Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 340: Changed, you all changed

"Naihe Bridge, it's Naihe Bridge!"

Po Meng looked at the bridge, her lips trembled with excitement, and she walked over involuntarily.

The Naihe Bridge is a very simple bridge, shaped like an arch, but there are no handrails on both sides of the bridge. It is because there are no handrails that people on the bridge have to be cautious, let alone you dare not push me. Ups and downs in the yellow spring.

Po Meng walked over slowly, but saw that at the forefront of the Naihe Bridge, the stone stele that was originally buried in the mud slowly emerged at this time. On it, two blood-red and ancient writings were printed-Naihe !

Her gaze was blurred, she crouched, and slowly stepped onto the bridge.

Standing at the highest point of the arch bridge, you can see the entire yellow spring in your eyes.

As soon as I went, I took a good look at the yellow spring water and recalled the past. It was time to drink a bowl of Mengpo soup and hit the road.

This golden light is like the warm winter sun, and where it shines, the dilapidated underworld is slowly restored to life.

When many ghosts saw this scene, they couldn't help shed tears and cried.

Heiwuchang hesitated and said: "Mother-in-law, this golden light is Qi...Qiyun."

"Yes, it's luck! The luck of my underworld actually came back!" Meng Po was filled with emotion.

"Mother-in-law, I found out that these merits came from the Chenghuang Temple in Luoxian City, yes, yes..."

Bai Wuchang's eyes were filled with incomparable excitement, and he said: "It is the expert who inscribed the Chenghuang Temple! It is the expert who established the Chenghuang Temple, so that the heavens have recognized it!"

"Guessed, I guessed!"

Po Meng smiled with tears overflowing, and she was filled with joy, "At the last moment of destruction, I was lucky, but I got the help of a real nobleman!"

At the last moment when the golden light was about to dissipate, it shone on the two stone sculptures at the gate of the underground palace.


Cracks began to appear in the stone sculpture, and then pieces of rubble began to fall, revealing a horse face and a bull's head.

Not long after, their eyes blinked slightly, seeming to be filled with confusion.

Black and white impermanence immediately flew over with excitement, and said: "Null head, horse face!"

"Old black, old white?"

The bull's head and horse face were stunned for a moment, and the pupils were round, as if they had had a big dream, they rubbed their eyes together, "What's going on? What happened, I remember, we seem to be sealed by eternity. Woke up."

"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Tears gleamed in the eyes of Minotaur Ma Mian, which was frightened.

When they think that they will be sealed for eternity, it is false to say that they are not afraid, but they resist the fear, face it calmly, and seal it!

Now that he has recovered again, in retrospect, he is still scared and crying.

Bai Wuchang hugged the bull's head and horse face, and said excitedly: "Hahaha, come back, just come back."

"Welcome back, but now the underworld is a waste of time, we are worried, you may have to be busy when you come back, hahaha..." Hei Wuchang also smiled.

Ngau Tau Ma Mian grinned at the same time: "Hundreds of waste are waiting for you? We like it!"


In front of the Chenghuang Temple, Li Nianfan took up his pen and stood.

The winter wind was icy and bitter, and the styles were blowing, blowing everyone's hair, and the couplet copybook placed on the table, also slowly swaying with the wind.

The copybook is very light, but it is extremely stable, as if the wind did not dare to blow it away.

Li Nianfan looked up and down, then nodded in satisfaction, and said, "I am a little nervous to write an inscription on Chenghuang. How do you think this word...?"

Emperor Luo blurted out without hesitation, "Good word, good right! Li Gongzi is really a great talent!"

"Anyone in the world can write this word, only Mr. ear, only with this character, Mr. should be passed down through the ages!"

"Mister's talent is the blessing of the people and the blessing of the community!"

Everyone knew the severity and didn't photograph some fancy horses, but this was indeed from the heart, and Li Nianfan couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, even if it's famous for the ages, I don't have that much thought."

"Young Master Li is so embarrassed."

"Ashamed, ashamed, ashamed."

When everyone caught the opportunity, it was another round of flattery.

Luo Huang and Zhou Yunwu each carefully picked up a copy of the copybook, and reverently unfolded it to face everyone.

"Eight Baili Lake and Mountain know what year the picture is, and one hundred thousand fireworks are returned here."

Many people read it silently, and immediately burst into endless applause.

The charm of poetry is that it can convey a kind of artistic conception. Even if there is no culture, one can still feel the power in the poetry.

This couplet resonated with everyone in an instant, and everyone was amazed at Li Nianfan's talent.

"Gongzi Li is alive and I want to say that if this Chenghuang Temple is for Gongzi Li, then that will be the glory of our fall in Xiancheng!"

"Yes, that's right! Who can have the qualities of Li Gongzi with both ability and political integrity, I can rest assured that Li Gongzi is a city god!"

