Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 316: No, I have to cultivate

The audience was silent.

Everyone in Yunluo Pavilion looked at the Sky Thunder Blade on the ground blankly, and even thought they had hallucinations.

"Pavilion Master... gone?"

They couldn't believe it, the dignified Jinxian, just such a "Duang" cry, gone?

Not only that, even the treasure of the day after tomorrow has become such a look, and dreams are not so crazy.

Just... what a terrifying power that must be.


Pei An sighed and sighed, "I have persuaded, why don't you listen, can you live well?"

They were not surprised by this result.

What is Jinxian? In the eyes of an expert, I am afraid that even the ants are not even considered to be ants. They belong to the kind of goods that disappear after playing games.

Gu Yuan stared at the rest of the crowd, his eyes sank slightly, his confidence was immediately sufficient, "Quickly tell, who sent you over!"

The middle-aged man with square-faced face had already risen at his feet, and he was so frightened that he turned his head and ran fast, "Everyone quickly retreat, and everyone's destiny!"

"Naughty animal, where to escape?!"


In the courtyard.

Li Nianfan is playing a game console with his teacher.

"From easy to difficult, to see, the thunder and lightning just became a little more complicated. I think you can start with the water wave that was lined up at the beginning. Come, I will cover it up for you again."

While talking, he held Xiao Daji's catkin and began to slide slowly along the top of the game console. The soft touch and the delicate fragrance of the body made Li Nianfan a little worried.

Leaning on Xiao Daji, uh, so soft and so warm.

At first, Huofeng stood by and watched, carefully learning how to set up an array, but then suddenly discovered that he was the only one who was studying seriously, and was suddenly hit by a crit and silently stayed away.

In broad daylight, what kind of demeanor you are, do not look at indecent.

Li Nianfan reluctantly stopped teaching until his hands felt a little tired.

He kind of understood why in ancient times there were kings who did not reign early, and people who love beauty do not love Jiangshan.

At this moment, Daji looked at Li Nianfan, but she said, "My son, I want to go out with Fairy Huofeng recently."

"Going out again?"

Li Nianfan raised his brows slightly, and couldn't help thinking of the cow last time. He couldn't help but said, "Little Daji, you won't have to prepare me any surprises again. Actually, we don't need anything. Our family doesn't lack anything for the time being."

Da Ji pursed her mouth, thought for a long time, and then whispered: "My son, Fairy Huofeng told me, in fact...I can cultivate immortals."

In this sentence, she has actually hesitated for a long time.

The owner seems to want to be with her, so she treats herself as a mortal from beginning to end, but she feels like a vase, eating and drinking with the owner, but nothing is useful. Now the situation is getting more and more tense. She wants to help the owner do more.

Continue to be a mortal, many things will be inconvenient, so I chose temptation.

After speaking, she hung her head quickly, not daring to see Li Nianfan.

Because I don't understand what my master thinks, I'm afraid the master will be angry.

Li Nianfan was silent.

From the moment he picked up Daji, he has been avoiding a problem.

That is, he took it for granted that Daji had no spiritual roots like himself and could live a mortal life with himself.

Even, he knew so many immortal cultivators and immortals, and deliberately avoided asking Daji whether he could cultivate immortals, and he was even more afraid of being raised by others.

He didn't dare to think about what would happen to him once Daji entered the road of cultivation.

However, the problem finally came.

I knew that a beautiful girl like Daji could cultivate immortality in all likelihood, and she might have a very high aptitude. If this is placed in the cultivating sect, the proper material is for the saint.

Li Nianfan was a little upset. The reason he avoided it was because he knew that once Daji embarked on the path of cultivating immortality, he and her would become people in two worlds.

Even if Daji is willing to follow him, he himself will find it difficult to accept.

Seeing that Li Nianfan hadn't spoken for a long time, Daji's eyes suddenly turned red, and she tremblingly said: "My son, I'm sorry, I can still continue to be a mortal."

"Little fool, since he can cultivate immortals, he should be a mortal."

Li Nianfan restrained his sadness and said with a smile: "I was the one who delayed you before. When you are successful in cultivation, I still count on you to protect me."

Daji nodded earnestly: "Don't worry, son, Daji will definitely protect him forever."

Li Nianfan laughed, and then asked, "When are you going to leave."

"When does the son want me to leave?"

Li Nianfan pondered for a moment, and said, "Would you like to wait for me to teach you how to play the game console before leaving?"

Daji obediently said: "Well, I listen to the son."

In a blink of an eye, five days passed.

