Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 326: Heartbreaking tears, human book of life and death (revised)

"It's a big hand, and a powerful calculation!"

Po Meng sighed, and she felt extremely shocked in her mood.

She knows far more than others, and naturally sees further.

In ancient times, why did the saint set up a religion, and even why she abandoned her body to become reincarnation, for what, and not for merit?

If the underworld establishes a city god, the frightening image of the underworld will be instantly reversed.

In the past, people were afraid of the underworld and ghosts. Although they would bow down, they were a lot worse.

When the city **** is established, it will have more contact with mortals and gain more favor from mortals. After being enshrined by mortals, you can also gain merit!



Get multiple actions in one fell swoop, and enough to rewrite the general trend!

It's a pity that the underworld has not fallen to Sri Lanka. If you knew this method earlier, there would be no resistance in the disaster.

Slowly, since the expert gave us this method, then take your time, make a good layout, and rise sooner or later!

Po Meng sighed: "The expert treats my underworld, that's too good to say! This kind of grace is nothing to pay for."

She is the incarnation of a saint, and she actually said such things, showing that her heart's attention was also subdued by this strategy.

"Mother-in-law, mother-in-law!"

At this moment, Hei Wuchang ran over in a hurry, his voice anxious and even trembling.

"What kind of demeanor is the rash person!"

Po Meng frowned, "Didn't you go to accompany the expert, why did you come here? Leaving the expert alone, you are making me rude!"

Hei Wuchang handed it back the pamphlet, "It was an expert who asked me to send this exercise back."

"Aren't the masters satisfied with this technique?" Po Meng was taken aback for a moment, and she couldn't help feeling a little panicked, indicating that my underworld was not doing enough.

"No, it's an expert who has finished learning."

"Study... finished? Are you sure?" Po Meng was stunned.

This is the God Father’s technique. It is not the eighty-nine profound arts that have been deleted. It is the authentic Pangu technique. Even none of their ancestor witches could cultivate to perfection in the blink of an eye.

Cultivation exercises pay attention to gradual and orderly progress, not to mention the physical exercises. The difficulty of cultivation soars. Even if the opponent is a saint, it is impossible to learn it directly. What do you think this is?

If it hadn't been for the fact that Heiwuchang was afraid of death, Po Meng would definitely think he was dying.

"Mother-in-law, the master has really finished learning, and what he cultivated is the physical body of merit!"

Heiwuchang's eyes still contained deep astonishment. He took a deep breath and swallowed another mouthful of saliva. Then he said with extreme awe: "The expert said, say... that he doesn't want to be a mortal again, If you want to fly, you also want to have a little self-preservation. Only then can you practice the exercises. Then, he, he... he directly cultivated this cultivation to Consummation, condensing the sacrament of merit."

Eucharist of merit?

Want a little self-protection?

Po Meng almost thought there was a problem with her ears.

Just because I want to fly, because I want not to be hurt by others, I chose to condense the Communion of merit, this, this, this...too heartbreaking!

Don't even dare to think like this in your dreams!

Also, can the Father God’s physical training exercises cultivate the eucharistic merits? I do not know how?

Po Meng asked stupidly: "How much merit does it take to condense the Eucharist of merit?"

"I don't know, anyway, it's too much. The expert's body can't hold it anymore. It overflows and surrounds him in a vast ocean. It just surrounds him and slaps the waves." Hei Wuchang said as he said. An exaggerated gesture was compared with the hand.


Po Meng couldn't stand still, and she couldn't help taking two steps back.

He tilted his head and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes without a trace.

Was pricked and cried.

Back then, for a little bit of merit, which saint did not calculate each other, frequently used methods, fought openly and secretly, torn apart.

For the sake of merit, I didn't even need the Wu Clan's body, so I got such a loss, and I felt like a baby.

But now, people just want to protect themselves, and they are surrounded by the virtues of heaven. This gap is so big that it is unimaginable.

If a mortal gets tired of it, then change to a saint of merit. It turns out that the big guy can really do whatever he wants.

Po Meng took a deep breath, and said in awe: "The realm of an expert is too big to imagine! The saint is definitely unstoppable. I think the way of heaven is also hanging. It's no wonder he can casually say the city god's strategy. ."

There are two kinds of merits in the world. One is the merits of heaven and earth. You will only gain them when the things you do have a deep influence on the general situation of the world, such as Nuwa replenishing the sky and turning the earth into reincarnation.

Another kind is to believe in merit, which is to gain people's sincerity by doing things for mortals, thereby gaining merit. Although this merit is not as good as the merit of heaven, it is relatively easy to obtain and is also very precious.

Of course, the above two are obviously not applicable to an expert. People just take the merits of the heavenly path casually, just like playing.

