Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 333: Tiangong, Daluo (Xiu)

This feeling is like flying from the mortal world to the immortal realm, passing through a layer of space.

Of course, this is just an example. In fact, the place of the heavenly palace is indeed on a high place. The sky outside the sky is above the sky for mortals!

When they reappeared, everyone had already come to a gate.

This gate was heavy and heavy, long since Liuli, but it was already broken. Half of it collapsed into rubble, lying on the ground obliquely, while the other half was still standing there, showing the word "Southern Heaven" on it.

Zi Ye's emotions suddenly began to fluctuate violently, with reminiscences in her eyes, she took a few steps forward and trembled: "Nan Tianmen..."

Lingzhu, a heartless foodie, rarely calmed down at this time. Looking at the dilapidated Tianmen, a layer of mist appeared in his eyes.

Ao Cheng sighed slightly. He also came to Nantian Gate back then, but he was not qualified enough to have to take a long look, remembering that at the beginning, outside the Tianmen Gate, there were heavenly soldiers and generals guarding it, and countless stars and sun and moon flowed, shining brightly. Sprinkle, how dazzling.

Even looking at it from a distance makes people feel a sense of worship.

Now, I stand in front of it, but it is nothing like before.

Others didn't have much feeling, but when they saw the scenery behind them through Nantianmen, their faces couldn't help but show shock.

Looking up, there are palaces, and there are endless thick auspicious clouds under your feet. These palaces are supported by the auspicious clouds. The palaces are all golden light flowing, shining in the clouds and mist.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. In the endless brilliance, there seems to be an image of a crane flying above the palace, and the sky is more auspicious, with colorful clouds covering the curtain, and visions are endless.

Ye Liuyun's eyes were red, and he couldn't help but said: "As expected of the Heavenly Palace, this is too grand."

Passing through the Nantian Gate, there is a long bridge that leads directly to the palaces. The bridge is printed with golden scales and bright red beard dragons, and on the bridge is hovering with colorful feathers and phoenixes.

Xiao Chengfeng couldn't help but said, "Old Ao, wouldn't it be your ancestors printed on it?"

Ao Cheng stroked his beard and smiled contentedly, "Hehe, the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn are the first beasts to open up the world and symbolize auspiciousness and majesty. It is not a place of charm and cannot be printed. This heavenly palace is still magnificent, barely qualified. Put my dragon clan on it and set up a scene."

The long bridge is arched and the middle is the tallest. Standing on it, you can immediately have a panoramic view of the entire Tiangong.

At this time, I discovered that under the arch bridge, there is actually a river. The rivers of stars flow past, seemingly sparkling with stars. The river water is azure blue, which is naturally different from ordinary river water. It seems to be integrated with the sky and the earth. In between, circle around these palaces, you can't enter from the four heaven gates.

Daji looked around and said, "There are 33 palaces in all."

Ziye nodded, "Yes, it's actually 33 heavenly palaces, plus 72 treasure halls."

She couldn't help but speed up a bit, as if she couldn't wait to go to a palace quickly.

Walking down the long bridge, there are huge white jade pillars on which are lined up with jade unicorns, standing on auspicious clouds, majestic and majestic.

Walking along the promenade, everything is exquisite and transparent, taking auspicious clouds as the ground, standing on the promenade and looking down, it seems that you can see the scene of the lower realm.

The first palace on the left of the long corridor, the plaque flashes with the words Wuhaogong, and moving on, it is the main hall of the harem Yaochi, the main hall of the Yaochi Houtianhong Palace, the Qixian Pavilion of the Tianhong Palace, and the west of the harem is the Palace of Dousing...

Everyone saw that every palace was locked, and they were curious, but they didn't push it away.

Ziye looked at the familiar surroundings and said nervously: "I want to go to the Seven Immortals Pavilion and see if my six sisters are there."

However, just as everyone was preparing to move forward, a strange wind suddenly blew up in the originally peaceful temple, and even the surrounding auspicious clouds fluctuated, and the calm heavenly temple began to fluctuate for so many years.

"Who is here?!"

Accompanied by a sharp shout, two figures strode forward.

Both of them wore golden armor, a golden helmet on their heads, a halberd and a whip, and golden cloud boots on their feet. They were majestic and mighty, but they were dressed like a heavenly general.

Ziye frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

One of them had eyes like brass bells and his voice billowed like thunder, "We are the guards of the Tiangong! Responsible for guarding the Tiangong, come on, how did you get in?"

Ziye said coldly: "Nonsense, I haven't seen you at all, you are not heavenly generals!"

"Hehe, aren't you the fish that slipped through the net of the Heavenly Palace?" The other was tall and fat, sneered, and exclaimed: "In today's era, we are the new heavenly generals! The heavenly palace should be permanently covered in dust and no longer born! Intruders, Kill without mercy!"

