Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 344: Really a group of hardworking people

The speed of the Demon Worm is very fast. Obviously it can't wait. Although I can't see it, I can feel its excitement and expectation.

Just when it entered that arm and was about to feast on it peacefully.

Huofeng's eyes condensed, and the blades were condensed with fire light, and only a flash of red light.

"Chiff!" A sound.

Ao Yun's arm was cut off by Qi Gen, and he threw it away.

It can be clearly seen that in that delicious arm, there is a long black worm, like a large leech, which is wriggling and swallowing.

It is deeply immersed in the deliciousness. It has never felt that the worm body is so perfect. The blood and power are weak. It is so delicious. This is the worm life!

Daji's eyes were just a faint glance, and then the fairy gas surged in his hands, forming a white ice crystal, entwining the arm, and turning it into an ice sculpture in the blink of an eye.

With a "click", it fell to the ground.

The ice sculpture is very hard, and there is no damage when it falls on the ground, and it even shone brightly, but it hit everyone's hearts heavily.

"Gourmet, my delicacy!" Nuan and Long'er stared at the arm blankly, and burst into tears.

Other people also felt empty in their hearts, and felt a sense of violence.

"Hands, my delicious hands!"

Ao Yun was also stupid, and her heart was extremely complicated. She went up to hug her broken arm and looked stupidly.

It was too miserable. First it was cooked by the fire, and it was so delicious that it was so delicious. Then it turned into an ice sculpture. My hand is too fateful.

The smell of barbecue still remains in the air, making people dreamlike.

Li Nianfan couldn't help but rubbed the small heads of Nun Nan and Long Er. He laughed and said, "Why cry? That hand is the hand of the old man Ao. You can't eat it. Also, there are demons in that hand. Worm, do you eat it?"

The girl sobbed, and wiped the shiny saliva at the corner of her mouth, "But... it's too fragrant."

Ao Yun stood up and said sincerely and gratefully: "Young Master Li, thank you so much. I have saved this fortune. I am not grateful for the great kindness, so please give me instructions if you need it in the future!"

"It's nothing, it's nothing." Li Nianfan smiled, and then curiously asked, "Doesn't Ao feel pain?"

Ao Yun smiled and said: "I was attracted by the fragrance before, but I didn't feel it. Now it's a bit, but I am mentally prepared and can still bear it."

As he spoke, he raised his hand, a water wave rippling at his fingertips, and then attached to the broken arm, forming a wound protective film.

Li Nianfan didn't know its role, but it didn't hinder the unconsciousness.

He arched his hands and said, "Old Ao, it's getting late, we should also leave."

"Gongzi Li, if I don’t live here, I can do my best as a landlord." Succeeding in is naturally trying to keep, and eagerly said: "There are many sea people, and there are many programs for Li Gongzi to appreciate. Haizhong The beautiful scenery is countless, there are fish and shrimps everywhere, why not take a stroll."

Li Nianfan pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "It's still not going to happen, thank old Ao for his kindness."

"Never mind," Ao Cheng could only say: "Li Gongzi, I have prepared seafood and hairy crabs for you. Don't refuse this. If you want to eat in the future, let Longer come back and let me know. Must be!"

"Hahaha, good!" Li Nianfan readily accepted.

After a few more greetings, Li Nianfan and others left the carp palace and left.

Ao Lao and Ao Yun stood at the door, watching respectfully.

"Superior, really a peerless expert!"

Ao Yun said with extreme emotion, "This is Dragon Devouring Gu. For millions of years, the Dragon Devouring Gu, which no one has been able to solve, will be solved in such a peculiar way. That's it! I'm afraid no one will believe it."

Ao Cheng stroked his beard and smiled: "Hehe, making a fuss, this frightens you? The expert himself is an existence beyond imagination. It is the blessing of our dragon clan to be able to make friends with him!"

"My arm... it's worth it!"

Suddenly, Ao Yun rubbed the hard arm in his hand, "This is an arm baked by an expert himself, but it's cheaper than that dragon eating gu. It can be frozen together with such a delicious arm. Great good fortune! I have to put it at home to make a sacrifice. When I take out this arm in the future, I will see who dares to be disrespectful to me, hahaha..."

Ao Cheng looked at that arm, and said a little sourly: "You are all over in the West Sea Dragon Palace, so you can actually laugh out of it."

