Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 315: The pavilion master, why is the pavilion master missing (repair)

The comer is not good!

The faces of Pei An and others wrinkled suddenly, and a hint of cold light flashed in their eyes.

Send out more than 20 people to travel in a group, and then happen to see a mountain?

Such words are fooling you!

He opened the mouth and said: "Sorry, this mountain already has a master, please let go of this unrealistic idea and look elsewhere."

The middle-aged man sneered and said, "If there are people, just drive them away. Are you guys here, do you want to block me?"

Gu Yuan said solemnly: "You guys are here for another purpose."

"If you let go, it's none of your business. If you don't let go, then you must be ready to die!"

They do have other goals, and their goals are very clear.

That is being ordered to test.

Isn't there a big figure hidden in this hill? Since you don't know the depth, then find a reasonable reason to drive him away to get more information.

Originally, they had built a whole set of plans in their minds, just waiting to be implemented after going up the mountain, making a spat was really simple, but they didn't expect that they would be stopped before they went up the mountain.

Pei An had already guessed a little bit, and whispered: "I would advise you to turn your head back! Don't be used as a gunman!"

Regardless of whether they can fight the opponent or not, they are absolutely unacceptable, and they must not disturb the superior.

"We're here, and don't want to do anything, just a few true celestial beings and celestial beings, really think they can stop us?"

The leading old man spoke, and he slowly stepped forward, narrowing the distance with everyone, his tone was kind, with a trace of hoarseness, but in the old body, there was another wave of mighty power gushing out Coming out makes him look extremely extraordinary.

Persuaded to retreat: "Go away! Don't be stubborn."

It's actually a golden fairy!

The complexions of Pei An and others suddenly became extremely heavy, but they didn't let it go.


At this moment, a flash of electric light was like a lightning snake, swiftly moving, and came to Pei An in a flash.

The electric light was too fast and too fast, without warning, and came suddenly, giving no time for everyone to react.

The two steps that the old man had just stepped forward seemed friendly, but he was already ready to attack. As long as he didn't agree with him, he could kill him!

Among the people, Pei An's cultivation base is the highest, and it is already in the middle stage of the true immortal. As long as it is removed, the others can be destroyed with a wave. Since it can save time, why not do it.

Everyone was stunned, and Pei's body was cold, and he knew it was too late to dodge.


At the moment of the moment, ripples suddenly appeared in the void.

The electric light seemed to hit an invisible wall, and it was directly bounced back, without a trace of spray.


The old man sighed secretly, and a wave flashed in his eyes.

The electric light revolved in the air and returned to his side again, but it was an electric light dagger surrounded by electric light, and the power of thunder was pervasive. It was actually an acquired thunder and lightning.

Originally, at such a distance, this attack should be safe and secure, and it was a pity that it fell short.

Pei An breathed a sigh of relief, patted his little heart, and couldn't help but backed away two steps in fear.

Annoyed into anger: "Despicable!"

He was really scared to death, he didn't even have time to sweat, he just walked through the gate of the ghost.

Everyone looked into the void, but saw layers of ripples like water waves flowing slowly around the Luoxian Mountain Range, just to surround the Luoxian Mountain Range.

Just now, Pei An happened to be at the edge of the Luoxian Mountain Range, and this happened to block the attack.

The old man's brows jerked, "Formation?"

Pei An and others were determined and excited. This must be an expert method.

Gu Xirou said, "I know that you are here for the high people on the mountain, but I advise you to put aside your careful thoughts. This time it is just a warning. Otherwise, you won't know how to die!"

"Hehe, the mere team thought they could stop me?"

A trace of contempt flashed in the old man's eyes, and he slowly raised his steps and walked to the foot of the Luoxian Mountain Range.

Raise your hand forward.

Ahead, the layers of ripples swayed, not aggressive, but when he put his hand on it, he felt a wave of obstacles and couldn't get in.

The old man laughed immediately, "I thought it was something but a flexible defensive formation."

He patted his sleeves, "That's really unfortunate, my Sky Thunder Knife is best at breaking through various formations!"

