Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 328: The Eucharist of Merit, Horror As It Is

Another day passed.

On this day, the sky is bright.

Li Nianfan woke up early and looked at the white sky with white belly.

Bai Wuchang floated over immediately, pointed in one direction, and said with a smile: "Li Gongzi, Qingfengxia is coming soon."

Looking along his hand, it happened to be the place where the sun had just risen.

A round of red sun hangs there, and in the red sun, you can see the hazy phantom ahead, which is exactly a canyon.

A straight line divides the ground into two pieces, and the straight line is facing the center of the red sun, with a halo projecting out, round after round, it looks spectacular.

The rising sun is not only not dazzling, but also gives people a soft feeling.

Li Nianfan couldn't help but smiled and said, "It's a coincidence that I happened to see such a magnificent spectacle. This wave of tourism is not a loss."

Just relying on this sunrise landscape, it is enough to be listed as a famous tourist attraction.

Bai Wuchang hurriedly replied, "What Li Gongzi said is very true, look at that sun, it is big and round, its radiant light rises from the ground, beautiful, beautiful!"

Li Nianfan sighed with emotion: "When the sun shines, the clouds will open by themselves."

"Good poem, good poem! Li Gongzi deserves to be a great talent, you see that the canyon is long and wide, then..."

Heiwuchang also nodded, ready to continue to respond, only hating that he had no ink in his chest, otherwise he would add a few sentences with poems, and he would win the favor of an expert if he could.

Only half of what he said, he was stunned, blinked his eyes, stared carefully for a while again, and uttered anxiously, "Lao Bai, take a look, is there a fight over there? "

Everyone stared quickly.

Under the red sun, there seemed to be people shaking.

Li Nianfan's feelings were not deep, his eyesight was so great, he could only see the beautiful light swaying under the red sun, not even a single image.

He looked at the people around him and found that their faces had changed, and he suddenly sighed.

It seems that I have to build a telescope, which is necessary for watching the show.

Others have quietly mobilized their mana, performing the technique of looking out, and their faces are solemn.

"It's really fighting! It's General Blood Sea and them!"

"The opposite is General Shura, this guy really betrayed the underworld!"

"The situation is not so good, hurry up, hurry up, speed up, speed up!"

The black and white impermanence immediately became anxious, and the crowd rushed towards there mightily.

As he continued to move forward, Li Nianfan finally saw a little shadow of the two groups under the red sun...

They stood on both sides of the canyon, distinct.

Li Nianfan suddenly realized something and couldn't help but wonder: "Betrayal of the underworld?"

"Prince Li, look over there. The man in the blood-red cloak is the general of the blood sea in our underworld, who is responsible for suppressing the blood sea. Look there again, the man in the black armor is General Shura. It was originally responsible for suppressing hell." Bai Wuchang said while pointing with his fingers.

Sorry, I can't see it, but fortunately, it doesn't affect the brain supplement.

Li Nianfan nodded suddenly, and then asked: "General Shura betrayed the underworld?"

"Hey, my family is unfortunate."

Hei Wuchang sighed, shook his head and said: "We don't know the specific reason. We only know that he suddenly stopped taking orders, and he came to the mortal world in the **** turmoil, and has not met until now."

Everyone continued to sullen their heads on the road, and the atmosphere couldn't help but become tense.

Li Nianfan didn't expect that when he first arrived, he would run into such a big show. He was nervous but also had little expectations.

Above Qingfeng Gorge.

Numerous figures are constantly struggling in the void, surrounded by death aura, full of killing aura, a large number of ghosts confront countless strange ghosts, making this place look like a human world.

The huge ravine in the middle of the canyon is nothing to them at all, one by one they are flying around.

In the center of the battlefield, the general of the sea of ​​blood is holding a long scarlet knife and is fighting the ghost general of Shura.

The weapon of the Asura Ghost General is a black long whip, like a black poisonous snake, twisting constantly in the air, can change the length at will, and there is a misty black air around his body, the whip is heavy and it is hard to defend.

There was blood in the eyes of the general of the sea of ​​blood, the red long knife opened and closed, but the shot was free and easy and vicious, staring straight at the ghost general of Asura, and said: "Asura, why? We didn't agree to be together. Are you guarding the underworld?"

The Shura ghost general said coldly: "The netherworld is gone. Today's netherworld is not worth guarding."

General Blood Sea said painfully: "If you don't have it, you can rebuild. What caused you to fall here!"

The Asura ghost general laughed, and said with disdain: "Rebuild the underworld? Then why don't I build my own ghost world? Today is an opportunity. Together, you and I can rule the ghost world and the mortal world. How about?"

"you you!"

The General of the Sea of ​​Blood looked at the Ghost General Shura in disbelief, with a deep voice, "You weren't like this before."

He was absent for a moment, and it was also at this moment when the long whip swept down, like a serpent's message, and suddenly it hit his chest with a "pop".


