Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 334: Little is better than newly married, big baby (repair)

The crowd descended along the Tianzhu and crossed the Tianmo at extremely fast speeds.

After a short while, it fell back to the ground.

Huo Feng converged the Huo Wing behind him, "It seems that those two can only stay in the Heavenly Palace, and did not chase them out."

Xiao Chengfeng couldn't help but laughed: "It's a joke that Da Luo Jinxian will be restrained in action."

At the same time, there were two shimmering lights floating in the void, slowly drifting down from the sky, falling in front of Daji and Huofeng.

It is two statues.

Daji raised his hand to take the statue, but with a "click", the statue cracked and split.

A trace of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes, she raised her hand to stroke the crack, her eyes filled with distress.

This is a gift made by the owner for himself, and he usually has to be cautious about touching it. Now that it is like this, Daji's heart is bleeding.

There was a layer of mist in her eyes, and her jade hand was holding the statue, and there was a cold air all over her body.

Lingzhu shrank his neck and whispered, "Girl Daji, calm down!"

Daji looked at the sky and sighed softly, "I just feel a little sorry for my master."

Ye Liuyun smiled and said, "The Temple of Heaven is already open. I will definitely be very happy to come to Li Gongzi."

"Not bad." Ao Cheng nodded, and then said with lingering fears: "I just didn't expect that there is a big Luo Jinxian guarding the heavenly palace. This is also terrible."

That was Da Luo Jinxian, surpassing life and death, even in the previous Tiangong, it will not reach the level of Da Luo Jinxian in a few days.

Xiao Chengfeng couldn't help but said: "The ban on Tiangong is to sit down the Jedi Heavenly Tong, so that there will be no gods in the world in the future?"

"Things are a bit tricky."

Ziye frowned deeply, and sighed lightly, "What is the purpose of Jedi Tiantong? Who is the most good for the world of immortality to go downhill step by step?"

The deeper they understand, the more they can feel the horror of each other.

At first, everyone thought that the last catastrophe was a certain calamity, but when they got to this point, they suddenly had a feeling that behind the catastrophe, there seemed to be an extremely terrifying force leading.

This is terrible.

After all, the destructive power caused by the last catastrophe was really too great, and there were countless dead gods, spreading the entire world!

"The chess game... the chess game!"

Ao Cheng shook his head, "This is the real chess game. Fortunately, I can play against an expert with my back, otherwise I don't know how to die."

Ye Liuyun couldn't help but nodded, "Yeah, if it weren't for an expert, we would never have access to this game of chess. Next, it depends on how the expert played. We have to make a good chess piece!"

Daji touched the little fox in her arms and said, "I should go back."

Everyone immediately said respectfully: "Girl Daji, Girl Huofeng, goodbye."




A golden auspicious cloud drifted slowly across the sky. Two children were still sitting on the cloud, sitting cross-legged, playing the game console Li Nianfan prepared for them.

Li Nianfan stood on the auspicious clouds, overlooking the famous mountains and rivers in the world of immortality.

At this moment, his eyes violently moved, but he turned his direction and went to the other side.

If you take someone else’s downwind, it’s certainly not as convenient as that, but now that you have your own cloud, you can go wherever you want, stop where you want, comfortable.

The place where he landed was a high mountain, but there was a big hole above the mountain pass, like a chimney, with gurgling heat coming out. The big hole was mostly black reefs, which was obviously different from other mountains.

This piece also tends to be desolate, and no grass grows.

"It turns out that there are volcanoes in the immortal world, but they are normal."

Li Nianfan smiled slightly and looked down at the entrance of the cave.

Layers of red magma flowed slowly, and some bubbles were turned from time to time, and the terrifying expert smoked people's faces hot.

"This volcano should be in a quiet period in the short term and won't erupt." Li Nianfan glanced at it roughly and knew it in his heart.

In fact, even in the calm period, standing in the crater is very dangerous, because the crater is surrounded by powder, which is very easy to slip. If you are not careful, you will slide into the volcano and lose precious life.

However, this danger is of course nothing to Li Nianfan.

Li Nianfan surrounded the crater and began to look around.

The girl curiously asked: "Brother Nianfan, are you looking for something?"

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "Looking for sulfur, I suddenly remembered something interesting. If it were made, you would love it."

Both Nannan and Longer looked dumbfounded, "Sulfur? What is that?"

Li Nianfan looked for it and said casually: "You don't need to know this, as long as you know it is a thing."

Soon, his eyes lit up and he found some light yellow powder on the rocks, and some light yellow crystals.

The girl leaned forward curiously, frowned, "Oh, this thing seems to be smelly."

"Sulfur does have a little peculiar smell." Li Nianfan nodded, "Okay, it's almost enough. It's time to go back. It won't take long for you to feast your eyes."

Li Nianfan drove up the auspicious clouds and set off here again with Long Er.

For sulfur, there are two well-known functions, one is to use medicine, and the other is to make gunpowder.

