Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 331: I call you, do you dare to agree? (Xiu)

I don't mind being a ghost.

Lord Demon felt that his subordinates were a little unreliable, and because of inner instability, he decided to do it himself.

After all, if you don’t care about the uncle of merit, you should be careful in everything. If you accidentally make the uncle of merit, the situation is serious, not only will something happen to yourself, but also the race behind you will be affected.

Can't afford it, can't afford it!

Lord Demon King glanced at the cave with lingering fear, and immediately set up a defensive barrier nearby to avoid accidental injury.

The layout unfolded quietly...

Seeing Li Nianfan slowly falling asleep, Long Er and Nian Nuan ran out of the cave.

Coming to the water pool again, many ghost generals and ghost chauffeurs still stood there.

Seeing them coming, Black and White Impermanence said in awe: "Two girls, your brother... fell asleep?"

The girl nodded and said, "Well, brother's work and rest are very regular, mainly because you are too boring."

"It's our negligence." Bai Wuchang shook his head with a wry smile, and then said: "But if you arrange a performance here, it always feels a bit wrong."

Heiwuchang also said helplessly: "Yes, after all, the atmosphere is a bit inappropriate."

"we know."

Nun and Long'er nodded, then stared at the wine gourd not far away, and ran over.

"You can drink!"

They could not wait to pour a small cup for themselves, and drank it all in one go, a red glow suddenly appeared on their little faces, ah, so comfortable...

That's fun.

Bad brother, I can't tell the child to drink, so I can only take a sip, which makes me so uncomfortable.

Don't you try to be a kid?

Long Er drank to a happy place, the red tail behind him stretched out, swaying rhythmically, watching the black and white impermanence and said: "Do you drink?"


Black and white impermanence swallowed a mouthful of water, and finally said, "Forget it, it doesn't feel good."

They naturally wanted to drink it, but along the way, they have drunk a lot. Although Li Nianfan left the wine gourd before leaving, saying that it was for them to drink to relieve their boredom, they dare not be really rude. There is still some self-knowledge.

This is also a kind of respect for the superior.

Moreover, the expert can leave the innate treasures here at will, which is enough to show that he is at ease with himself and others. This is the most basic trust between people, and it makes people want to cry.

Nunnun was holding the gourd with her head and poured the wine awkwardly, and suddenly said, "Sister Long'er, brother Nian Fan, is this gourd the purple gold gourd in Journey to the West?"

Long Er leaned forward, as if he had discovered the New World, "Huh? It seems possible. I remember that my brother was quite attentive when he was planting. It must be unusual."

She picked up the gourd and began to scan the mouth of the gourd, as if looking for a target.


The black and white impermanence was immediately shocked, the hat hardened, and he almost knelt down on the spot, and quickly said: "Two aunts, you must not play with this thing, something big will happen."

Nuan asked curiously: "Uncle Black and White, is this really a Zijin Gourd? The kind that can take people in for refining?"

"From the appearance, it should not be separated from the ten, but I heard that many of the innate treasures have returned to chaos and do not exist at all."

Heiwuchang paused, and continued: "However, such a person as an expert is naturally not what ordinary people can think of."

Nun Nun murmured: "Brother doesn't have much chance to put down the gourd. This is just a hip flask in my brother's hands. I have to find someone to try it out.

"Hahaha—my Demon King is here too!"

Along with a violent shout, a strong voice strode forward, and bursts of triumphant laughter came out.


General Blood Sea and Shura Ghost General frowned at the same time.

Looking at the visitor with low eyes, it is obvious that the visitor is not good.

Behind the big demon king, the queen demon and Amon also walked out slowly, besides, they also followed many demon cultivators.

The **** general said coldly: "The demons were forced to behave like a tortoise, how come they are now active again? Are you afraid of death?"

"Hahaha, naive!"

The Great Demon King laughed disdainfully, full of sarcasm, "Do you really think that our demons were afraid of you before hiding? Our Lord of the Devil is omnipotent. The reason for hiding is just to avoid the Jedi Tiantong. That's it!"

Hei Wuchang's brows suddenly frowned, and he dared not say anything: "You knew in advance that the catastrophe would come?"

"Yes, when the gun was shot, Buddhism was the most prosperous at that time, and it became the cannon fodder at the beginning."

The great devil sneered: "In fact, many people know it, but the reason why the catastrophe is called the catastrophe is that even if you know it, it can't be avoided at all! Even in the end, a lot of people are behind it!"

General Blood Sea opened his mouth and said, "Then why are you coming out this time?"

