Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 314: Uninvited Guest (repair)

More than not, Caiji dare not play chess like this.

Your self-knowledge is still not enough!

Of course, Li Nianfan only dared to complain in his heart. After all, the other party was a fairy, and he still had to give this face.

He said: "In fact, it's already pretty good, after all, I just learned it, take it easy."

Pei An's eyes were hot, and he exhausted all his strength, before he swallowed his tears back, and said sincerely, "Thank you, Master Li, for your willingness to point me."

The expert is really too good to say anything to me.

Actually he was willing to put down his figure and point him personally. It took so much luck for him to be so lucky.

Being in a chess game is equivalent to directly facing the avenue of formation. Every time you play a chess, you can gain a little more insight into the way of formation.

It can only be said that the expert is worthy of being an expert, and it is incredible to be able to invent such a fetish that encompasses the avenue of formation.

If it is said that the Thousand Chance Array is used to lay out the array to defend against the enemy, then this chess is used to teach people the way of the formation.

Compared with the two, the value of chess is definitely far more than the thousand-game array!

I want to come to an expert because he is very satisfied with the Thousand Chance array he sent, so he is willing to condescend to show his own formation method.

The realm of an expert is truly impressive!

So, the second game, the third game...

After five rounds, Li Nianfan really couldn't bear it.

The food is too food, it is horrible.

The last time he played chess like this was Luo Shiyu, who couldn't think of Pei An's stinky chess level, it was almost beyond compare.

It is hard to imagine that there are people with such stinky chess skills in the world, completely refreshing Li Nianfan's understanding of immortals.

Playing chess with is a kind of torture.

Li Nianfan pondered for a moment, then whispered: "Or...that's all for today?"

Pei Ann dared to talk nonsense, hurriedly agitated, nodded and said: "Oh, yes, this time I really disturbed Young Master Li."

Li Nianfan laughed and said, "Hahaha, I can't talk about interrupting, but I welcome you all."

Gu Xiruan Luo Huang also got up and said, "Young Master Li, then we will leave."

"Yeah." Li Nianfan arched his hands, Yu Guang saw the half of the cake left on the table, and immediately said: "Why haven't this been finished? Don't save me."

Luo Huang smiled and said, "Young Master Li, we have already tasted it. How embarrassed to eat it all."

Li Nianfan waved his hand, "You're polite with me, it's not a valuable thing. If you like to eat, just pack it for you and take it away."

Immediately, without saying anything, he wrapped up the rest of the cake.

This time, after all, I was a little bit chaotic, so I had to make up for it.

Gu Xirou took the cake cautiously, and said in excitement, "Thank you Li Gongzi."

The three of them walked out of the courtyard with gratitude on their faces.

Emperor Luo couldn't help but sighed: "Hey, every time I come to the expert here to get a chance, I eat and take, I am really embarrassed, I only hate myself for nothing in return!"

He felt that after he had eaten the cake, he was on the verge of a breakthrough, and it was no longer difficult to come to be a fairy.

This is something that I didn't dare to imagine before. Don't even talk about becoming a fairy before, even if it becomes a fit period, it feels like a luxury.

This is the benefit of rubbing the thighs, even a little hair on the legs is very fragrant.

"Well, you know, that chess contains the way of formation, which can be called infinite good fortune!" Pei An's eyes were full of awe, "These games are too advanced, not ordinary immortals like me. To be able to play, at least it has to be at the level of a big boss in the fairy world to be able to play!"

After a pause, his face suddenly grimaced, and he said: "However, I have understood another meaning of chess. Above the chess game, the pawns, chariots, horses, and generals all have their own positions and are responsible for attacking. , Responsible for defense, each one performs its own duties, this is to simplify the complex, it is the most fundamental way of deployment!

Then, as a **** of a master, we must have a clear position of our identity. After my careful consideration, I think we should belong to the pawns, responsible for charging and entrapment, whether we advance or retreat! "

Gu Xirou nodded, "What you said makes sense."

Luo Huang analyzed: "In this case, if we want to share the worries for the superior, we must help the Emperor to calm the world. At present, the most important target is the demons."

As the three talked, they had already arrived at the foot of the mountain. Gu Changqing and the others were waiting. Seeing them, they greeted them quickly.

"Don't say, don't ask, let's see what I brought you first." Pei An said as he took out the bag and raised it in front of everyone.

"Is this for food? Is it packed from an expert?"

"Fragrant, so fragrant! This fragrant is definitely made by an expert."

"It must be an expert who knows that we are waiting under the mountain, so that you can pack it back. It is really good for us."

"You must restrain yourself, don't be silly, you must divide it equally!"

The cake is only the size of a palm, but they surround it, as if caring for the most precious treasure in the world.

Then, cautiously, you take a sip, and I take a sip, forgetting about it.

When the last bite of the cake is eaten, although everyone eats very little in his mouth, they are all very satisfied, licking his lips, and having a satisfied aftertaste.

However, at this moment, their faces changed suddenly and they looked up to the sky.

There, a large auspicious cloud was falling from the sky, and the white cloud enveloped it, casting a shadow.

Above the auspicious clouds, there was a wave of coercion descending, mighty, and went straight to the Luoxian Mountain Range.

Pei An and others all had their faces sinking, and the whole body's momentum pressed towards the auspicious clouds without hesitation, and said: "Who is the one here?"

Xiangyun slowly landed, and there were more than twenty people on it. The one with the lowest cultivation base was already in the Mahayana stage, and the leader was a gray-haired old man.

A middle-aged man with a square face couldn't help but sneered: "Hehe, I saw you all here from afar, seeming to be rushing for food. I thought it was a mouse. It really made us happy, why? Who will give it? Your courage dare to stop me from the path of Yunluoge?"

"It turned out to be a fellow Taoist from Yunluo Pavilion."

Pei An suppressed the anger in his heart, took a deep breath and said: "Aren't you supposed to be in the immortal world? Why are you here?"

In order not to affect the superiors, Pei An and others are thinking of calming things down, and fighting here is always bad.

"Now that the road to immortality is open, can't we go down to the world and turn around?"

The middle-aged man smiled, and then said, "I happened to pass by here. I saw that this place is well located. It can be regarded as a geomantic treasure land, enough to serve as my stronghold in the mortal world."

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