Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 353: Test plans and events

Farewell to Zhou Yunwu and Meng Junliang, Li Nianfan and others set off together.

Destination Lingshan.

Because I didn't rush the road, I didn't drive the clouds, so I simply followed the rebooting monk and walked along the road, dropping demons and slayers along the way.

The scenery on this road is a little different from before. Before coming out, Li Nianfan was unfamiliar with the place of his life. Either he drove the cloud straight to the destination, or he rushed on the road. Now there is the monk who reboots as a tour guide. Naturally it's much better.

There is even a lot of smoke and firework along the way. In addition to using his bald head as a light bulb, it can also be used as a good person label. When passing by some villages and towns, when I see a monk, his attitude is comparable to that of ordinary people.

However, because of Yun Yiyi's existence, it was a pity that Li Nianfan could not see the red heart training of the rebooting monk.

At this time, everyone was having a picnic on a hill.

Except for rebooting, everyone held a skewers in their hands, with a little rabbit on the skewers, and grilled them over the fire.

After getting along for this period of time, Yun Yiyi also quickly realized what kind of superior Li Nianfan was. As far as the chain in his hand is concerned, a proper fairy weapon might still be a pretty awesome fairy. Ware, but used as skewers.

I didn't know it before, but now I followed the fruit and wine, and suddenly felt a little cramped. Fortunately, I felt Li Nianfan's incomparable friendliness, but it was not too gaffe.

But he didn't dare to arrest the rebooting monk before Li Nianfan's presence to force a marriage.


The white little rabbit was shaved, and now it has become a reddish, crispy outside and tender inside roasted whole rabbit, and it is greasy outwards and exudes a delicious fragrance.

Li Nianfan smiled and said, "Just put some cumin on it."

Everyone stared at the whole roasted rabbit in their hands, with a look of expectation in their eyes.

Except for rebooting.

He turned his back to the crowd, folded his hands together, and seemed to be chanting Buddhist scriptures, but his violent trembling body showed his uneasy heart.

When the fragrance reached its peak, accompanied by a "gudong" sound, he slowly stood up, and said in a hoarse tone: "The poor monk goes to alms."

After the words, it immediately turned into a ray of escape light and fleeed towards the distance, a string of crystal clear saliva quietly dripping in the void.

After a short while, he came back, holding a round bowl in his hand, which contained a lot of food.

Rebooting smiled slightly, "Good luck, this meal has meat."

The girl couldn't help but said, "Monk, don't you not eat meat?"

The corners of her mouth murmured slightly, feeling a little unhappy, thinking about how fragrant the barbecue that Brother Fan made is, you actually go to alms if you don't eat it, you monk doesn't understand the rules.

Li Nianfan smiled and said: "Nanny, monks have three kinds of meat not to eat, not to be killed, not to be killed, not to be killed, the reboot master can actually hold back the delicacy, and the concentration is really admirable."

Rebooting nodded and sighed, "Young Master Li is right. It's so delicious, but it's a pity that the poor monks have no luck."

Long Er's eyes widened, feeling that the image of the rebooting monk suddenly became taller, and exclaimed: "Even brother can hold back the delicacies he cooks, monk, you are simply not a human being."

"Hammer, harp."

While talking, he was still chewing rabbit meat in his mouth, his mouth was closed one by one, and both sides were covered with oil. Just looking at it, you could feel the delicious food.


This is clearly the ultimate test of my Buddha's mind!

I have to stand it up, I'm a monk with a wooden feeling.

Rebooting's throat rolled for a while, walked to the side in silence, buried his head silently, and started to feast on the food in his golden bowl.

The taste of the food is very ordinary, but with this scent, rebooting can completely rely on brain tonic, so that you can eat better.

"What's so good about being a monk?"

Yun Yi relied on the past, thought about it, and passed his orange to reboot, "Now, I can't eat it anymore."

Rebooting paused, "I can still eat Li Gongzi's oranges."

Yun Yiyi snorted, "I know, but one of you is enough? It's just that along the way, we eat meat and you don't eat, we drink and you don't drink. Do you know how much good fortune I missed? My cultivation level has almost exceeded is you."

"Then thank the female donor." Reboot took the orange.

Yun Yiyi clumped her eyebrows, "What kind of female benefactor is terrible."

Rebooting said, "Miss Yun, although that lotus leaf can accelerate people's enlightenment, it is quite weird. I think it's better to use it less."

Yun Yiyi rolled his eyes and said, "You want it? Yes, as long as you marry me, I will give you whatever you want."

