Turns Out I’m a Great Cultivator

Chapter 361: Merit as the sea, paving the way

Yue Tu began to make the final conclusion, "Next, I announce that Buddhism will officially establish a religion today!"

Many monks clasp their hands together, "Amitabha."

"Hahaha, wowhahaha..."

Accompanied by a burst of wild laughter, hundreds of figures suddenly rushed out, coming violently, and suddenly bursts of dark clouds were thrown up, and there was a gloomy feeling of black clouds over the city, terrifying.

Although the Great Devil had lost a lot of weight, his laughter was still full of breath, majestic, and coldly said: "Buddha cultivating? What a ridiculous idea, my Great Devil is the first to refuse!"

"It's the demons!"

"Sure enough, the demons came, and I knew they would definitely come to make trouble."

"Is this the Demon King of the Demon Race? The figure is a bit different from what I thought."

Everyone was taken aback, looking up at the sky anxiously, backing silently, keeping a safe distance.

Yue Tu's face sank, "Ready to face the demons!"


Numerous monks rose into the sky in an instant, with a solemn treasure, and a golden light all over them, covering the sky like an enemy.

Naturally, the number of monks surpassed the demons, and they filed out in an instant, encircling the demons in groups like an enemy.

The moon is solemn, staring at the big devil, and said solemnly: "Today is my Buddhist ceremony of teaching. I don't want to kill more people. I leave quickly. Don't force me to suppress it!"

She didn't want to fight at this time, after all, it was the gate of the base camp, which would affect the foundation.

"Want to suppress me?

Hahaha, it seems you have not woken up yet! You Buddhism are a group of ethical hypocrites, so you are embarrassed to hold the Lijiao ceremony here, which is simply a big joke. "

The great devil looked at Yue Tu sarcastically, took out a crystal ball in his hand, raised his hand with a wave, and suddenly there was brilliance shining, and a phantom appeared in the sky.

"Today, I will show you the true colors of Buddhism!"

At the next moment, an image suddenly appeared in that brilliance, and the protagonist was Yue Tu.

That Yue Tu is very different from today's Yue Tu, wearing a black leather jacket, her face is cold, even a bit hideous, without the slightest emotion at all, she is killing.

In just this short moment, she has accumulated unknowingly many lives in her hands. The whole picture is terrible, with countless deaths and injuries. Besides him, there are other demons who seem to be raging in the world.

The picture turned, and it was switched again so that Yue Tu was bewitching mortals, the devilish air was surging, and the coercive and lure, let people join the demons and become demons.


"Oh my god, Yuetu Bodhisattva was a demon before?"

"This... how is this possible?!"

"Such a big demon actually established Buddhism, so what kind of Buddhism is this?"

Not to mention other people, even Li Nianfan was equally surprised. Although he knew that Yue Tu belonged to the Demon Race before, he didn't expect it to be so cruel. It would not be an exaggeration to describe countless murders.

No wonder it has always been said that immortals and demons are not compatible with each other, and all major cultivators must jointly seal the demons. The killings caused before are really not low!

As for the monks, their complexion changed drastically, one by one, their pupils widened, and they looked at their Bodhisattva in disbelief, feeling that their faith had collapsed instantly!

Many monks directly breed demons, their eyes are empty, like walking corpses, and they begin to wander beyond the sky and doubt life.

"Yue Tu, originally the magic envoy of my demons, has attacked the world as a pioneer of demons three times, and was finally sealed in Qingyun Valley!"

The Great Demon King whispered, telling Yue Tu’s crimes, “It’s really a lot of crimes. Treating human lives as grass, pigs and dogs are not as good as pigs and dogs. What kind of face is there to live in the world? Today, my great devil is going to act for heaven and kill This big demon!"

Everyone heard it clearly and silently nodded in agreement, but they always felt that something was wrong.

"I was indeed guilty before."

Yue Tu put her hands together, closed her eyes, and said quietly: "After Buddhism is established, I will be considered to have completed my merits, and I will voluntarily sit in my seat, reincarnate for a hundred generations, and repay the grievances of my previous life."

"Hehe, is it just before?"

The Great Devil laughed again, "Everyone, I will show you what Buddhism is doing now!"

He raised his hand with a wave, and the picture switched again.

Li Nianfan's eyes narrowed, and the person in the picture was very familiar with Yun Yiyi.

Compared to before, her cultivation seems to have improved a lot. Outside of her body, there is a red mist and black mist surrounding her, like two air currents, giving people a feeling of evil and demons.

At this moment, she was standing in front of a village, her red clothes were already stained with blood, her cheeks were also stained with blood, her face was extremely cold, her eyes were like wild beasts, full of tyranny and killing, no matter if she encountered mortals Still a monk, all will be killed by her.

In a blink of an eye, a village became Shura Purgatory.

"This person's name is Yun Yiyi, and she is a woman of a Buddhist son. Look at what she is doing?"

The Great Demon King sternly reprimanded, "She has destroyed the three major sects in a row, and even the towns associated with the sects can't hide from her butcher's knife. They are so tragic that they are not human at all!"