In the past five days, Li Nianfan and Xiao Da have lived a happy little life for both of them. Li Nianfan didn't say anything, but he cherished it in his heart.

If Daji was successful in cultivation and even became an immortal, how could he get along with her like this, after all, there would be a gap.

The only thing that made Li Nianfan grateful was that Xiao Daji was practicing with Huofeng. If he joins a certain sect, then he really should not think about food.

Li Nianfan sent Daji and Huofeng to the gate of the courtyard, and said: "Fairy Huofeng, Xiao Daji will trouble you to take care of it. I heard that ghosts and monsters are rampant recently, and there are frequent anomalies in the sky. It must be not peaceful."

Huofeng nodded, "Don't worry."

Daji said to Li Nianfan: "My son, I'm leaving."

In her hand, the little fox blinked his eyes and waved his paw at Li Nianfan.

"Go." Li Nianfan waved his hand pretendingly.

Until Daji left, Li Nianfan let out a long sigh and sat on the stool in absentia.

I'm afraid it won't be short for Xiao Da to leave. When she comes back, if she really becomes a fairy, how should she deal with herself?

At this moment, Da Hei ran over and came to Li Nianfan's feet, rubbing Li Nianfan's trousers like a coquettish dog's head.

"Wow." (Master, you still have me, I don't cultivate immortals, I'm just an ordinary dog."

"Let me be quiet."

Li Nianfan rubbed the **** dog's head vigorously and shook his head and said: "While staying there, you, a single dog, don't understand my mood."

After a while, Li Nianfan stood up suddenly.

"No, I have to cultivate immortals!"

A trace of firmness flashed in his eyes, unprecedented firmness.

Anyway, women are the driving force of men.

In the past, after knowing that there was no hope, Li Nianfan gave up altogether, just thinking about spending the rest of his life peacefully. At this time, for the sake of a woman, he was thinking about doing everything possible to cultivate immortality.

Immediately, he asked Xiaobai to go to the backyard and called Nun Nu and Long Er over.

Nun Nun ran all the way, "Brother Nianfan, you call us?"

Li Nianfan looked dignified, looked at the girl and asked, "Yang, your swallowing technique, can you practice without spiritual roots?"

Nuan tilted her head and thought for a while, "My practice swallows mana, and only the spiritual root body can contain mana."

This answer is tantamount to a disguised negative.

"Long'er, do your monsters have a technique? Do you also need spiritual roots?" Li Nianfan was also in desperate illness, and hoped to be infinitely close to zero.

Sure enough, Long'er held his chin and shook his head and said, "Every kind of demon practice is even different. If you practice the demon clan's practice, you will die."

This answer is even worse.

Li Nianfan frowned.

Long Er raised his hand and said, "Brother, I know how mortals become immortals."

Li Nianfan's eyes lit up suddenly, "Let's listen."

Ryuuji started counting with his fingers.

"Eat flat peaches."

"Eat elixir."

"Directly on the list of gods."

Yes, you think this is "Journey to the West" and "Fengshen Bang".

Li Nianfan rolled his eyes.

However, his heart suddenly moved.

In the Conferred God List, it seems that many mortals are directly canonized and become immortals. As long as they enter the establishment of the heavenly palace, they will become gods, and they will directly cultivate into a righteous fruit.

It's a pity that this world of cultivating immortals does not have a heavenly palace, let alone the so-called conferred **** function.


There is no heaven here, but there are underground palaces!

If you can get the establishment of the underworld and become an official in the underworld, isn't that the same as becoming a fairy? Is it even a longevity in disguise?

He kept wandering in the courtyard, the more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

Before, I only thought that I would be soaked in the Styx after death, so I didn't expect to be a servant in the underworld!

Do you need spiritual roots to be a ghost? It should be...not so.

Now that I found a way, I finally saw hope.

Li Nianfan's heart throbbed, full of energy.

His eyes suddenly heated up, and he looked at Nun Nun and Long Er and said, "Nun Nun, Long Er, where is your cultivation level, how good is it?"

Speaking of the cultivation base, the daughter suddenly became excited and proudly said: "Awesome, Brother Nianfan, I'm amazing. Although it's only in the middle stage of distraction, I can play ten in the fit stage! This is not my magic weapon. "

"Hehe, I was stuck in the late Mahayana period, but I'm not afraid of encountering immortals." Long Er grinned and gave a look at her, crying.

"It's so amazing." Li Nianfan was delighted. With the two of them accompanied, the safety issue shouldn't be big.