Black and White Impermanence was a little flustered, even so awed that he wanted to cry, and trembled: "Mother-in-law, the master is really terrible!"

"Speak carefully!"

Po Meng's eyes widened, and she hurriedly shouted, "This is not terrible, it is respectable, admirable, like a mountain standing up, making people look beyond sight, and it is inevitable that people will lose so much. fear."

The black and white impermanence nodded hurriedly, "Yes, right, right, what the mother-in-law said, we were wrong."

"You can come into contact with such an expert, which is the greatest destiny of your life, but you must pay attention to your words and deeds!"

Po Meng gave a serious warning, and then sighed lightly: "If I weren't able to leave the underworld, I would definitely visit it myself."

"Mother-in-law, don't worry, we can save it."

"Okay, let's go quickly. Don't neglect the expert. By the way, there is also the life and death book. This is related to the revitalization of our underworld. There must be no mistake."

Black and white Impermanence nodded solemnly, and then said: "Mother-in-law, then we will go."

"Go ahead."



Li Nianfan drove the golden sports car in the air, and was addicted.

After that, he parked the car in the air, took out the "Guidelines for Cultivating the Immortal Realm Holding Thighs", and sat in the sports car to analyze and perfect.

Now that I have taken a big step on the road of mortals, the situation is about to change, and I need to re-plan a wave.

The existence of the physical body of merit has improved one's status, and has also been greatly guaranteed. As long as it is not targeted by desperate lunatics, no one should attack oneself, but just in case, you should make friends The thighs still have to be made.

The problem of being alive is not big, so what should be considered is the problem after death.

First of all, the Eucharist of Merit is uncertain whether it can live forever, and secondly, if you encounter a madman and die with you, you will be cold.

Once you die, the only thing that can help you is the netherworld. Therefore, the relationship with the netherworld is still to be dealt with to facilitate the back door after death.

After a rough plan, Li Nianfan picked up the "Thigh List" and added the new thighs.

After everything was done, Li Nianfan returned to Qingyu City.

Seeing Li Nianfan's return, the black and white impermanence immediately greeted him, and said kindly: "Master Li."

"Two impermanent adults, are you going to leave?" Li Nianfan glanced at the ghost chauffeurs around him who were busy packing things, couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, Lord Li."

Bai Wuchang nodded, and said: "The netherworld was born, and many treasures related to it have also appeared one after another. There is a vital treasure that we need to fight for."

Li Nianfan remembered the news he heard on the road, and curiously asked, "Is it a book?"

"Exactly!" Hei Wuchang nodded, "This book is the foundation of our underworld. It is a book of life and death!"

"Life and death book?"

Li Nianfan's heart was shocked, and he was naturally too familiar with this name. It was simply a famous name.

"But the life and death book that records people's lifespan? It is said that there is a certain life and death ability."

Bai Wuchang explained: "Prince Li, the book of life and death is designated as a human book, and it is mainly aimed at mortals. Once on the road of cultivation, the restriction of the book of life and death will become lower. The higher the cultivation level, the lower the restriction. ."

"That's it."

Li Nianfan nodded, even if it was so, it was awesome.

This is the legendary book of life and death. Now that I have caught up, it is a pity not to see it, and I can promote the relationship with the underworld along the way.

Li Nianfan's heart moved, and he said: "Two impermanent adults, I am very curious about the book of life and death, can I walk with you?"

"Young Master Li wants to see it, of course." Black and white impermanence is overjoyed. It is definitely an honor to be able to walk with an expert. Maybe it can also promote feelings.


Bai Wuchang pondered for a moment, and then said: "Young Master Li, we are not the only ones who are looking at the book of life and death. Our netherworld is still fighting with people. In the past, there might be a fierce battle."

"A fierce battle?" Li Nianfan raised his brows and couldn't help but said: "I'm just watching the battle. Is there any danger?"

Black and white impermanence shook his head at the same time.

Bai Wuchang even smiled bitterly, and said: "If Li Gongzi is present, not only will you not be injured, but everyone will even score and protect you."

But no, there is a great master of merit standing next to him, and he must be cautious. If the great master is injured by the aftermath, then neither of the two parties in the fight is innocent, and both have to bear the consequences.

This is like fighting between two groups. An old man is watching the battle. If one accidentally hurts the old man, the old man will take a trip to the ground...

I feel stimulating even thinking about it.

Li Nianfan's eyes lit up suddenly, "If there is such a good thing, that's fine."

To be honest, as long as there is no life-threatening danger, he still likes to join in the excitement.

Then, his gaze fell on Da Hei, ‘just in this way, Da He seemed a bit cumbersome, and he was not even qualified to be cannon fodder. ’

What are you still doing?

