Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 312: The expert here is the taste of happiness (subscription, monthly pass) (repair)

Falling fairy mountains.

Three figures soaring through the clouds and driving the fog, slowly descended.

Because they were worried that too many people would disturb the expert, only Pei An, Gu Xirou and Luo Huang came.

In this way, each of them happened to represent the three parties, and Luo Huang was in the Qianlong Xian Dynasty. It can be said that he has the closest relationship with an expert, and visiting together will not feel abrupt.

Of course, with such a big opportunity for the three of them, it was of course not for nothing.

If you are lucky enough to bring back something from the expert, you must not forget the others.

By getting along with the superior, they know that the superior cares most about decency and etiquette, and you must not be greedy, be careful, and everyone should do things for the superior together.

"I don't know if this so-called Thousand Chance Formation Expert can be eye-catching." Gu Xirou looked at Pei An as she walked, and said: "Friend Daoist Pei, your Qingyunzong is not a researcher of formations. How do you feel about this formation?"


Pei An has always liked to show off and brag about himself, but this time he was so humble, which shows that this episode is really very profound.

After a pause, he continued: "You are making fun of me sincerely when you ask me this question! This is an innate spirit treasure, and even the lowest level formation within it will be enough for me to study for a long time. It's more than a hundred thousand changes in the formation inside. This is just killing me."

For them, the Innate Lingbao is a treasure that they can't even think about. All the net worth is not worth an innate Lingbao. However, they did not give up a bit, but were afraid that the superior would look down on it.

Gu Xirou let out a long sigh of relief, "That's good, if you don't feel profound, then I have absolutely no face to give to an expert."

Pei An's face turned dark, "Can I understand that you are provoking me?"

Luo Huang immediately stiffened and fell behind these two people.

It's horrible to make jokes among the gods, I have to be careful about the pond fish.

Not long after, the expert's courtyard house appeared in the field of vision, and all three of them were shocked. They dared not speak any more, and moved forward extremely religiously.

Luo Huang took a deep breath, walked to the door, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"A guest is coming, Xiao Bai, go and open the door."

Li Nianfan's voice came from inside.

Then came the sound of "Da Da Da" footsteps.


The door opened.

Xiaobai poked his head out of it and said, "I'm sorry, everyone has been waiting for a long time."

The three of them were so scared that their hairs stood up, and they waved their hands quickly, "Don't dare, don't dare."

"Please come in."

Immediately, the three cautiously stepped into the courtyard, and at a glance they saw Li Nianfan who was playing chess with Daji in the yard, arched their hands together, and said respectfully: "I have seen Master Li, Miss Daji."

"Hahaha, it turned out to be you, welcome, old Pei and Fairy Gu have not seen each other for a long time."

Li Nianfan hurriedly greeted him and said with a smile: "You guys came just right. I recently researched out a milk cake. You have a good taste."

Immortals often come here to exchange feelings. If they don’t come for a long time, Li Nianfan will feel a little empty instead.

He makes food first for his own enjoyment. Of course, if he can leave the stomach of the immortal by the way, it is naturally excellent, so that they will be unforgettable and will never forget it.

The three of them were overjoyed. They didn't expect to have a great opportunity when they first came. They were extremely grateful and moved and said, "Thank you Li Gongzi."

The master is so kind to us.

Xiaobai had already walked over with a tray.

On the tray, a large cake was placed quietly.

The cake is a whole, not piece by piece, but a connected disc, a cylinder about the size of a human face. The appearance is extremely regular, and the appearance is brown. Because it is troublesome, Li Nianfan did not use much embellishment on the surface. , Simple, but not monotonous.

The three of them looked at the cake without blinking their eyes, their throats rolled involuntarily, and they felt their lips were a bit dry. This was caused by their extreme desire for food.

The three of them couldn't even breathe, their gazes followed the cake on the table in front of them, their tongues licked their lips.

When you get closer, the fragrance of the cake is highlighted. I have to say that the magic of the creator, eggs, flour and milk, the three can be a perfect fusion, exudes a sweet fragrance, arouses appetite, and penetrates into the bone marrow.

The fragrance is elegant, although it can't spread as far as other delicacies, but as long as you smell it, you can't stop it.

Xiaobai took out a knife, swiped it on the cake a few times, and easily divided it into several pieces of equal size. Under the extreme knife work, it instantly looked as beautiful as a flower bloom.

"Milk cake, please take your time."

"Thank you, Xiaobai."

"Okay, everyone quickly taste it to see if it suits the taste." Li Nianfan smiled and said: "Milk and egg are an excellent combination. This is just the simplest milk cake. In the future, you can add fruit to make cream, etc. ."

The three quickly responded: "Oh, let's eat."

How could this be unpalatable.

All three of them knew in their hearts that this was the egg of the fire bird, plus the milk of the five-color **** cow, and combined with the flour that is unique to Gaoren.

Such food is not only delicious, it is also a good fortune, placed outside, enough for countless immortals to kneel and lick!

The three of them carefully took a piece and handed it to him.

So soft.

This is their first feeling.

This kind of hand feel is simply indescribable. I don't dare to use force. It seems that I can pinch out water with a little bit of force. I am even more afraid that using force will pinch the cake into deformation. I can't bear to destroy this beauty.

So soft, if it were delivered to my own mouth, it would feel...

The three of them were looking forward to it at the same time. They smashed their mouths, and then opened their mouths and bit them.

It's so soft, it's like biting on a cloud.

The mouth melts, blending with the saliva and flowing into the stomach, and it seems to turn into a fragrance, filling the mouth and nostrils, as if to overflow.

"Ok... so delicious!"

Not to mention Emperor Luo and Pei An, even Gu Xirou couldn't control herself, and she swallowed a whole piece of cake with her mouth.

The most important thing is that so many cakes don't seem to need to be chewed at all. You can gently pick them with your tongue, and they will melt and blend with your body.

Let her whole body be soaked in a hot spring, with pores open all over her body, and she wandered repeatedly.

Enjoy, the ultimate enjoyment!

The expert here is simply paradise, not to mention that food can bring opportunities, just this kind of happiness, is never experienced!

Suddenly, they all felt in their hearts, what is the use of cultivating immortals by themselves, and what is the use of living long? Are you happy?

Only if you have eaten an expert's food, your life is not in vain!

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "How is it? How does it taste?"

"It's delicious, it's so delicious! Lips and teeth are fragrant, and the aftertaste is endless."

"It's true, every time I come to Li Gongzi, it is my most relaxing moment."

Li Nianfan laughed, "That is, food can make people forget their troubles, and it is also one of the greatest enjoyments of living."

"Young Master Li, this time we came over and brought a little gadget," Pei An turned his wrist, and the Thousand Chance Array appeared in his hand, slowly handing it to Li Nianfan.

Li Nianfan immediately said: "You are so true, come here, and bring gifts every time. I am embarrassed.

Pei An quickly said: "It's just a small thing, not a baby."

"Then I would be disrespectful." Li Nianfan took it with a smile. Naturally, it is impossible for the immortal to take advantage of his mortal. If he refuses to accept it, it will not give the immortal face and respect.

The array is not small, it's about the size of a chessboard, it's black in color, and it looks like a compass with a striped path on it. As the fingers rub along the line, there will be a halo.

"Huh? It's kind of fun."

Li Nianfan suddenly became interested, and tried to rub his hands on it again.

As the fingers flicked, the colors on the compass began to flicker continuously, and the colors of the halos that appeared were not the same, flowing like colored snakes, and would form a variety of different color patterns on the compass.

"This... game console?"

PS: Dear readers, the new January is here, ask for a monthly pass, thanks~~~

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