Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 360: My devil is fearless

"Fengshen Bang" is a story told by Li Nianfan, and everyone is naturally familiar with it, and Ziye often looks back on it. After all, it is about the emergence of Tiangong.

However, this incident was not mentioned in the story, and everyone could not help but be surprised, "Isn't Si like the son of a unicorn?"


Li Nianfan is also a little uncertain, the mythology is really a bit complicated, he can't be sure whether it is completely consistent with this world.

After a pause, he continued: "This matter is a long story. When the world was first divided, the four innate elements of earth, water, fire, and wind stabilized the primordial space. The four innate elements gradually evolved into chaotic beasts. Zulong, Yuanfeng and Shiqilin.

Command the scales, the ocean, the birds, the sky, and the earth, respectively. "

"and after?"

Huo Feng looked at Li Nianfan, her voice trembling.

Even Long Er stared at Li Nianfan unblinkingly, his big eyes flickering, full of curiosity.

She was often in the backyard, wanting to ask her ancestors about ancient things, but her ancestors just refused to say, for fear of inducing a sense of heaven.

My elder brother is still very good, so I can talk or scold if I want to scold, and I haven't found God.

This is the history of the dragon, phoenix and unicorn tribe!

"Later..." Li Nianfan paused, and then said: "The three clans were born in the spirit of heaven and earth. They were born at the pinnacle. In order to seize control of the predecessor, a melee broke out. The battle was dark and dark. The light even smashed a chaotic and wild world to pieces, and utterly destroyed the lives."

Long Er's mouth opened wide in surprise, his face full of incredible, "It's so amazing..."

The ancestor who is too stubborn in his own family has such a glorious history?

"Of course it's amazing, after all, it's a beast that lives with the world."

Li Nianfan returned to the topic, "The three races were in a melee, all three were injured, and they suffered a catastrophe. They were punished by the world and their luck was greatly reduced. They began to fall from the peak. In order to preserve the luck of the whole family, Shi Qilin made his son It’s just that Sidonian joined the Conferred God, became Jiang Ziya’s mount, and promised that there must be auspicious ambitions for unicorns."

"So that's it." Everyone was shocked and shocked.

The story is short, but the world unfolded is a grand world that they have never heard of, and they dare not even think about it.

Zi Ye took a deep breath and said, "The Qilin clan is so powerful, it's no wonder that the ambitions are so big.

Li Nianfan looked at Ziye and suddenly thought about it. He curiously said: "The last time Fairy Ziye said that he was going to rebuild the heavenly palace, how is the progress?"

Ziye didn't dare to conceal it, and said directly: "Young Master Li, we have found the Heavenly Palace."

"Found the Heavenly Palace?"

Li Nianfan was stunned for a moment, then was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, when I asked casually, I got such a shocking news.

That's Tiangong! Come after all?

Are the gods like Jade Emperor, Queen Mother, Taishang Laojun, Yuelao, etc. still there?

He looked at Ziye, feeling that his heart couldn't help beating faster, and confirmed: "Really found the Tiangong?"

Ziye nodded, then she hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to be honest with each other, and said: "Li Gongzi, in fact, I am the seventh righteous daughter adopted by the Queen of Heaven. I didn't deliberately conceal it before. I am really sorry. "

Li Nianfan was taken aback again. Although unexpected, his reaction was much smaller. He had already noticed that Ziye's temperament was obviously not an ordinary fairy.

"The seventh righteous woman, is that the Seven Fairies?"

Ziye nodded weakly.

Be good.

I actually saw the Seven Fairies and made friends.

Li Nianfan stared at Ziye and wanted to ask Ziye if he knew Dong Yong.

I remember that when I first knew there were fairies, I wondered if there would be seven fairies falling from the sky, but I didn't expect to see them.

Ziye was stared at by Li Nianfan, his face flushed suddenly, and the deer bumped into each other randomly. He didn't know whether he should avoid it with restraint or look at him bravely.

Li Nianfan returned to his senses and continued to ask: "Can there be gods in the heaven?"

Ziye nodded, then shook his head again, showing sadness.

