Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 338: Luoxiancheng, Standing City God

Everyone nodded suddenly, "Sure enough, cutting the leeks is indeed a good idea."

"Take us, take us." The eyes of Nan Nuan and Long Er were very clear, and they wanted to participate when they discovered such a fun thing.

Daji said, "Don't worry about this. The leeks are there anyway. In order to ensure that the cut is perfect, we will also participate."

Pei An naturally nodded his head in a hurry, and promised 10,000, "Well, we naturally listen to Fairy Daji's instructions."

His heart is extremely happy, and his own conjecture can be recognized by Fairy Daji, which is equivalent to a big face in front of an expert.

At this moment, Li Nianfan had already cut a stubble of leeks and walked over. He even carried a small basket full of green leeks.

He smiled and said: "Since Mr. Pei likes to eat leeks, I specially cut some more, and I will bring it back to you then."

Pei An was moved to tears, and hurriedly said, "Thank you Li Gongzi, thank you so much!"

Li Nianfan smiled indifferently, "Small things, let me tell you, leeks must be cut fiercely. The harder you cut, the faster it will grow."

Pei An immediately said: "I have been taught, what Li Gongzi said is quite true."

Naturally, other people also remembered it in their hearts. In short, in the face of leeks, cutting was over.

A hot pot meal is finished in a lively atmosphere. This is also Li Nianfan’s first hot pot meal after the snow this year. It is really commemorative to say. After all, it is eaten with immortals, phoenixes, monsters, etc. The hot pot can be said to be lively across races.

Pei An wiped her mouth, and said with emotion: "It's so delicious. Today I really appreciate Master Li's hospitality."

Gu Xirou has fallen in love with hot pot and said: "I have lived for so many years, and I never thought I could have this way of eating, Li Gongzi, can I eat this way when I go back?"

"Hahaha, Gu Fairy, you are too much to ask, this hot pot is just a way of eating, you can naturally eat it yourself when you go back." Li Nianfan couldn't help but suddenly said, "By the way, if you like to eat Hot pot, then I will bring you some hot pot bottoms, which is convenient for you to eat."

"Young Master Li, this... how embarrassing this is."

The three of Pei An were a little cramped at once, things are naturally good things, but I'm really embarrassed to accept them, Li Gongzi here, every flower and grass are precious, not to mention that they tasted this hot pot, this meal is far more stuffy Penance is much more precious. After all, many insights cannot be obtained by penance.

"It's not a good thing, it's not a precious thing, take it."

Li Nianfan waved his hand. He looked at Gu Changqing and said curiously: "By the way, Old Gu, do you know what's going on in the frontline? I went out recently, but I haven't paid attention for a long time."

"The war has stabilized a lot. Since the last time the Southern Barbarian's offensive was blocked, Xia Chao has been victorious and pursued, and he has continued to gain success. Now he has entered the counterattack stage, and I have heard that, for some reason, Tu Jiu's physique has suddenly declined. It seems that I was seriously ill, and morale was even lower."

Gu Changqing paused and said, "The Mozu is being held back by Buddhism. The recent movement seems to be much smaller."

Li Nianfan showed a look of surprise, "Did Buddhism develop so fast?"

He had to be shocked. After all, Buddhism was apparently passed on by Yue Tu, and Yue Tu came into contact with Buddhism from his own place, and he gave her a copy of the Diamond Sutra. So did this develop?

Is Buddhism so powerful?

Li Nianfan suddenly thought of another point. It stands to reason that since this is a world of myths and legends, there must be Buddhism, and there must also be Tathagata. How could it disappear? After the post-Journey to the West, could Buddhism be destroyed? This is a bit scary.

Gu Changqing smiled and said: "Li Gongzi, in fact, the expansion of Buddhism is indeed somewhat unexpected. Recently, there are rumors among the people that there are many ghosts and monsters living in the mortal world, causing many disasters, and Buddhist monks have the Buddha's light bonus. Ghosts have a strong function of restraint. Buddhist monks walking in the world can easily recruit people who are predestined.

"So that's the case." Li Nianfan nodded, he was curious, how could Yue Tu be able to practice Buddha's light? Could the Diamond Sutra that I gave her really exorcise evil spirits? It does not seem impossible.

