Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 339: One hundred thousand fireworks returned here

Luo Huang was a little nervous, explained it at the first time, and said: "Young Master Li, we don't know that you have come back, so we didn't invite you."

Li Nianfan smiled and said: "I really just came back not long ago, but just happened to catch up, Luo Huang don't have to feel guilty."

Luo Huang was relieved now, but his face was still flushed, and he couldn't wait to slap himself twice.

Even if you know that the expert is not at home, you still have to go and take a look before the establishment of the Chenghuang Temple. Maybe the expert will come back. My sincerity is not in place, alas!

"I have seen Mr."

Zhou Yunwu and Meng Junliang saluted Li Nianfan at the same time.

The two of them looked extremely excited, their bodies stood up straight, and they bowed straightly at ninety degrees.

One is a generation of emperors, the other is a contemporary great Confucian, but he maintains a deep awe of Li Nianfan. This is not pretending, but from the heart.

Zhou Yunwu said excitedly: "Sir, I represent the people of the country, thank you!"

Meng Junliang also said at the same time, "Sir, I represent all the bachelors, thank you!"

The status of the two of them now among mortals was naturally entrusted by the underworld. Moreover, it was the level of the underworld boss who entrusted the dream to black and white impermanence. From their mouths, they learned that the Chenghuang Temple was established by an expert.

Speaking of experts, the first thing they thought of was Li Gongzi, so they asked about it, and the answer was really Li Gongzi!

Immediately the admiration for Li Gongzi reached its peak, and the most important thing was that the establishment of the Chenghuang Temple had great benefits for Zhou Yunwu or Meng Junliang.

One is to allow mortals to live and work in peace and contentment, and the other is to give hope to contemporary scholars.

Once a great Confucian ruled well and was loved and enshrined by the people, he might be recognized by the underworld and become a local city **** after his death. What an expectation is this.

All in all, Chenghuang Temple is a bridge between mortals and the underworld, and it is a win-win situation!

Li Nianfan waved his hand, "Well, you don't need to thank me, I just provide an idea."

Luo Huang hurriedly said: "Sir, you are here at the right time, this whole Luoxian City, your inscription is what everyone expects!"

Just now, everyone was still discussing who should write the inscription. This is a big deal, not only about mortals, but even communicating with the ghosts and gods of the underworld.

In fact, no matter who wrote the inscription, their hearts were dissatisfied. They seemed to be discussing, but in fact they were entangled with each other.

Meng Junliang handed the pen to Li Nianfan, and said, "Master Li, give you the pen, I will sharpen the ink for you!"

Li Nianfan didn't decline either. With his current position, he was indeed qualified for the inscription, so he took the pen and stood aside.

The plaque has been completed, but the only difference is the couplet of the Chenghuang Temple.

Don't underestimate this couplet. This is the real face of the city god. It must have profound meaning. It must not only include the human world, but also connect with the underground palace.

The words should be good, but also have the background.

Li Nianfan looked at the Chenghuang Temple behind him, then looked up at the people underneath.

There were a large number of people on the scene, three floors inside and three floors outside, but at this time they all consciously quieted down, looking at Li Nianfan eagerly.

Li Nianfan met the ardent gazes of everyone, took a deep breath, and looked up at the distant world.

But I saw the white snow in the distance, connecting with the sky and the earth, and further away, I don't know what happened to that mirror-like Jingyue Lake.

It is high enough to overlook the lake and mountains and rivers in the distance. It is a city god. It is illuminated by thousands of lights at night, and it is the duty of petitioning for the people.

Just write it!

The paper is already ready and laid out on the table.

Li Nianfan slowly started writing.

Because it is more formal, the technique is not fast, and the handwriting is only slightly scribbled, which is neat, but there is a peculiar charm in it, and people can't help but be immersed in it.

The people in the audience couldn't see the words. They looked at Li Nianfan. They only felt that he was breezy and elegant, and he was indescribably free and easy. The body seemed to be covered with a faint onlooker, full of holiness, and Chenghuang was actually As its background, people can't help but give birth to the meaning of worship.

On the stage, Meng Junliang and others were staring at the copybook, only feeling that every word was alive, representing a will.

Especially Meng Junliang, it is not the first time that he has seen Li Nianfan write, but Li Nianfan is his ultimate pursuit, but every time he sees Li Nianfan writing, he will feel different in his heart. He feels ashamed and ashamed.

Can I achieve such a miracle in my lifetime? Even if you can only write one word in this life!

"Eight Baili Lake and Mountain know what year the picture is, and one hundred thousand fireworks are returned here."

The last word...Sure!


There was a sudden wave of ripples between the heaven and the earth, and it seemed that a certain rule was being forcibly changed, and waves of mighty heavenly might crashed down, even solidifying the space here.

Mortals only feel a sense of suffocation, but the cultivator has hair on his body and his heart is throbbing.

They saw the sky at the same time, and at the same time their bodies shook and their eyes widened.

But I saw that a dazzling golden light fell from the sky, not only from where it came from, it was extremely fast, and it hit the Chenghuang Temple straight!

In an instant, the entire Chenghuang Temple was enveloped, and the original primitive colors seemed to be plated with a layer of gold, dazzling and dazzling, making people's eyes painful.


Good luck from heaven!

