Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 358: Death is not terrible, we have someone

Someone said, "Miss Yun, you are the only seedling of the Yun family, and we don't want to embarrass you. Only by handing over the treasures can we survive."

Yun Yiyi's cold eyes swept across them one by one, and his tone was full of killing intent, "My Yun family's demise has your share. Today, none of you want to live!"


The momentum of her body strengthened again, the surrounding hurricane made the sound of dragons, and the wind appeared in color, covering her. The flames that were originally entangled with the wind were directly split, forming a wind-fire blade with the wind blade, facing the surroundings. Catapult away!

"Swish swish!"

It's like a cannonball, endless and overwhelming.


The monk who was unable to cultivate, but liked to join in the fun, was directly pierced by the blade, and flames burned all over his body. Without a grunt, he died.

The surrounding buildings have also been damaged to varying degrees, a mess.

"This is a witch! Everyone walks for the sky!"

The old man holding the whisk in his eyes narrowed, and the whisk in his hand raised his hand with a wave, and it instantly turned into countless white silk threads, winding towards Yun Yiyi like a snake!

The old man holding the feather fan also lightly waved the fan in his hand, and suddenly there was brilliance circulating, and the three flame dragons rolled and moved, pushing the hurricane back.

Others also took the same shot. For a time, spells rose in the sky, the sky fell in disorder, and the wind, fire and thunder continued to flicker, forming a vision.

The girl looked violently, her little hand clenched into a fist, staring at the battlefield, gritted her teeth and said eagerly: "Brother Nianfan, do we want to help? Sister Yun is so pitiful."

Long Er kept nodding, and said without shame: "That's right, this group of people are all respectable people."

Li Nianfan could only watch the excitement, feeling that the mana in the sky was really eye-catching, and asked, "What is the chance of Miss Yun?"

"It's difficult in theory." Daji analyzed: "She is only in the realm of distraction, but she is deeply under siege, and there are two cultivators in the fit period. It is not easy for her to survive now."

"It turned out to be so."

Li Nianfan nodded, and then sighed: "Let her vent a little bit. Watch it a little bit. If she can't hold it anymore, let her rescue her."

He looked at the battlefield, Yun Yiyi's red clothes trembling, his hair flying, and walking in the hurricane, he could no longer see the previous smile on his face.

You remember that free and easy figure in red, I'm afraid I will never see it again.

It was just a short period of time, one after the other, like two people.

People, sometimes they are really fragile.

But at this moment, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Yun Yiyi's mouth, but a faint sneer was evoked. Between raising his hand, there was a lotus leaf in his hand, which was shining with weird light. At this moment, the sky was full of mana. There seemed to be a pause.

"Since you want to see what magic weapon is, I will show it to you!"

Yun Yiyi's eyes suddenly became extremely deep, and the aura around her body became extremely icy, her tone was harsh, not like her own voice at all, she had a sense of superior contempt.

The lotus leaf trembled slightly, and the rhizome turned into a hint of black.


The power of the wind in Yun Yiyi's body has not only increased several times, and the color changed again, turning into a black wind, swept away in a violent manner!

The black wind is like a knife, containing the power of cutting. Wherever it passes, those eaves instantly turn into dust and evaporate out of thin air, and the endless splendid spells around are instantly crushed and cleared.

Long Er curiously asked, "Brother Nianfan, what should I do if the other party can't hold it?"

Li Nianfan touched his nose, "Uh... if you haven't seen it."

"This, this is..."

The group of immortal cultivators showed horror and turned around to escape, but wherever they could escape the speed of the black wind, once they were swept away, there would be no bones left.

The two elders who were in a fit period sank, and felt frightened, turned and ran.

Yun Yiyi's red dress was even redder at the moment, as red as blood, raising his hand, and suddenly two black whirlwinds roared out at an extreme speed.

Under the horrified eyes of the two old men, the black wind fluttered across, letting them pass away with the wind.

"Crazy... crazy!"

The woman and the many monks felt that her scalp was about to explode, and she could hardly believe her eyes, and was frightened to death.

These are two monks in the conjoined stage, and they died like this. This is completely beyond everyone's imagination.

However, Yun Yiyi at this time obviously won't give others time to think, the whole body is cold and murderous is as real.

The monks who were besieged were quickly slaughtered.

Yun Yiyi was floating in the void, scanning the ground, her cold breath made everyone afraid to look into her eyes.

