Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 313: The eyes are okay, but the hands are not.

Game console?

Is this Xiantian Lingbao a game in the eyes of an expert?

The three of Gu Xirou dared not say anything, didn't dare to ask anything, and could only silently serve as a qualified foil.

Quietly watching Li Nianfan tinker.

And this awesome Xiantian Lingbao obviously didn't dare to resist, so he let Li Nianfan rub and abuse him, not only that, but also gave out light to cooperate.

too difficult.

Li Nianfan looked at Pei An and said: "By the way, how do you play this?"

How to play?

Experts just like to laugh.

How dare I play.

Pei An pursed his mouth, carefully organized the language, and then said: "It's just to play with it. Well, there are several ways to arrange it."

"I understand, I feel a little familiar."

Li Nianfan immediately understood, "It's similar to a Rubik's Cube, you can arrange and combine as you like, as long as you have the skills in place."

He had already grasped the trick, and he randomly swiped his hands on the compass, and there was a halo. In just a moment, a fierce tiger made up of a halo appeared on the compass.

That, that is...

Pei An looked at the tiger, and his heart trembled suddenly, and cold sweat overflowed from them.

An extremely fierce aura immediately rushed toward his face, with a frenzied meaning.

The spirit formation becomes a tiger, this is a true immortal, and you must be trapped in the formation.

Master, this is... just use the Thousand Chance Array to set up a powerful array?

Is it so casual?

"Oh, it's really interesting, vivid, I will try again to see if I can form a dragon?"

Li Nianfan slid again, only to fiddle twice at random, and a five-color dragon was born, with its teeth and claws dancing, as if it would fly out of the Thousand Chance Array at any time.


This, this, this...

The spirit array has turned into a dragon!

This level of formation, even Jinxian must hate it.

This means that the master is not hostile to himself and others, otherwise, as soon as the thousand-for-one formation is released, the big formation will be released accordingly, covering this world, and the world of thousands of miles should change.

"Fun, let's have a double dragon play bead."

"One more ****."

"By the way, can Ten Thousand Swords return to the Sect?"

The three of them had their mouths wide open, and they looked at the pattern on the Thousand Chance Array changing constantly in such a daze, completely stupid.

The pores of their bodies were enlarged and their hairs were standing upright. They couldn't even breathe and became statues.

The formations laid down by the masters casually took out one by one, and they were all super killers, enough to make countless immortals change their colors and kneel down to beg for mercy, but now they are displayed one by one in front of them.

Moreover, even though they have no intention to kill them, such a brutal formation is ahead, even if it only reveals a little horror, it also requires them to do their best to resist and bear unparalleled pressure.

It's like dancing with the **** of death, although it won't die, but it's really empty!

Pei An's brain was blank, and she was shocked.

He believes that he has studied the formation method a little bit, and he has secretly seen the Thousand Chance array. However, people don’t know him at all. Even if he arranges the simplest formation method, he is confused and confused and does not know where to go. Start.

Is this so simple in the hands of an expert?

Is it just two strokes like this?

The eyes can do it, the key is that the hands do not! too difficult.

The melon seeds in the head are even buzzing, and I can't understand anything.

No more, it turns out I'm so weak, what am I still alive? I do not deserve.


Li Nianfan's brows suddenly raised. When arranging ten thousand swords and returning to the sect, many shining small swords appeared in the compass, but the halo actually began to flicker, and some places could not shine.

"Some parts of this game console seem to be broken?"

"Broken?" The three of Pei An were all startled, and they were so panicked that they trembled: "Is there any...

Li Nianfan took a close look at the game console, turned it upside down, and said casually: "Maybe, the wood seems to be broken in some places, resulting in less changes. I will find an opportunity to repair it. It should be no problem. "

He found that this game console seemed a bit old, and it seemed to be pieced together. There were gaps in some places, but the material should not be a good one, and it can be filled with wood.

The hundreds of thousands of formation changes in the Thousand Chance formation are still too few?

Fix it?

Can Xiantian Lingbao still be repaired?

Fortunately, everyone's tolerance has been much greater, and they can still keep their faces calm and smile.

Gu Xirou licked her dry lips, and said nonchalantly, "Uh, Li Gongzi, we don't know this... the game console is broken, I'm really sorry."

Li Nianfan waved his hands again and again, "It's okay, it's okay, this thing is really interesting, it's definitely an artifact to relieve boredom, I like it very much, thank you, it's too late."

nice! You love it.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what, as long as they knew this, it would be great news.