Speaking of this topic, Ao Yun's tone suddenly became painful, and he whispered: "This time the Dragon Gate reappeared, I was originally very excited, but I didn't expect that the Dragon King of the South China Sea was the scum of my dragon clan, and this was poisoned by him. However, There is even worse news."

Ao Cheng frowned, "What news?"

Ao Yunning said: "During the last catastrophe, the old dragon king of the South China Sea didn't die! This old thing has a dark heart!"

Ao Cheng's face changed slightly, but then a smug smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Brother Yun, when it comes to this, then I have to tell you a great secret."


Ao Cheng looked at Ao Yun mysteriously, and then he said: "Without showing off, my old dragon king in the East China Sea... is still alive! Hahaha, envy you?"


After strolling around the underwater world, Li Nianfan suddenly felt that his knowledge had been greatly expanded, and his life had become more colorful.

This is a serious travel, and such a leisurely and joyous life is worthy of the four words of a fairy life.

When I returned to the courtyard, the sky was completely dark, and the sky was shrouded in stars, flickering and flickering, and the stars fell down, illuminating the layers of mist in the void.


The Bingyuan Immortal Palace no longer exists, the ice cubes melted, and in just one day, green grass grew there, and the fragrance of flowers wafted.

Ziye looked at these familiar and unfamiliar sights with a complicated heart. He looked above the void, and his eyes were filled with expectation and anxiety.

She sighed, "Now that the underground palace has returned, I don't know when my heavenly palace will come back."

Behind her, Xinghe respectfully admired: "Seven princesses, the layout of the masters has begun to be revealed one by one, the general situation has changed, and the Tiangong will be back sooner or later!"

"I wish." Ziye said softly, then floated up, followed the Tianzhu, and came to Nantianmen again.

The two big Luo Jinxians failed to leave a trace, and no one came to stop her again.

Stepping into the Nantian Gate, she walked fast, and she came to a palace in front of a palace, which was the Seven Immortals Palace.

Zi Ye took a deep breath, finally calming her heart, then raised her hand and pushed the door in.

The room is very neat.

It was so neat that Ziye was stunned.

She stood outside the door, standing there for a long time, as if going back in time, returning to the past, everything seems to have not changed.

She raised her leg and stepped in, walked on the living room, turned a corner, and passed through the arched wooden door. The sudden appearance of five figures shocked her whole body.

These five figures, some playing the piano, some tasting tea, and some smiling, each sitting in the room. If it weren't because they were all stone sculptures, they would definitely be a beautiful picture.

"Eldest sister, third sister, fourth sister, fifth sister, sixth sister!"

Ziye exclaimed, trot over quickly, and fell on the stone sculpture, tears raining down.

Seeing this scene, Xinghe sighed, tears flickering in his old eyes.

He didn't bother Ziye, but walked out in the Heavenly Palace silently.

In the Yuelao Pavilion, an old man held a red thread in one hand and a clay sculpture in the other, which turned into a stone sculpture. In front of him, the marriage disc was also turned into a stone carving.

In the palace of Touzi, two stone sculptures of boy sitting beside the furnace, holding fans, seem to be still talking to each other.

The Jade Emperor's throne was also turned into stone carvings on the Lingxiao Hall. There was no one above it, and there were a lot of stone carvings of gods and immortals below it, which seemed to be still up.

The entire Tiangong was shrouded in a layer of silence and weird atmosphere.

After crossing the Lingxiao Hall, Galaxy came to the edge of the observatory, looking at the starry sky in the dark, looking for the one that he was in charge of back then, and could not hold it anymore, two lines of tears rolled down his cheeks.

Time is like water, days pass by.

Li Nianfan's life became calm and leisurely again, everything seemed to have not changed much, but in fact, his mentality was quite different.

Today, he has very few things that can be restrained. He can fly, and has the Eucharist of Merit, and his contacts are getting wider and wider. On the contrary, he has the feeling that he can go to the world of cultivating immortals. Life is more interesting than before. How much.

On the fifth day after the establishment of the Chenghuang Temple, Emperor Luo came, followed by an old man and a general, but they came from astral bodies, and the purpose was naturally to be familiar.

This old man is quite famous nearby, and the general is a fearless general who died on the battlefield, serving as the first civilian and military commander to fall into the city of Xiancheng.

When the quota was selected, it was the first time to report to Li Nianfan, and to inform Li Nianfan about his life and deeds one by one. Obviously, he came to consult Li Nianfan.

