Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 352: Strange lotus leaf, theory of doctrine

The face of the rebooting monk that has remained unchanged for thousands of years trembled slightly, his hands clasped together, and it seemed that he said quietly, "Amitabha Buddha, the girl is here, but for the defense?"

The beautiful eyes of the woman in red stared at rebooting, and she said with a smile, "That's right."

The rebooting monk was obviously relieved and made a please gesture, "In that case, please sit down."

On the high platform, Meng Junliang smiled, "This monk's robbery is here."

"Junliang, you don't seem to be surprised at all." Li Nianfan looked at him in surprise, and then a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, "You didn't find this woman."

"Hahaha, my husband is aware of the details. It is true that I attracted it, but it is the fate of the monk himself." Meng Junliang laughed, seemingly very happy.

After being suppressed by the rebooting monk in the Xia Dynasty for so long, it is obviously abnormal that Zhou Yunwu and Meng Junliang did not react at all. It turns out that preparations have been started long ago.

Before Li Nianfan could ask questions, Meng Junliang opened his mouth and said: "Since the rebooting monk often talks about rebooting, we will start from this aspect, starting from the West, and listening to his news all the way from where he passed by, a handsome monk. In addition, I like to go to the brothel and red dust to train my heart. This feature is really too eye-catching. You can get a lot of news just by asking."

Li Nianfan curiously asked, "Talk about it?"

"This woman is the prostitute of the Yun family in Qingzhou City. The name is called Yun Yiyi. She was rescued by the rebooting monk because of her serious injury. This rebooter had seen her body, but she kept saying that she was wholeheartedly rebooting to the Buddha Dharma. You can comfort Yun Yiyi with the words that your body is no more than a skin.

Meng Junliang paused, shook his head and said amusedly: "The girl is also a reasonable person, and she didn't pursue it anymore, but...just the day after the two separated, Yun Yiyi ran into the ring that was practicing at the gate of the brothel. Monk Se, do you think this matter can be good?"

Li Nianfan shook his head and smiled, "Obviously not."

"Yun Yiyi has a free and easy personality, and he does things in a turbulent manner. He dared to love and hate. He explained what the rebooting monk had done on the spot, and then directly took the people and prepared to take the rebooting back to join the marriage." Meng Junliang said as he said. , The smile on his face enlarged, "It's a pity, let this monk escape, otherwise, it should be the bridal chamber at this moment."

"So that's it." Li Nianfan nodded.

He looked at rebooting and had to say that the so-called stinky skin is still very popular.

If you look ugly, 80% of the money you get is a sentence, please be respectful, and if you look good, please take care of yourself.

He was a little gloating and said, "It seems that this monk's sitting meditation is still very accurate. It seems that there is a real catastrophe. It seems that he can't avoid it."

His eyes fell to the temple, ready to continue watching the excitement.

Yun Yiyi stared at rebooting, and asked, "Can the master marry a wife?"

"will not."


"Saturation will make people's faces dry and sinking, which is detrimental to practice. I am obsessed with Buddha and shouldn't touch it."

Yun Yiyi continued to ask, "What is good about Buddha?"

"There are eight sufferings in life, suffering from birth, suffering from old age, suffering from illness, suffering from death, suffering from love and parting, suffering from resentment and hatred, suffering from unpleasantness, and suffering from the five Yin Yin. To the Buddha can make one transcend suffering and cultivate righteous results."

The rebooting monk paused, and followed by admonition: "The girl is stuck in these eight sufferings, but she often recite Buddhist scriptures and learn to let go."

"Haha, monk, you are wrong!"

Yun Yiyi smiled slightly, "I am not bitter at all, on the contrary, I enjoy it! Life is alive, some are bitter and then sweet, and some are poor and then rich. You only persuade people to let go, but you don't know that this is the wonderful part of life. , The world lives in the eight sufferings, feels the eight sufferings, and understands the eight sufferings, so that they can afford and let go. This is the way of nature!"

Li Nianfan showed a look of surprise and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Wonderful! This Yun Yiyi is good at talking!"

"She was talking about the natural way in Taoism." Meng Junliang was also taken aback.

He deliberately attracted Yun Yiyi, just wanting to get sick of the rebooting monk and let him leave early. He didn't expect this woman to be so sharp and even able to argue with the Buddha.

Raised his brows, he whispered: "It's strange."

The rebooting monk folded his hands together, and said: "Female donor, this is obsession. If you don't let it go, you will eventually sink into the sufferings and cannot be detached."