After all, Yue Tu is an immortal, starting from a very high point, it is reasonable to make some tricks with Buddhist scriptures.

But no matter what, this Diamond Sutra was originally a Buddhist scripture, and it would be regarded as returning to the original owner by herself.

Pei An also said: "Young Master Li, after all, there are immortals in Buddhism, and the background directly surpasses ordinary sects. Now they are getting bigger and bigger. I heard that they are already preparing to establish the ceremony."

He still didn't say a word, but behind this Buddhism is relying on the expert, with the treasure of luck, he and others must take care of it, and it is natural to take off in a short time.

Li Nianfan couldn't help but said, "I'm afraid the momentum will not be small."

Pei An nodded, "Yes, maybe I will invite many immortals."

"It's another event."

After everyone chatted for a while, Pei An got up and said goodbye. Under Li Nianfan's enthusiasm, they finally accepted the leeks and the base material.

Holding it in your hand, it's like a heavy burden. Where are the leeks and the base material? This is clearly the love of the master for me!

The three of Pei An held back the tears that were about to overflow, and said respectfully: "Young Master Li, we are really bothering you today, so we will leave now."

"Well, goodbye."


After walking out of the gate of the courtyard, the three of them couldn't help it anymore. Tears were like waterfalls, forming waves, rushing down their cheeks, and their shoulders were trembling because of love.

Pei An was so moved that her voice became hoarse, "Woo, the master is really kind to us, he really looks at us as individuals!"

Gu Xirou also said: "As far as the many big men we have heard, which one is not superior, without friends, and lonely in life, the reason is that the vision is too high, and the realm of superiors is too much higher than the so-called big men. It's so much, he is willing to become a mortal, treat everything and everyone with a normal heart, and treat us as a friend before looking at us! It's just... our status is low, how can He De!"

Gu Changqing said, "Although the superiors treat us well, we must know our own position. We are a pawn. The value of existence is to solve problems for the superiors!"

Pei An immediately praised: "Well said, worthy of my disciple and grandson! This is the enlightenment we should have!"

Gu Changqing suddenly looked at his master, and then at the leek in his hand, with a weird face, "Master, did you eat this leek for...well, to strengthen your body?"

Pei An's old face was embarrassed, and he coughed slightly: "How do you understand the suffering of your master!"

He said unnaturally: "My generation of cultivators all have the heart to ask Dao, and they live longer and longer. With the improvement of the cultivation level, the heart to ask Dao becomes stronger, and gradually reached the realm of heart as still water. It has faded a lot of things, this leek just happens to let me find the original feeling."

Gu Changqing opened his mouth and said, "Master, I don't need to explain, I understand."

Pei An was annoyed: "You know what a fart! I have lived for more than 10,000 years, and I have a lot of white heads and white beards. Think about it...how much am I suffering?"

"The two old people don't repair, shut up!" Gu Xirou looked at Pei An in disdain, and then said: "Let's go back to the immortal world and step on it to see how our leeks grow."

Pei An's face remained extremely calm, and he said: "You go first, I have some conflicts with Xiaozhu, I have to go back and comfort her first."


Sending Pei An and the three people away, Li Nianfan came down a little leisurely. It was naturally impossible to wash the pots and dishes, and he did not give it to Xiaobai, but gave it all to Longer and Nuan.

For children, it is better to exercise more discipline, so that they can be at ease.

"Okay, don't you two know spells, just wash a bowl, how much can it cost?"

Li Nianfan looked at their grievances and couldn't help but smile, and then said: "Hurry up, take you to Luoxiancheng after washing."

After returning from travel for so long, I don't know if there is any change in Luoxiancheng.

Nuan and Long'er suddenly came with energy and enthusiasm, "Really? Great! Let's go now."

After half an hour, everyone cleaned up briefly and headed towards Luoxian City.

Because Li Nianfan now knows how to drive the clouds, the journey is much faster than usual, but he did not waver, landed in a place outside Luoxian City and headed towards Luoxian City.

As soon as he entered Luoxian City, Li Nianfan couldn't help but raise his brow, revealing the color of difference.

Compared with the past hustle and bustle, today's Luoxian City is obviously much deserted, and there are only a few sparse people on the street, which can be said to be empty.

The girl couldn't help but said: "What's the matter? My mother, she usually likes to wander around here the most."