Li Nianfan suddenly changed his expression and couldn't help but smiled, and said: "I just made a new game, and you brought me a game console. It's a coincidence."

The three of them cast their gazes on the chessboard in front of Li Nianfan and Daji, suddenly showing curiosity.

At first I didn't think it was anything, but when I looked carefully, I felt a strange feeling again, as if the whole chessboard contained the rhythm of the great road, as if I saw a small world.

The most important thing is that from the chessboard to the chess pieces, they are all made of spiritual roots, and even carved by the masters themselves. With the breath of masters, it seems to resonate between the world and the earth. Then, people can't help but feel a sense of pilgrimage.

Judging from this chessboard and chess pieces, its value may not be lower than that of the Thousand Chance Array.

And this is just a game that an expert can easily make to relieve boredom when he is bored.

The word “powerful” is probably not enough to describe an expert.

Pei An said: "Dare to ask Li Gongzi, what game is this?"

"This game is called chess, and the rules are extremely simple." Li Nianfan smiled slightly, and immediately said the rules of chess.

The rules are very simple. Everyone is immortal, so you will naturally hear it, and it will feel very interesting when you hear it.

Li Nianfan saw everyone eager to try, and sent out an invitation, "Would you like to try?"

Pei An thought for a while, rubbed his hands, and said immediately: "Then I will show my ugliness."

Li Nianfan made a gesture of invitation, "You hold on to the red, go ahead, please."

"Oh, good."

Pei An yelled, and immediately cast his gaze on the chessboard impulsively.

At this glance, his pupils suddenly widened, his whole body shook, blood surged, and goose bumps could not stop appearing.

As a bystander, he didn't feel it yet, but when he was in a chess game, he looked at the chessboard as if he was looking at a bottomless vortex. A mighty and boundless aura surged towards his brain. Suddenly it was blank.

When he woke up again, the surrounding environment had completely changed.

He is no longer in the courtyard, but suspended in the air, surrounded by nothingness, and it is actually a chaotic world.

Lower your head.

Under his feet is a chess game, a huge chess game!

The chess was arranged neatly, although it was still that way, but they exuded an aura that even he felt extremely oppressive.

And he himself is in the position of coach.

At this moment, eight words came into his mind: platoon troops, dispatch troops and generals.

It was a singular scene, nothing, just a chess game, but Pei An was lost.

He was stunned by the vastness in front of him.

Where is the chess game, this is clearly the avenue of formation!

These moving chess pieces are not in the formation, the two armies are facing each other, and the comparison is the layout of the formation.

It's too esoteric, it's incredible.

In front of this chess game, his feelings of formations were completely a cell in a drop of water in the vast ocean, too small to be seen.

Before he started to move, sweat began to overflow on his forehead, his eyes flickered uncontrollably, and he fell into a deep confusion and self-doubt.

How can I be qualified to manipulate such a profound formation!

Finally stabilized his mind, he gritted his teeth and began to manipulate.

The profound formation made him feel ashamed and felt a strong crisis. Therefore, his first reaction was to protect himself as handsome.

He started to move, and his formation changed accordingly. The first step was to manipulate the soldiers to stand in front of him.

Li Nianfan stared blankly, showing an unbelievable look.

Although it is a pure novice, it is not so pure, right?

Could this be the chess mode of the fairy? What are the awesome routines?

Li Nianfan didn't even think about it, and immediately fell asleep.

In Pei An's eyes, the formation has changed rapidly, and the aura of the avenue rushes over his face, making him even more uneasy.

Therefore, he once again manipulated the formation to return to defense, and walked away and blocked him.

Li Nianfan couldn't understand Pei An's routine, so he was a little more cautious. That's the case, just eleven steps, he put Pei An to death.

Until this time, Pei An just woke up like a dream. It was only this moment that his whole body had been soaked with cold sweat, and the hand that was playing chess was shaking violently, hoarsely said: "I lost ."

The cells in his whole body were still tightly collapsed, and his muscles were stiff. This was caused by various complex emotions that surged into his heart after seeing the avenue.

Excitement, fear, admiration, anxiety, low self-esteem, and other emotions erupted instantly, reaching the limit completely, and couldn't control myself at all.

This is like a mortal who suddenly saw the immortal in front of him, and got the guidance of the immortal.

Li Nianfan looked at Pei An's desperate look and couldn't help but said, "Are you coming?"

Pei An's pupils shrank suddenly, and they were full of surprises, and he trembled: "But...is it okay? I feel that my chess skills are not good."

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