Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 332: The advantage of going through the back door, Tianzhu reappears (repair)

No, Lord Demon is gone?

The queen demon and Amon, who were still following the fox and fake tigers behind the big devil, were immediately confused.

Together they rubbed their eyes and stared at the disappearing place, only to see nothingness.

I was standing here just now, a big guy, how come he suddenly said that he was gone?

They looked at the girl blankly.

But seeing that she had turned the gourd mouth towards herself, the black hole of the gourd mouth was bottomless, which was daunting.

Not in a hurry, the roots of the cold hairs all over their bodies stood upside down, and the whole body was cold, and they dared not move.

"I call you, do you dare to agree?"

Many demons shook their heads together, "Don't dare, don't dare."

"call out--"

The group of talking people lined up, their bodies rose into the air, contracted rapidly, and entered the gourd.

They are full of fright and anger, I have already said that I dare not, you still **** me, you are scornful!

At the scene, only Amon and the post-mom were left in shock.

They were so frightened that they had just forgotten to speak. At this time, their faces were completely scared. Their dark faces were already pale as paper, and their heads were buzzing.

The girl looked at the gourd suspiciously, slapped it twice, just about to continue speaking.

The Hou Mo and Amon were so scared that they both ran off the ground, their potential exploded, and they turned their heads and ran without reluctance.

Even driving the cloud can't take care of it, and it's gone as soon as the smoke slips.

Nun Nan couldn't help but said: "Is it really that you shouldn't not **** this gourd? This flaw is too big."

This big ass, if you call others, they can't have any reaction, this is simply to kill people, is it good or not, unexpectedly, it is impossible to prevent!

This purple gold gourd is simply overbearing!

Of course everyone just dared to complain in their hearts, and on the surface they had to respond to the nanny, "the girl is right!"

Even the generals of the sea of ​​blood and the ghost generals of Shura, looked at the gourd in awe.

"Never mind!"

The Asura Ghost General stepped forward, his body was wrapped in black armor, his face was indistinct, and his eyes were complicated. "Just now it was considered an expert to save my life indirectly, so I won't fight with you for this life and death."

He looked at the General of the Sea of ​​Blood, "I'm leaving! From this moment on, I'm officially sentenced to be out of the underworld. If I meet again next time, it will be a life and death enemy!"

The general of the sea of ​​blood sank, and said in a condensed voice: "Asura, are you still looking back now?"

"Look back, what else is there in the underworld? There is nothing, it's almost like a down-and-out sect, I want to go out and stand by myself!"

The Shura ghost general snorted coldly, turned and walked away, "Let's go!"

General Blood Sea clenched his fists, and resisted his urge to act. He looked at the life and death book that was still collecting information, and fell into a loss.

In this way, the next day came in an instant.

Li Nianfan woke up from the cave. Although he said that he was living in an unfavorable environment recently, he did not pursue these requirements very much, and drinking a few glasses of wine before going to bed did help sleep and sleep well.

Get up and walk out of the cave.

He looked at the position of life and death for the first time.

Nothing has changed there, just like playing a game, it has been loaded for one night, and it is still loading.

Li Nianfan walked to the cave, looked at the cliff at his feet, smiled slightly, and there was auspicious clouds flowing, golden light overflowing at his feet, drifting away slowly.

We have a cloud, it is a cow.

Slowly descending to the edge of the pool, he raised his brow, only to realize that he was missing more than half of the people.

Slightly surprised: "How did the enemy go?"

Bai Wuchang opened his mouth and said, "Something happened at night, I probably figured it out."

Li Nianfan nodded, "Oh, yes, it saves a lot of trouble."

He took the wine gourd from Nun Nun's hand and said with a smile: "Nun Nun, Long Er, didn't you drink it secretly?"

The girl shook her head with a guilty conscience, "No...no."

"Hahaha." Li Nianfan shook his head and smiled, took a sip of wine, frowned, and said suspiciously: "Why is this wine so strong? Did you add ingredients to the wine?"

Long Er's eyes were a little erratic, "Is there any, no?"

Li Nianfan lifted the wine gourd, looked inside carefully, and patted the wine gourd again, "Forget it, let's be strong, but it's not suitable to drink it in the morning. Let's have breakfast first."

At the same time, an extremely subtle black gas floated out of the wine gourd, and then quickly drifted away silently.

The complexion of black and white impermanence changed, and he was just about to take action, but was quickly caught by the **** general and shook his head.

Covered with wine gourd, there is nothing to eat here, only fruit for breakfast.

Li Nianfan held an apple in his hand, looked at the black-and-white impermanence and others, hesitated for a moment or said: "Brother Black, Brother Bai, do you want to have breakfast?"

Black-and-white impermanence reluctantly refused: "Young Master Li, as ghosts, breakfast or something has long ceased to exist."

Of course, Li Nianfan couldn't take it seriously. This is the style of being a person. He smiled and continued: "Oh, just have breakfast. Let's go together. My fruit tastes ok. If you don't dislike it, you can taste it?"

"This..." Black and white impermanent swallowed a mouthful of water.

It's definitely impossible to dislike it, just to feel a little unworthy.