The little red bird on Li Nianfan's shoulder raised his head slightly, then spread his wings and flew into the air, flew around at random, and then fell back again.

Huo Feng said faintly: "A large number of people gathered in the center of the city."

Li Nianfan suddenly became interested, "It turns out that we have all gone to the center of the city. Let's go and join in the fun."

Immediately, everyone could not help speeding up their journey.

As we approached the city, the flow of people did increase a lot, and there were noisy voices coming from it, which seemed extremely lively.

"Young Master Li, you are here too." Just when I came to the periphery of the crowd, I heard a familiar voice, and I didn't think it was Boss Fish.

Xiao Yu'er sat on the shoulders of the fish boss and looked curiously towards the crowd. Seeing Li Nianfan, he whispered: "Hello, brothers and sisters."

Li Nianfan smiled and nodded, and handed it an orange, "Well, Xiaoyu'er is really good, do you eat oranges?"

Xiao Yuer immediately said, "Thank you, brother."

Boss Yu said, "Master Li, did you really go to another place? I worried you for a while, but I came back safely."

Li Nianfan smiled and shook his head: "Hahaha, what danger can I have, thank you for your concern."

Boss Fish couldn't help saying: "Young Master Li, ghosts have been making a lot of noise lately. Anyway, I can come back safely.

In the world of cultivating immortals, when mortals go out, they actually need to be extra careful.

"Boss Fish, what are you doing?" Li Nianfan asked the doubt in his heart.

"This matter is pretty mysterious." Boss Yu sold a pass, and said: "I heard that there are literary scholars recently, and some well-known virtuous people have successively received the dreams of ghosts and gods from the underworld. I also got a dream from my ancestors, saying that it was for people to build a city’s god’s temple and worship it a lot, so that in the future, the local weather will be smooth and the people will live and work in peace."

"Tuomeng, Chenghuang?"

Li Nianfan showed a thoughtful look, the action of the underworld was fast enough, and it began.

The fish boss nodded and said: "Yes, even the Emperor Luo from the Qianlong Immortal Dynasty came personally, preparing to set up the Chenghuang Temple here, but it seems that they are still discussing something. Don't you all come to join in the fun? The Chenghuang puts on the incense stick and pays good respects."

"That's it." Li Nianfan nodded.

He looked at the crowd in front of him, and naturally wanted to go over and take a look, he was hesitating whether to fly over the clouds, and worried that he was a little shocking, and he seemed not to be low-key.

"Young Master Li!"

Suddenly a surprise sound came from the crowd, but it was the stall owner selling breakfast.

He squeezed out from the crowd with difficulty, and then said loudly: "Everyone let go, let go, let Gongzi make a way out! Don't we need someone to write an inscription? We are all in Xiancheng, who is better than Li. The son is more suitable?"

While he was talking, he said to Li Nianfan with the fish boss, "Young Master Li, hurry up, I heard that you are not here recently, otherwise someone would have been looking for you long ago."

In the crowd, most people heard that it was Young Master Li, and they immediately got out of the way very cooperatively.

"If Li Gongzi is here, he should be the most suitable candidate."

"Hahaha, it's a coincidence, it just so happens that Young Master Li is back, so I don't have to think about it anymore."

"Let me tell you, Li Gongzi's literary talent is absolutely unique. With his inscription, Master Chenghuang will definitely be happy."

"Hurry up, what are you doing there, just give way!"

Although Li Nianfan does not often live in Luoxian City, his prestige is still very high. After all, with his talent, even if it shows a little bit, in the eyes of mortals, it is also a matter of surprise.

As he moved forward, Li Nianfan gradually saw a temple in front of him. It seemed that it had been rebuilt on the original house. It was simple and majestic, with nineteen steps below it, which was solemn.

On the upper part of the temple, there is a plaque with a black background and three hot golden characters of Chenghuang Temple printed on it.

Under the temple, Li Nianfan saw many acquaintances.

Luo Huang, Luo Shiyu, Zhou Yunwu, and Meng Junliang, it can be said that all the people with heads and faces that Luoxiancheng came into contact with were here.

When they saw Li Nianfan, their hearts became tight and their expressions straightened, and then they quickly pushed aside the crowd, and came down to meet him in person, with fast pace.

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