Whispered: "It used to be there, but now... the gods in the heavenly palace are all sealed."

"It turned out to be like this." Li Nianfan nodded, not surprisingly, after all, the catastrophe is ahead, and I am afraid that not many will survive.

He couldn't help being lost in thought.

What kind of immortal cultivation world did I have come to? This is obviously a great cleansing. Is it at the end of the fairy tale?

If this development continues, he suspects that even the immortal cultivators will disappear between the heavens and the earth. When that happens, there will only be mortals in the world? Then... re-evolve and eventually develop technology?

I rub, it won't be so.

Li Nianfan shook his head, feeling a bit big.

Whether it is or not, it has nothing to do with yourself, living in the moment is the most important thing.

He licked his lips and couldn't help but tentatively said: "Then...may I go and see?"

This is the Temple of Heaven. Since it is here, I have to visit it.

Under Li Nianfan's gaze, Ziye nodded, "Naturally, Li Gongzi is the Eucharist of Merit, which can be obtained from the sky and the earth."

Li Nianfan was immediately proud, "It's so good, so good!"

After a brief retelling of the past, Yue Tu enthusiastically proposed to invite everyone to visit Lingshan.

Li Nianfan readily accepted.

It is said that the tour guide, Li Nianfan suddenly had a deeper understanding of Lingshan, and, because she wanted to perform well in Li Nianfan, Yue Tu painted her future plans and grand views.

Lingshan... is much bigger than expected.

As far as the numerous rolling mountains are concerned, in the depiction of Yue Tu, each mountain in the future will be a temple of the Buddha's King Kong, and it will change the world, raise the mountains and pick the white clouds, making this a Buddha country.

This goal cannot be said to be ambitious. Li Nianfan looked at the endless mountains, a little hard to imagine how brilliant they were, I am afraid it is time to approach the most brilliant of Buddhism.

For now, the development of Buddhism has also been on the right track. There are many disciples, and there are many monks in the temple, and all of them are monks. The magnitude has long surpassed ordinary sects.

At this time, everyone came to a courtyard in the backyard of the main hall. The courtyard was surrounded by maple trees, but it was not affected by the season. It was still lush and leafy. The strange thing was that the leaves were all yellow. The wind drifted, falling into the courtyard continuously, flying all over the sky, making the ground covered with thick layers of leaves.

In the courtyard, a little monk was holding a big broom taller than others, sweeping the fallen leaves on the ground again and again.

The girl looked funny and couldn't help but smiled: "Little monk, can you finish sweeping like this?"

The little monk stopped and saw the crowd, immediately put down his broomsticks and ran over, "Sweeping is finished, Brother rebooting said, when I finish sweeping all the fallen leaves, he will come back."

The girl smiled, "Little monk, you are so stupid, this is obviously to tease you."

"You lie!" The little monk was very serious, defending his brother, "Senior brother rebooting never slanders."

The girl curled her lips, "Your brother is not a serious monk."

Everyone has gone all the way with rebooting, and they are naturally aware of his character. In a certain aspect, he is indeed not a serious monk.

Yue Tu said: "Okay, quit ignorance, and greet the guests quickly."

"Amitabha, I have seen all the benefactors." Jiechi clasped his hands together, and still looked a little bit, then looked at Yue Tu expectantly and said: "Bodhisattva, have you come back?"

Yue Tu said: "You haven't finished sweeping the leaves, so naturally they haven't come back."

"Oh." Jie Chi dropped his head in disappointment, turned around again, and swept away.

Yue Tu looked at the little monk and introduced: "He is an orphan. He was placed at the gate of Xishan Temple. His understanding of Buddhism is no less than rebooting. There is not much calamity to hit, but there is a crazy word in his heart. ."

Li Nianfan nodded, "So you let him keep sweeping the floor, hoping to resolve his idiot?"

"It's true in Li Gongzi's words." Yue Tu nodded, "Rebooting led him to get started. The relationship between the two is excellent."

Li Nianfan looked at the courtyard deeply, only feeling that the little monk and the maple leaf intertwined into a beautiful picture, which easily made people's hearts calm.

