Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 329: Peacemaker, Pillar of Heaven (repair)

"I'm sorry to disturb you Yaxing."

Li Nianfan felt a little embarrassed and quickly backed away.

The general of Shura immediately regained his strength and shouted, "Blood sea, come again!"

"Okay! Look at my angry yellow spring again!"

The previous scene repeats itself, the momentum is turbulent, the world fades away, and it hasn't been affected at all.

Li Nianfan took out the gourd, took a sip of wine, and stared unblinkingly.

He felt that his golden finger was really good. It was simply a magical skill. Others were afraid of fighting, but he turned into a fighting fear of himself.

Perhaps, I should give this cheat a name.

It's called... God-level cheats for eating melons, watching theaters and traveling.

As time went by, the fighting intensified, and both sides entered a fever pitch. Ghosts cried and howled, and ghosts screamed and laughed one after another.

The generals of Shura and the General of the Sea of ​​Blood also made real fire. Between the blades, the light and the whip, the endless waves of ghost energy formed a black sphere. The sphere became bigger and bigger, with a terrifying aura spreading towards the surroundings. The ghosts and ghosts around are unable to get close.

At this moment, a huge breath suddenly burst out from the black sphere. A **** light was sharp to the extreme, penetrating through the black sphere, the blood shining to the sky, it looked like a huge from a distance. The blood knife came out from the broken egg and rushed straight to the sky.

After the blood knife, a black dragon also vacated.

The red killing aura and the dark and gloomy ghost aura collided with each other, and unexpectedly formed a strange mushroom cloud, which slowly lifted into the air and quickly spread to all sides.

Some ghosts that were too close had no time to dodge, and were instantly confused into nothingness.

The momentum is climbing rapidly, climbing higher and higher, reaching a peak at a certain moment, it seems that the next moment, there will be a powerful force to destroy the world and flourish.

However, this momentum came and went quickly, and as soon as everyone lifted their hearts, they quickly withered.

The vision subsided, and the generals of the sea of ​​blood and the ghost generals of Shura were a little embarrassed. There were wounds and tears all over their bodies, and the figure was a little illusory. It was not blood that shed, and bursts of ghost energy overflowed from the wounds.

The two were speechless.

General Blood Sea spoke: "I am not afraid of you."

"Neither do I."

Both of them glanced at Li Nianfan without a trace at the same time.

Li Nianfan touched his nose, sighed in his heart, and stepped on auspicious clouds slowly floating towards him.

"Quickly, the master of merit is here, don't you stop?"

The ghosts and ghosts who were fighting against each other were shocked at the same time, and the battlefield was suddenly calmed down, and even to show innocence, they took two steps back silently.

Li Nianfan apologized: "I'm bothering you again? I'm really sorry."

General Blood Sea opened his mouth and said, "Young Master Li, with our move, you may have to withdraw thousands of miles away."

Li Nianfan persuaded: "Since you all come from the underworld and you know each other, why bother with death?"

He still has this kind of vision, and if the two of them continue to fight, it is estimated that at least they will have to be seriously injured.

After two interruptions between General Blood Sea and Asura Ghost General, their fighting spirit was obviously reduced to the extreme, and there was no desire to continue.

The General Blood Sea looked at the Ghost General Shura and snorted, "Well, it's up to Young Master Li's face today, so let's stop."

The Shura ghost general sneered, "It's just what I want, and it won't be too late when I see the book of life and death."

A great battle ended there.

Li Nianfan discovered another special attribute of himself, a peacemaker.

Ten thousand meters away, there is a hidden place.

Several dark shadows stood there silently, their eyes glowing, looking at this battlefield.

His face gradually became ugly.

A pair of small horns hung on the head of the leader, tall, muscular, and faintly surrounded by dark demonic energy. He buzzed and said: "Where did the saint of merit come from? It broke our good deeds! "

Behind him, the queen demon and Amon were staying trembling.

