Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 335: Huakai Seal, a new era (repair)


That day he would jump straight up, his face turned green in an instant, his face distorted, and a wolf howl.

He wanted to cover his ass, but as soon as he touched his hands, he felt a piercing pain, and he was at a loss for what to do.

The other general was silly. He witnessed the whole process of his teammate's **** blooming with his own eyes. The scene of flesh and blood flying across was shocking and empathetic.

This is the body of Da Luo Jinxian at any rate. Once you get to Da Luo, you will be detached from reincarnation, and your body will be integrated into the law, an immortal existence. Now, your **** is actually blooming?

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe it.

What a terrible thing that fire light is.

He shuddered involuntarily, his hands and feet were cold.

It seems inappropriate to stay here for a long time.

As soon as he thought about it, he felt a sudden tingling from his butt, and then listened to—

There was a "bang".


Dignified Luo Jinxian, jumping three feet high, still shed a string of blood along the way.

Another celestial general was slightly balanced in his heart, but his mouth roared, "Who is it, who is it that attacked me? So shameless!"

"Insidious, cunning! Come out if you have the ability!"

"Shoo, hoo--"

Accompanied by a prolonged tone, a dozen firelights shot from the mortal world.

The fire light was like a rainbow, illuminating the entire night sky, and even dazzling the eyes of the two heavenly generals.


The two heavenly generals had their livers cracked, their scalp was numb, and the hairs all over their bodies were erected, like ants on a hot pot. They didn’t know what to do. They wanted to escape, but found that the flames were too terrifying and seemed to be locked in. The function of this restricts their actions.

Seeing the flames getting closer and closer, they went straight to their ass, and their hearts were even more desperate, covering their **** with their hands, "Wrong, I was wrong, please let it go!"


Gorgeous fireworks burst into the sky one after another, the colorful fireworks stacked on top of each other, blooming into blossoming flowers, adding the ultimate color to the monotonous night sky.

Li Nianfan looked at the fireworks and suddenly said, "Little Daji, how about it, how beautiful?"

"My son, beautiful, it's so beautiful!"

Daji looked up at the sky, her beautiful eyes reflected the gorgeous fireworks in her pupils, and she could clearly see that there were two miserable figures like clowns, jumping in the midst of countless fireworks.

The son really understood everything, he was clearly venting my anger!

Two lines of tears flowed down from the eyes and slid down the cheeks.

Da Ji stared at her with tears and dim eyes, her eyes blurred.

Beautiful, so beautiful, this is definitely the most beautiful sight in the world!

Not only beautiful, but also touching.

On the side, Huo Feng looked up at the sky unblinkingly. She sneaked a touch of her similarly broken statue, quietly glanced at Li Nianfan and Daji, her red eyes were full of complexity.

Suddenly, her thoughts fluttered a little. The Phoenix clan had fallen into such a state, and she was left with a fire phoenix, and Gao Ren was already extraordinary and everything in her body was the essence of heaven. It would be great if she could borrow one.

The next moment, her cheeks became extremely red, even redder than her hair, and she slapped her cheek twice, carefully glanced at Li Nianfan, her eyes erratic.

Can't think, absolutely can't think, the expert is so powerful, maybe he can read mind, this is blasphemy!

Bingyuan Immortal Palace.

Ziye stood on the glacier, sitting in the fairy world, watching this prosperous scene, and also left tears.

The expert used his own unique method to open the door to the heavenly palace.

Layers of fireworks seemed to explode in front of her, so gorgeous, this feeling, as if returning to a long, long time ago, at that time my favorite place to go was the eaves of the Seven Immortals Palace, looking at the sea like that As beautiful Zixia, chatting with her sister Zixia.

She had always thought that the most beautiful scene in the world was the Zixia at that time, but now she has seen another beautiful scene, one that is comparable to the most beautiful scene in memory.

"Princess Seven, Ice, Ice... Glacier..."

Xinghe stood behind Ziye, but at this moment, his complexion changed drastically, and his long beard was trembling violently with his mouth. The whole body was completely frozen, but his soul was trembling crazily. The cells were trembling almost, and they couldn't even speak.

Looking in the direction he was pointing, the glacier there actually showed signs of melting. Every time the fireworks burst, there would be a crack in the glacier. Then, the entire Bingyuan Immortal Palace began to tremble violently.

"Crack, click."

The cracks expanded rapidly and melted into water, and some even vaporized directly, dissipating invisible.


At a certain moment, the Bingyuan Immortal Palace standing under Ziye's feet collapsed, leaving only broken ice on the ground.

Purple leaves floated above the void, but his face was full of excitement.

"Bang bang bang."

Firecrackers sound, fireworks are still there.

The ice cubes melted, exposing the ground originally covered by glaciers, just waiting for the sun to rise tomorrow, and the Bingyuan Immortal Palace completely dissipated into nothing. This means that the seal... is melted away!

This night is destined to be not an ordinary night.

This firework illuminates the sky, I don’t know how much attention it has received.

The lively and beautiful fireworks seem to be celebrating the arrival of a new era.

In the Dragon Palace.

Ao was established on the East China Sea, followed by many shrimp soldiers and crabs, looking up at the fireworks together.

"Tiangong... This is the complete birth!"

Ao Cheng's face was full of sorrows. Originally, the relationship between the Dragon Clan and Tiangong was not good, but now, seeing the return of old friends or enemies, it is abnormally joyful, which means that a new era is coming.

Ao Cheng's face suddenly condensed, and he solemnly said: "Follow me and worship the master!"

Behind him, the group of shrimp soldiers and crabs followed him, bowing deeply in the direction of the fireworks.

"The shrimp soldiers are going to pick Aolong, and the crabs are going to pick king crabs. They must be the best ones. Train their meat well. I will send them to the masters on the next day."


A bamboo sea in the fairy world.

Here is also a holy land, but it is not a sect.

Lingzhu was sitting on a pillar, happily dangling his little feet, watching the fireworks exploding in the distance, while eating the oranges sparingly, and narrowing his eyes with a smile.

"Yeah, you can go to the Tiangong to play again in the future."



The black and white impermanence emerged.

They also bowed deeply in the direction of the fireworks.

Another day, I have to visit the temple.


The fireworks gradually subsided.

Heaven and earth returned to peace again, and the night was full again.

However, the grand occasion just now is deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts, even into the soul, which will never be remembered.

In the silent night, small dots suddenly appeared, slowly floating down from the sky.

It's snowflakes.

The white snowflakes soon filled the night sky, and it became bigger in an instant.

A few snowflakes fell on Li Nianfan's cheeks, and the icy feeling made him realize, "It's already winter before you know it, but this year's snow comes a lot earlier than before."

He looked at Daji and couldn't help but was taken aback, "Little Daji, why are you crying?"

Daji quickly wiped away her tears, threw herself into Li Nianfan's arms, closed her eyes, and said affectionately: "The fireworks are so beautiful, I can't help myself, oh, son, you are so kind to me."

"Little fool, who am I good to you?"

Li Nianfan smiled and touched Daji's head. As expected, no girl could withstand the offensive.

"Okay, don't cry, it's snowing, go in and rest quickly."

Daji bit her lip and was so touched that she couldn't help but said, "My son, or else... let me take it tonight..."

Huo Feng suddenly said, "Sister Daji, let's sleep together tonight."

Then he couldn't help but grabbed Daji and pulled him to his room.

Li Nianfan stood there, staring blankly at the two girls walking into the room, always feeling that he seemed...wrong?

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