He suddenly saw a tree standing next to the gate of the courtyard. It was one person tall, with a crown like a cover, and the leaves were triangular in shape. It was very emerald green, which formed a heavy contrast with the yellowed maple leaves.

He opened his mouth and said: "That's a linden tree."

Yue Tu said: "Yes, I remember Li Gongzi mentioned that this tree is predestined to my Buddha, and that's why it was planted everywhere."

"It's really related."

Next, everyone stayed in Lingshan.

Until the fourth day, early Yue Tu invited Li Nianfan, and the ceremony of Lijiao was about to begin.


The morning bell has been ringing nine times, and many monks are already ready, standing in their established positions, clasping their hands together, showing solemnity.

Li Nianfan and others are on the square. As witnesses, they don't need to do anything. Simply put, they come to collect the number of people and make a front. After they return, they may be able to advertise and publicize.

After all, witnessing is completely different from the silent establishment of himself.

The preparations of many monks were very full, the ceremony was full, and the set of procedures went down, and Yue Tu began to give speeches on the establishment of the teachings.

On another mountain not far away, hundreds of shadows gathered silently, led by the Great Demon King, squinting at the direction of Buddhism, and his eyes were full of tyrannical air.

The great devil smiled coldly, and said excitedly: "Hehe, Master Demon still has a way. This wave of horses will definitely make Buddhism cease to exist!"

Beside him, a magic envoy immediately shouted: "Even though Buddhist believers were all over the land and the Buddha was sitting in town, they were still wiped out by us. Now this is not worth mentioning, a piece of cake!"

"Well said!" The Great Demon King immediately cast his approving glance, "What's your name?"

The magic envoy was excited, and said: "Return to Lord Demon, the little magic cloud."

"You are very good, much better than the Queen Demon and Amon." The Great Demon King was extremely satisfied, and then angrily said: "They were so scared that they dare not come to the mortal world, they are simply cowards!"

Mo Yun nodded again and again, "Master Demon King is right. Our demons are invincible and have always been fearless!"

"Hahaha, the word fearless is used well! You are very close to my appetite, and my demons need talents like you!" The Demon King was even more satisfied.

The demon cloud immediately surged in blood, and he was already ready to rush out to express himself, "Master Devil, then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and kill Buddhism without leaving a piece of armor!"

"Wait! You are crazy!"

The Great Demon King pulled the Demon Cloud back, frowning and said, "Did you not see the Eucharist of Merit sitting in our position? Go, let me change the direction before killing it."

Immediately, hundreds of black shadows moved together, changing from this mountain to the opposite mountain.

"Master Devil, kill it!" The Demon Cloud started again, ready to move, as if it was about to rush out in the next second.

"Okay, I am not afraid of the demon! It's time to show the bravery of my demon!" The big demon narrowed his eyes and said in a condensed voice: "Everyone prepares, come with me..."

At the same time, Yue Tu’s speech is nearing its end, “Here, I would like to solemnly thank someone, Mr. Li, who gave me the inspiration to establish Buddhism. Without him, there would be no Yue Tu today. Please allow me to invite him to perform my Lingshan ribbon-cutting ceremony!"

"Papa." Applause sounded.

Li Nianfan was stunned for a moment, then stood up with a wry smile, unable to think of an occasion for his performance today.

"hold on!"

The big devil's heart and liver trembled, and he was so flustered that he shouted pause.

"Master Merit has come to cut the ribbon. My Great Demon Lord is willing to give him face and wait until he is off."

Li Nianfan took the scissors and did not have stage fright. He smiled at the crowd, "Thank you for the invitation of Bodhisattva Yuetu, then I won't refuse."

Then, he cut open the red cloth on the plaque, and the words "West Tianling Mountain" were printed on it.

"Papa." There was another round of applause.

Rikkyo Grand Ceremony is almost over.

After Li Nianfan finished cutting, he did not return to the original position, but stood on the other side.

The big demon felt a blockage in his heart, gritted his teeth, "Go, everyone will follow me in another direction."

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