Her killing intent was extremely unstable, her magic power was boiling like boiling water, her body swayed, and she drifted towards someone.

The people of that family suddenly trembled with fright and fell to their knees, "Yun...Miss Yun."

"How did my family die?" Yun Yiyi's voice was terribly calm.

"It was the people from Yunlanzong, Luochenzong, Tianhuzong, and Xingyue Pavilion." The voice of one of the middle-aged people was trembling, and he said eagerly: "It's not our business."

Yun Yiyi's face was cold, "How did the news that my Yun family got the treasure spread?"

"Yes Yes……"


Yun Yiyi raised his hand, and the storm immediately surrounded the group of people, like thousands of swords, making a family neat and tidy.

With just this moment of effort, the entire Qingyun became prosperous and lively, and turned into a purgatory on earth, with corpses all over the field, everyone shivered, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

However, Yun Yiyi still didn't stop, taking a step forward and reappearing in front of a family.

"Miss Yun, we really don't know anything, it's completely none of our business!"

Yun Yiyi didn't speak, her hair fluttered, and the murderous intent could not be restrained, and she was ready to kill the killer.


The rebooting monk, who had been closing his eyes and chanting the scriptures, immediately stepped forward and stood in front of him, "Miss Yun, it's almost done, and the family is innocent. Don't go astray. You will get deeper and deeper. Manipulate!"

"Rebooting monk, I can't get married with you."

This is the first sentence of Yun Yiyi. Her whole body is trembling violently, her eyes are deeper, her aura is tyrannical, but her tone is surprisingly calm, "In just a moment, I lost all I could have. Something, can anyone tell me why this is?"

She was full of blood-red glow, and her eyes returned to coldness, "My Yun family has been friendly from generation to generation. These people have received many blessings from my Yun family, and half of their lives belong to my Yun family! Now my Yun family is ruined. , But they stayed out of the matter and didn't mean to rescue them. I just took it back with profit! You let it go!"

With a wave of her hand, she immediately saw endless wind blades whizzing past, with the intention of bypassing rebooting and taking human lives.

The rebooting face was expressionless, and there was Buddha's light scattered all over his body, forming a golden mask, illuminating the surroundings, and blocking all the wind blades.

"Miss Yun, even if this family is wrong, but it is not guilty of death, let it go." Li Nianfan walked over with everyone and couldn't help but persuade.

"Prince Li, most human beings are ungrateful generations. If you save them today, they will not only not remember your affection, but they may even bite you back!"

Yun Yiyi smiled suddenly, looking at rebooting, with a sad smile on his face, "Human nature is like this, how do you get there? Just kill them, kill them scared, kill them with fear, make everyone afraid of you, and naturally stop. Up!"

Rebooting frowned, and said: "Miss Yun, you are in a demon."

"Hehe, Li Gongzi once said that Buddhism is the way, and so is the magic way. It was the world that forced me to follow this way. I have no choice!"

After Yun Yiyi finished speaking, looking at everyone, his body slowly backed away, then turned around, turned into a red light, and fleeed away, with crystal water drops falling from the sky.


Li Nianfan sighed and shook his head, full of sympathy for Yun Yiyi, and his mood suddenly became irritable.

What a good pair, I am still half a matchmaker, and it turned out like this in an instant.

Watching a kind and lively girl be forced into this.


Rebooting chanted the Buddha's name, slowly walked to the street, sat cross-legged, with golden light flowing around his body, a mighty and holy breath rising into the sky, covering the entire Qingyun City.

Under the shining of the golden light, the surrounding souls were visible to the naked eye, and then a powerful suction came, pulling the souls toward the rebooting side.

"You can't save you when you see death. For this sin, the devil is before you and don't kill. These two sins, this cause and effect, should be recorded on the head of the poor monk.

After the words were finished, the golden light slowly gathered to the body, and even with the souls, they merged into the body of rebooting.

"Monk rebooting, you..."

Li Nianfan was stunned, only feeling that it was obviously inappropriate to do so.

"Placing the dead grievances and hatreds, the poor monk is making atonement, Lord Li don't have to worry." The rebooting hands clasped his hands together, and Yun said lightly.

Are you worried? Is it good to **** so many souls into your body?

And... whether his so-called atonement was atonement for himself or Yun Yiyi, Li Nianfan didn't understand, but he could faintly guess.

