Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 336: I'm not as good as a snowman (repair)

The next day.

The sky is brighter than before.

Li Nianfan opened the door, but his eyes narrowed slightly, which was stabbed by the light.

This time the snow was not only early, but also very heavy.

In just one night, a thick layer of snow has been piled outside, and the sun shines on the snow, reflecting bright light, and plain white increases the brightness of the world.

The ground, the walls, and the trees were covered in silver everywhere.

"Master, good morning."

Xiaobai was holding a broom and dutifully cleaning the snow, exposing the road, and said to Li Nianfan: "Breakfast is ready, it's soy milk fritters."

"You really can, Xiao Bai." Li Nianfan smiled and nodded.

Soy milk fritters, this is a combination that Li Nianfan prefers, and every time in winter, drinking a sip of warm soy milk in the morning is simply enjoyable. Xiaobai remembers Li Nianfan’s preference, so every day it snows, he will prepare this breakfast .

Li Nianfan came to the world of cultivating immortals. Naturally, he experienced a lot in the snowy days.

Xiaobai said very humanely and politely: "The master is absurd, and it is Xiaobai's blessing to be able to serve the master."

Li Nianfan's heart moved, he couldn't help but slowly lifted into the sky, looking down on the earth from the sky.

This is a vast and vast world, first the entire mountain top is dyed white, and then the entire world, covered with a white carpet, is very visually impactful.

After admiring the snow scene for a while, Li Nianfan fell from the sky.

At the same time, Xiao Daji and Huofeng also walked out of the room.

Daji's small eyes were a little bit resentful, and she was a little bit ignorant of Huofeng. After all, her great deeds were so mixed up, and it made herself wrong. It was really maddening.

Li Nianfan said: "Little Daji, morning, why are you listless? Didn't you sleep last night?"

"My son, early." Daji bit her lip and said, "It's too uncomfortable to sleep with Sister Huofeng. I won't sleep with her anymore."

Huo Feng couldn't help retorting, "Huh, I am the victim. You like to scratch people when you sleep."

Da Ji immediately said: "Bah, you like to bite."

"Hahaha." Li Nianfan was amused. The two women were probably very interesting together last night.

He yelled casually into the room: "Ryuer, 囡囡, get up for breakfast."

"Oh, brother, here comes."

Long Er and Nun Nun quickly got dressed and walked out of the room.

When I saw the snow scene outside, my eyes suddenly lit up, cheering, and I wanted to roll in the snow.

Li Nianfan has poured out the hot soy milk, "Okay, I have breakfast, and I will take you to take a snowman."

Long Er and Nun Nun were even more excited, "Really? Great!"

This was the first snow of the year, and it was rare to be so big, so I gave Nun Nu and Long Er a vacation, accompanied them on crazy fun, and spent the whole afternoon in a cheerful atmosphere.

And the result of the morning is that there are two more lovely snowmen on both sides of the courtyard door.

"Okay, I have to start preparing lunch for lunch." Li Nianfan had a plan in his mind and said with a smile: "Nanny, Long Er, you are responsible for choosing vegetables in the backyard. It's so cold today, so it's best to gather for hot pot."

At the same time, at the foot of the mountain.

Three figures descended from the sky, and then slowly walked towards the mountain.


Both feet stepped on the thick snow, making a sound, sinking deeply, revealing one by one footprints.

It was Gu Xirou, Pei An and Gu Changqing.

They naturally noticed the fireworks last night, and when they were surprised, they discovered that it was actually sent from the Luoxian Mountain Range, and they immediately guessed that the expert had returned, so they were ready to visit.

Gu Changqing is still carrying a huge black goat on his shoulders, not dead, but still breathing weakly.

This is not an ordinary black goat, but the king of the black goat spirit, the black goat king, who was hunted and killed from the immortal world together.

Knowing that the masters like game, they deliberately searched for suitable game in the fairy world, and even caught several monsters, such as tiger monsters, leopard monsters, or wolf monsters. They conducted torture and asked which game meat was the most delicious. .

The unanimous answer is black goat meat.

After searching for a long time, I found this black goat spirit after a lot of trouble.

This is already the most powerful thing they can do for an expert, and they are full of sincerity.

In fact, the black goat spirit had been captured many days ago, but they came to visit the expert and found that the expert was not at home, so they have been raising it until now, feeding it well to keep it fat.

Gu Xirou opened the mouth and said, "I always feel that I can't get the black goat meat to an expert, but there is no other way."

Gu Changqing also nodded and said: "It's a pity that we have limited treasures, otherwise we can try the same trick again and take it to a black shop in exchange for the treasure to give to the expert."

Pei An opened the mouth and said: "Anyway, you have to think about ways."

Just as they were talking, they had come to the courtyard.

At first glance, I saw the two snowmen at the gate of the courtyard. It seems that Gao Ren has really returned.

And as they walked into the snowman, their hearts jumped wildly together.

The snowman’s hand and the wood inserted in his body are all spiritual roots. Not only that, some of the decorations on his body are all acquired spirit treasures. Even the carrot head stuck in his nose is spiritual root fairy fruit!

Even one of the snowmen has a square pajama on his head, which is actually an innate spirit treasure!

To put it bluntly, this snowman is worth more than the three of them combined.

You may not believe it, I am ashamed of not living as a snowman!

The three of Pei An are bitter in their hearts, and have no room for self-confidence.

But in the next moment, they were attracted by the touch of gold in the snowman's hands, and their pupils shrank fiercely, revealing an unbelievable look.

"Gong, gong... merit?"

Pei An's eyes widened, her lips were chapped, her throat was sour, she was so shocked that she could not speak.

But I saw the snowman's other hand, dragging a small golden lotus, it was so coquettish, the whole body of golden light flowing, it was actually a lotus of merit!

A wave of holy and mighty intentions rolled toward the three.

Even though this lotus flower of merit is not big, but with so many merits, it is impossible for ordinary immortals to save in their entire life, and even most of them are not qualified to touch.

Suddenly it feels low to show off your wealth. People are showing off merit!

Who else is in the world?

Fortunately, the psychological endurance of the three of them has been tempered to a great extent, and they adjusted quickly to suppress the shock.

Gu Changqing stepped forward and knocked respectfully three times, "Is Young Master Li home?"


The door opened.

Xiaobai poked out from the door, "Three, please come in."

"Thank you."

The three of Pei An walked out slowly, and Gu Changqing carried the black goat and carefully chose an open space to put it down.

Li Nianfan was still holding a plate in his hand. On it were the side dishes prepared for the hot pot. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help laughing and joking: "Aren't you bringing food to eat?"

Gu Xirou hurriedly responded with a respectful voice: "Young Master Li, this black goat is famous for its deliciousness. We caught one by chance and brought it to you."

"It's really intentional. In fact, it came just right. We are short of lamb here."

Li Nianfan was not hypocritical, and said directly: "The winter is the most suitable for eating mutton, Xiao Bai, quickly organize it while there is still time, and make some mutton rolls first. This is a must for hot pot!"

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