Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 345: Friends, don’t want leeks

The little fox was jumping around, not slow at all, the nine tails seemed to be still moving auspicious clouds, really happy.

Soon, it blended into the distant mountains.

Its eyes flickered and seemed to be muttering to himself, "Here is the leeks, here comes the leeks!"

Just when it was about to jump into a valley, three figures broke through the air and surrounded the little fox.

"Friends, please stay!"

These three figures are actually three true immortals, their bodies are mighty and immortal, with a kind smile on their faces, locking the little fox.

One of them said, "We are quite interested in the leeks sent by fellow daoists. As long as you tell the source, we guarantee that you will be fine, and will even give you many benefits!"

The little fox stood on his hind limbs, raised his forelegs, and looked up at the three people driving in the sky, his black eyes flashing grunting.

"The three fellow daoists joked, we have been waiting here for a long time!"

With a chuckle, six figures including Gu Yuan, Gu Xirou, Pei An, and Ding Xiaozhu surrounded the three of them. The immortal spirit was rippling and the momentum was booming, locking the three of them.

The three people looked calm and didn't look flustered either. They just looked up at the three people who suddenly appeared.

"Hahaha, the old man pinched his fingers, and sure enough, someone is targeting us!"

There was a loud laughter, and the black shop old man stepped on auspicious clouds, followed by two golden immortals, like a king over the world, flying into the sky, looking at everyone with contempt, his mouth turned up, and a sneer.

He stared at Gu Xirou and Gu Yuan carefully, his eyes flashed suddenly, and he shouted: "So it's you! It's the reverse, it's the reverse! The fishing caught my Ma Yunming's head, this time I will kill you all! Hahaha..."

Gu Xirou and the others looked at the old man, also not feeling flustered, her expression was calm, and even smiling.


Ma Yunming's heart jumped slightly, with an ominous premonition.

"Catch it all in one net? Have you ever asked if the sword in my hand?!"

Xiao Chengfeng's sword stepped into the air, his sword aura fluttering, his heroic posture, his robe agitated, his sharp eyes staring at the old man.

Immediately afterwards, Ao Cheng, Ziye, Huofeng, and Daji also poked their heads out of the hidden corners.

The aura in the void instantly changed, the power of the law was mighty, and so many powerful people appeared at the same time, making the space a little distorted.

The smile on Ma Yunming's face froze, his whole body shook, his brain was blank, and he couldn't even believe the reality before him.

Taiyi... Jinxian.

So many Taiyi Golden Immortals! I have never seen so many Taiyi Golden Immortals in my life.

Did you stabbed Taiyi Jinxian's nest?

As for? I'm just a small black shop. As for targeting me like this?

He looked up blankly, his scalp numb as he watched, terrible, terrible! I dare not make such a nightmare.

After a while of dizziness, he fell to the ground from the air with a "puff".

Cold sweat emerged from his forehead, squeezing out a friendly smile, and tremblingly said: "Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstandings, I, I...I just opened a shop, everyone, it's not, really not!"

The little fox snorted coldly and accused: "It's obviously a black shop!"

"Wrong, I was wrong, please don't kill me."

The old man fell to his knees with a puff, then bent again, begging for mercy: "I'm also doing a serious business, and I'm basically going to change it. I'm just curious about some strange things. I shouldn't hit you. I beg you to let it go."

Ao Cheng opened his mouth and said, "What treasure is there on your body? It's better to be an ancient spirit."

"No, there's really nothing more spiritual."

The old man in the black shop cried, "This ancient spiritual relic is inherently scarce. It depends on luck. The only three pieces have been replaced by you. The most precious thing on my body now is only one middle-grade innate spiritual treasure. Take it."

While talking, he also took out a golden cover, which was 80% defensive spirit treasure.

Xiao Chengfeng said in surprise: "Oh, there are also mid-level innate spirit treasures, so proud."

