Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 357: Greedy, runaway


Yun Yiyi took a step, and turned into an afterimage to appear beside the caravan, his eyes were red, and a hurricane emerged all over his body, forming a wind barrier, pressing towards the caravan!

The strong hurricane was like a huge and terrifying curtain, covering the caravan, making their hair and beards dance frantically, and they couldn't open their eyes. The cold wind blew their skin so much that they could barely breathe.

With an unbelievable look in Yun Yiyi's eyes, he shouted: "What are you talking about? What happened to the Yun family?!"

"Yun... Girl Yun Yiyi."

Someone recognized Yun Yiyi, his lips trembled by the wind, his eyes fluttered, his body was like a rootless duckweed, holding a tree, swaying in the wind.

My heart was both horrified and bitter. My thoughts turned sharply, and then I shivered and said: "Yun...The Yun family is okay. We just talked nonsense. Don't take it seriously!"

The wind went out instantly.

Yun Yiyi's eyes were dull, standing there, as if he had lost his soul, hunting in a red suit.

The caravan guy was so scared that he rushed away, "Farewell, goodbye!"

"Sister Yun..."

The girl bit her lip, with red eyes, empathizing.

At the time the Golden Lotus Gate was inexplicably destroyed, the sadness in her heart could not be described. If it were not for the support of her mother and brother Nianfan, she really didn't know where to go.

However, this time, Yun Yiyi was annihilated, much worse than her.

Yun Yiyi turned his back to the crowd, and with a wave of his hand, a golden light shot out toward the reboot.

Reboot took it, it was the Buddha statue.

"Return the statue to you."

After the words, her body immediately turned into a red glow, flying towards the distance, leaving a string of tears in the air.

It's clear at a glance which sentence of the caravan is true and which sentence is false.

It's just the last glimmer of impossible hope.

Li Nianfan and the others didn't need to say much at all, and quickly followed.

Qingyun City, a very prosperous city, is very large and spectacular. It can be said to be a transportation hub for commerce and trade between the East and the West. It is surrounded by green mountains. It is rumored that there is a spiritual foundation.

This city is extremely special. It is a city where a few immortal cultivators live with mortals. Of course, this may become a trend in the future.

There are three major families in the city, all of which are Xiuxian families, and the Yun family is one of them.

Everyone followed Yun Yiyi into Qingyun City and fell in front of a house.

In front of the lacquered red wooden door, a plaque engraved with the words Yunjia fell to the ground and fell in half.

"Quickly, move all these things out."

There was a noisy sound from the house, many people carrying boxes, busy figures coming in and out, ignoring Yun Yiyi.

In the void, there are also immortal cultivators shuttled, mostly watching the excitement.

Li Nianfan stood not far away, looking at Yun Yiyi's figure, couldn't help sighing, and shook his head.

At this time, Yun Yiyi, standing in front of his own home, seemed to be an outsider. Not only did the warmth of the home disappear, but the coldness of hard work was obtained.

"Kang Dang."

At this moment, a cyan bracelet fell from the box and fell in front of Yun Yiyi, stained with dust and shimmering with dim light.

Yun Yiyi looked at the bracelet blankly, two rows of clear tears rolled down his cheeks, like a broken pearl falling drop by drop.

This bracelet was the first gift she received when she stepped into the cultivation of immortality. The child was so active, the parents gave her this bracelet, which helps to control the wind and make the body lighter.

Since then, she has been particularly fond of wind attributes.

The two moving servants were taken aback for a moment, picked up the bracelet with a smile on their faces, and quietly accepted it, "It's still a small magic weapon, how much is worth a little money, and it's earned."

The girl frowned and said coldly, "Hey, why are you moving things in someone else's house?"

"Hehe, where did the little baby come from, so naive."

"This Yun family is finished, things are naturally unowned, and the big head is divided among several big families. Are we not allowed to take a small profit?"

"Go and go, go aside."


Two wind blades passed, and in an instant, they passed from the necks of the two servants.

The two **** trembled, as if they didn't understand what was happening, blood soared around their necks and fell to the ground.

"Amitabha Buddha." Reboot, put your hands together and close your eyes.