The underworld gave Li Nianfan enough respect, but Li Nianfan naturally wouldn't overdo it on his behalf. As long as the big difference is not bad, he casually talked about some chicken soup and it passed.

At the same time, Li Nianfan learned the general situation from Luo Huang.

Zhou Yunwu was busy unifying the mortals, while Meng Junliang was working hard to run a school to preach. Yue Tu developed Buddhism in full swing. Gu Xirou seemed to be preparing something. Ao Cheng seemed to be busy too. Li Nianfan guessed he was trying to transform the dragon. .

By the way, there is also the group of Ziye who said that they are going to build the Tiangong, but they don't know what the results are.

In short, everyone seems to be struggling hard for their own goals. They are too busy. In comparison, they are a bit salty.

"Really a group of hardworking people!" Li Nianfan was lying on the rocking chair, underneath his body was a layer of soft cyan wolf king skin, and he was covered with a large gray bear skin jacket. He could still enjoy the warmth in winter. happy.

Next to him, there is Xiao Daji helping to feed the fruit, life is endless.

Li Nianfan smiled slightly, "That's fine, when they work hard to become super thighs, then they will be able to enjoy the cool by leaning against the big tree."

This day, it is also the fairy world, and it is still the same place.

A little fox with a mask slowly appeared, jumped into the city, and walked inward.

Its small eyes turned steadily, and the nine tails behind him swayed from side to side, and looked back from time to time, seeming a little nervous.

Not long after, it came to a shop deep in the black market.

The shop was still that shop, and it was pitch black, with only a black curtain hanging down, which looked extremely solemn.

"I can't be too familiar, I need to be entangled and uneasy." The little fox remembered his sister's teachings, and when he ran to the door, he stopped abruptly, then turned around and ran back, and then ran again. Come back, stand at the door hesitating.

After going back and forth three times, he gritted his teeth and jumped in.

In the darkness, he was obviously getting a little impatient, and immediately there was a hoarse voice, "But are you here to exchange things?"

The little fox nodded unceasingly.

"Have you been here before?"

The little fox shook his head.

"You are a nine-tailed fox, don't you know how to speak?" The hoarse voice paused, and then said: "I can't expect to see the nine-tailed fox. Okay, take your things out."

In the room, a faint light began to appear, and the script in the old man's hand was exactly the same, so it slowly appeared as if he was a repetitive technique.

With a slight wave of the little fox's paws, a small bucket appeared immediately in front of it. The bucket was filled with milk and a bunch of leeks.

"Milk and leeks?"

The old man was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's actually the milk of a five-color **** cow! Not bad, good stuff!"

Next, he raised his hand and picked up the bunch of leeks curiously. After looking at it for a while, he smelled it, and his eyes lit up, "Lingen? This leek is actually a Lingen?!"

He was stunned, and even if he received that oranges are spiritual roots, how come now that even leeks have a spiritual root version, the world has changed, something is wrong!

As far as the spiritual roots are concerned, the effects are extraordinary.

He couldn't help taking a small bite on a leek, chewing it carefully, and tasting with his eyes closed.

After a while, his old face was blushing, his eyes suddenly opened, and he was surprised: "Good thing, this leek is definitely a rare good thing!"

He looked at the little fox, "These two things are rare, what do you want to change?"

The little fox said crisply: "Replace some spiritual objects from ancient times."

"Ancient artifact again?"

The old man's heart beats wildly. He is allergic to these four words now. In such a short period of time, this is already the third wave. The key is that every wave still has an accident.

He clapped his hands, and immediately there was a brocade box falling in front of the little fox. In the brocade box, lying in the brocade box was a golden orb with an irregular appearance, with a breath of vicissitudes and sacredness.

"You should be able to feel the breath on this. It is definitely an ancient thing, and it is of great value." The old man smiled and said, "Where did you get this leek, just tell me and I will give it to you." An ancient beast!"

"I won't tell you!" The little fox seemed to be a little panicked. As soon as he turned around, his little **** twisted and jumped and left.

The old man looked at its back, thoughtfully.

"Obviously, it knows where this leek comes from! This leek is so extraordinary, it must be handed!"

The old man's tone was firm, but he always felt something wrong in his heart. He thought about it: "I always feel targeted. Is it possible that this time is related to the previous two? There are only three things, and the tragedy must not be repeated! Forget it, I'll take out insurance personally for this wave!"

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