Ma Yunming's mouth twitched, and he quickly said: "I have been in the fairy world for a long time. Although there are few treasures in the world, but accumulated over a long period of time, I can still get some good treasures."

Daji asked, "Where did you get these ancient artifacts?"

Ma Yunming opened the mouth and said: "I have a subordinate who has the ability to hunt for treasures. He often mixes with the ruins, so that I can find some treasures."

He quickly added: "If you want ancient artifacts, we will do our best to search for them."

Daji nodded, "It's not impossible."

"in fact……"

Seeing the hope of surviving, Ma Yunming immediately ecstatic, struck the iron while it was hot, and said: "If you still have that kind of leeks, I can operate secretly and exchange leeks for spiritual things. Most of the immortals are pure-hearted. Great use!"

Gu Xirou said in surprise: "Oh? Someone will change this too?"

"There will be many spiritual objects covered in dust, and many people don't know their use even if they get it by chance, let alone their value." Ma Yunming pondered for a moment, and said euphemistically: "And this leek...absolutely attractive!"

The immortal lived for too long, and he was pure-hearted, otherwise there would not be many male immortals specially dressed up as old men with immortal spirits.

Their original intention has been lost, but this leek can find their original intention!

As soon as the leeks come out, they will surely become popular!

Ziye opened the mouth and said, "If it can be so, it is also very good."

Naturally, she hopes to look for more ancient spiritual things. The ancients have fallen, and these spiritual things may be closely related to the heavenly palace.

Da Ji said coldly: "We don't want this innate spirit treasure. I hope you don't let us down. If you gain something, you will have the benefit."

Ma Yunming was so excited that he hurriedly said respectfully: "Thank you, God's kindness, and wise man! The pony can be valued by the gods, and he must do his best to live up to the expectations of the pony."

Gu Xirou looked at Pei An, and said: "Friend Daoist Pei, you have a lot of leeks, so please contribute a little."

"This..." Pei An showed a painful look, then turned to look at Ding Xiaozhu, and whispered: "Xiaozhu, look, this..."

Ding Xiaozhu gave a light sigh, and stubbornly picked out two bundles of leeks. After thinking about it, he took one of the bundles back, and then threw it to Ma Yunming, "There are not many leeks left. Give you another bundle."

Xiao Chengfeng wondered: "Huh? Fellow Daoist Pei, how do you keep these leeks next to Fellow Ding?"

Pei An coughed lightly and said lightly: "You will naturally not understand if you have been single for 10,000 years."


Holding the leek, Ma Yunming happily returned to the black shop, opened the door and restarted business.

Not long after, there was a white robe fluttering, and an old man with a fairy wind and a bone in his hand came slowly.

The old man first glanced around cautiously, then hesitated for a moment, and walked into the black shop nervously.

After a set of script procedures came down, Ma Yunming walked out slowly holding some leeks.

"Friends, do you want leeks?"

"Qiuxian asked emptiness, and the original intention is here, why not have fun in time? This leek can definitely bring you back to the original happiness."

After a while, the old man with the immortal wind and bones walked out of the black shop contentedly and walked away quickly.

After a while, a beautiful woman in a palace dress came slowly, with her hair in a bun, dressed in a fashionable dress, fluttering ribbons, and her temperament was high and cold.

Another set of scripting process went down.

Ma Yunming showed up slowly, smiled and asked: "I wonder if fairies have Taoists?"

The beautiful woman in the palace dress frowned slightly, and said coldly, "What's up with you? Could it be that you still think of me?"

Ma Yunming took out some leeks, "Then I would like to ask Fairy’s Taoist couple, do you want leeks?"

After a while, the beautiful woman in palace costume came out of the black shop happily, with anticipation in her eyes, and quickly left.


PS: In the last chapter, Ao Cheng said that the old dragon king of the East China Sea is still alive. He was mistaken. It should be that the ancestor of the dragon clan is still alive and has been modified.

Thank you readers for your support~~~

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