"Kneel and beg Li Gongzi to be a city god."

"Bah, baah!" Luo Shiyu hurriedly stood up, "Shut up to me!"

Zhou Yunwu and Luo Huang were also taken aback at the same time, and sternly reprimanded: "Laughter! Don't be rude!"

Bold, how can a dignified man be comparable to a city god? The skills of this group of people are simply appalling!

Li Nianfan's expression was also a little embarrassed. This group of people is indeed out of good intentions, but this Chenghuang, you have to die before you can be, and begging me to be it, isn't it the same as begging me to die.

Moved to move, but it is really a bit pitted.

He coughed slightly and said, "Ahem, forget it, the folks are not bad-hearted."

Meng Junliang said respectfully: "Sir, I will let people frame this couplet and place it on the pillar of the Chenghuang Temple."

Luo Huang nodded hurriedly, "Yes, you have to be careful, the grade must be high, I'll still ask the immortal cultivator to do it."

Li Nianfan smiled, "Let's watch it, I also happen to be there, I have to go."

Everyone immediately said: "I will send you."

In the Chenghuang Temple, black and white impermanence slowly emerged with a group of ghosts and ghosts, and they bowed respectfully to Li Nianfan's back together.

Li Nianfan did not leave Xiancheng, but went to the east of the city and looked at the old locust tree.

I haven’t seen it for such a long time, but the growth rate of the old locust tree is beyond Li Nianfan’s imagination. It has grown to be more than one person tall, and the half-dead trunks underneath have gradually fallen off and been replaced by new trunks. .

The straight growth of branches is different from ordinary trees. Although it is winter now, there are still a little green leaves on them, and a thin layer of white snow covers the branches.

Li Nianfan was not surprised, and said with a smile: "The old tree, long time no see, it deserves to be refined, it can grow leaves in winter."


The branch swayed, and the white snow on the tree fluttered, like a goddess scattered flowers, slowly flying and circling among the people, but it added a bit of romance and beauty.

This is certainly not a coincidence.

"Old tree, you're pretty skinny." Li Nianfan smiled and patted the old locust tree. If he brought his sister over, he might be the best wingman.

After a simple greeting with the old locust tree, Li Nianfan left.

It is right to come back from a long trip to see these old friends.

Long Er lowered his head, pouted his mouth, and whispered, "Brother, we don't want to go back now, right?"

She felt that she had just come out, she didn't have much fun at all, it was equivalent to wandering around randomly, which was not interesting at all.

She also kept nodding her head, and said, "Yes, the Chenghuang Temple is so lively and fun. Let's go over."

"You definitely can't go to the City God Temple."

Li Nianfan raised his hands and rubbed the small heads of Nun Nun and Long Er respectively, "I just made a splash over there, and staying there will only embarrass both parties. Instead, leaving directly is the best choice. In this way, you can maintain your image."

Nun Nun and Long Er seem to understand each other, and they seem a little unhappy.

Li Nianfan turned around and suddenly said, "But it's still early today. It's better to go to Jingyue Lake and enjoy the winter lake scenery by the way."

Now he has become a cloud family, and his speed is so fast that he has much more time than usual.

"Okay, okay." Nannan and Longer naturally nodded busy.

Long Er grunted his eyes and said, "Brother, why don't you stop by my house?"

"your home?"

Li Nianfan's eyes lit up, thinking that this is really a good idea, "Where is your home?"

"My home is not far from Jingyue Lake, right under the seabed at the mouth of the sea." The girl hurriedly started to sell the iron while it was hot, and said coquettishly: "My home is beautiful and fun, so let's go."

Li Nianfan's interest suddenly became stronger, and he said, "Is the seabed? It's really good, but the merits may not have the effect of avoiding water."

"Brother, avoiding water is simple, and avoiding water drops is worthless."

Long Er was so happy that he was very interested, and urged: "It shouldn't be too late, go quickly, and be a guest at my house~"

Li Nianfan looked at Daji and asked, "Little Daji, what do you think?"

"I listen to the son." Da Ji put her hand around Li Nianfan's arm, leaning on Li Nianfan, and the meaning of the husband singing and the woman succumbing was full.

"Hahaha, then go and admire the underwater world!" Li Nianfan laughed, and a golden auspicious cloud appeared under his feet, swiftly toward Jingyue Lake.

It only took a few minutes to reach the lake.

Except for some ice and snow on the lakeside, the entire Jingyue Lake has not changed. The huge lake is still calm, and there is no frost. Only when the wind blows, it will make the lake surface wrinkle.

Long'er took out a nearly transparent blue bead in her hand. Following her introduction, the bead suddenly emitted a halo, floating in the void and slowly rotating, and sinking into the water little by little.

