Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 330: Birth of Life and Death (repair)


The flame didn't stay on the icicles for long, it turned into a wisp of blue smoke and dissipated invisible.

This result did not surprise everyone.

Ziye opened his mouth and said, "I have tried too many times and used various methods. It is impossible for this icicle to break from the outside."

Xiao Chengfeng slashed out a sword that didn't believe in evil, and the ice crystal remained unscathed.

Ao Cheng frowned and said, "What kind of ice is this? How can it be so strong?"

Daji looked up at the icicles soaring to the sky, unpredictable, and asked, "This icicle must have a top. Have you ever seen it flying high in the sky?"

"I have been, very high!"

Ziye nodded, and then said: "The highest point... is stranger, the icicles will disappear."

"Will it disappear?"

Everyone showed a look of surprise, and then involuntarily rose up and flew upward along the icicle.

The icicles are very high and unchanging. There is no pattern on the ice surface, and it is as smooth as a mirror.

At the speed of the crowd, the time of flying a cup of tea did not end.

Fortunately, this kind of boring did not continue. When it reached a certain height, the icicles that were in front of them disappeared suddenly!

Everyone's hearts jumped, and they couldn't help but look down.

Looking down from the top, the icicles are also invisible.

It can only land a little bit, flush with the top of the icicle, looking towards where the icicle disappeared.

This is far from the top of the icicle, just like... the icicle is hidden by space. In other words, the icicle seems to be something protruding from another space.

The two spaces are completely separated, so only the protruding part can be seen, and the other part is not visible at all.

Lingzhu curiously reached out and touched it, the icicle could still be touched, but the place where it disappeared was nothingness, nothing unusual.

She couldn't help but said, "It's amazing."

"It's not magic, we can do it too."

Huofeng opened the mouth and said: "We landed from the immortal realm, if only our arm penetrates the path of immortal, it can also cause this effect."

Daji nodded, "The extension of the icicle must be the Tiangong, no wonder it's called Tianwaitian."

She pondered for a moment and looked at Huofeng, "Sister Huofeng, do you see anything?"

"It should be the formation." Huo Feng smiled coldly. "It can maintain this effect all the time, and it is even difficult to be damaged. Apart from the formation, I am afraid that few things can be done."

After that, she raised her hand and waved, a crimson fire lotus was condensed in her palm, and the flames were constantly compressed. Soon, there was golden light flowing in it. As the fire lotus compressed from the size of the palm to the size of a thumb, the flame It's all turned golden.

Although the golden flames were small, the terrifying high temperature that overflowed made this extremely ice land feel hot.

As Huofeng raised his hand and tossed it, the golden flame floated out immediately, and the corner of the icicle began to burn.

The little flame only stares at one point and burns, and the effect is naturally much more pronounced.

As time went on, the icicle began to show signs of sloshing. Although it did not melt, this slight change was enough to inspire people.

"It is indeed the formation."

There were fluctuations in Daji's eyes, and she suddenly smiled and said, "It’s no wonder that the master asked me to clear the game console before I left. It turned out to be meaningful. This formation, in the eyes of the master, is nothing but A little more fun game."

Whether it is to deal with Yunluo Pavilion or to enter the Heavenly Palace, you need to rely on the formation.

And the chess invented by Li Nianfan can directly make people face the avenue of formations, as if integrating themselves into the formations, and the perception of the formations will rise straight. In addition, the game console contains countless formations and formations. Change can be said to be all-encompassing.

"Following the master, even if it's only half a month's time, all kinds of formations will definitely show up in my eyes!"

"The son is indeed a man who is good at creating miracles. By his side, decay can be turned into a miracle."

Huofeng nodded in agreement, and then said: "This formation should be a kind of absorption formation. It will actively absorb immortal energy. Once the formation is destroyed, it will repair itself with immortal energy, because the repair speed is very fast. , Resulting in seemingly undamaged."

Her whole body is surrounded by flames, and there is red fire shining in her eyes, "As long as we break the foundation of the formation, it will be easy to break it!"

"Everyone listen to my arrangements." Da Ji said: "Although I can't see through this formation, I can arrange an opposite formation to repel the immortal energy and greatly reduce its self-repair ability!"

"Let's start! The master has always wanted to take a look at Tiangong!"

"For the superior, we must do our best!"


Qingfeng Gorge.

Li Nianfan is traveling with his feet on the merits of Jinyun, accompanied by black and white impermanence, acting as a tour guide, and the General of the Sea of ​​Blood and the Ghost General of Shura are guarding each other, recuperating, and fighting with their eyes.

The huge canyon divides the earth into two parts. The cracks are not regular, but crooked, and the huge clods are messy and protruding, like the mouth of a giant beast with teeth, which looks extremely terrifying.

The gorge was very deep. What Li Nianfan didn't expect was that there was a meandering stream under the gorge.

The water is shoveled and clear, there are pebbles on both sides, and some herbs grow on the surrounding rock walls, which is an excellent geomantic treasure.

When Long Er saw the stream, his eyes lit up, and he rushed over with his feet, took off his shoes, and started kicking water inside, "Ah, it's so cool, this water is made by the glaciers on the mountain."

Hei Wuchang nodded and said, "Yes, it flows down from Yuxue Peak in the north."

Worthy of being a carp essence, just love to play in water.

Li Nianfan smiled, then looked around, curiously said: "Brother Bai, where is the life and death book?"

Bai Wuchang opened his mouth and said, "Prince Li, he has not been born yet."

囡囡 asked in surprise: "I haven't been born yet? Then how did you know you are here?"

"Not long ago, a vision was born here, and we felt that it should be a life and death book."