The General Blood Sea snorted, his body flew back upside down, and a sharp whip mark appeared on his chest, his soul was injured, and it seemed that there was a black flame burning.

General Blood Sea looked at the wound and felt a piercing pain, body pain, and heart pain even more.

This is the Soul Eater Whip, restraining ghosts, specially used to deal with the evil spirits falling into hell, but now, this whip has hit him.

With the red sun as the background, he immediately enveloped him even more desolate.

"You are not my opponent." The Shura ghost general spoke, standing proudly above the void, with many ghosts standing behind him, "I guard the hell, and I can easily control the evil spirits. I only need to live and die. This time, I can Spare your life."

The General of the Sea of ​​Blood wiped a blood knife and shouted coldly: "Dreaming!"

"Then I can only say sorry."

The ghost general of Shura had no emotion in his voice, his body slightly turned sideways, and he said in a low voice, "Hands!"

Behind him, a fat, but extremely ugly evil ghost strode out.

This evil spirit looked like a frog, but it was a one-eyed one, with a big button in the center of his head, and his body was covered with pustules.

There is a huge mouth under the eyeballs, and at this time, the mouth has been greatly bulged.

The mouth grew bigger and bigger, making his body look like a ball, and a breath of horror emanated from it.

The **** general's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly said, "Be careful, everyone! It's the soul-shaking wind, hold your heart and condense your soul, don't be blown away by the wind!"

Where did the ghosts have time, they suddenly became a little confused.

The Shura ghost general looked on with cold eyes, but at this moment, he raised his brows and looked at the distant sky.

There, there are countless auspicious clouds rushing in.

Among the many auspicious clouds, the golden auspicious clouds are particularly dazzling, and the auspicious clouds are so great that even in the daytime, it gives people a dazzling sense of radiance.

His unpretentious mentality suddenly fluctuated greatly, and he even rubbed his eyes, thinking he had hallucinations.

Is that... auspicious merit?

what's the situation?

In that pile of auspicious clouds, how could there be a cloud of merit and auspiciousness, and there is still such a large cloud of merit and virtue.

It's too fake.

Seeing that the huge evil spirit around him had swelled to the extreme, the ghost general of Shura suddenly thumped and thumped, and a chill poured from the bottom of his heart all over his body.

His eyes were splitting, and he roared without thinking: "Stop, stop!"

However, it was too late after all.



Accompanied by the mouth of the evil spirit, the endless yin wind whistled out, how great the momentum was, even the opposite canyon was blown back for a long period of time as a whole, and there was no mud or stone flying over, because Has been blown into powder.

The black wind swept like an angry dragon, and even formed a black wind tornado, which was terrifying to the extreme.

Many ghosts are working desperately to resist.

The black wind is pervasive and powerful, even spreading to Li Nianfan.

"Young Master Li, be careful."

Black-and-white impermanence quickly raised his hand to dissipate the black wind invisible, Ryuuji and Nun also quickly cast spells to block the black wind.

Li Nianfan's hair was dancing with the wind, and he couldn't help but exclaimed as he watched the violent black wind in the distance: "What an amazing black wind."


Asura Ghost General's face changed drastically, and his body even backed up two steps involuntarily, appearing to shrink a little.

Next to him, a subordinate quickly said: "My lord, what's the matter?"

The Shura ghost said bitterly: "Something big happened, and the guy's wind blows on the clouds of merit."

The subordinate looked at the auspicious clouds of merit and exhaled a little, "My lord, fortunately, the owner of the auspicious clouds of merit was protected by someone, and it is fine."

"You're blind! What do you mean by nothing? Didn't you see, his hair was blown up and dancing, something serious happened!"

The Asura ghost will be an exciting spirit. This evil spirit will not survive properly. He promptly said: "Everyone, go back and keep a safe distance from this evil spirit, speed!"

After that, he stayed away for the first time.

The evil spirit that was breathing out the wind had a confused look in its single eye, and he didn't know what had happened.

Almost at the next moment, a thick purple thunder and lightning fell from the sky, and with a panic, it hit it with a thud.

The power of thunder and lightning is pervasive, but any ghosts that are a little closer are instantly transformed into nothingness.

The violent black wind stopped abruptly, and everyone stood there blankly, their faces full of horror, and fell into silence.

Immediately afterwards, they unanimously cast their eyes on the golden auspicious clouds that were slowly drifting, and they shrank their necks together. The atmosphere did not dare to breathe, for fear that they would exhale and float above the clouds of merit and virtue, causing misunderstanding. Struck to death by lightning.

Li Nianfan was also taken aback, and said in shock: "What a terrible lightning! What happened just now? Who cast the spell?"

"Li... Li Gongzi."

Bai Wuchang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, forced a smile, and whispered, "Although the attack by the ghost did not hurt you, but the attack did hit you, so he was hacked to death. ."

"This thunder and lightning is because of me?"