"Dahei, you should go back first." Li Nianfan said, and hesitated, "It's just that the way back is not necessarily safe, I'm a little worried."

Hei Wuchang suddenly understood him, and smiled and said, "Young Master Li, don't worry, I can send two ghost escorts."

"Will this bother you too much."

Hei Wuchang hurriedly said: "Small things, easy work, what a big deal."

"Then it will work."

Immediately, Li Nianfan carried a small package on Da Hei’s back and said with earnest heart: "Da Hei, the road ahead is dangerous. It’s for your good that I don’t take you with you. There are a lot of fruits in this package, so save a bit and go back. Right, ah."

"Wow." Da Hei rubbed his dog's head against Li Nianfan's body, saying goodbye.

After a simple finishing touch, everyone immediately drove the clouds and headed towards a place called Qingfeng Gorge.

This time, Li Nianfan no longer needed help, but instead was driving his own auspicious clouds, even carrying Long Er and Nun Nun, and suddenly felt a sense of exultation.

Especially, when I heard the heartfelt "Brother, you are amazing." from the heart of Nun Nan and Long Er, it made Li Nianfan secretly refreshed.

In the world of cultivating immortals, Xiangyun is the benchmark for successful men.

Li Nianfan walked side by side with black and white impermanence, and gradually discovered a problem.

The auspicious clouds of my own merits are really too eye-catching, golden light is dazzling, and from time to time there are visions flashing, the brilliance is overflowing, the two small clouds that are driving impermanently in black and white follow by the side.

It is equivalent to the difference between a luxury car and a second-hand Alto, not a little bit different.

Not afraid of not knowing the goods, but afraid of comparing goods.

Black and white impermanence obviously also discovered this, his face is a little unnatural, he feels too low, his self-esteem is impaired, and he is not worthy to fly with a tall person.

Li Nianfan was a little bit sad, and suggested: "Two impermanent adults, let's fight Yun, anyway, my Yun is big."

As he spoke, the golden light spread out all over his body, and the endless merits began to emerge under his feet like a whirlpool. The auspicious clouds grew rapidly, and quickly hovered in the sky like a large golden disk. The golden light swayed down, making those who saw it There is no short-term blindness.

Although I was mentally prepared for a long time, when seeing such a huge amount of merit, it was still difficult to adapt to black and white impermanence. He hesitated and said: "This..."

Li Nianfan smiled and said: "Oh, don't be polite, come up, how nice it is to sit together."

Black and white impermanence did not dare to refuse, cautiously set foot on the cloud of merit.

Stepping on the Xiangyun with their feet, their hearts and hearts are trembling, trying to control their steps, slightly, and then slightly, don't step on Xiangyun to hurt.

This 80% is the closest and the most glorious moment in his life.

Li Nianfan raised his hand.

Suddenly, above the auspicious clouds, five golden lotus stands emerged as chairs, and in the middle of the chairs was a round table.

"Everyone is sitting, there is still a long way to the destination. The journey is boring. Wouldn't it be nice to drink and have fun together?" Li Nianfan laughed, and a gourd was held in his hand. "This wine is brewed with my heart. You must Have a taste."

Above the gourd, the purple-gold light flickered, which looked particularly eye-catching, directly making the eyes of the black and white impermanence both straight.

Purple, purple, purple... purple gold gourd? !

Their cheeks couldn't help twitching, and they tried their best to suppress their inner shock.

Use the merits and virtues to make a chair, and the innate treasure to install wine, the wine you want to come to must be extraordinary.

That's right. Only in this way can I be worthy of the status of a superior. If you follow the superior, and nothing else, your imagination will definitely increase day by day.

The probability will swell to the point of denial.

Bai Wuchang was moved in his heart, and suggested: "What Li Gongzi said is very boring. When tasting wine, why not find a few female ghosts to play music and dance."

Li Nianfan nodded, "Very wonderful!"

Immediately, the black and white impermanence began to act together, personally go off the stage, to select the stunning female ghost familiar with music and dance, high standards, strict requirements, and must be one in a million, perfect.

At the same time, two extremely beautiful maids were selected, guarding Li Nianfan's side, responsible for serving wine.

These two female ghosts were so magnificent that they did not dare to breathe, and they served conscientiously. From the black and white impermanence, they knew how great a privilege it is to be able to step on this auspicious cloud and touch this purple golden gourd, even the top of the fairy world Big guys don't even have this qualification.

And when the Zijin gourd opened, a smell of wine suddenly drifted out.

Of course, the two maids were not qualified to taste it, but the aroma of the wine made their souls gradually solidified, which can be called a heavenly good fortune.

They immediately refreshed, their hearts trembled, and they began to serve even harder.

Being able to serve this kind of person like a bright moon and star, and having such close contact with him, this is really a blessing for him to cultivate forever.

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