"Before I should be more resolute and give that lotus leaf to come over." The rebooting monk rarely expressed regret.

Daji opened the mouth and said, "There is indeed a problem with the lotus leaf, and the rhizome will turn black."

"At the very beginning, the poor monk felt that the lotus leaf had a terrible magical nature hidden deep in it. I thought it was a magic treasure, but it's a pity that it's too late to say anything."

The reboot paused, and suddenly he said, "Master Li, I am afraid that the poor monk can't accompany you to Lingshan."

Li Nianfan immediately waved his hand and said: "It's okay, we can do it ourselves, but the master can do what we want to do."

"Everyone, don't pass it this way." Reboot bowed her head and bowed, then walked away in the direction of Yun Yiyi.

Li Nianfan and others looked at the direction in which they disappeared without speaking for a long time.

Nun Nun and Long Er were crying and tearful.

Daji and Huofeng didn't feel good either. They had become partners along the way. Seeing their good deeds approaching and seeing them undergoing major changes, it felt like feeling the same.

Li Nianfan glanced around and found that everyone was looking at himself and others with an uneasy look, and he couldn't help but shook his head.

He lifted his leg and walked out, and once again came to the gate of Yunfu, and said to the people: "You should fix this plaque and hang it up for others, otherwise no one will save you when you come back next time."

Everyone couldn't help but nodded in agreement, "Oh, yes, yes, yes! Thank you for reminding."

Walking out of Qingyun City, without the pair, the team obviously lost a lot of joy. Everyone rushed, and talked a lot less.

Long'er bit her finger while shedding tears, and said innocently: "Brother rebooting comes with me, are you going to stop Sister Yun?"

Li Nianfan shook his head, "Obviously not, I think it should be the same as before and give Girl Yun atonement."

"Then what will be the consequences?" She is more concerned about this.

"A body can only hold one soul. The rebooting monk uses himself as a container, and all he absorbs are ghosts with grievances. If nothing happens, he will not survive." Huo Feng said calmly, as cold as always. , But there was still a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"Ah, he will die?" Long Er's tears rose to a level again, forming a wavy line, and sympathized: "Brother, can you help him?"

Li Nianfan couldn't help rolling his eyes, "I'm just an ordinary mortal with a eucharistic body, how can I help? Take the lead?"

Turning the conversation, he opened his mouth and said: "But just seeing those souls reminds me that if the true souls return to the underworld, I can go find the black and white impermanence. Everyone knows each other, and if you want to, you can still help me take care of them ."

This is the advantage of making friends widely, death is not terrible, there are people in our underworld.

Long'er's cry became quieter, and she was pleasantly surprised: "Really, wow~ Brother, you are so amazing!"

Everyone did not delay the next journey. During the period, the clouds rose and the Lingshan mountain was near.

The mountains here are one after another, and it is completely a sea of ​​mountains, wave after wave.

From a distance, it looks like a statue of a Buddha, lying, or reclining, or sitting. Although the terrain is not good, it is harmless to the immortal cultivator. The environment is naturally not to be said. I have to say that Yuetu is still I know how to choose an address.

Coming here, the void has begun to flutter past, because the people who can come here are all big men, naturally all of them are full of momentum, and some are riding a huge eagle while flapping their wings. While making a "tweet" chirp, for fear that others might not know it is a eagle.

There are also people driving luxurious carriages, pulled by the sky, shining with gorgeous light.

Please consciously show off your wealth when attending this kind of gathering. This is a facade. If it were a bare retreat, it would appear to be out of class.

Li Nianfan looked into the distance and muttered: "It seems that I can't leave."

Buddhism is in the depths of Lingshan, facing so many rolling mountains, it is obviously unrealistic to climb one by one.

"Sit down, the plane is about to take off."

He smiled slightly, without seeing any movement, the golden light of merit emerged consciously, like a sea wave, condensed into a huge golden auspicious cloud, shining with dazzling brilliance, and slowly supporting everyone.

In an instant, it stung countless people's eyes...

PS: Today is Thanksgiving, thank you readers for your support, Kinoshita is here to thank you~~~

Unknowingly, it's the end of the month. If you still have a monthly pass, I hope you can support the wave, which is related to the book's results. This is very important to me. Thank you so much!

Also, everyone, don’t raise books, I’m starving to death, I’m going to have a meal, ask for subscription, ask for recommendation tickets, please~~~

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