Li Nianfan's mind was a little stunned. For the first time he saw the power of the Eucharist of his own merit, and said in surprise: "So I am so powerful?"

Gangster, you are a little self-aware, okay, how can you be so powerful! It's super awesome.

Hei Wuchang gave a light cough and trembled: "It's really that powerful."

Having lived for so many years, they are also the first time they have seen so intuitively the power of the Eucharist of Merit.

And Li Nianfan, this is no longer what the Eucharist of Merit can describe, it is completely the Lord of Merit!

Therefore, that evil spirit really died unjustly.

Li Nianfan took a breath, and was also frightened. This golden finger... terrifying!

I should have thought about it, since it was a traversal, how could it be possible to only send a useless cheating system, the real golden finger is on the body.

He felt the awe-inspiring gazes around him, and immediately felt extremely satisfied. With a smile on his face, he raised his hand and waved to the surroundings, "Dear fellows, don’t worry, as long as you don’t hurt me, I can’t hurt you. Panic, don't panic."

"Da da."

The people around involuntarily backed up two steps, keeping a safe distance.

"Well, you continue, don't worry about me." Li Nianfan drove up the golden auspicious clouds, and flew to the side with Longer and Nunnan.

With a cautious look on the blood sea general, he looked at the black and white impermanence in shock and said: "Two impermanence, that person is..."

Bai Wuchang lowered his voice and solemnly said: "He is Master Li!"

General Blood Sea was even more surprised, and said blankly: "Didn't he say that he wanted to be a mortal? How did he succeed in Virtue?"

Bai Wuchang opened his mouth, "Your news is behind, and he is tired of mortals, and everything is replaced by the Eucharist of Merit."

General Blood Sea's mind was a little dizzy, and there was always something wrong with this operation.

"Don't try to comprehend the realm of an expert, just follow along." Hei Wuchang interrupted his thoughts and said: "Yes, when you fight, you try to be more exciting, Gao People seem to like to watch the excitement."

"Are you making me act? You are insulting me!"

General Blood Sea's face suddenly sank, and then solemnly said: "I have to clarify in advance, I am not for acting, just because my fight itself is very exciting!"

On the other side, General Shura's eyes changed unceasingly, and he looked at Li Nianfan in surprise from time to time, feeling a little unsure in his heart.

In the end, he said intently: "It doesn't matter, you just need to remember that when you fight, try to stay away from the man as much as possible. The spread can't be spread, let alone attack!"

"Understood, we understand." The ghosts nodded unceasingly, which didn't need to be reminded.

At this time, the general of the sea of ​​blood had already raised the blood knife and shouted: "Asura ghost general, are you ready?"

"come on!"


Immediately, the two sides were fighting together again.

With the addition of black and white impermanence, the disadvantage of the ghost chasing side was instantly pulled back, and the battlefield suddenly became more fierce. The two sides came and went, and the momentum was overwhelming.

Li Nianfan watched the battle not far away, stepping on the dazzling golden auspicious clouds under his feet, becoming the only piece of pure land.

While watching, I still summarize.

He found that the battle between ghosts and monsters is not complicated, there are not many bells and whistles, often simple and rude, and the decision will be quick.

The black and white impermanent crying stick is worthy of the ghost nemesis, but when it is hit, the ghost can only fall to the ground and cry in mourning, with no strength.

The most exciting is the battle between the general of the sea of ​​blood and the ghost general of Shura.

The aura of the two is the most amazing, they display the horror moves in the ghost repair to the fullest, the blood light and the ghost energy alternate between the two crazily, and when they fight each other, they often use the aftermath to solve the opponent's people smoothly. .

The General Blood Sea wore a blood-red cloak, and hunted along with his actions. In addition to sorrow, he was also a magic weapon that could be transformed into a blood sea domain, covering people in it, and affecting actions.

The Asura ghost general was wearing a black armor, wrapped himself tightly from start to finish, unable to see his face, he could only feel his cold eyes, bursting out from time to time.

The situation intensified.

But when I heard, the General of the Sea of ​​Blood suddenly shouted, "Angry Huangquan!"


The blood knife soared into the sky like a changhong, and there was a wave of yellow spring water in the void, like a broken bamboo, entrained in the sword energy, swooping towards the Asura ghost general.

Asura Ghost General’s eyes were calm, the pitch-black whip shook quickly, and it turned into a huge black dragon around his body. The black dragon raised his head, as if he had just woke up from a deep sleep, with invincibility. The arrogance, soaring into the sky!

The powerful force made the void seem unbearable, and a trace of solidification appeared.

Everyone felt a strong feeling of palpitations.

The two looked at each other with seriousness in their eyes, and they all roared.


"Blood Sea!"

However, at the moment when the two are about to come into contact, their figures are abruptly stopped at the same time.

The General of the Sea of ​​Blood arched his hands towards Li Nianfan and said, "Young Master Li, we are going to compete for a big move. Excuse me, you back one more kilometer back, so don't be injured by Yu Bo."

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