As the beads entered, the originally calm lake water slowly separated towards the two sides, forming a vacuum zone. The range was not small, it was a sphere with a radius of five meters.

"Brother, let's go!" Long'er waved happily, and immediately took the lead and jumped into the water.

Li Nianfan smiled slightly, and also followed the clouds.

Entering the water, Li Nianfan looked at the underwater world, and suddenly gave birth to the feeling of looking at the underwater world under the aquarium in his previous life. Of course, the feeling here is naturally much better.

The water of Jingyue Lake is extremely clear, and entering the bottom of the water makes the clear interpretation to the fullest. Except for the occasional waves, it is almost the same as outside. Looking up, the entire underwater world seems to be bright.

This beauty is very different from nature on the shore, and even touched Li Nianfan's heart slightly.

As they deepened, various types of swimming fish began to appear, colorful and of different sizes, and after a curious wandering around the crowd, they quickly fled.

You can also see the mud and reefs laid under the water, and the emerald green water plants in the mud, shaking with the waves.

Li Nianfan couldn't help coming to the edge of the vacuum zone and stretched out his hand.

Suddenly, a icy feeling spread all over the body along that hand, and the water waves seemed to be lifelike, flowing around the palm of the hand.

Li Nianfan quickly retracted his hand and put it under his clothes to keep warm, "It's really cold."

At this moment, his gaze fell into a mud, and he said excitedly: "hairy crabs?"

Daji beckoned very tacitly, but the hairy crabs that were quietly shrunk in the soil were wrapped in a circle of water and slowly pulled to everyone's eyes.

Holding two large pliers high, he looked at everyone anxiously.

"Oh, what a fat hairy crab!" Li Nianfan's eyes brightened, and he couldn't help licking his lips. "This season of hairy crabs tastes best."

Long Er frowned slightly, "Can this be eaten too? It's far from my seafood."

"You don't understand this. Hairy crabs focus on the fragrant and tender meat. In terms of deliciousness, they are really unique! Wait a minute, let you be the first person to eat crabs in the world of cultivation.

Li Nianfan looked forward to it, and then said: "Why did I forget the hairy crabs! Now when I suddenly think of it, I feel more greedy."

"Master, there is another one over there." Daji said, raising his hand with another move, and easily captured another one.

"Good job!"

Li Nianfan smiled and said: "Don't rush to go, grab some more and bring it with you. Since you are a guest at Long Er's house, it is definitely not a good idea to go empty-handed. This hairy crab is taken as a delicacy, and I will not refuse to come to Ao Lao."


At the same time, the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

An old man with messy hair stood in the hall.

The old man had a pair of dragon horns growing on his head, but one of them had been broken in half, and his face was pale, angered like a gossamer, and anxious.

Ao Cheng walked quickly, and when he saw the old man's expression suddenly changed, "Brother Yun, why are you like this?"

"Brother, Aoyu, the dragon king of the South China Sea, has betrayed the Dragon Clan a long time ago. I tried my last breath to make you be careful!"

Ao Yun grabbed Ao Cheng with a grief. He actually spit out a mouthful of blood while coughing. He took a deep breath and excitedly said: "Now my Dragon Clan, the North Sea Dragon Clan is annihilated in the Great Tribulation, but the Nanhai Dragon Clan is colluding with the Demon Clan, letting the entire Dragon Clan be The damage was severe in the catastrophe! Now I can't do it anymore, the dragons can only rely on you!

Ao Cheng's expression sank, "Ao Yu actually betrayed the Dragon Race?!"

"Cough, cough, cough!" Ao Yun was almost paralyzed, and he grabbed Ao Cheng and said hoarsely: "I am definitely not going to survive, so be careful."

At this moment, a big carp wagging its tail and swam quickly.

"Urgent report, urgent report!"

"what's up?"

"The princess said that the master is coming as a guest, so she specifically asked me to hurry up to inform and prepare.

Ao Yun waved his hand from the side, "Send away, hurry away, haven't you seen our brothers reminiscing about the old? This is the last moment in my life, how can the grown-up brothers let anyone disturb you? No one is useless!"

"The expert is coming as a guest?"

Ao Cheng stood up suddenly, his eyes widened, his face full of excitement and anxiety.

"Prepare! You must be prepared!" He started pacing hurriedly in the hall, suddenly looked up at Ao Yun, who was already in a daze, and said: "Brother Yun, it's really unfortunate today, the distinguished guest is here, forgive me. I can't accompany me anymore. Why don't you hold on and leave first?"


Ao Yun spouted blood again and pointed at Ao Cheng tremblingly. He could hardly believe his ears, and he was obviously hit hard.

After being betrayed and desperate to defect to an old friend, he got such treatment.

The world is declining, and people's hearts are not ancient

He couldn't help feeling sad, and said with tears: "It has changed, you all have changed!"

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