After hesitating for a moment, the Hou Mo was weak and weak: "Master Devil, what shall we do?"

"The book of life and death is of great importance, so naturally you have to grab it!"

Lord Demon’s eyes flickered, and then he looked at Hou Mo and Amon with disgust, and cursed: “It’s just you two rubbish. You can’t do anything in the world. Now all parties are beginning to make their mark. The advantage is immediately gone! It's a great opportunity for my demons!"

Amon grieved: "Master Demon King, the two of us are also helpless. I never thought that Yue Tu would betray the Demon Race and become a Bodhisattva."

"This is very suspicious. Why did she suddenly go to believe in Buddhism? Unexpectedly, my demon clan's plan would be affected by an undercover agent. When I get the life and death book, I will destroy this traitor!"

Lord Demon King was equally puzzled, and then said: "There is also this saint of merit. It really caught people off guard when they came out. This world suddenly became a little strange to me."

The Hou Mo said: "Master Devil, they won't fight anymore, what shall we do, should we rush over now?"

"Rush over to deliver it?"

Lord Demon shook his head and said coldly: "With your mind, it's no wonder that you can't do anything! If they fight to lose both, we can naturally reap the benefits, but now... we can only outsmart it. Fortunately, Lord Demon gives Like me baby."

He paused and continued: "It's just that this saint of merit is really difficult to handle. No matter what, please prepare first and act at night!"



Bingyuan Immortal Palace.

Several figures came slowly under the auspicious clouds, overlooking a glacier-covered world under their feet, with varying degrees of fluctuation in their eyes.

These ice cubes are too strange. They are piled up and shaped like lenses, but they do not reflect the picture. The extremely low temperature makes snowflakes floating in the sky, but when these snowflakes fall, they will instantly touch the ice cubes. Melted into nothing.

It can be said to be a spectacle.

Daji looked at the ice sheet below, frowned slightly, and said in doubt: "Fairy Ziye, these ice don't seem to be formed naturally."

Ziye nodded, and said, "Ms. Daji is indeed an expert in ice play. These ices are formed by the day after tomorrow. I don't know the cause, but it is because of them that the road to the palace is blocked."

Ye Liuyun looked around curiously, and couldn't help but wonder: "This is the Bingyuan Immortal Palace? Where is the palace?"

Ziye smiled and said: "The Bingyuan Immortal Palace is just a name. There are no palaces. The ice is extremely difficult to destroy. I just live in the ice cave between the ice layers."

Ye Liuyun said with emotion: "So that's the case, I can't think that the so-called holy place actually looks like this."

Daji opened the mouth and said, "Fairy Ziye stays here to protect the heavenly palace."


A sigh appeared in Ziye's eyes, and pointed to an extremely tall glacier in front of him and said: "The road to the heaven is sealed there."

Looking up, hundreds of feet away from the front, there stands a very high icicle, and there are no other glaciers around it, just like a sky pillar, standing there monotonously.

Passing the Bingyuan Immortal Palace and going straight to the rear, the icicles are getting closer and closer.

Except for the height of the icicle, there seems to be no other anomaly. The surface of the ice is smooth and flat, but... if you look closely, you can see that there are traces of brilliance inside the icicle.

Da Ji was stunned and couldn't say anything: "What is frozen in the ice is...light?"

Can light be frozen? This surprised everyone.

"The Tiangong is divided into four heavenly gates, east, west, south, and north. At the same time, because the Tiangong body is in the outer sky, it is supported by four heavenly pillars, and these four heavenly pillars are also the place to the heavenly gate.

Ziye paused and said, "The four sky pillars blend with the world, intangible and intangible. This is one of the sky pillars, but it is still sealed by ice."

"A pillar of heaven?"

Everyone looked at the icicles from top to bottom, and their eyes showed awe.

"As long as we break the seal, can we go to the Heavenly Palace?"

Ye Liuyun's eyes gleamed, and his hands were dazzling. The crimson flame was like a fire snake, winding the icicles in circles.

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