After the words were over, the two heavenly generals shot at the same time, holding weapons to kill them.

Around them, the power of the law is like a tide, and it seems to form a long river. As they move forward, the void is distorted, giving people a feeling that they are not among the five elements.

The mind is wonderful, the law is accompanied by life and death!

Ao Cheng's expression changed drastically, and he said hoarsely: "Two big Luo Jinxians?!"

It turns out that there are still big Luo Jinxians in the world, but they are all hidden in these unknown corners.

Lingzhu hurriedly took out the leaves and waved forward, "One leaf is blind!"

The leaves fluttered, forming a huge leaf barrier, wrapping the two heavenly generals.

The two heavenly generals raised their hands at the same time, and the halberds in their hands pierced forward, and the leaves were directly pierced after hearing a "poof".

Lingzhu snorted, and his skills changed again.

The leaves spread out and turned into countless emerald green leaves, flying like butterflies, surrounding the two heavenly generals, covering them!

"The mere light of rice grains also shine?"

There was a cold snort from the leaves, followed by a "wow", with flames rising, wrapping countless leaves and burning them to ashes.

With a stroke of Lingzhu's hand, the leaf returned to his hand, but there were already traces of scorched black on it, and its aura was weak, and it was greatly damaged.


She opened her mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood.

"Take it down!"

The two celestial generals stepped on the fire dragon, like a celestial **** descending to the earth, holding a sharp weapon of the **** weapon, rolling in.

Ye Liuyun swallowed, his pupils shrank suddenly, and roared, "Everyone do it together!"


He was also surrounded by flames, forming a roar of dragon fire, rising into the sky.

Xiao Chengfeng also drew his sword and walked with his sword aura, covering the sky and the sun.

Behind the fire phoenix, the wings spread out. With her as the center, the real fire of the phoenix swept all around, forming a sea of ​​flames in the blink of an eye.

Daji raised his hand, and the mysterious water ring broke away from his wrist, and layers of mysterious water surging out, did not form a river, but turned into an endless rain of silk, like a needle and thread, toward the two heavens Will lasing away.

The two heavenly generals were merely raising their hands, and the flame dragon turned upside down, forming layers of flame vortexes, and the rotating room continuously expanded toward the surroundings.

Ye Liuyun's flame was swallowed instantly, and Phoenix True Fire couldn't last long, and was also swallowed.

The flame is too strong and too strong, as if there is nothing but burning, enough to turn everyone into nothingness.

In the face of this flame, everyone can only dodge constantly, not daring to touch a trace, and being overwhelmed.

"Samadhi is really hot!"

Huofeng's face was extremely heavy.

Although Taiyi Jinxian was only one realm away from Daluo Jinxian, there was a huge difference and a qualitative leap.

Only by reaching the Golden Immortal of Daluo can you get rid of the five decays of heaven and man, transcend the way of reincarnation, and achieve the same life as the heaven and earth. This alone is enough to explain the problem.

The two heavenly generals were aloft, like a glaring King Kong, and said with incomparably majesty: "Dragon and Phoenix Nine Tails, as well as the people of the Heavenly Palace, it turns out that there are many remnants of sins, and you can catch them without holding them?"


Daji gave a low cry, and the ring of Xuanshui quickly rotated, turning into a raging wave, like an anaconda, winding two heavenly generals in a circle, and then froze into ice instantly.

Without hesitation, everyone flew towards the Nantian Gate.

Against the big Luo Jinxian, and there are still two at a time, this is simply invincible.

In the heavenly palace, there are actually two big Luo Jinxians guarding it, which is completely beyond everyone's imagination.


The ice cube shattered instantly, the real fire of Samadhi burned out, and when it touched the Xuanshui ring, it quickly lost its luster and fell to the ground.

"Where to go?!"

The two heavenly generals gave a cold cry, and also flew up, very fast, already breaking the rules, and suddenly!

The flame is like a dragon, entwining everyone!

Huofeng and Daji gritted their teeth at the same time and touched the statue on their chest.

In an instant, a protective cover emerged, and the samaya real fire touched the protective cover, making a "sizzling" sound.

The jade pendant swayed, then slowly floated up, separated from the body, suspended in the air.

"What a powerful bodyguard spirit treasure, its defense is comparable to the top-grade innate spirit treasure!"

A hint of surprise appeared in the eyes of the two heavenly generals, and the flames became more fierce, and surrounded the weapons, smashing toward the statue!


Everyone did not dare to stay, and they had already arrived at the gate of Nantian Gate.

The brilliance of the statue has dimmed sharply, swaying in the void, but it perfectly dragged the two big Luo Jinxians.

Everyone looked back with lingering fears, and jumped down from the Nantian Gate together.

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