Bai Wuchang paused and continued: "Generally speaking, the changes in heaven and earth are often accompanied by the birth of strange treasures. Before the underground palaces did not appear, many treasures were either covered in dust or escaped from the world, and they would only come out after interacting with the heaven and the earth."

Heiwuchang slightly mourned and said: "Heaven and earth can nourish all things and nurture thousands of possibilities. I remember that in the earliest days, I always heard such words as born out of catastrophe."

"Then when will the book of life and death come out?" Li Nianfan was more truthful, and directly asked the question he was most concerned about.

The black and white impermanent brows wrinkled at the same time, and he hesitated: "This...it's hard to say."

Li Nianfan couldn't help but said: "The visions are all present, and what you are still hiding and doing, it should come out."


As soon as his voice fell, an inexplicable rhythm emanated from the whole world, and there were ripples in the space.

A strange aura instantly enveloped the surroundings, and layers of gray aura began to emerge from the void.

Is this... born? !

The black and white impermanence was stunned at the same time, looking at each other, complex colors appeared in the eyes.

Is it a coincidence?

It's not 80%, after all... The expert obviously doesn't want to wait anymore, do you still dare not be born?

Not appearing directly in the hands of an expert is considered restrained.


In the next moment, a greater breath burst out somewhere in Qingfeng Gorge!

Above the void, a huge book vision appeared.

It is a large-scale projection of a book. The thickness of the book is not very large. It seems that there is only a thin layer. The cover is blue, simple and unpretentious, and the shadow of the book is slowly rotating.

And around the booklet, there are layers of ghost air appearing, like smoke, circle by circle.

Li Nianfan looked at the book, surprised and delighted, "Is the book of life and death born?"


"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and take a look." Li Nianfan followed the large group of followers, heading towards the direction of the phantom.

Soon, I came to the deepest part of Qingfeng Gorge, which is also a small intersection of streams.

The stream slowly flowed here, and gathered into a small pool. The pool water was shimmering. In the center, the book that was exactly the same as the shadow floated quietly on the water!

The books are shrouded in a layer of enveloping light, keeping an inch of distance from the surface of the water, as if they are floating up and down.

And on the cover of the booklet, the eye-catching book of life and death is greeted in the upper right corner!

"Is this the book of life and death?" Li Nianfan couldn't help licking his lips, and finally saw the legendary thing.


A scream suddenly came from the crowd.

With a look of madness on the face of a ligui, he jumped and rushed towards the life and death book!

However, before it touched the Book of Life and Death, a black light shot out from the Book of Life and Death, and enveloped it. It was just a blink of an eye, and the ghost turned into nothingness. It seemed that everything just now was just an illusion. .

At this moment, many ghosts who were eager to try suddenly settle down.

General Blood Sea couldn't help but sneered: "Sura, it seems that your subordinates like to find death!"

The tone of the ghost general of Shura was extremely calm, "Such a fool, he is dead when he dies, and he is not worthy of being my subordinate."

Bai Wuchang acted as a commentator, smiling and saying: "It seems that this kind of heaven and earth treasure was born, and it is connected with the law of heaven and earth, and the present world is not stable just now. It is like moths rushing to the fire."

Li Nianfan nodded, silently staring at the book of life and death.

At this moment, the book of life and death was slowly opened.

And as the book of life and death turned over, a black vortex appeared in the sky, and a vast and boundless breath poured down from the sky, and the violent wind howled, almost suffocating.

It can be seen by the naked eye that small silk threads converge from all directions in the book of life and death. These silk threads are integrated into the book of life and death, and they are transformed into names, birth dates and other information, from birth to death.

A thread is a life.

There are too many names, and the speed of growth is extremely fast. Each name disappears in a flash, and Li Nianfan can't see clearly, and his eyes are running.

This feeling is like looking at a high-speed computer, and your head can't keep up.

Obviously, the book of life and death has just been born, and it needs to include all the information of people in the world before it can start to function.

Also, if it is completely handwritten, it is not realistic at all.

Li Nianfan couldn't help but said: "It really looks like a computer, it's just loading information."

Black and white impermanence means that you have not understood a word, and you can only smile at the side.

There are so many sentient beings between heaven and earth. Although the speed of the book of life and death is very fast, the silk thread has not diminished at all, and it is constantly coming in densely and endlessly.

With the passage of time, the sky gradually dimmed, so it was naturally extremely boring just staring at the information contained in the Life and Death Book, and Li Nianfan's patience had been worn out.

On the other hand, ghosts are still ghosts, and they can always maintain a look of interest. It is really rare, and I don't know how they did it.

Inviting the black and white impermanence to wait for the ghost to drink a few glasses of wine, and simply eat a little dinner, Li Nianfan yawned and was about to pick a place to sleep.

Nun Nun dug a hole in the rock wall very simply and rudely, while Long Er was arranging a water wave shield for Li Nianfan.

"The saint of merit has finally separated from the team."

The eyes of the queen demon hiding in the dark suddenly showed joy, and said excitedly: "He is too terrible, we must never touch him! Lord Demon, I will stun him and drag him farther, save In the way."

"You come back to Lao Tzu!"

Lord Demon's face turned black, and he lifted the queen demon, and shook it vigorously, "What is your mind? How can you be so unconscious! You all know that people are the Eucharist of merit, but also Thinking of going to stun people, you want to die!"

After the demon reflected for a long time, it suddenly dawned on him, and then he showed an extremely scared look, "Master Demon King taught you right."

Lord Demon waved his hand helplessly, and said with exhaustion, "Come on, you should talk less, and quickly get out of the layout. Remember, you must exclude the eucharist of merit and ensure its safety. Don't follow him. There is a slight touch."

"Don't worry, Lord Demon."


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