"Amitabha Buddha." Reboot's face was solemn, "Ms. Yun only likes my handsome skin. If she didn't have this skin, would she still like me?"


"The poor monk can change what Miss Yun likes."

"This girl still likes your concentration."


After eating and drinking, everyone continued on their way and saw the customs and customs of different places. If there is a temple, they can still reboot and brush their heads and spend the night.

On this day, everyone is on their way.

In a dark corner, several dark figures slowly emerged.

One of the figures was extremely large, lying in a valley. Its body happened to fill the valley. Its huge eyes slowly opened, and he said in a condensed voice: "They are here."


On its body, a dark green flame slowly burned, and its body slowly stood up.

Lion head, antlers, tiger eyes, moose body, dragon scales, and oxtail are all integrated, but the color of the whole body is as black as ink.

"Phoenix, Nine Heavens Fox, and Dragon Clan, ha ha, how many years have passed, our four great beasts can actually get together this time." Its tone was full of sarcasm.

On the side, a black shadow slowly opened his mouth and said, "As Master Demon Lord said, others can leave it to you, but the Buddhist Buddha must die!"

This black shadow is skinny, with deep sunken eye sockets, and some serious malnutrition, which is undoubtedly the great devil.

"Ha ha."

Mo Qilin glanced at the big devil and couldn't help but laugh. This was obviously not the first time, but every time he saw the big devil become like this, he couldn't help it.

I remember how strong the Great Demon King was, and his physique was comparable to a monster.

Mo Qilin suggested: "I think you can change your name, just call it Skinny Devil."

The Great Demon King's face was a bit bitter, and he dared not say anything, and he said, "They have a purple gold gourd in their hands. I have been sucked up, and 80% of them won't come back. Be careful."

"I have the formation of Hetu Luoshu from Master Demon Sovereign. They are just turtles in the urn."

Mo Qilin's tone was full of arrogance, the dark green flames all over his body were beating, and he was ready to set off at any time. He said helplessly: "Really, I was walking along the established trajectory originally, why suddenly so many variables were born? "

The Great Demon King shook his head, and then analyzed: "I don't know, Lord Demon once told me that the agreement between the human race should be weakened, and my demons will lead the demons, and the demons will die, and your demons will be the kings. Cut, leaving only a limited number of strong men as the rulers of the entire world."

"Unless some of us have changed their minds." Mo Qilin's tone was a little unkind, and then closed his mouth and said with divine thoughts: "Will it be Dao Ancestor? His city mansion is too deep, from the predecessor to the present, all Everyone has suffered from him!"

"probably not."

The Great Demon King also speaks in Divine Mind, "The Demon Lord has made it very clear that after the Jedi Tiantong will be the Age of Domination, this is the general trend, and even Dao Ancestor is trying his best to promote this matter. For this reason, his saints and disciples are given to It's a pit, obviously it's impossible to change at this time."

"Why is that?" Mo Qilin looked at the devil.

"Do you doubt us? Are you stupid! My Demon Race is even more impossible. This matter is of great interest to our Demon Race. Unless we are crazy, we will assemble the Human Emperor, Buddhism and Confucianism, and let the people race. Luck has soared."

The Great Demon King's eyes flickered, and he continued to speak: "Unfortunately, my demons are limited. Most of them can only rely on demons to move in the mortal world, otherwise they should be able to inquire more information."

"Huh, is there someone who wants to get a share of it? Or is it a counterattack before the survivors die?"

Mo Qilin frowned slightly, and couldn't help saying: "I suggested at the beginning that it's better to teach people to be abolished. The road to immortality can be completely cut off to be foolproof. Jedi Tiantong is still too soft."

The Great Demon King said: "Now it's too late to say anything, and we need to bring back the crooked track."

"This matter is not difficult. How many strong people can still exist in the world today to contend with us? But all the variables are obliterated!"

Mo Qilin smiled coldly, his eyes filled with killing and pride, and his four hoofs rose into the air with the black clouds, "Sit aside and see how I show my power, I will go!"

"Friends of Taoism, please stay!" the big devil suddenly said.

"Huh?" Mo Qilin was disturbed, expressing his displeasure.

"I feel like I've missed one big thing. Wait, let me think about it." The big devil was a little anxious, wrinkled and said: "That gourd is too evil, could it still **** my wisdom? I didn't even think about it for a while. Woke up."

"It's okay, if you don't remember, just think about it slowly, wait until I come back, I will go again!" (xinshuhaige.com)

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