"Obsession is just an excuse, you are obviously running away!"

Yun Yiyi stood up, dressed in red, and said, "The eight sufferings in life are the things that must be passed through. Instead of trying to let go, you should face it. If you have a good understanding, you must know it, otherwise you will not be able to train your heart. Since you want Refining the heart, I voluntarily become your object. No matter what the result is, I don’t regret it, but you dare not!

Reboot and put your hands together, "Amitabha."

Yun Yiyi walked towards rebooting, and said softly: "Monk, monks don’t talk, you say, am I pretty?"

After a long silence, rebooting said in a low voice: "I give up."

Many monks in the temple immediately stepped forward and surrounded the reboot group. Of course, they were not attacking, but protecting.

Everyone looked at Yun Yiyi with enthusiasm, and was panicked. It seemed that this woman was like a scourge, which was terrifying.

A monk opened his mouth and said: "Today's debate is over, please come back! We will close the temple gate."

"Humph!" Yun Yiyi hummed, took a look at rebooting, and turned into a ray of light to leave.

A large number of people eating melons showed unfulfilled expressions one after another, and they had begun to discuss very gossip, not even paying attention to winning or losing.

Needless to say, starting from tomorrow, there will definitely be countless versions of the love that will come out one after another, word of mouth, and there should be more books in bookstores.

Meng Junliang smiled contentedly, "It's time to reboot tomorrow."

Li Nianfan watched a big show, suddenly felt relieved, and said: "Tomorrow I should go too."

Meng Junliang asked: "Mr. Are you going to go to Lingshan with the rebooting monk?"

"Maybe, I still like to go out and join in the fun."

Meng Jun's conscience is envious, and her husband travels everywhere, free and easy, playing the world, sitting and watching the clouds rise and fall, it is really enviable.

This is probably the joy of realizing power and freedom.

The next day.

Li Nianfan and others all gathered in the hall of the Xia Dynasty.

Unsurprisingly, the rebooting monk arrived early in the morning, and it seemed calm on the surface, but when you look closely, you will find that the uncontrollable steps are a bit urgent.

When I came here, I didn't even recite the iconic Amitabha Buddha, and he opened the door and said: "I have seen the king and Lord Li. I have been here for a long time. I will bother you all. This time I am here to say goodbye."

Zhou Yunwu was taken aback, and reluctantly said: "In such a hurry? Why don't you stay for a few more days, Master? I originally wanted to see you open the forum in person."

"No, no, fate gathers fate, the time for parting has come."

Reboot, put your hands together, and said calmly: "Just don't pass it, you guys don't send it, don't send it."

After the words, he raised his leg and prepared to leave and fled.

But I saw a red escape light coming quickly, and there was a coquettish rebuke from afar, "Reboot, stop for this girl!"

The rebooting face showed a bitter look, and sighed in a low voice, "A catastrophe!"

In the next moment, Yun Yiyi's figure slowly appeared in front of everyone, watching the reboot proudly, "This time, you can't even run away again. Obediently go back and get married with me."

Rebooting took a deep breath, seeming to have a lot of confidence, "Miss Yun, I cannot get married."


"I want to defend myself like jade for my Buddha."

Yun Yiyi's eyes gleamed, "Okay, you guard yours, I strengthen mine, there is no contradiction!"

Reboot Huarong pales, "Don't come here, don't force me to suppress you!"

"Ahem, Miss Yun." Meng Junliang spoke and asked: "It was really surprising to see Miss Yun's argument yesterday. I don't know where the girl is practicing?"

Yun Yi had to stop the offensive.

Rebooting took a long sigh of relief, put on her own robes, folded her hands together, her precious face was solemn, and she also said: "The poor monk is also very curious. When did Miss Yun's Taoist attainments become so high?"

"Cut, this girl's savvy has always been very high." Yun Yiyi smiled proudly, then groaned for a moment, took out a lotus leaf in his hand, and said: "I won't hide it from you, probably because of this lotus. Ye, if it weren’t for it, I wouldn’t get hurt, so I made this monk cheap."

Reboot and put your hands together, "Amitabha."

These four words contained his extremely complicated mood, even a little trembling, without breaking out on the spot, it can be seen that the concentration of the Buddha is still very good.

After watching for a long time, Meng Junliang finally came to a conclusion, "Curious lotus leaf."

Rebooting conscientiously said: "This lotus leaf should be some kind of heaven and earth treasure, and it contains deep truths, which can make people's perceptions advance by leaps and bounds in a short time, but...some evil!"