Li Nianfan didn't have the idea of ​​making gunpowder in the world of immortality. What he wanted to make was fireworks.

It is not difficult for Li Nianfan to make fireworks, as long as the materials are sufficient, the colors of fireworks are actually iron (orange) and phosphorus (green).

And these materials are not difficult to collect.

I don't know if Xiao Daji and Huofeng have come back. If they could make the fireworks when they first came back, it would definitely be a surprise.

Li Nianfan smiled and started to conceive the production method in his mind.

In the afternoon, the familiar Luoxian Mountain Range appeared in front of him. Li Nianfan stepped on auspicious clouds and saw the friendly courtyard from a high place, and then landed with a "shoo".

Xiaobai immediately greeted him and said diligently: "Master, welcome home."

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "Xiaobai, it's been a long time since I saw you, how is the situation at home?"

"Everything at home is very good, and it is still a familiar taste." Xiaobai said as he began to show his achievements, "Look at the master, the list of eggs here are all produced by chickens during this period. And the quality is good."

Li Nianfan raised his eyes and nodded in satisfaction, "Oh, it's not bad."

The few firebirds by the corner suddenly raised their heads proudly, "Wow~"

"Look at it again, Master." Xiaobai came to another wooden barrel. "This is filled with milk squeezed out during this time. I am making them into yogurt."

Li Nianfan laughed, "Yes, yes, Xiaobai is really my golden butler!"

"By the way, did Xiao Daji and the others come back?"

Xiaobai shook his head, "No."

"That's it." Li Nianfan nodded, feeling a little worried.

On the road of immortal cultivation, life and death crisis will naturally occur. Although it is said to follow Huofeng, Li Nianfan knows that this is the world after the Journey to the West. In mythology, Pangu and Houyi should not be too strong, Huofeng It's just a dish, unstable.

After all, an invincible gold finger like himself is the only one in the world.

"Forget it, I don't want to."

Li Nianfan shook his head, and then said: "Nannan, Longer, I have been traveling for so long, so I should practice well. I have also started to make fireworks here. Don’t make trouble. There is also Xiaobai. Let’s deep-fry some peanuts for the dish, and let’s have a drink all night."

Originally, Li Nianfan wanted to do some preparations for making fireworks first. Suddenly, a trace of laziness arose, and he simply lay on the rocking chair, shaking and shaking, very pleasant.

Let's take a rest first.

When you go out, you will find that it is better to go home comfortably.

Time passed slowly, and another three days in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Li Nianfan was sitting in the yard, sipping fragrant tea, and his body and mind had completely relaxed.

At this moment, there was a sound of "dongdongdong" outside the door, "Master, we are back."


The door opened.

It was Xiao Bai who opened the door, but when Daji walked into the door, she saw Li Nianfan standing at the door, looking at herself with a smile.

A layer of mist suddenly appeared in her eyes, feeling uncomfortable, Lianbu moved lightly, and suddenly plunged into Li Nianfan's arms.

"My son, long time no see."

Li Nianfan also hugged Daji, buried his head deeply, sniffing the delicate fragrance between the neck and the hair. He immediately felt refreshed and indescribable. In addition to the taste, the hand feels better. It seems to be smaller than holding It is soft when it is a fox.

"Little Daji, long time no see."

As the so-called little don’t win newlyweds, it’s perfect to use here.


There was a sneer from the side, and Huofeng turned his head coldly, silently detoured by the two of them, and sat alone on the stone bench in the yard.

Li Nianfan looked at Daji up and down, and said with a smile: "Little Daji has become more beautiful again, how are you doing in spells?"

"My son, look."

Daji raised her hand, spread her palm, and then there was an ice crystal snow lotus slowly emerging, suspended in her palm and slowly spinning, beautifully.


The corners of Li Nianfan's mouth curled slightly, and then he spread out his palms, "Little Daji, look at what this is."

On the palm of his hand, a golden lotus flower slowly emerged, just like Daji's, but the dazzling golden light and the brilliance flowed over Daji's ice lotus.

"This, this is..."

Daji's pupils shrank suddenly, she couldn't help but raised her hand to cover her mouth, her beautiful eyes widened and she was really cute.

Huofeng was also stunned. The body he was sitting on stood up, staring at the golden lotus in a daze, his red mouth could not help but open.

Merit... merit?

I grew up this way and saw merit for the first time.

This is merit, something that even saints must pursue. When the strength reaches a certain height, merit will become an indispensable part, and it can even be said to be the ultimate goal pursued by countless gods.

Xiao Daji stupidly said: "My son, you... are you not a mortal?"

"A mortal is still a mortal, but my mortal is a bit unusual."

Li Nianfan smiled triumphantly, his thoughts moved, and suddenly countless golden lights of merit emerged, illuminating the courtyard, gathered into auspicious clouds of merit, and rose into the sky, "How? Isn't it handsome?"