Nun Nu can swallow mana, Ryuuji is a monster, and is backed by a big family of carp spirits, and they will also be guided by the fire phoenix and the immortals, and they can't imagine that they can grow so fast.

But... this is a good thing.

Li Nianfan didn't mess with anything, and said directly: "Clean up, I will take you out."

The eyes of Ryuuji and Nun-nan suddenly brightened to the extreme, "Really? Go out to play?"

"Oh oh oh..."

Before Li Nianfan nodded, they couldn't wait, and happily packed their things.

Da Hei looked at Li Nianfan expectantly, his dog's tail wagging wildly, "Bow."

Li Nianfan thought for a while, then looked at Da Hei's physique, "Okay, take you with you too."

Da Hei is still very strong. If he encounters a strong enemy, he can still be interrupted at the critical moment, and he can drag a little bit.

Suddenly she walked out of the room and said, "By the way, Brother Nianfan, a beautiful gourd has grown on the gourd vine in the backyard."

"Growing a gourd?"

Li Nianfan immediately walked towards the backyard.

The gourd vines have grown very long, entwined along the trunk of the small tree.

On the gourd vine, a purple-gold gourd hung there, shining in the sun, looking extremely dazzling.

The gourd has the size of two palms, the size is just right, the appearance is also excellent, and it is a high-end product.

This time I went out to find the method of becoming immortal, and it was said that I would not be able to deal with big men. The grade of this wine gourd was barely enough to get in front of others.

Li Nianfan picked the gourd very professionally, and after a simple treatment, he made a wine gourd.

After careful consideration, Li Nianfan chose to take the wine out because he was worried about drinking liquor.

"Xiao Bai, take a good look at the house, the chickens and cows raised at home will be handed over to you."

"Don't worry, my honorable master."

Everything was ready, and with a "squeak" closing the gate of the courtyard, three people embarked on the journey.

This time, Li Nianfan's goal was very clear, to find ghosts.

Strive to catch the line of the underworld, and look for ways to cultivate without spiritual roots.

Compared with the two, it is more reliable to find ghosts.

After descending to the Luoxian Mountain Range, Li Nianfan didn't sullenly rushed, but went to Luoxian City to inquire about the news.

Li Nianfan would definitely avoid this behavior of headless flies.

Entering Luoxian City, Li Nianfan said: "Nunnan, do you want to say hello to Aunt Zhang? This time we are going to go far."

"Oh, okay, Brother Nianfan, you can't leave me and run, you must take me." The girl said uneasyly.

Li Nianfan shook his head dumbfounded, "What do you think of me."

Afterwards, people who were familiar with the road came to the market.

The fish boss’s business is as prosperous as ever. When he saw Li Nianfan, he smiled and said, “Mr. Li, it’s been a long time since I saw you, come here to buy fish?”

Li Nianfan shook his head and said, "No, I wanted to go to a far door recently. I heard that many places are haunted?"


Boss Yu's face suddenly turned straight, "This is not a joke. We just landed in Xiancheng. We had been haunted by ghosts not long ago. It's too terrifying. Thanks to the help of the fairy, otherwise we don't know what to do."

Boss Yu reminded: "Why do you think about traveling far away at this time, it's really inappropriate!"

Li Nianfan smiled and said: "There is no way, I have to go out, but I know where the haunting is more serious, I try to avoid it."

"Southwest!" The fish boss blurted out without even thinking about it.

Li Nianfan asked, "Why?"

"War!" The fish boss still had palpitations on his face. "There are too many people dead there. Ghosts naturally like to go there. I heard that even a whole city has died. Ghosts are everywhere. , Even the immortal dare not provoke, no caravan dared to go in that direction anymore."

Li Nianfan nodded, "I understand, thanks for letting me know."

Sure enough, the question is right, that's it!

Haunted is so terrible, I think some ghosts will pass by.

"By the way, Lord Li." Boss Fish solemnly reminded: "If you are traveling far, it is better to buy some talisman paper or evil spirit jade pendant on your body, so that it can block lonely ghosts."

"Hahaha, okay." Li Nianfan smiled.

It's no wonder that I suddenly saw a lot of small vendors selling these things along the way. Unexpectedly, the existence of the underworld has spawned such a big business opportunity.

I just don't know if these so-called talisman papers and jade pendants are useful, Li Nianfan feels that he hasn't painted well.

PS: The following plot needs to be sorted out and updated slowly, sorry everyone.

It will be updated tonight, don’t wait, go to bed early, thank you readers for your support.

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