Yun Yiyixiu stared, "Are you going to say you have a relationship with your Buddha?"

Rebooting was silent for a while, "It's better to let me Buddhahood."

"Bah!" Yun Yiyi looked cautious, and immediately put the lotus leaves away carefully.

By now, rebooting did not rush away. He looked at Li Nianfan, bowed respectfully, and asked the doubts in his heart, "Mr. Li, what do you think of the doctrines of various schools today?" "

Sit and watch.

Li Nianfan spit out in his heart and began to ponder.

He obviously felt that everyone was focusing on himself, and he looked humbly asking for advice.

Zhou Yunwu, Meng Junliang, and rebooting these three are, in a sense, half of their own students. It is understandable to ask myself. Next to me, Xiao Daji, Nian Nuan and Long Er also looked at him at the same time, showing a pair of them. The look of worship.

As for Yun Yiyi, she also looked at herself, revealing a trace of doubt.

This wave of pretense must be serious.

After all, this is related to the glorious image of oneself in the hearts of everyone, once the answer is off, it would be too shameful.

At this moment, Li Nianfan had to sigh, thanks to the fact that he had just reviewed the fairy tale some time ago, so I can quote it.

Anyway, I have already talked about "Journey to the West" and "Fengshen Bang", but I don't care about another one.

"The so-called doctrines have their own strengths. You can't say who is right or who is wrong. The important thing is the meaning of existence." Li Nianfan said, and only the first sentence made everyone think deeply. nod.

Then, Li Nianfan continued: "I ask you, where so many immortal cultivators in the world came from?"

This question stunned everyone, and a bright light flashed abruptly in the brain like lightning, and was stunned.

Yes, where did this initial cultivation method come from?

In ancient times, this 80% is related to ancient secret luck!

Meng Junliang hurriedly said, "Please also teach me, Mr.".

"This is related to a very long story." Li Nianfan smiled slightly, and then said: "In fact, at the beginning, there were three sects between heaven and earth, one of which is human education, responsible for educating human races and teaching people the methods of cultivation. The second is to explain the teachings, which is to explain the principles of the world, and the third is to cut off the teachings, which emphasizes the existence of teachings regardless of kind, in order to intercept the world and all spirits.

These three sects are naturally incompatible with each other, but they have their own value. "

That's it.

Everyone showed a faint look, and they didn't expect that there was a doctrine in the ancient times.

The first exercises cultivated by the immortal cultivator were handed down from that person's teaching, right? The expert is worthy of being an expert. This is already the most ancient period.

Horrible, this is too alive!

The rebooting heart froze for a while, and said concerned: "Why is there no Buddhism?"

"Buddhism appeared later, the purpose is to let people let go of obsessions and lead people to be good. There are also many other things, such as the ambition of not becoming a Buddha without hell, and the sacrifice of reincarnation."

Li Nianfan paused, and solemnly said: "But you must remember that people who establish a religion may be selfish, but the existence of doctrine is absolutely necessary for the emperor, and its purpose is to make the world better and promote the development of the world."

Everyone was fascinated by it, and they didn't expect to hear such a secret fortune. They were so excited, they said, "Teached."

Continue to think deeply, and their hearts are more agitated.

Obviously, these sects today have long been annihilated in the long river of history, and when this world is going downhill, the expert appeared, just by a very peaceful means, between talking and laughing, everything is restored. Wake up, even disdain to teach yourself.

What a realm this is.

Seeing that everyone was silent for a long time and immersed in their own stories, Li Nianfan knew and gained another wave of worship points.

He is now able to use his golden fingers very reasonably, first of all, the Eucharist of Merit, second, his familiarity with the world of mythology, coupled with the knowledge and skills far beyond this world, the three are superimposed, and there is no problem in mixing them.

Li Nianfan said with a smile: "Okay, the story is over."

This story can be said to be very scribbled, many details were not told at all, but when Li Nianfan finished speaking, no one dared to ask more.

Listening so much is already a profit.

Li Nianfan looked at rebooting and asked, "Rebooting monk, do you want to go back to Lingshan, do you mind walking along the way?"

Rebooting quickly put his hands together, bowed his head and said in a pleasing eye: "Amitabha, it is the honor of the poor monk to walk with Lord Li."

Aside, Yun Yiyi's mouth curled up, a little depressed.

She wanted to pull back to reboot and get married, so the plan seemed to be ruined.

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