Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 359: This vegetable... poisonous

In the sky, a group of figures shuttled past. Many people did not know each other. They looked at each other. The first thing they saw was the face of each other's cards, and then they secretly compared.

At this moment, an old man was sitting on the back of a big flaming bull that was on fire, while drinking wine, he looked at the immortal cultivators leisurely, with a smile on his face.

Under his ass, the fire cow was burning with raging fire all over, moving with four hooves, it was not a cloud, but a flame that was trampled on.

Every time a foot step is taken, the air will vibrate and make a "da da" sound, and there will be flames flying out to the surroundings, not only fast, but also spewing fire, the momentum is naturally amazing, it is rare in the sky The pretty boy.

The old man looked at the other people in the sky contemptuously, feeling complacent, "Just fly this piece, who can be dazzling than me?"

At this moment, Fire Bull's bull eyes suddenly widened, and he was surprised: "Huh? Master, there are people in front of the auspicious clouds that are golden. How did this happen?"

"What? Xiangyun? Golden?"

The old man was stunned for a moment, raised his eyes, and suddenly felt aroused, his scalp numb, and he almost dropped the hip flask in his hand.

"His--that's merit! This, this, this... how could there be such a great cloud of merit!"

His eyes were bloodshot, he almost roared, and hurriedly said: "Fire Bull, hurry, extinguish the flame! Don't let the flame touch the slightest there. Small sparks won't work, extinguish the flame! Slow down and change direction. Let's go around!"

This scene is happening everywhere in the void.

In the beginning, everyone was showing off their wealth in a very harmonious way, but at this time, they converged their aura, and even put away their aura, for fear of disturbing the uncle of merit and causing misunderstanding.

Some people riding spirit beasts directly sealed the mouths of spirit beasts. If the roar stings the ears of the master of merit, it is a disaster.

Along the way, Li Nianfan and others were unimpeded, and even everyone was giving way to them and staying away silently.

It can be said that once the merits come out, who will compete.

Li Nianfan nodded his head in response to the performance of the crowd. He was very satisfied with this "giving up" behavior.

After crossing a series of mountains, you will soon be able to see the golden light in front of you, forming a beam of light, blasting towards the sky, and the faint voice of the solemn Buddha singing, making people feel calm.

Moving on, on top of a high mountain, there are temples, each of which is a gilded tower-shaped building, and the golden light shines from these buildings.

The whole mountain was polished into steps from top to bottom. In front of the steps below, there was a tall golden gatepost, held by two monks, welcoming the passing visitors.

From the steps below the mountain, it extends to the top of the mountain. The mountain is very high and the steps are long. Every nine steps, there is a monk standing on each side, his hands clasped together, his eyes closed and lowered, and his mouth is constantly chanting.

This is the meaning of asking people to step up.

Those palaces were naturally dazzling, but with the arrival of Li Nianfan, the limelight was instantly robbed.

Compared with the golden cloud of merit, the golden clouds of those temples fell into the realm in an instant, not only the color of the golden clouds of merit was more upright and bright, but also a kind of temperament.

In contrast, the golden palace is not only dimmed, but also vulgar.

"It's really embarrassing to accidentally grab the limelight."

Li Nianfan felt a little embarrassed. Just about to land, he saw a figure driving in the clouds in the temple, and soon fell in front of everyone, it was Yue Tu.

She folded her hands and said, "Yue Tu has seen Li Gongzi."

Li Nianfan smiled slightly, "Yuetu Bodhisattva, long time no see, you are the protagonist this time, so why don't you pick it up personally?"

"If Li Gongzi can come, one person is enough to cover all." Yue Tu's face was sincere, "Yue Tu should come to pick him up in person anyway."

She made a gesture of asking, "Mr. Li naturally doesn't need to climb up the stairs, just fly directly into the temple."

It turned out to be a fast track for me.

Li Nianfan nodded, and followed Yue Tu to fly into the temple hall.

Below, those who were still climbing the stairs couldn't help but look up, only to see a golden auspicious cloud floating above their heads, as if to say: We are different...

On the way, Li Nianfan pondered for a moment, and still said: "Bodhisattva Yuetu, I recently met your Buddha, but... he may not be able to come."

Yue Tu was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Did something happen?"

