Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 327: No matter, just brought it home for a snack (repair)

The golden auspicious clouds are surging, and I don't know how many people's eyes are spent along the way. Many mortals think it is a blessing from the gods, kneeling to worship, and making a wish.

Behind the golden Xiangyun, the black cloud followed closely, ghostly, and many ghosts were waiting in a serious manner, and the momentum was huge.

The road is unimpeded, moving forward at an even speed.

Under the control of Li Nianfan, the auspicious clouds set up a stage. Female ghosts singing and dancing were on the stage to cheer up the crowd. The show was not rich, but it was also pleasing to the eye.

Li Nianfan and others were drinking and watching theaters and chatting.

Before, he couldn't cultivate immortality, so he didn't deliberately inquire about it. He didn't know much, so he just took advantage of this matter to make up for it.

Black and white impermanence is almost the same age as the prefecture. He knows a lot, and naturally he knows everything and speaks endlessly.

This is indeed the mythical world that Li Nianfan is familiar with. Many familiar mythological characters exist, which makes Li Nianfan's expectation reach its peak, and I don't know if I can see it.

But just after the post-Journey to the West, a story that Li Nianfan didn't know happened.

Originally, the Buddha was forced to reincarnate, and Monkey King also incinerated himself into a relic. Buddhism suffered heavy losses, but it was not without a chance to come back, because Buddhism emphasized reincarnation, and its influence in the prefecture was quite large.

It’s fine to reincarnate when you die.

But when Bai Wuchang sighed, he said, "Initially, everyone thought this was a calamity against Buddhism, and resistance by Buddhism passed, and he was gloating while watching the excitement."

"Yes, after Journey to the West, Buddhism flourished, and everyone is very happy to see this kind of catastrophe."

Heiwuchang also nodded, and then said: "Who ever thought, in the ninth life of the Buddha's reincarnation, that is, the first life that is about to return, the already silent demons reappeared and wiped out Buddhism. Not to mention the reincarnation, even the orthodoxy is gone."

Nun Nu and Long Er couldn't help but exclaimed, "How can this be? Isn't Buddhism very powerful?"

"It was a black-robed monk who shot." Bai Wuchang's eyes were extremely frightened, and he lowered his voice. "He was holding a black spear. He was too strong. In short, Buddhism was destroyed very simply. Shocked and panicked."

Black robe monk?

Think of it as the biggest black hand behind the demons.

Just...who is he?

Li Nianfan frowned and thought, and went through the things he knew in his mind, but he didn't have an accurate guess. Although he likes to listen to fairy tales, but stories are stories after all, and many parts of it are not well understood in detail.

He motioned for the black and white impermanence to continue.

Later, after the extinction of Buddhism, the demons did not fall silent, but began to stir the situation across the continent. The rampant black robe monks forced everyone to join hands.

After suppressing the demons, Dao Ancestor suddenly opened the gate of the Zixiao Palace, summoning the saints and many great abilities to go.

No one knows what they discussed, only that when everyone came back, they were worried and could not get out.

"Not long afterwards, the real calamity came. That time, the world was in turmoil. None of the beasts, humans, demons, demons, and even saints was able to take care of themselves. Not only between races, but even internal, it was all civil strife. Constantly, as for the specific reasons, I don't know this."

"After the turmoil, with the passage of time, the heavens and the earth have become like this, and all walks of life have fallen apart, and now this era is called the Jedi Tiantong."

Li Nianfan nodded and straightened out his thoughts. The so-called Taoist ancestor was obviously Hongjun.

He didn't mind to care about other things, he only thought about one question, that is, whether his own eucharist of merit is useful in the catastrophe, it is really terrible, just stick to it, we are not demanding.

Having said so much, the black and white impermanence took up the wine glass, drank the wine in the glass, and then smashed his mouth, full of aftertaste.

Ah~ good wine, good drink, so cool!

I have lived for so many years, only this wine is the real wine!

Moreover, a glass of wine is worth a hundred years of hard cultivation. Hard cultivation and living for a hundred years are two concepts. One drink is good fortune!

I have already drunk five cups, that is, five hundred years of hard cultivation!

Li Nianfan waved to the maid beside him, "Go and fill the two adults."

Black and white Impermanence felt a little embarrassed, and quickly said: "Thank you Li Gongzi, Li Gongzi is open and bright."

Oh, it’s so good for us to give us good luck when the master is happy.


at the same time.

Da Hei embarked on a journey home.

It naturally didn't need a ghost chase to **** him, and a look in his eyes sent the ghost chase back.

