao who is in charge of matching, and the land master who helps people guide the way. There are more stars in each road...

Just talking about these positions, there is a sense of storytelling.

Li Nianfan combined the records and some usual ideas, improved a little, and quickly sorted out the general context of the heavenly palace.

Make everyone's eyes brighter and brighter.

Just by listening, you can feel that it is a world in which everyone performs their duties and the weather is smooth.

Ziye recorded it seriously.

Although she had worked as a errand in the heavenly palace, the heavenly palace was so complicated that she could not understand it at all, she could only say that she knew a general idea.

Lingzhu couldn't help but curiously asked: "Young Master Li, what level of immortal should these priests be held?"

"This is not clearly stipulated, but the level of realm is not the main factor." Li Nianfan thought for a while, "I think, probably, it seems to be based on merit. If you make great contributions in the mortal world and benefit the people, then you will die. It can also be a **** later."

After a pause, Li Nianfan couldn't help adding, "Of course, I'm just following the story, making it up randomly. If it's not true, you should just listen to it for reference."

Everyone nodded seriously, "Understand, we understand."

Li Nianfan saw that they listened more and more vigorously, so he could only bite the bullet and continue speaking.

As for how these immortals are going to do it, Li Nianfan can't think of it at all, and has no interest at all. What he can do is to provide some completely false guesses about the story.

No one noticed that with Li Nianfan's explanation, an unknown change began to take place between heaven and earth, and ripples began to rippling away in the void, as if layers of taboos were being broken.

In the backyard of the quadrangle courtyard, the small tree sapling by the pond suddenly emitted a bright light, silently, suddenly jumped up twice, growing a lot higher, and at the same time, the one hanging on it The vine shook slightly, and a small gourd the size of a thumb appeared.

at the same time.

Below the ground.

A dark place.

Here, it seems to be underground, and it seems to be another space separated by the earth, without sunlight, and gloomy.


In the endless darkness, there seemed to be many sounds flashing fast, and in the depths, there was the sound of rolling waves rolling in.

The sound of the waves became more and more violent, and at the same time, the numerous figures became more and more rushing, and there was a faint rush of shouts.

At a certain moment.

The dark world seemed to be turned on, and light began to appear.

However, it was not the white light, but the faint green halo. Although bright, it felt more gloomy.

In these green lights, you can see that the fast flashing figures are all wearing black uniforms. In the middle of the uniforms, there is a ghost character printed. The body is not a corpse, it is a bit illusory.

These ghosts are rushing towards the place where the waves are making.

As they went inward, through the narrow and long passages, they went deep and far, and they could see a stone cave, engraved with the word Styx, and they were blood red, shining with a terrible halo.

The roar came from here.

Entering the cave, the whole world suddenly opened up, and there was a huge sea of ​​blood in front of him. The blood-colored sea was rolling frantically at this time, and the waves rose like a dragon, like a tsunami.

"Quick, quick, quick! Keep coming, and you have to stop here if you die!"

A ghost general in black armor roared, his eyes were a little red, and between raising his hand, the big knife in his hand chopped the ghost that jumped out of the blood!

Above the sea of ​​blood, a ghost general wearing a blood-colored armor was patrolling quickly, his whole body was full of momentum, and his monstrous killing intent was like an invisible sea, heading toward the sea of ​​blood!

Trying to calm the blood sea.

"Who the **** is it, who is it? The road to life and death again! Are you not afraid of being condemned?"

There was a roaring sound in his mouth, and his eyes followed the sea of ​​blood, looking towards the end, where an illusory ghost door was slowly opening.

At the door, there seemed to be a long and illusory path winding its way.

"Oh oh oh."

In the blood sea, countless ghosts roared, and the roar made the scalp numb.

These ghosts rushed toward the ghost gate like a tide.

At the ghost gate, those ghosts also rushed past one by one, trying to block the ghosts and trying to close the ghost gate.

Two figures, one white and one black, stood at the forefront of the ghost gate, desperately smashing the evil spirits gushing out of the sea of ​​blood, and couldn't help but said with difficulty: "Back then, the emperor paid the price of his own death. Cut off, how can someone reconnect? Who is eligible to reconnect?"


Suddenly, a sharp and piercing voice sounded, causing everyone's heart to beat wildly, eardrums trembling, and cold all over.

A long shadow of light projected down from the ghost gate.

The ghost gate is closed...opened!

PS: Thank you Xiaoyao Yaya for the reward of 100,000 book coins, and the support of the leader of uoduck, thanks to Guandou for the reward of 50,000 book coins, thank you for the reward of 50,000 book coins for the five elements, and thank Nanyue Sword God for the 30,000 book coins. Reward, thanks to Xiaolou for the 20,000 book coin reward last night.

The above is for so long, the rewards are relatively large, and the others are not mentioned one by one. In short...thanks!

On this side, since I have the leader, I can’t bear to add ten chapters at once. From now on, I will keep the bottom three times every day, and slowly return the ten chapters. If there are rewards in the future, I will continue to add them. more.

Today is the last day of the month, and there are readers who have monthly tickets to support a wave. Please beg for the monthly ticket, it is very important, thank you, thanks~~~

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