Li Nianfan sighed lightly, explained what had happened, and finally shook his head and said: "The hardest thing in the world is human emotions. No one can intervene, and they can only rely on themselves."

Li Nianfan actually wanted to help, but outsiders had no way to intervene in this kind of thing. Imposing intervention would only have a counterproductive effect. He could only think of roundabout ways.

Hey, it was wasted that I watched so many sensational dramas in my previous life, and when things happen, I don't even know how to say a comforting word. I hate less when the chicken soup is used.


Yue Tu's tone was complicated, and she continued: "This catastrophe of rebooting is really unavoidable."

Then Yue Tu fell into silence, as if thinking about something.

Soon everyone came to the main hall. The hall was very spacious, magnificent and splendid, and there were no extra furnishings. There were only a few pillars supporting it, and there were monks receiving many visitors.

There are a lot of people, and it seems that Buddhism still has a lot of face. After all, the spread is too wide, and it is a bit higher than the sect. It is an independent sect.

Naturally, Li Nianfan would not pay too much attention to these passers-by, so he simply swept away, but he was the most shining star, it was difficult to not attract attention, and soon attracted many acquaintances to gather together.

Ziye, Lingzhu, Xiao Chengfeng, Pei An and Gu Changqing grandparents.

They were naturally being invited, and they came early, and got together a bunch of themselves. When they saw Li Nianfan coming, they immediately came over to say hello, "Master Li."

Li Nianfan smiled and replied, "Hahaha, so you guys are here too."

Yue Tu suggested: "Young Master Li, why don't I arrange a room and let us relive the past together."

Li Nianfan nodded, "Very good."

Soon, everyone left the main hall and went to the wing room of the back hall.

The others were surprised, until Li Nianfan and others left, and then they dared to gradually talk.

"What's the situation? Someone can actually step on the clouds of merit, where did he get so much merit!"

"I've grown up so much, it's the first time I have seen the appearance of merit."

"The heavens are not fair. I save mortals from the monsters' mouths every day, so why don't you give me a trace of merit?"

"The point is that he is still a mortal, can a mortal have so much merit?"

"Could it be that you saved the world in your last life?"


Naturally, Li Nianfan didn't have time to pay attention to the exclamation of the people eating melons. Instead, following the moon, he came to a secluded wing.

This room was different from the magnificence of the outside world, exuding a kind of sandalwood fragrance, and it was no different from the layout of ordinary people's residences. The wooden tables and chairs were neatly arranged, which immediately made Li Nianfan a lot of pleasure.

I see too much gold, and my eyes hurt, but it's normal for me.

"Prince Li, sit down." Yue Tu graciously let Li Nianfan sit down and let him go to tea.

Compared with other places, Yue Tu is really disappointing for Li Nianfan.

Whether it's a ghost, or the carp palace, or the Xia Dynasty, their appearance is not a beautiful female ghost, or a seductive clam, and a graceful court lady, which one is not full of benefits and makes people linger.

Look here again, only a bunch of monks with shaved heads can see their bright foreheads.

It seems that Buddhism is not suitable as a guest.

Li Nianfan remembered it in his heart, and it is better to change places to play in the future.

Except for the service staff, the dishes are obviously not good. The table full of vegetarian dishes is not an exaggeration.

"Yue Tu, I have to talk about that."

Pei An couldn't help but said: "Everyone is old acquaintance anyway, if you are too poor, say hello to us, just use these dishes to entertain us, it's not justified."

The point is, the master is still there, what a noble status, how embarrassed you can get these dishes.

"The piece I am eating in Buddhism is poor." Yue Tu's face was a little embarrassed, and she said bitterly: "But this is all grown by our temple, and we have collected all the spiritual fruits that can be searched around. The taste should still be Yes."

Lingzhu has the attributes of food, not much to say, he has picked up a green vegetable and put it into his mouth, "Ah, mia~mia~mia~"

Her mouth only moved a few times, and her pupils dilated and froze.

With a tilt of her mouth, with a "poof", the green vegetables soared out of her mouth.

"No, I can't..." She was crying, and she slumped against Ziye's body.

While regretting, he slapped his mouth with his hand, and said powerlessly: "I live such a big life. I never thought that there are such unpalatable things in the world. The food... is poisonous, and I can't live it."

The others silently retracted the chopsticks they were about to extend, and cast admiring glances at Lingzhu.