"Okay, don't be polite with me. I didn't have much to eat this time, but I brought a bunch of food." While talking, Li Nianfan took out a bag full of fruits and handed it directly to Black and White Impermanence Dao. "The fruits here, let’s share it with you brothers. At any rate, try our specialty."

"Oh, thank you Li Gongzi." Hei Wuchang accepted it brazenly.

Carrying the bag cautiously, he started to send to the ghosts.

Those ghosts all couldn't help but surround themselves, staring at the fruits one by one, carefully taking them from Black and White Impermanence.

Fruits are different. Some people take oranges and others take apples, but they all get them.

Li Nianfan looked in his eyes and couldn't help but smile.

As the saying goes, Hades is good to see, little ghosts are difficult to deal with. Many things often depend on these little ghosts. Now we make good friends, and we will meet again in the future. Maybe when we can become colleagues and make more friends, it is always right.

What those ghosts think is completely different.

They were holding fruits, not just their hands, but their bodies were a little trembling.

Linggen fairy fruit, this is Linggen fairy fruit!

Don't talk about the present, just put it in the past, let alone eat it as their identity, you can't touch this kind of high-end fruit, and now the expert has given us so hopelessly.

What state is this? What is this mind?

What are we in front of an expert, even ants are not even considered to be like air.

He is willing to give us the spiritual root and fairy fruit, so how can we be ashamed of it!

Touched, woo woo, so touched.

Some sensual ghosts have secretly hid and wiped their tears.

the other side.

Amon and Homo looked back with lingering fears, and both took a long sigh of relief, wiped out a cold sweat, and continued to drive Xiangyun back to escape.

The Hou Mo suddenly said: "Amon, I don't want to do it anymore, I'm a little scared."

Amon didn't speak, and after a while was silent, he said bitterly: "Neither did I expect that after years of absence, the mortal world has become so terrible."

Thinking about it carefully, since I came out of the mountain, I have experienced too many incredible things. First, the rise of the emperor, just like opening the hang, miraculously restored the decline on the battlefield, and then finally rescued Yue Tu. I never thought I was an undercover agent, and I founded Buddhism and started doing it with myself. Then, I moved out the demon lord. Seeing that victory was in sight, it was still a failure.

Now that Lord Demon King was born, he was just beginning to pretend to be forceful, and he was sucked into a gourd because of the answer.

Unscientific, unreasonable!

Unconsciously, they became witnesses and participants of the demon race's repeated defeats. It was too miserable, it was almost like a dream.

Thinking about it, this world is really too dangerous, and it is safer to stay.

In the end, Amon also persuaded: "Would you...return home?"

The Hou Mo corrected: "What misunderstandings you may have about the idiom, we should call...return home."

At this moment, a black line from the rear was flying quickly, turning into a black shadow, without looking back, and fleeing without looking back, only to smoke from behind the ass.

The figure saw Hou Mo and Amon, and immediately braked and hurriedly adjusted his appearance. Then he gave a light cough and calmly said: "The Hou Mo and Amon in front, stop me. !"

The bodies of the queen demon and Amon suddenly stagnated, then turned their heads and said in amazement, "Ma...Making Lord?"

Amon almost couldn't believe his eyes, "Master Devil, why are you like this?"

The former Demon Lord was so sturdy, as strong as a cow, but now he is skinny and his body is a little smaller, if it were not for the pair of small horns on his head, they would not recognize it.

"Hehe, even though the gourd is a congenital treasure, it is terrifying, and it can even accommodate heaven and earth, but it's still a little bit worse to trap me."

The Great Demon King smiled slightly, and then sighed again: "But after all, it's not a mortal thing. To escape, I paid a lot of money. The essence of my body was sucked up and my strength was greatly damaged."

The Hou Mo and Amen were taken aback, and then admired: "This can be an escape, Lord Demon is really mighty."

"Hehe, so so, but this matter fails, we have to go back and plan again with Lord Demon Lord." The Great Demon King smiled coldly, "Let's go together."

Qingfeng Gorge.

"Crack, click."

With the sound of chewing, the fruit-eating event came to an end.

In about the same time, the vision of the Book of Life and Death finally slowly ceased. When the last piece of silk thread merged into the Book of Life and Death, the entire space seemed to pause for a while, and a strange breath slowly spread out.

However, around the book of life and death, black and white two qi slowly ascended, and then intertwined with each other. The two grew longer and longer, as if they had life, forming a grand scene of yin and yang.

When the yin and yang two qi slowly sink into the book of life and death, all visions disappear, from the outside, it is just an extremely simple and ordinary book.

General Blood Sea took a step forward, came to the center of the pool, stretched out his hand, carefully took the book of life and death in his hand, and then retreated.

Li Nianfan lifted his leg silently, leaned in slowly without a trace, took a peek, and said that he was not curious that it was fake.

The content is somewhat different from what Li Nianfan thought, and it is actually blank.

However, with the slight touch of the General of the Sea of ​​Blood, the original blank life and death book began to appear one by one.

Bai Wuchang explained: "Prince Li, these are the people who will die next hour."