"Gudong." Daji and Huofeng swallowed at the same time. Although they knew that Li Nianfan was extraordinary, they were shocked when they saw this scene suddenly.

Huo Feng couldn't help but said, "My son, what's the matter?"

"It's a long story, but my golden hand...well, luck, it's really good."

Of course, Li Nianfan could not say that he cultivated to catch up with Daji, but simply summarized: "After you left, I went to travel and met friends in the underworld. Originally, I only wanted to cultivate my body to increase self-preservation. Whoever thought, I just cultivated like this. Listening to them, I seem to be called the Eucharist of Merit, so powerful."

Daji and Huofeng looked at each other at the same time.

They are very skilled in extracting keywords from Li Nianfan's words.

Cultivating the physical body in order to protect yourself.

The high probability is that an expert doesn't like being watched or attacked by others, so he simply gave himself a body of merit, to make himself quiet.

Very powerful, which is in line with the style of an expert.

As for how these merits came from, it doesn't seem to matter. The expert beckoned may come by himself.

Daji restrained her mind and exclaimed from the bottom of her heart: "My son, you are really... too amazing."

"That is, and now I also have a cloud family."

Li Nianfan was in a good mood and said casually: "How about you guys, how do you feel about going out this time?"

Daji bit her lip, her eyes dimmed suddenly.

Li Nianfan raised his brows, "What's the matter?"

Daji took out the statue and said guiltily: "My son, I couldn't keep the statue you gave me."

"What's wrong with me?"

Li Nianfan let out a sigh of relief, and took a look at the broken statue. "You didn't accidentally break it by fighting against people? It's just a small matter, I'll make a new one for you."

"Thank you, son." Daji's interest is still a bit low, her face is full of guilt, and she feels a little different in meaning, after all, the first time is always different.

Li Nianfan said, "Okay, be happy. In the evening, I will show you a big baby, and I promise to remove your inner unhappiness."

Master's big baby?

Daji was really attracted attention, and sniffed, "Master, what is it?"

Li Nianfan smiled mysteriously, "Secret."

Time is like water, and the cool autumn breeze brings out the night.

In the sky, the bright crescent moon hung, surrounded by stars and stars.

Li Nianfan took out the fireworks that had already been made and moved them to the open space in the yard.

The appearance of the fireworks is just a large wooden box. Li Nianfan didn't have to work **** the packaging. You can see one after another seemingly hollow pipes standing upright. In short, the appearance is very strange.

Nun Nu, Long Er, Da Ji, Huo Feng, and even Da Hei all gathered here, and even Huo Sparrow and Five Colored Sacred Bull also heard the wind, ready to see the so-called Big Baby.

In the pool in the backyard, the golden old dragon also slowly came out of the water.

Li Nianfan met everyone's doubts and said slightly: "Little Daji, the next moment is to witness the miracle!"

Then, he waved his hand, "Lighter, light it!"

The dragon fire bead placed next to the fuse suddenly spewed out a string of flames.


The line of fire burned, sparking sparks in the dark.

Mars extended a little bit, and fell into the fireworks.


The sudden loud noise made everyone's heart beat, and then a shining spot of light rose into the sky, flying higher and higher.

At a certain moment, it exploded with a "bang" again, like a goddess scattered flowers, bursting into countless shining sparks in the air. The sparks were so great that they almost covered the entire sky, and it was like a blooming flower in the sky. , But it was just a moment of Fanghua, and soon merged into the darkness.


Followed by the second sound.

"Boom boom!"

The fireworks skyrocketed, the rhythm became more and more compact, and they exploded continuously in the sky, illuminating the night sky, and the beautiful scene completely overwhelmed the stars and moonlight.

Around, mortals and immortal cultivators, even fairies and ghosts raised their heads, staring blankly at the bursting fireworks, their eyes were shocked and obsessed.


The two heavenly generals stood beside the Nantian Gate, their eyes cold and suspicious.

"Unexpectedly, there are people who can break the seal and come to the Heavenly Palace. It's really unexpected!"

"It's a pity that I couldn't keep them, and I stayed here all the time. Finally someone came. I thought I could have fun."

"Guarding this place is really not human work." One person shook his head, and then said with emotion: "How lively the Temple of Heaven was back then. I was a little heavenly soldier back then, so I never thought there would be this one. scene."

Another person said: "There is no way, we have got so much, we have to pay the corresponding price, it is very good to live forever."

At this moment, their brows raised, and at the same time a feeling of heart palpitations occurred, and the hairs all over their bodies stood up, as if some kind of great horror was coming quickly.

The corners of their eyes jerked sharply and couldn't help but look down.


They were taken aback at the same time.

But I saw that there was a light coming up into the sky, the source seemed to be the mortal world, and I didn't know what was going on, it seemed as if it had crossed the space, it just came straight towards myself.


Just when he was shocked, the bright light had already rushed here at a very strange speed, and hit one of them in the **** with a sound.

Then, with a "bang", it exploded!

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