Thanks to fellow Taoists for testing poison.

The black line at the end of the purple leaf whispered: "Okay, what kind of poison can kill you, get up quickly."

"Unpalatable to me is the greatest poison in the world. Only good food can save me." Lingzhu hugged Ziye and said affectionately: "Sister Ziye, I know you still have an orange hidden in it, save me. Me, save me!"

"Hahaha, what a foodie." Li Nianfan couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, "The most important thing I don't need here is delicious food. This time, I have unexpectedly harvested a unicorn meat. Your good fortune is not shallow."

After he finished speaking, he raised his hand and waved, two more unicorn legs appeared on the table.

There are too many kylin meats. For the convenience of preservation, Li Nianfan processed these two legs to make cured bacon. Unexpectedly, the taste is surprisingly good.

The scent of bacon is not strong, it belongs to that kind of introverted type, but everyone is staring with shining eyes, and the delicacy taken by the expert is definitely the greatest enjoyment in the world.

"Wow, thank you Li Gongzi!"

Lingzhu was not polite at all, his eyes gleamed, and he leaped forward like a wolf. He could not wait to hold up a leg, and began to chew by himself.

Others moved their mouths slightly and looked at them with gaze.

What do you mean? There are only two in total, and you took one away alone. Are you so unethical?

"Hurry up." Ziye understood Lingzhu and urged: "Don't be in a daze, we will quickly divide the remaining one, otherwise we won't be able to keep this one when she finishes eating!"

"What, can it be so cruel? What are you waiting for?"

"Quick, accelerate, accelerate, accelerate!"

Everyone looked like an immortal, they were simply robbers, more active than Lingbao, staring at that piece of meat, their faces flushed with anxiety.

Only after taking the first bite, everyone was immediately overwhelmed by the tender flesh, and couldn't help but close their eyes to enjoy.

Lingzhu’s toxins were immediately drained, and his mouth was full, making it difficult to speak. “Kirin flesh is really different! Even in the past so many years, I have never had a chance to taste it.”

"Hehehe, this unicorn is an idiot unicorn. He was too bullish to play, and in the end he was scorched by thunder." The daughter came to the topic and told the process with a laugh.

Others listened enthusiastically while eating, and then burst into laughter.

Only Yue Tu is the exception.

Originally, she was still eating happily with everyone, but at this time, she silently put down a piece of meat from her hand, and the meat in her mouth was also spit out, her mouth flat, and tears in her eyes.

Her mentality collapsed.

Eat when you eat, why do you have to talk about these topics, and can you have a pleasant meal?

The beautiful flesh that was already in the mouth just flew!

Is there anything more painful than this in the world?

Lingzhu stared at the piece of meat vigorously, and swallowed, "Huh? Why don't you eat Yuetu Bodhisattva?"

Yue Tu grieved and said: "You can only eat the meat that you don't hear. I just heard the process of killing, I..."

Lingzhu lifted his spirits and interrupted directly, "That's great, I will eat if you don't eat it!"

"..." Yue Tu: "Amitabha."

Next, everyone happily ate the unicorn hoofs, only Yuetu chewed the green vegetables in a group.

After drinking and eating, everyone smiled comfortably.

Xiao Chengfeng wiped his mouth and began to brag: "Young Master Li, this unicorn dared to ambush you, this is my absence, otherwise it will definitely be smashed by a sword!"

This was automatically ignored by everyone.

Ziye frowned and said, "It seems that the last catastrophe was related to the Qilin family, but even in ancient times, I only listened to dragons and phoenixes. There is very little news about them, and they have been dormant long enough."

Lingzhu was still licking the fleshless leg bones, and said, "I also thought that the Qilin clan would have been extinct long ago."

Li Nianfan suddenly said: "If the story I know is correct, the Qilin clan has participated in the list of gods."

Ziye immediately looked straight, and said: "Please also Li Gongzi to inform."

"There is a kind of sacred beast mentioned in the Fengshen List. The name calls the four different images. You should remember that, and these four different images are the sons of Shi Qilin."

PS: I saw many people say that the protagonist of yesterday's chapter Madonna.

You can take a good look. The reason why the protagonist persuades is because the family Yun Yiyi wants to kill is innocent. The family did not participate, but did not help the Yun family because of fear. If you stay out of the matter, shouldn't it be damned?

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