When Yun Yiyi left, a monk walked out silently with his hands folded, lowered his eyebrows, folded his hands, sat cross-legged, using himself as a guide, sucking the dead souls into his body, the ghosts roared, the wind and the Buddha light intertwined.

The rebooting face was distorted, and in the body, there seemed to be countless living creatures about to break free, and they were constantly agitating. This shows the pain in it.

"Uuuuu..." Nun Nan and Long Er cried, "Brother, we should have helped Sister Yun in the first place."

Huo Feng shook his head and said, "Outsiders can't help with this kind of thing, unless someone can reverse time and space to prevent tragedy from happening."

Li Nianfan nodded and sighed softly, "Or erase Yun Yiyi's memory and let her forget her hatred, which is even more cruel."

He frowned slightly, the cause and effect were connected in series, and he quickly figured out the key.

That lotus leaf is obviously a magic weapon of the Demon Clan, which has affected Yun Yiyi's mind. Yun Yiyi's family was also killed by the Demon Clan. The purpose is to let Yun Yiyi enter the demon, and rebooting will naturally follow bad luck.

It was the first time that he truly felt the danger of the world of cultivating immortals. The big guys were really too good at calculating. Playing chess pieces was chilling.

The demons are not only cruel, but they also know how to deal with Buddhism. Obviously they have made sufficient preparations for this day.

He couldn't help sighing with emotion, "It turns out...all this is a conspiracy of the Demon Race."

The picture dissipated, and the great devil sneered jokingly, "Have you seen it, this is the Buddha of Buddhism!"

The audience was silent, and many monks had nothing to say, but clasped their hands together, reciting the Buddhist scriptures in deep pain.

The big devil said, "It's not a monk, this devil can spare your lives with great kindness, and go aside!"

Immediately, many immortal cultivators hid further.

The Great Demon King is always paying attention to Li Nianfan’s direction. Seeing that the meritorious master hasn’t moved, he frowned and couldn’t help but reminded him: “The meritorious master, don’t go there. If you can stay away, stay away. Don't use group attack skills, but if there is a trace of it spreading over there, then we will be cold!"

Then his voice became cold, and he shouted: "Little ones, kill them all!"


Suddenly, endless devilish energy rose into the sky, forming a black grimace mask in the sky, screaming with his mouth open, as if the entire Buddhism could be swallowed in the next moment.

Many monks turned pale and retreated in fear.

Their minds had already fallen, and at this time their mentality collapsed, and even the heart of resistance could not arise, confused and timid.

If there are no accidents, Buddhism may have just begun today and will end soon.

Xiao Chengfeng tightened the long sword in his hand, waited for others to make up his mind, and said, "Master Li, what shall we do?"

"Hey." Li Nianfan sighed helplessly, "It seems that I have to intervene."

The demons are evil in all directions, and can stop nature to stop.

"Wait, you must pay attention to protect me." He warned everyone uneasy. After all, he would still be injured and die.

The next moment, the golden cloud of merit dragged him forward slowly, and the whole body was full of golden light, turning him into a golden man.

The golden light is really too rich, almost covering the surrounding fields, forming a golden vortex between the sky and the earth, but this has not stopped, the golden light is still mighty, condensed into a beam of light and soars into the sky, reflecting the surrounding mountains. Golden, here is completely a golden ocean.

Everyone present, including Ziye Daji and others, were all dumbfounded.

Although I knew that Li Nianfan was the Eucharist of Merit, I never expected that the power of Merit was so much.

Too much, too rich!

The concentration of this merit has even surpassed the concentration of mana of everyone, and it has reached the point of horror.

Just looking at it makes people scared, and they run away if they want to be afraid of their legs.

Everyone did not dare to breathe, for fear of exhaling, accidentally blowing a hair of the uncle of merit, committing a capital crime.

When the big devil stayed, his mouth opened into an "O" shape and turned into a statue, shivering and desperate.

Li Nianfan's aura is fully open, paving the way with merit, and the idlers and others retreat one after another.

Righteously shouted, "Stop!"


At the same time, atop a cloud-like peak.

Xingyue Pavilion, blood flowed into a river, corpses spread all over the field, I couldn't bear to look directly.

Reboot sat cross-legged in the center, the flowing blood stained his robes, and the souls everywhere screamed, struggling, and he was sucked into his body by him.


He snorted, a mouthful of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and blood and tears flowed from his eyes.

If someone approached, he would hear the scream of ghost jackal in his body forever, not to mention other things, just being with this kind of sound is enough to turn a person into a lunatic.

The rebooted body was a little rickety, and stood up tremblingly, as if his body was riddled with holes.

In his arms, the golden Buddha statue was emitting light, with bursts of Buddha light fusing into his body.

If it weren't for this Buddha statue, he would not have survived until now, he would have died and died.

At this moment, a gust of wind came.

A red figure walked out slowly, eyes calm as water, looking at rebooting, "Rebooting, since you can absorb the soul of people, give me the soul of the person who destroyed my Yun family!"

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