"Naturally came out to be the protagonist!"

The Great Demon King’s eyes flashed red, and he buzzed: “After the Jedi Tiantong, the various races have declined. Although the human race is still the protagonist of the heaven and the earth, it is declining. We can not only replace Buddhism and become the first great religion. It is also possible to manipulate the entire human race and become a new generation of protagonists!"

"Hehe, are you telling a joke?"

Although the atmosphere was tense at this time, the black and white impermanence couldn't help but laugh, and mocked: "Humans are the primates of all things. Back then, Nuwa created human beings in accordance with the way of heaven. You thought it was for fun. The identity of the protagonist of heaven and earth is already destined. "

The General Blood Sea also spoke: "The transformation of the demon race, and even your demon race's condensed physical body, are determined based on the human race. Who is the protagonist of the heaven and earth? This is the eternal place!"

The Great Demon King surveyed and said: "My demons naturally have our methods. It is useless to say more. Give me the life and death book first!"

The Shura ghost general who has not spoken coldly said: "The book of life and death has nothing to do with the living, get out!"

"Hahaha, I guessed it would happen a long time ago, if so, don't blame me for grabbing!" The big devil was not surprised at all, his whole body was very powerful, and a dark black cow was gathered behind him, and he took a step towards before.

"Boom boom!"

Every step made the earth tremble and the footsteps roared.

Obviously, this was done deliberately, in order to make one's momentum astonishing and to increase the force.

"Only you? Looking for death!"

The General Blood Sea and the Asura Ghost General shot at the same time, the blood knife was like a rainbow, piercing the night sky, and slashed towards the Great Demon King. The black long whip followed, like a poisonous snake, facing the Great Demon King's door!

"Do it!"

Black-and-white impermanence also greeted him with a crying stick. Behind, many ghosts also threw out ecstasy chains, like a spider web, shrouded towards the big devil!

The tide-like attack seemed to engulf the Great Demon King, but he did not evade, stretched out his hands, grabbed the blood knife in one hand, and the long whip in the other, unscathed!

However, in a blink of an eye, there were endless chains locked on his body.

He chuckled, his whole body shook suddenly, and he broke all these chains in an instant!

After that, he suddenly raised his hand and slapped a strong palm wind forward. The black palm wind was like an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, unstoppable. Everyone, including the General of the Sea of ​​Blood, flew upside down together.

"Here I have placed the Heavenly Demon Sealing Spirit Formation, let alone you, even if Da Luo Jinxian enters this formation, the mana will be exhausted quickly, and any resistance from you is just futile!"

The Great Demon King was extremely proud, "This is the formation given by Lord Demon God to ensure that this mission is foolproof!"

Speaking of this, the face of the Great Demon King couldn't help but feel a little stiff. After all, recently, the Demon Race that had been going smoothly has suddenly encountered difficulties every time the task is bound to fail, which is really unhappy.

I always feel that someone is targeting myself.

Therefore, they have to act more cautiously than before, as far as possible to ensure that they are foolproof, and the lions fight the rabbits and do their best.

Ashamed, it seems... Since this wave of demons was born, there has been no success in doing things that time.

This time, when my demon king fires the first shot of victory, hahaha!

Thinking of this, the smile on the face of the Great Demon gradually grew thicker.

General Xuehai's eyes were slightly cold, and he tightened the blood knife in his hand, "What do you want to do?"

"The luck of the human race, which had already come to an end, has reappeared. We naturally have to make more preparations. We have to decide the life and death book!"

The Great Demon King continued to speak: "Tell you that it is the general trend for the Demon Race to become the protagonist of the heavens and the earth. This is the consensus reached by Lord Demon God and Dao Ancestor, otherwise it is going against the sky! I kindly advise you to cooperate.

"Going against the sky?"

Nun's eyes lit up suddenly, and she quickly said, "It's against the sky to deal with you?"

"Not bad!" The Great Demon King looked at his daughter, and then said with a kind smile: "Little girl, you won't have a good end to the sky, so hurry up and join us, especially if you tell your good brother, don't Embarrass us."

Nuan suddenly became a little excited.

She kept remembering that Brother Nianfan wanted to go against the sky, and I had to help Brother Nianfan.

With a grunting eyeball, she picked up the gourd to face the big devil, and said sternly: "big devil, I call you, do you dare to agree?"

The big devil stood out and said openly: "Hehe, why don't you dare? Just call it!"

"demon king!"


"call out--"

The Great Demon King's body suddenly involuntarily rose into the air, even with the black cow behind him, shrinking constantly, and was sucked into the gourd.

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