Li Nianfan nodded, and only then began to look openly.

As a magic weapon, the book of life and death is the treasure of heaven and earth. It is naturally different from ordinary booklets. It can be manipulated by mana to reveal the death list of each hour, and you can directly search for specific people.

The girl looked forward to: "Can you search for Zhang Yue'e?"

Li Nianfan's expression moved slightly, and then he knew that Aunt Zhang's name was Zhang Yue'e, which is the mother of Nan Nan.

"no problem!"

Bai Wuchang readily agreed, and as he pointed to the book of life and death, the writing on it began to appear again.

"Zhang Yue'e, female, two in thirty, seventy-two years, her life is dead."

Nun's face changed slightly, and she couldn't help but said, "How come it's only seventy-two years? I even gave my mother a panacea."

Bai Wuchang smiled bitterly and said: "It is precisely because of the elixir that you have been dying of life, otherwise you will have to add another serious illness and die. To a certain extent, you have already helped your mother change her life once, so that her illness is gone. But life cannot be extended."

Her brows frowned.

Li Nianfan was surprised: "The contents of the book of life and death will change?"

"The book of life and death is only a general direction, not absolute."

Bai Wuchang explained: "If a mortal gets the chance to step on the road to immortality, or takes the life-saving Lin Dan miraculous medicine, this is part of the change of life, and that is, special natural disasters and man-made disasters and other force majeure lead to early life and death. This is called horrible death, and some people who are tired of suicide are classified as the road to death, and so on. Those who do not observe the book of life and death will be classified as special in the underworld, and corresponding arrangements will be made.

Of course, this kind of phenomenon is only a minority, and most mortals still follow the general direction of life and death. "

Li Nianfan nodded suddenly. The function of the Life and Death Book is not as powerful as imagined, but it is reasonable to think about it. If you can directly and accurately determine your life, it will be too unrealistic.

Li Nianfan said to Nun Nun, "Nun Nun, life and death are destined, don't be too sad."

The girl wrinkled her nose, "This matter is also simple, just find a Lin Dan miraculous medicine to prolong life and give it to my mother."

"Hehe, don't have to be so troublesome."

Hei Wuchang smiled slightly, raised his hand, and drew a line of small characters with his fingers beside Zhang Yue'e, "Fukuze is profound, and he can live for another 30 years."

Then, a line came out beside Zhang Yue'e's name, "Tu Jiu, twenty three, live fifty-six years, died in battle."

Heiwuchang wrote next to him: "Killing is like hemp, and you should lose 30 years of life."

Hei Wuchang smiled and said: "So, it is justified, one plus one minus, it is not complicated, otherwise, it will take a little bit of effort."

Li Nianfan stared blankly.

Well, I take back what I just said, this life and death book...very good, very powerful!

The advantage of going through the back door suddenly became apparent.

Nunnun immediately said happily: "Thank you, Uncle Hei."

Heiwuchang laughed, "Hahaha, it's just a small matter. I just made a mark. When I go back, I use the judge's pen to change it and it's done!"

Li Nianfan said, "As a result, Tu Jiu has only three years of life left?"

Bai Wuchang opened the mouth and said: "This person does a lot of evil, killing countless people, and is not wronged when he died. Although my underworld is in charge of the life and death book, I dare not make jokes at will, otherwise he will suffer karma."

"That's very good." Li Nianfan suddenly lost his psychological burden, and then curiously asked: "Can you check me?"

"Let me try."

The black impermanence is on the book of life and death, blank, and there is no response.

But this was completely in everyone's expectations, and it was strange.

Without waiting for Li Nianfan to ask, Bai Wuchang explained: "Prince Li, if you surpass mortals too much, your name will disappear from the book of life and death, but it doesn’t mean immortality. It’s just that there are too many variables and the book of life and death is also restricted. No more."

Li Nianfan's heart moved slightly. He drank the blood of the phoenix, and it was the Eucharist of merit. The most important thing was to pass through. It is not surprising that there is no record in the book of life and death.

General Xuehai said: "Young Master Li, now that the book of life and death is in hand, we should also go back to the underworld. If we are free, Lord Li can come and sit in our underworld, and I and we will treat each other as a couch."

Li Nianfan smiled and said: "Hahaha, this is ok, I really want to go for a trip, but after so long, I should go back."

"Li Gongzi, don't pass it this way!"



Immortal world, Bingyuan Immortal Palace.


Under the constant attack of everyone, the icicle finally cracked a crack, and then the crack got bigger and bigger, spreading at an extremely terrifying speed.


At a certain moment, accompanied by a "click", icicles across the sky shattered and collapsed like an avalanche!

A hint of joy flashed in Ziye's eyes, and he exclaimed: "The formations of Fairy Daji and Fairy Fire Phoenix are really amazing, and they really broke open!"

Xiao Chengfeng stroked his beard and said with satisfaction: "Hahaha, this tortoise shell has withstood one hundred and eight swords from me, and now it is finally broken."

However, before everyone was happy, the light of the seal inside the icicle poured down and enveloped everyone, and as the brilliance passed, everyone disappeared in place!

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