Not in a hurry, but walking and playing, enjoying the scenery along the way, and being a leisurely native dog.

The danger is naturally non-existent, and he just wandered into the territory of Qianlong Immortal Dynasty.

In the sky, a green-haired lion walked slowly by stepping on auspicious clouds.

Its eyes are like copper bells, its lion hair is exuberant, and it is talking to itself while shaking its head.

"Where is it sacred? It's worth the master to come and ask for peace, and to send a jar of fairy wine, I always feel that the master has made a fuss."

"Now that he is Jedi and Tiantong, what other powerful characters can there be? If not, I will eat him in one bite to share the worries for the master!"

"Cut, it's better for me to drink this wine."

As he muttered to himself, its eyeballs suddenly gurgled, he smiled, slapped the wine jar, took off the lid, raised its head, and gulped down.

"Hiccup~ Cool! How can such a good wine be cheaper for outsiders? Hehehe..."

A layer of red appeared on its huge lion's face, and its big mouth kept smashing, and the lion's body swayed and began to walk crookedly.

Drunk and dim, it looked to the ground.

In the eyes, a fat black dog fell into its eyes.

The black dog with black hair is flying, walking gracefully with catwalks, holding the dog's head up, and jumping forward, and you can feel its happiness at a glance.

Innocent and unrestrained.

What a happy black dog.

For a while, the green-haired lion was stunned, and even couldn't help but a layer of mist appeared in his eyes.

Its thoughts keep flying, drifting farther and farther.

It seemed to be back when he was a little lion.

At that time, I didn't know how to cultivate immortality, and I couldn't do anything. When I was full every day, I woke up and ate, carefree, what a happy time.

Everything has changed after cultivating immortals.

It couldn't help but sighed: "Hey, my happiest days are those days when there is no cultivation. In fact, I am not interested in cultivation."

At this time, Da Hei swayed, and an orange fluttered out of the package, tracing a graceful arc in the air, and then the dog's mouth opened and said, "Hawk".

Suddenly, the orange juice splashed, sweet and delicious.

Dahei jumped more cheerfully.

The green-haired lion once again expressed feelings, "Look, that dog just ate an orange, and it was so happy. What a simple happiness. This happiness has gone away from me."

It felt that its state of mind had been improved, and it was a little rewarding, and then stepped on auspicious clouds to leave.

But shortly afterwards, it turned back again with a "swish" and shook the huge lion head, always feeling something was wrong.

The copper bell-like eyes almost stared out, he lifted his paw and rubbed it, and then stared again!


Linggen fairy fruit!

That orange is actually a spiritual root fairy fruit!

How can there be spiritual roots and fairy fruits in the mortal world?

However, it has no time to think about other things, especially when it sees Da Hei throwing an apple away again and opening its mouth to bite it, its face is distorted, and the compliant lion hair stands up.

Where can I eat apples? This is clearly eating its meat!

This little dog is really out of luck, how can he be worthy of eating spirit root and fairy fruit?

Immediately, it swooped down and fell behind Da Hei, ready to move up and take a closer look.

Be rich, lion I am rich!

It stretched out its hand, and it was within reach.

The black dog suddenly raised his hoof and flew up.


The body of the green-haired lion flew back upside down, turning a few times in mid-air, his eyes were round and round, full of confusion.

He fell to the ground with a thump, and fell on all sides.

I seem to be kicked by that dog?

It woke up a little from the alcohol, and patted its head.


Just a dog can kick me flying?

It stared at the package again, smiled coldly, and pounced on it again.

Unbelief provoked, "Little dog, come on, kick me if you have the ability!"

Da Hei turned the dog's head casually.


The two dog's paws were like wind, covering the lion's head and flicking over, without even seeing the afterimage, they opened their bows left and right, flapping them randomly.

The green-haired lion's head has become a rattle, and he only feels dizzy. He has long been unable to distinguish between east and west, and his head hurts, and he has lost the power to think.

"Where did the kitten come from, dare to disturb the good mood of the dog." Da Hei stopped.

The green-haired lion's tongue hung at the corner of his mouth, and fell to the ground softly, rolling his eyes, still giggling chuckly, looking useless.

"Never mind, I'm getting home soon, and I just brought it home for an extra meal."

Da Hei turned the green-haired lion at random and continued to walk forward with a catwalk, "Xiao Bai, hurry up to make a fire, and you can make me a braised lion head."

PS: Di Hualiu's novels are getting more and more, and there are too many following the trend. I am a friend of the author who also opened a Bendi Hualiu novel, the title... "Don't say I'm really not a cultivator", everyone feels You can check it out if you are interested

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