When the voice fell, he raised his hand and pointed it, and the lightning dagger came out of the air and hovered in front of him. Accompanied by his decisive draw, it turned into a three-foot sword lying in front of him.

Above the blade, lightning flashed and thunder, like a thousand birds neighing, shocked people's eardrums.

"The formation of guarding the mountain does not appear to be so clever. It seems that the people on the mountain are nothing more than that. I'll break it first!"

The old man held the Sky Thunder Knife, together with the Thunder Knife, and suddenly, the lightning shot up into the sky like a long snake, forming a series of blue electric currents to cross.

Then cut towards the formation...


The group of people in the Yunluo Pavilion stood behind them. They were already ready to cheer, but they heard a loud noise, and then they saw the old man's body "shoo", like a ball, across his head. A beautiful arc.

Then he fell a hundred meters away with a "pop".


Everyone's faces suddenly froze.

The middle-aged man with a square face quickly stepped forward, "Pavilion Master, are you okay."

"It's okay." The old man waved his hand and floated from the ground again, his face was calm, as if nothing happened just now, "This formation is shameless, on the surface it is just a flexible formation, but I didn't expect it to change. With a counterattack effect, it is calculated to me."

He saw that the faces of Pei An and others were gloating, his face was ugly, he gave a cold snort and waited for me!

With a decisive draw in his hand, the Sky Thunder Knife floated on top of his head, unexpectedly swelled again, completely turning into a long knife composed of thunder and lightning. The strong electric light quickly condensed, and it quickly became like a thunder and lightning tree. It grows on his forehead.

So, it's not over yet.

The old man raised his hand again, his face sinking like water, "Take Thunder!"


It was clearly a clear sky, but a thick blue thunder would fall. The thunder surrounded the old man's body, making him look like a thunderous person.


Those people in Yunluo Pavilion couldn't hold it back and began to retreat. The light of thunder and lightning swam around like a silver snake, and the damage was not small.

"With my cut, the formation will be broken! Not only that, the top of this mountain will probably be leveled!"

The old man looked at Pei An and others with a cruel smile, "If you can survive, count your talents!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his hands and held the thunder and lightning knife like a small tree, and his whole body was rolling with mana, and the thunder might be mighty, like a thunder and lightning dragon, slashing towards the Luoxian Mountain!

Everyone stared attentively, without blinking, for fear of missing this wonderful scene.

This was the strongest blow of the Golden Immortal, and it was still used the acquired treasure plus the thunder method. The destructive power of the entire fairy world is one of the few, so terrifying!

Near, near...

Including Pei An and others, their heartbeat accelerated and held their breath.


The old man roared sharply, as if he was holding a small hill, and his momentum was overwhelming.

He stared at the front with wide eyes, full of coldness.

But at this moment, the formation in the void suddenly changed, and there was also a flash of thunder and lightning, and it seemed to have formed a thunder and lightning phantom surrounded by a dragon.

The old man's face suddenly distorted, as if he had seen something extremely unbelievable, he was horrified to despair, "Woooooo-"

The advancing body could no longer stop the car, and plunged into it.


There was a thunder on the ground.

Everyone just felt their eyes dizzy and their ears were numb.

I saw that that place has become an ocean of thunder and lightning, with countless thunders jumping constantly, crackling constantly, and the translucent light pierced people's eyes.

Except for the thunder and lightning in the sky, nothing can be seen at all.

"Pavilion Master...so strong!"

"I have never seen the pavilion master explode with such power, 80% of the cultivation base has improved."

"It seems that the incident just now completely angered the Pavilion Master, so he was so cruel."

The disciples of Yunluoge kept talking, and their eyes were full of worship.

As the strong light dissipated, everyone quickly looked up...

At the sight, the Luoxian Mountain Range is still that mountain range, and the flowers and grasses within it have not changed. Pei An and others are still standing quietly, as if nothing happened.

How... how could it be possible that nothing happened?

By the way, where's the patron?

Why is the pavilion owner missing?

"Pavilion Lord! Are you there?"

"Kang Dang!"

A big knife fell to the ground.

The edge of the knife has been folded, and there are still several gaps on it. Although the light is no longer, the shadow of the sky thunder knife can be seen faintly.

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