Just like the establishment of the emperor at that time, and the establishment of Confucianism and Taoism at that time, and the teaching of Buddhism at that time, another wave of mighty luck descended, this time... it was the Chenghuang!

The monstrous air luck is like a tide, rippling to the surroundings, coating the whole Luoxiancheng with a layer of gold, such a vision is naturally invisible to mortals, but the cultivators present are suffocated at the same time. Almost fainted.

I actually witnessed this spectacular scene that is rare in 10,000 years!

At the same time, in the underworld.

Po Meng stood in the main hall, black and white impermanence standing on both sides, and there were many ghosts who were very busy, going from house to house giving people dreams.

Po Meng held the life and death book in her hand, placed it on the high hall of the main hall, and said: "The life and death book has the effect of judging life and death. It is like a guide. Now returning to the underworld will make it much easier for the soul in the future."

Hei Wuchang opened his mouth and said: "It's a pity that the manpower of the underworld is still not enough. Even if the hour of death is known, there is not enough manpower to dispatch it."

Po Meng sighed softly, and said, "How is the effect of supporting the dream?"

"Mother-in-law, many places in the mortal world have begun to build city **** temples, but... the city **** is unprecedented..."

Bai Wuchang paused for a moment before he said bitterly: "We now seem to...have no right to set up."

If it were in the past, the Lichenghuang could still do it. It only needed to give official posts and responsibilities, and then slowly run it. But now, the underworld has fallen apart and many responsibilities have been naturally taken back. Even if you want to build a city, you can’t give it. Its corresponding recognition.

In this way, it will make Chenghuang more trivial.

To give a simple example, in the past, the prefecture was an institution recognized by the Dao of Heaven and was authoritative, but now, it obviously doesn't work anymore. It has become a civil sect in nature, which is related to the issue of whether there is an establishment or not.

After all, since the Chenghuang was established, it is necessary for ghosts to sit in the mortal world.

And since it was not recognized, that Chenghuang’s stewardship could not be regarded as a real ghost errand, and should not stay in the world for a long time.

Very contradictory.

At this moment, the entire underworld was shocked!

A golden light slammed into the underworld without warning. The golden light was extremely rich and spread to every corner of the underworld. The place where it illuminated was like a lotus growing step by step, causing tremendous changes in the entire underworld. .

The book of life and death placed on the high platform was illuminated by golden light, and my originally dark self turned into gold gradually. Beside it, the brush floated slowly, and the tip of the brush changed from black to black. Gold!

The golden light continued to shine and began to spill from the main hall to the rest of the underworld.


In addition to the Styx, there was another sound of water in the underworld.

The current is rushing, as if there are turbulent waves beating the waves, bombarding everyone's ears over and over again.

Familiar voices shocked the whole body of many ghosts, as if their souls were out of the body, with surprise and joy on their faces, they turned into statues.

Bai Wuchang was a little incoherent, and trembled: "Mother... mother-in-law, then... is that... Huang Quan's voice?"

"It's the yellow spring, definitely the sound of the yellow spring water!" Po Meng was more excited than everyone else, with tears in her eyes. "Old lady, I have listened to the yellow spring water for countless years. It can't be wrong. The yellow spring starts to flow again!"

She stepped quickly, walking towards the periphery of the underworld.

Here, Taotao’s yellow spring water is tumbling, and the yellow spring, which was already dead water, is now gradually glowing with vitality. The golden light is like the light of the sun, pouring down, shining the entire yellow spring water.

Huangquan is what people call Jiuquan, and this is the home of the dead.

After a person dies, the soul will be led to the Yellow Spring, stay temporarily, and reincarnate along the other side of the flower. It is only after the catastrophe that the water of the Yellow Spring withers, and the soul is transferred to the ferocious Styx.

Many ghosts stood by the yellow spring, looking at the surging yellow spring water with blurred eyes, suddenly a dreamlike feeling came into being, as if...everything was back again.

At the same time, beside the yellow spring, rows of flowers were withered and turned black, and only the rhizomes of the flowers that were left were also full of vitality, and then bloomed one after another.

The other side flower!

The red and red flowers of the other shore, as if blood stained the setting sun, began to bloom one by one along the way, spreading out with the earth as a scroll.

"The flowers bloom on the other shore, the flowers bloom on the other shore; the flowers bloom without leaves, but the leaves grow without flowers; the flowers and leaves grow and cherish each other, and will never be seen." Meng Po whispered, "beautiful, so beautiful!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Above Huangquan, not far away, the broken bridge began to roar, it seemed that there was a rainbow overhanging, and the broken gravel resembled time reversal and began to reconnect little by little!

PS: This kind of text is completely different from the upgrade of monsters and the flow of pretending to be slapped. I don't have any routines that can be used for reference. I can only think about it by myself, so I often cram.

In order not to disappoint the readers, every time I finish a session, I will think about the next session very carefully. Karvin’s feeling... It’s really uncomfortable. It’s not an exaggeration to describe it as "chabusifan". Fortunately, I have been able to stabilize the update.

Thank you readers for your support. Unknowingly, half of this month has passed. I hope that those who are able to support the wave, ask for monthly pass, ask for subscription, ask for recommendation ticket, ask for sharing, ask for reward, thank you~~~

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