"Sister Yun, you..." When she saw Yun Yiyi's red eyes, she was shocked. She couldn't help taking two steps back. She could feel that a tyrannical aura in Yun Yiyi was waking up.

"What's so noisy?"

Inside the house, a woman in a yellow dress walked out. She was a beautiful woman. Her face was displeased and her face was stern. "From now on, this will be the site of my Chen family. You are not allowed to go wild!"

She only saw Yun Yiyi standing at the door in red.

"Yun Yiyi? How dare you come back?" The beautiful woman sneered without surprise and said, "Come on, take her down!"

"Die to me!"

Yun Yiyi's voice was low and hoarse, even Fa Jue did not pinch, and with a wave of his hand, there was an endless wind blade flying out suddenly, with an astonishing momentum, almost overwhelmingly attacking the woman!

The woman turned pale, showing a look of horror, and hurriedly pinched Fajue, forming a wave in front of her.

"Puff puff!"

The wind blade was submerged in the water wave, without the slightest obstruction, and went straight towards the woman. The terrifying destructive power made the woman's face pale and hurried back.

At this moment, the woman's body was shining with a layer of light, her bellyband was actually a defensive magic weapon, forming a mask, and it was dangerous and dangerous to protect her.

"Come on, come on!"

The woman let out a sharp cry of horror, turned into a escape, flew into the air, pointed at Yun Yiyi in horror, and said in a loud voice: "She is Yun Yiyi, and the eight treasures obtained by the Yun family are on her body. , Kill her soon!"

This sentence was like throwing a stone on a calm lake, which immediately caused countless ripples.

Countless eyes were locked on Yun Yiyi's body, full of surprise and greed, and countless Dao Qi machines fell, and many immortal cultivators were dispatched, faintly forming a trend of encirclement.

"Girl Yun."

An old man with half-white hair stepped out from somewhere in the city, holding a float in his hand, fluttering in white clothes, a fairy-style bone, and his face calmly said: "The three families of Qingyun City, about the encounter with the Yun family We are deeply sympathetic, but the root of everything is that unknown treasure, this thing is a curse rather than a blessing, Miss Yun should give it up."

"Hahaha, hahaha..."

Yun Yiyi's face kept changing, and finally turned into a mocking smile, raising his head and laughing.

Her body slowly rose into the air, and a strong hurricane formed all over her body, like a tornado, rising to the sky. She was in the center, a red dress rippling, like a violent swaying flame burning in the wind. The hair fluttered, making her face almost blind.

"The treasure is indeed on me, don't be afraid of death, come and get it!"

Her voice traveled with the wind, and echoed across the sky and the earth.

The hurricane passed by, a mess, spreading at an extremely shocking speed. Many mortals could not resist at all and were blown away directly. Even the cultivators felt a terrifying pressure coming and tried their best. Of resistance.


There was a flash of Buddha's light all over the rebooting body, and he slowly took a step forward. Behind the group of mortals who were blown away, a golden light suddenly appeared, allowing them to land safely without falling to death.


The old man and the woman looked at Yun Yiyi in shock, feeling unbelievable.

If I remember correctly, Yun Yiyi only has the strength of the Nascent Soul Stage. I haven't seen it for a short period of time. He actually crossed the Out of Aperture Stage and entered the Distraction Stage directly!

This speed is simply appalling, unheard of.

The treasure is definitely related to that treasure!


Somewhere in the city, another momentum rose to the sky, and a long flame snake shot out and went straight to the cloud.

The fire snake collided with the whirlwind tornado around Yun Yiyi, and it was suddenly shattered and turned into layers of gorgeous flames, which, together with the wind, surrounded Yun Yiyi's whole body.

The forces of wind and fire intersect each other, forming a soaring pillar of fire, which rotates at high speed and is spectacular.

"Girl Yun Yiyi is worthy of being a talented person, and she can grow to this point in a short time. I admire and admire it!"

This was an old man with gray hair, but he was wearing a big red robe and holding a red feather fan, but his eyes flashed with gloomy light.

In addition to this, more and more immortal cultivators also came out under the control of Escape, looking at Yun Yiyi with bad eyes, each carrying a ghost.

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